Elsewhere African Troubadours Super Bill Revenge Professor Charged Yaya Diallo, James Makllbuva and Hassan Pre.ndent Clinton Women:s water polo With Embezzlement Hakmoun performed compeiling lIIusic last hattles Republicans al'ellges last year :\. CAMBRIDGE. Mas~. - Friday night at Mandeville AuditoriulII 1\ itll comic book flair I(lss t(l UC Dnl'is Donald Kirl..s. former <.:hicf uf the radiology department Features, page 8 Opinion, page 4 Sports, page 20 at Children's Hospital in Boston and a former Harvard Medi<.:al Sl:hool , professor. has been <.:harged H E u c 5 D with embeZl.llIlg mOl'e than $70,000 from the Children's Hospital Radiology Foundation when he served a, its president. Kirks is a<.:<.:used of wrongfully "dou­ ble bill ing" both the founda­ tion and his hosts for travel expenses to attend speaking engagements in pla<.:es su<.:h UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, MARCH 4,1999 VOLUME 96. ISSUE 18 as Bombay. Maui. Vienna and Versailles. He is also charged with double billing a $4,000 <.:omputer to both BIRTHDAY WISHES Leventhal the foundation and the Radiological SOl:iety of North A!!leri<.:a. If convi<.:t­ Vetoes cd. Kirks wuld fa<.:e up to five years imprisonment and $250.000 In fines . He is <.:ur­ Resolution rently pra<.:ti<.:ing at the San Antonio Children's DECISION: AS. president says Hospital. - Harmrd Crill/soli he supports reinstatement of affinnative action in UC system Hearing to be Held Over Batter, By VIncent Gragnanl Senior Staff Writer GAINESVILLE. Fla. - Last week, A.S. President Joe Leventhal Fa<.:ed with su~pcnsion from vetoed a resolution passed last week by the <.:ampus and allegations that A.S. Council thai called for the Univer~ity one of its members sexually of California (UC) Regents to rescind Iheir battered a 27-year-old strip­ 1995 ban on affirmative action . per and mother of two. Levenlhal said that while he supports the University of Florida Delta restoration of aflirmative action. he felt that Chi leaders agreed on the resolution was inaccurate in statement~ Tuesday to a publi<.: hearing it made about UC Regent Joanne KO/.hcrg . in whi<.:h a videotape of the incident will likely be aired. "I dbn't have <.:on<.:erns with the general Lisa Gier King was hired as direction of the resolution," Leventhal said. one of two strippers for an "My wncern is that there is information in unregistered Delta Chi party there that is incorre<.:t with respect to Regent on Friday and later reported KOlberg." to the poli<.:e that she was The resolution <.:all~ KO/.berg an "anti ­ sexually assaulted by a Delta affirmative aClion appointee" and <.:alb for Chi member early Saturday Gov. Gray Davis to "immediately with­ morning. Upon viewing a draw" her appointment to the UC Board of video of the incident the Regents. police said they found that it On<.:e regents arc appointed. they may "clearly shows willing, <.:on­ serve for a year before being wntirmed by sensual sexual inter<.:ourse the California State Senate. During that between King and the frater­ year, the governor may rcs<.:ind the nomina­ nity member." Although tion. King said she did not light Leventhal said he believes that becau~e because she was fearful for Kozberg has not made a statement regarding her life, she was arrested on her stance on affirmative action, the resolu ­ Monday morning on a misde­ lion passed by the A.S. Coun<.:il is ina<.:<.:u - meanor <.:harge for filing a rate. false claim. She was released Leventhal said he received his informa­ from <.:ounty jail after posting Estella Villacorta/Guardian tion from UC Student Regent Max P.t,: Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Information and Technology and university Espinoza, who visited UCSD last week. $100 of a $1.000 bond. Librarian Phyllis Mirsky cuts the cake for UCSO's celebration of Dr. Seuss' 95th birthday. - Ilidepelidellt Florida AIliRator "From what [Espinoza] told me, nobody knows what Regent [appointee I Kozhcrg'~ view is on affirmative aClion," Leventhal said .." think it is inappropriate, irrational Spoken ... Man Reported to Have and uneducated to pass a resolution for her appointment to be removed based on those "From what views." [Espinoza] told me, EXPOsed Himself on Campus Leventhal attempted to discuss his wn­ nobody knows Regent CRIME: A female Pepper Canyon Police said the victim will not file charges cerns in an A.S. Council meeting but was Kozberg s view is on reported the incident, which took against the individual, who has not been caught. unable to because the item had been passed affirmative action ... I Roosevelt college Assistant Resident Dean by the internal committee. In order for the place early on Sunday, Feb. 21 Craig Stephenson said the resident's privacy is council as a whole to discuss an item of