Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday December 21 1897. Vol. 52. No. 91 COMMENT ON CURRENT EVENTS ZS THERE A SANTA CLAUS? tnrown upon it by talking it over in German, IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY we trust that the benefit w ill he transferable. The question is: How to break the hold of T h e H a w a iia n O f f e r .— Tbe Hawaiian B take pleasure in answering nt onco and thus prominently the communi­ Mrs. Gertrude Atherton has written a new w the Standard Oil Co. on the petroleum mar­ cation below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that hook which she calls “ Millions of Bubble*.*' question in plain terms amounts to tb it: ket? Already K ing W illiam ’s wise men have Shall we weaken our principle of self-govern­ A K N O T T Y its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: discovered that to create a rival to the Stand­ Miss Edna Lyall's new novel, “ H ope »he ment for the sake of more territory? This ard O il Co. w ill have for its first eflect a rise H erm t,” is an English love story of ihe consideration stands in the way of any addi­ "D ear E d it o r : I am 8 yean old. in the price of petroleum. The debate can­ period of W illiam and Mary. tion to the territory of the United States, un­ "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. not get past that point. There is a meat cor­ Harper’s Magazine for 1 tnuary will con­ less it happens to be of suc'i a country as " I ’apa aays ‘I f you see it in The Sun it’s «o.’| dial desire to “ rebuke the presumptions” of tain the first instalment of Roden’s Corner,*’ /\la«ka where the native population is too "Please tell me Ihe truth: is there a Santa Clau-? the Americans hut no less disinclination to a new novel by Henry Seton Merrim an, QUESTION. scanty to count much. I cannot but con “V ir g in ia O ’I I a n i.o n . pay more for kerosene. It is here that the author o f “ The Sowers.” elude that it is too decidedly for the advantage i 15 West Ninety-Fifth Street. grip of the trust is strongest; it can serve the A M r Samuel Butler lias just publish’ d of the United States to take in charge only public better than any other agency, and such alien populations aR are capable of sell- Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the In London a book designed to show that a through indispensable service it has risen t j government for us to flirt with H aw aii or skeptism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think young woman wrote tin ' Odyssey,” and did mastery. M any another trust against which Cuba. Let them have their independence it about the year 1000 II C. that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. A ll minds, furious declamations have been thundered, and all the assurance that it w ill be respected I L G. Wells* story, T h e W ar of ih e Virginia, whether they he men's or children’s, are little. In this great universe have been rendered invulnerable by the same that the United States can give them; that is W orlds,” which has |pfil> been published as of ours mnn is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the undeniahle fact, that those dangerous, des­ oil the responsibility that we ought to assume a serial, is to be recast rnd enlarged before it potic monopolies, that crush out all competi­ for nations that are incapable of self rule. boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping is brought out in hook f« rm. tors, hold their position by virtue of the sim­ But the influence of the U nited States should the whole of truth and knowledge. ple fact that the public would he a loser by The sixth number of Literature contains « promote the rule of the most enlightened fac­ Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly ns love and their extinction. In the words of the late reprint of Rudyard Kipling's much-discussed tion in such countries and when this is in generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abotr l i d give to your lamented Tweed : “ What are we going to do “ Recessional,” which first appeared in the power it should be assured protection against London Times, and, in the department en­ life its highest beauty and joy. Alas ! how dreary would I 10 world if there about it? ” internal conspiracies and revolts ns well as titled “ Among My Books,” already estab­ against foreign oppression. They will be all were no Santa Claus. It would bo as dreary as if there .ere no Virginias. C lose Co m m u n io n A g a in .— A late issue lished ns a notable feature of the periodical, ihe better neighbors if enlightened and ruled There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to mnke tolerable of the Independent, that of the 9th inst., con­ a thoughtful and admirably written article, by by the better element of their respective coun­ this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in sense and sight. The. tains a very fair statement of the “ close com­ Leslie Stephen, on “ Perishable Books.” tries. “Would It not he a good thing,” says Mr. eternal light with which childhood fills the worltl would ho extinguished. munion” question by Dr. Vedder. W ho ever Stephen, “if a law were made that no paper Not believe in Santa Claus! You might us well not bclievo in fairies! You wants to know how Baptists think, feel and I n t h e R etrospect.—The German Em act in relation to this subject will find an ad peror has shown his people pretly plainly might get your pupa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve mirahle itatement of the case in that brief ar­ during the past fortnight what he would do to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, ticle from the pen of one who is well qualified with a navy if he had one. It now remains what would that prove ? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that to make it. H e does not believe that the de­ nomination has moved in any degree toward I iTERAH RI to be seen whether they consider it safe to there is no Santa Claus. The most reul things in the world are those that An International <»A7.I 11F. of adopting the theory of open communion, but trust tbe boy with a plaything of so much ca­ neither children nor men see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn ? CRITICISM^-Aum/DftMA pacity for making enemies. H e might not he concedes that it tolerates inconsistencies 10 cents a cojy /4 0 0 a yei intentionally get his country involved in war Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can con­ in individual practice without interference as To Know Where to Purchase your Xmas Gifts with a strong power, but if he had bombarded ceive or imagine all the wonders there arc unseen and unseeable in the world. it would not a few years ago; hut this remark and What to Buy When you get there. Port au Prince a war feeling would ceitainly You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and sec what makes the noise inside, but applies only to northern states. Here it rare­ have been aroused in the United States, there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even ly happens that an invitation is extended to which tbe President would have found it d if­ anyone to attend the celebration of tbe supper the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. ficult to restrain. The action of Germany but it is taken for granted that in a Baptist W E SHOW WINDOW ANSWERS THAT QUESTION. throughout has been a course c f outrageous Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view church whoever knows what the service de­ bullying which was discreditable to such a and picture the supernal beauty aud glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Vir­ notes knows too whether he would he in or It contains the very latest in Jewelry anil Sterling Silver and can­ out of place in sharing it. But no inquiaition powerful nation in its dealings with the weak. ginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. Published byHARPTR. AND not be found in any other store in the city. IVe do not claim to Count Schwerin to begin with and the brutal is made into individual cases to find out No Santa Claus ! Thank God ! he lives, and he lives forever.
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