AT CAPITOL EASY PLEASURE PAY Something nexv in the way of an all-star comedy satirizing the mak- Mrs. if husband canve home this and informed you ing of talking pictures is offered Housewife, your evening In Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s farce. he had been given a $25.00 a month raise in salary, you’d be delighted, (so would “Free and Easy,” which will be he) but plan on some new dresses and many things for the children— shown the you’d today at Capitol theatre. know. Not since- “Show People,” King extras, you Vidor's expose of the in- laughing extras side workings of Hollywood studios If you are not trading at Jitney Jungle you are missing those right In which William Haines and Mar- now, as the money you save will buy them. It is so easy to buy here that it be- ion Davies were co-starred some comes an anticipated daily pleasure, and the best of it is that you actually get time ago, has there been a picture 90 per cent of whose locale is laid paid for doing it. within the closely guarded portals of the cinema industry. Amazing Cast SELLS FOR LESS William Haines is again seen in JITNEY JUNGLE GROCERIES the present vehicle but only as one The following specials good in all stores Saturday, August 30th: of an imposing group of stars, play- Jitney Jungle ers and directors, all of whom have a share in what, advance report has it, is the funniest of Hol- burlesque 10 lywood seen to date. The cast in- A D POUNDS, A cludes Q1JP such well-known names as With $2.00 Other Merchandise. Blister Keaton, seen in his first talk- BJ A^ ing and singing role, Anita Page, Trixie Friganza, Robert Montgom- :-RK> Af AlW rftt u«iuw.y-<viA —*• ery Dorothy Sebastian. Karl Dane, John Miljan, Gwen Lee, William reward Sedgwick, Cecil B. DeMille, Joe Farnham, and Fred Niblo Collier, Sr„ Edgar Dearing, Marion in "Free and Easy,” which opens at the Capitol Friday. Shilling and Lottice Howell. Direc- T£> tors who take an active part in the jVi s'|| 7Cr • U M\ • t/V production are Lionel Barrymore, i Marx Brothers Film Rio Hondo 24 Pound Sack. Only.. Fred Niblo and David Burton, while ! Property Cecil B. DeMille makes his first ap- Opens New Theatre Values Show Boost pearance on the visible side of the j (Special to the Herald) tSpe tai to The Herald.) BRIGHT & F* camera in an amusing sequence. EARLY, €\ The MERCEDES, 29—Mercedes’ RIO HONDO. Aug. 29.—A hike of 1717171? picture is reported to differ “All On The Western Front” famous war Aug. Quiet Remarque’s n~*el, $47,325 over the valuations of further from the earlier work in that new theater was city will open at the Rivoli, San Benito, for its first Valley showing Sun- sound-equipped last is shown in final it shows the of the I property year workings sound day. It is to play for three days. scheduled to open Friday with the LUrrhh. stages in all their figures given out by the board of rcss,.25c detail, | Including first showing of ‘‘Animal Crackers,’’ the exact maneuvering of the micro- I equalization. phones, mufflers, mechanical de- picture of his career, Hoot Gibson : primarily the story of youth—the the latest Marx Brothers film. Total valuations for If/0 amount vices, voice came to the theatre i to $340,664 as against $239,339 for WHITE amplifiers, etc., and in- Queen Friday youth of al! nations—m war. Even What was formerly known as the i Y% KING, cludes a variety of revues staged in “Spurs,” his latest Universal re- ! 1929. Q by in the midst of war, youth does not Empire has been completely equip- for Sammy Lee, and a comic opera se- lease. The advance Is due to several ped for sound pictures and re- quence said to be done in the man- Packed to capacity with thrills, j forget romance. So in the master- new business houses and residences opened under the name of the oUAi J0hit::p H"dwT.olC ner of'the well known Gilbert and the action is sustained throughput piece of Remarque, there is rom- constructed during the year. * Capitol by the Publix company, Sullivan operettas. giving Spurs tremendous force as Last year $228,654 in valuations ance. It is one of the great pas- which already operates a chain of a western romance. Never has Gib- stood for real estate, while personal sages of the book, and Universal the most up-to-date theaters in QUEEN son appeared to such advantage as valuations were $64,485. 