Nortlr ly''eald Bossett PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PLANNING Date:3'd July 2017 Time: 7.00pm l/enue: Norlh Weald Library, High Road, North Weald. PRESENT: Councillors: (9) B Clegg (Chairman), C Hawkins, B Bartram, Mrs E Godwin Brown Mrs Jackman, MBE, A Buckley, T Blanks, R Spearman, M Harris Also Attending but not part of this part of this committee: Cllr Mrs A Grigg (1) Officers in Attendance (2) Susan De Luca - Clerk to the Council Adriana Jones Principal Finance & Senior Administrative Officer \-, - Members of the Public (0) Members of the Press (L) P17.031 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (4) NOTED that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Mulliner, Bedford, Tyler & *Cllr Stallan (*attending Official Duty as Chairman District Council) P17.032 OTHER ABSENCES (0) No Apologies Necessary *=, n P17.033 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were No Declarations of Interest. +.w P17.034 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES One amendment was made to the minutes of the meeting held on 19th June 2017 which had been \-, circulated, after which these were confirmed as a true record by Members. P17.035 REPRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were NO Representations from Members of the public. P17.036 PLANNING APPLICATIONS The following comments on Planning Applications were AGREED: No Application Number Location Proposal 1 EPFt1505117 262 High Road Single storey rear extensions, two storey Sukhvinder Dhadwar North Weald side extension and internal alterations to Mr lan Harvey provide additional living accommodation and provide annex space for a relative. Demolition of existinq car The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this 2 EPFt1551t17 2 Hows Mead Proposed front dormer window Alastair Prince North Weald Bassett Mr Tonv Guerrier The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this 3 EPFt1622117 5 Bassett Fields Part ground floor rear extension and Alastair Prince 272 A High Road erection of an open porch North Weald Bassett Mr Mel Fordham \ The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application 4 EPF/1603/17 TRE Little Cam TPO/EPF/03i03 TO PINE: FELL. T4 + Robin Hellier MillStreet T5: PINE - LATERAL REDUCTION OF Hastingwood IUP TO 1M ON SELECTED LIMBS TO Hayes Tree and Garden - Mr CLEAR POWER LINES. N Hayes th" Pa.ish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the Tree Offlcer deeming the work neo 5 Amended 38 (Ground Floor) Plans/Application/ High Road Change of use from post office (Al ) to Description North Weald takeaway (A5) (Additional information) EPFl1156117 Sukhvinder Dhadwar The Parish Council continues to OBJECT to this Application on the same grounds as before. And which are I detailed below. change of use and to t*-] These hours, which will include'unsociable'hours will impact not only on the neighbouring I op"ring hours. I residents in Dukes Close and those in the High Road. There is concern that the I residents but also on the local I outside the shop and that noise would be a dominant issue. I p.*r"r.. of a Takeaway would attractpeople I 1'ne Council are concerned that the Litter that would simply be discarded outside, in the vicinity of the I faristr I premises, we all know that a condition can be placed on a premises to have a bin outside, however we cannot I whilst I ptace a placing their waste in that bin. I a condition on customer I accumulation of detritus around the immediate area at the parade of L I fn"r" has been concern at the continuing I The Parish Council has done its best to enhance the area by planting a garden close to the I snops by the co-op. I of especially on a Thursdayi Friday / Saturday & Sunday , even I snops. however there is still much evidence litter I visits by the road sweeper. People simply discard Fish & Chip Wrappers, Indian Takeaway I tfrous-h we have regular I Cartons and Chinese Takeaway Cartons, Costa Coffee Cups. These have been found in the New Garden, the I I I Telenhone Bor. Under the Seat on the Green. i at the close proximity to the nearby watercourse has this flood risk been properly assessed. I ffr"r. is also concern - ] I Installation of Ventilation Duct - Members were concerned at the installation of this ventilation system. I detail I f"to* an extract from one of our Members who is a Qualified Engineer I Uovinq looked at the specilicqtion for the ventilation systems for the obove applicotion, I would I ond routes, I I consider them adequote ot best. Without scale drawings to work out the intoke extract I would imogine that there is a potentiol problem in the build-up of smells ond heot coming firom this I property. Troditionally, ventilotion stacks ore not effective in the dispersolol moisture ond odours. I fnry con block with greose ond couse potentiol fire hozards. We must olways remember that a client decides not to use it, or use it properly I ventilation scheme can be designed, although if the | (down to cost) thot's when the issues stort to orise. I Wno will therefore monitor that it is being used correctly? I .1tre Parish Council believe that the residential accommodation above and adjacent to