leg ­ think it is the utmost concern and therefore, not mu<.:h islation or a resolution, such an item musl be inappropriate, By Nliou Mostoll . information is being released about the incident. "pulled" from committee - meaning that irrational and Senior Staff Writer However, the Residence Life Offke posted a twu-thirds of the council must vote in favor uneducated to pass a An unknown man allegedly exposed himself flier around the Pepper Canyon complex, which of discussing it. The council voted against resolution for her to a female resident in Roosevelt college's slates that students should "keep doors locked pulling the resolution from committee. Pepper Canyon apartment complex on Sunday, and usc common sense when answering the Leventhal added that he would support a appointment to be Feb. 21. Police said the man, who was reported door." si mi lar resolution if he felt il was a<.:.:urate. removed based on to have been wearing shorts and a ski mask, was UCSD Police Detective Nate Floyd said this '" would enthusiastically support a reso­ seen masturbating by a window near the Pepper those views. II incident appears to be an isolated case, but he lution that supports the reinstatement of Canyon area shortly before he exposed himself. - Joe Leventhal said he advises students to report any informa­ affirmative action if the information in it A.S. President At 2:30 a.m., the individual allegedly tion to the UCSD police by calling 534-HELP. was accurate," Leventhal said. See story at right knocked on the resident's door. Police said that Additionally, Floyd said he also cautions stu­ A.S. Vice President External Kirk the student, without looking through the peep­ dents not to walk home alone and to call Ihe Matsuzaki said that he believes Kozberg is Internet: www.ucsd.edulguardian hole, opened her door to find the man on her police or their resident advisors if they are <.:on­ anti-affirmative action because he wa~ E-mail: guardlanfi'ucsd.edu doorstep. exposing himself. fronled with a similar situation. See COUNCIL, Page 3 Thursday. March 4. 1999 NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, March 4, IW9 The UCSD Guardian to reinstate atlirmative action. Muir sophomore senator Josh COUNCIL: "There has been some discussion Caplan said he agreed with the UCSD EVENTS LIFE IN· HELL Committee first by individual regents about these changes made because the revised issues. but currently there is nothing resolution specifically ta~ets the changed resolution, on the agenda," Hayward said. issue at hand. Thursda ColIII••• d tro.. ..... 1 Leventhal said "alv. that "We wanted appointed by former Gov. Pete that while he had aftirmative action Price Center Film Series: The Waterboy' Wilson. concerns with other resolutions •• to be reinstated in Enjoy this Adam Sandler movie at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. in the Price "Wilson has led the attack on pans of the resolu­ ........, opIlIIoIIs the UC system," Center Theater. Admission for students is $2. For more information, call affirmative aClllln." Matsu/aki tion. those parts Caplan said. "1 350-4525. said. "He would appoint someone were removed by of .... think the change~ who w()uld set tonh his agenda." the internal com- Associated we made will help A.S. Vice Pre~ident Internal millee. make the resolution Music: Outkast Kim M,Koon said that he believes The committee Students at UC morc puwerfu I." This TG com;cn will take place at 8 p.m. in the Price Center Plaza. For the resolution shuuld not have been removed pans of At last night's more information. call 534-5259. ... DIego, I vetoed. the resolution Ihat don't ...... A.S. meeting, there HANDLE WITH CARE "Given that resolutions arc referred to UC v. was an open roll Frida merely opinions of the A~soctated Regent Ward ...........dentof call vote to over­ ride Leventhal's Studcnt~ at UC San Diego, I don 't Connerly. The orig­ .dlv... Sports: Men s VolleybaLL believe the president of a diverse inal resolution, as ve\(). A two-thirds SuppOrt the TrilOns as they face off against UC Santa Cruz at 7 p.m. in student body should vet() a resolu­ passed by the student body vote is necessary to RIMAC Arena. UCSD students are admitted for free. For more informa­ tion Ju~t be,ause a few lines of it As~ociated override the veto. tion, call 534 -4211 . should veto. arc controversial," McKoon said. Studenls of the Because it was an McKoon also ~aid that he University of resolution Just open roll call vote , Music: Violin and Viola Recital believes KOlberg ~hould have California (ASUC) becau... tew A.S. members have Students of Janos Negyesy and Paivikki Nykter will perform at 8 p.m. made her positiun on aflirmativc at Berkeley and II_oflt •• until Friday to vote.
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