1 the Valley. /"I* 1 1 CLICQUOT CLUB, F* Appearing in the most exciting he does in this picture. He rides has put the book on the screen This year $261,297 is for real I “Animal Crackers” was selected and fights his way through the as the author wrote it. estate while $79,367 is for personal tle exactly for the attraction as it film in breath-tqkmg sequences opening There is not a scene in the picture property. that fairly lift the fans from their has not yet had a public showing, Ale stbo 15c which is not in the book. and the new theater and the seats. picture OFF FOR ARCTIC Linger will make their “Spurs" is the story of a war be- Readers of the book—and there premiere together. MOSCOW, Aug. 20—Soviet tween The of the house cattlemen and a band of no- have been ten mi'lion of policy picture scientists, under the direction of j yiem— four torious outlaws, led by an unscru- calls for changes week’y, Fri- Prof. Otto will recall the canal-swimming Schmidt, recently sailed pulous renegade whose lortihed re- day. Sunday, Monday and Wed- j when the from Archangel for Fridtjof Nan- ueat in tne had incident, school-boy nesday. canyon country sen Land to investigate the geo- resisted all the soldiers swim across to the laugh- forces ol the law. graphical of those far northern ing gj-is on the other side for a CATSUP The includes a It is estimated that X°~Bo™.17c story thrilling ro- 4000 p-r- and Paul portions of Russia. The expedition deo in which Hoot Gibscn midnight rendezvous, sons were executed with BUSTER gives the guil- expects to visit land never before one of his most remarkable Baumer, the hero, believes himself lotine KEATON per- during the French Revo’*!- een by man, and has been formances at bron- actually in love. provis- ■ ft riding bucking tion. ioned for 15 months. *1 SCOTTISSUE, r chos. This sequence in the picture has T1 fY Anita Page The romantic element Is not been illmed by Universal writh al! William Haines lacking. Helen Wright, a chaiming the care and effort which went I ----f Kobert ---- loilet actress, has the feminine role op- I .nto the making of the other z0UA25c \ this Paper Montgomery posite Gibson. Humor is supplied equences in super production. by the escapades of Gilbert Holmes. The scenes were made at Ven.ce, | \and many other Calif. A canal half a mile in length, T.ik:n» ¥\ 1 LIBBY’S DELUXE, f* 4 I Stars T*lkl"» Hollywood ARCADIA, HARLINGEN 40 feet wide and 15 feet in depth, CAPITOL 7 LARGE HALVES IN / I /| crossed by a stone bridge patrolled Pictures r nO/»hAC In “Queen High ', riotous musical In by sentries and surrounded with Pictures__ / comedy feature opening a two day ! I CdUlCd l* 1C typical French cottages and a MERCEDES 4n°od2^?rc“ engagement at the Arcacua theatre syrup; village settlement, was built. tociay, Charlie Ruggies and Frank i This portion of the picture, Morgan are pardners in a garter which show’s the lighter side of • manufacturing concern and are ¥ PREMIER, €\ *\ war. is declared to be one of the World Premiere continually scrapping over business moot romantic in*crludes affairs. Their lawyer and incidently deligmfu’ ever seen on the screen. Of Paramount's sensational laugh a mischief maker that i proposes “All On The which Juice ™™rcoRt,cRAPEs2oc Quiet Front,•’ You liked them they settle their differences by a quartet. In “The Lrape comes to the Rlvcli Theatre, San hand of poker, the winner to take Cocoanuts,” but wait until Benito, for 3 days starting Sunday, you've over the business for a year's time, with a Preview. seen the loser is to become the butler special Midnight j at 11:30 m numbers in Buster Keaton's Talking Picture in the household of the winner. Saturday p. its cast a remarkable of Prior to this Morgan has given array The Four Marx Brothers Debut—A Carnival of Fun, players. Louis Wolheim, Lewis his niece Ginger Regers a job as a Romance! Ayres and John Wray head the IN BRIIOMS Thrills, 49c stenographer in the firm to equalize featured players, among whom also Stanley Smith, Ruggies nephew, are Raymond Griffith. George who has been favored with a posi- "Sl'm” Somerville. William “ANIMAL CRACKERS” PATHE TALKIE COMEDY tion in the business by his VAN CAMP’S, Bakewell. 'Walter Browne JIT? k Q -| C| uncle. The situation has be- Rogers, Russe’l Gleason. Scott Koik, Ben MOVIETONE NEWS come much strained when the card j Alexander and Owen Davis. Jr game is proposed. Ruggies loses. r£iA5 r2LcVnUNE’..IZc and thereafter is the manservant They are "Cocoa V in the home of Morgan. nuttier” than ever Ri Now Showing lu this sparkling But the luckless Rugg’es learns ^Bk At Your comedy As a stage ^Hk “Let the Gold Dust of a way to end all of Morgan's production it met 1 1 T\ 1 * A lordly ordering about.
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