the property will be I unpleasantly and adversely affected by this change of use, as will the residents inhabiting that accommodation. I puit ine is ofgreat concern also, there are only two designated parking spaces, is this enough for a Takeaway. There I is currently a parking problem in that area of North Weald, with vehicles parking in front of local peoples drives on I tn" ffign Road not allowing people to exit their homes. The Village Hall has advised that visitors to local shops are I using the Hall as Parking therefore not allowing sufficient parking for Hall Functions - the hall is used Day, Evening I and Weekends. Whilst there are ry yellow lines along the High Road these are not enforced. I We atso believe that having a Takeaway located in North Weald could mean that there will mean that there will be I an increase in car journeys made, which could see customers coming from other locations such as Epping, I Coopersale and Ongar, I poucv DBES- Loss oF AMENITY I The Councilwill require that a change or intensification of use, extension or new development does not I result in an excessive loss of amenity for neighbouring properties. The factors which will be taken into I account are: I til visual impact; (ii) overlooking; (iii) Ioss of daylighUsunlight; and (iv) noise, smell or other I aisturbance thereby causing an excessive loss of amenity for neighbouring residents. I I there will clearly be Visual lmpact & Noise Smell & Other Disturbances I fne High Road Shops in North Weald are classed as a Local Frontage. Therefore it is necessary to ask what I premises there are a key retail use for - is there a demand for another Takeaway in North Weald. We believe this a I fUaterial Planning Consideration which should be taken into account. I fne 'make-up' of shops is as follows in North Weald High Road: I I T (if known) t Kings Head Garage Fuel, Motor Accessories Garage Snacks & Drinks 7 2 Kings Head Pub Food, Alcohol& Soft Pub Drinks 3 Coverdale Betting Office Licensed Betting Office Betting Shop (Free Coffee Available) 4 Bread & Bites Bread & Hot Snacks & Bakery, Hot Drinks Takeawoy Food & Sit ln & Eat 5 Newsagent & Post Office Newspapers, Newsagent & Post Periodicals, Postal Office Items, Soft Drinks, 1 Day a week there is Chocolates, a Fish Stall on the Snacks/Crisps, forecourt of the Post Tobacconists Office 6 lslington Green Floral ltems Florist 7 Former Post Office Empty Shop Empty Shop 8 North Weald Chemist Pharmaceutical ltems Chemist . 9 Stuart Poulton Funeral Director Funeral Services Funera! Director 10 Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaning, Repairs & Cleaning Services Laundering LL Young Dave Greengrocers & Florists Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs, Flowers t2 Clippers & Curls Hairdressers Hairdressing & Barbers 13 Co-op General Groceries, Small Supermarket Sandwiches, Drinks, Snacks t4 North Weald Chinese & Fish & Hot Tqkeowoy Chinese Hot Takeaway Chips & Fish & Chips 15 Cinnammon Restaurant lndian Restaurant & Hot Tokeawoy & Sit Takeoway Down Restaurant 16 Tylers Green Stores Sandwiches, Newsagents, Snacks, Drinks, Tobacconists L t7 Harvester Pub Food, Alcohol& Soft Pub d-- Drinks 18 Harvest Garage Fuel, Car Accessories, Garage - Also Selling' Hot Snacks Takeawoys, hotTakeaway Food & Costa Coffee, General Drinks Groceries, 19 Davis Estate Agents Houses For Sale Estate Agents 20 Beauty Parlour Beauty Beauty Parlour Services/Products As you can see from this table 11 out of these 20 establishmen t sell food 4 are Takeaways selling Hot food 5 SellSnacks/Sandwiches Drinks which can be eaten off the prremises l gives away Free Coffee 1 sells Fruit & Vegetables 6 Amended 5 Bluemans Plans/Application/ North Weald Bassett Two storey side extension and sinqle C Description storey rear extension. New front EPFl0082117 Demolition of existing outbuilding, and Graham Courtney creation of new double garage. Widening of drive. lnternal alterations. **AMENDED PLANS** The Parish Council continues to OBJECT to this application as it represents Overdevelopment , Members have grave concerns that the Planning Inspectors comments were not taken on board in both the Appeals in relation to the properfy _being forward of the building line it would have an Overbearing impact on the street scene, it is dominant and out of keeping with the area. There are concerns with regard to the access to the site. Simply by replacing the fence with a hedge will not be sufficient to make the application acceptable or to make it in keeping or less overbearing. Members have a concern that there is a recommendation to grant this application placed on the Plans East Agenda, prior to the Parish Council beine able to voice its concerns within the COMMENT ON APPLICATION IN EPPINGUPLAND PARISH EPFll436l17 - The Estate Office Hayleys Manor Upland Road PLANNING OFFICER GRAHAM COIJRTNEY Excavation and installation ofbiofertiliser lagoon and 1.8m safety fence in agricultural field to the south of Hayleys Manor Farm, Uplands Road, Epping The Parish Council has CONCERI{S regarding the application as it will affect the Residents who live in Thornwood Common.
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