The Courier-Gazette ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTA BI.ISH ED 184B. I l TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVA NCR) R O C K L A N D ESTABLISHED 1874. ( |?rcss is file ^rclriincbcan that globes tbe #$torlb at (Ttoo Dollars a $car 1 SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. V o l. 8 . — N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1889. N umber 28. A HARD SUBJECT. lett, proprietor, a gray granite is quarried' EDITORIAL CHAT The inventor of a profitable process of ex­ OIL STOVES, Sixty-five men are employed, 20 being granite tracting aluminum from clay is said to have The Rock Bound Coast ol Maine Is of cutters, 10 paving cutters, 35 attendant labor. died In Findlay, Ohio, without hnvingdlvnlged IT WILL PAY YOU Gen. Boulanger's diet consists of fruit and his secret. This is tbe height of selfishness. The Great Value. The prices paid for labor are granite cutters, cereals. We supposed be dined on raw meat. least the man could have done was to leave his WINDOW SCREENS, Agent Lyons of the Maine Bureau of Labor, 82 75; sharpeners, #2.75; other labor, 81.50 to formula in writing under seal, so that man­ kind might have had the benefit of It after he has been visiting the granite quarries of the 81.75; seventy-five per cent are American born and there have been no labor disturbances. Mtlkloon, Sullivan's trainer, is disgusted had done with earthly things. Now (he work Not only to read this advertise­ State. with the big champion. Mnltloon need not feel will have to be done all over again. The name Hammocks & Ice Cream Freezers Of the Hallowell Granite Works be says: At Round Pond in Lincoln county, town of of this grasping man was F. J. Seymour.— lonesome. Portland Advertiser. More than 100 quariymcn arc constantly em­ Bristol, McAllister A Co. of New York operate ment, but to profit by it, by JUST RECEIVED AT ployed at the quarries, besides a crew of pav­ aquarry.the stone of which takes a dark polish, ing cutlers. The total number of men em­ and is used mostly for monumental and cem­ Snn Francisco’s Chinese are trying hard to The friends of Colby University in this por­ calling at ployed by the company on the quarries and in etery purposes. Large quantities are shipped salve the Mongolian immigration question by tion of our state will learn with surprise und the sheds is 350. The nationality is : Italians, to New York. The total number of men em­ shooting each other on sight. regret of President Pepper's resignation,bnl the Boston 5 and 10c Store 02; Scotch, I; American, 77; Irish, 3; Cana­ ployed are GI, of which 41 are granite cutters; regret will be tempered somewhat by the an­ dians, 0; English, 15. Ninety per cent of 2 paving cutters; 11 quarrymen and 7 others. Newport. Ky., tins four mayors. A plethora nouncement that Prof. Albion W. Small. Ph. « . II. COPLELANI), Proprietor. the other labor is American. All the cutlers The wages of cutters are 25 and 27 1-2 cents of chief executives is very popular in the south, I)., has been unanimously elected to succeed W.OIPWETT are members of the Granite Cutters’ National per hour; paving cutters 27.50 per thousand; since West Virginia set such a shining example. him. Falling health led to Dr. Pepper’s resig­ Oppo. Thorndike Hotel, Rock land, Maine Union. A scale of prices are arranged from quarrymen 15 to 17 1-2 cents per hour. Most nation, and it was only at the reverend gentle­ year to year by which the men work. All dis­ of.he workmen are American. This company The Dexter Gazette reports the white caps in man's urgent nnd decided request that the putes are settled by a committee representing have quarries at Long Island and Bluehill Bay town, but explains that they arc the pencenblc trustees would consent to hear ot his retire­ — ANI) SEE T H E - which are not worked. ment from the position he has so ably tilled. View hjousE, the men and the superintendent of the works. kind, used to protect hay tumbles from the The Bodwell Grnnite Company nt Vinal- The Crown Hill Granite Co., located at rain. His successor, Prof. Small, is 35 years old, a haven employ 500 men. Granite cutters re­ Vinalhaven, quarries paving blocks nnd em­ Colby graduate, and it Is the unanimous choice CAMDEN, MAINE, ploys 40 men, of whom 27 are cutters. Thirty of Colhv graduates in this section. ceive 27 1 2 to 30 cents per hour; quarry men, The Pilot Chart of July 3 reports a derelict 15 to 17 1-2 cents; first derrickmen, breakers, dollars per thousand is paid, and #'2.50 is av­ OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER. eraged by the men. three-masted fishing schooner of 10 tons in a men who handle powder, 20 cents; boxers, dangerous locality. Probably nothing was Several months ago The C.-G. printed an BARGAINS! At the State Point quarry, in the town ofSt. item about an aged pair of twin brothers Tliifl house is now open to receive pnrtie« and 17 1-2; teamsters, 18 to 22 cents. omitted. George, 40 men are employed in cutting paving named Young, one of whom lived in Scarsmont. tiie 1 rave ling public. Fine Bay, Harbor and The nationality of the workmen is : granite blocks, 22 men being cutters. Mountain scenery, Beautiful Drives, Good Boating, cutters—American, 172; Scotch, 55; English, Jack the Ripper now opportunely appears on The item was widely copied, and now comes Bathing and Fishing. Superior Table. ***Will 18; Irish, 4; Canadian, 6; Swede, 1. Paving The Atlantic quarry in the town of St. the boards to take the place of Sullivan A Kil- hack to us in the Belfast Journal credited to George is operated by the Hurricane Island the Chicago Independent. The queer feature receive parties after one day’s notice. cutters—Scotch, 18; English, 6; Canadian, 1; rain, nnd give the big city dailies proper sub­ Co. and Booth Bros. Forty men are employed of it is that after so long a journey the item re- Swede, Welchman and American, 20. N inety jects tor sensation. cutting paving, and the price paid per thous­ tui n6 unchanged. The Journal some time ago per cent of the other labor is American. F. 0. MARTIN, Proprietor, and is 822 50. published an item about an old sign in tbe store No labor trouble has occurred at these works ew oods Here are Tuesday's trusts: of Hiram Chase, the Belfast jeweler, tinder N G ! lig l it t r u s t . for eleven years. The men are all members of The electric and gas-fiXture which several generations did business. This labor organizations whoenterinto agreements T he blit salt monopoly. ABOUT TOWN. The strawhiuird trust, sort of a reorganization Item now comes back alter a long jaunt to tho with the company from time to time that in of an o il trliet. eirect that such and such a firm (with tho the main are satisfactory to both parties. name changed) had done business in the old The Bodwell Granite Company nlso operates Gov. Lowry of Louisiana evidently means to store for several centuries. a red granite quarry at Jonesboro where 40 brine the Sullivan-Kilrnin contingent to justice 45c. men are employed nine months of the year. lor violating the laws o f the state. We cer­ Beginning with the first day of June, the THEY ARE OFFERING The granite is very highly prized, having a tine tainly hope he will. It's queer justice that Southern New England Telephone Company polish. winks nt one crime and scowls at another. THE SPltfCE HEAD WOl'KS. issued tickets for the use of those who are not Dress Goods at 25c a yd. f o q Twenty-ftvE Efijs. Charles D. Jones has bought the Manchester- subscribers. The company has found that New At Spruce Head the same concern ercmloys Hull house, Grace street. there are a good many people to whom the oc­ 100 men now at work on stone for the Hackity Capt. William Andrews of Cambridge, Mass., casional use of the telephone is a great conven­ Library building, Muskegon, Michigan, and Eugene H. Rose has moved from 193 Broad- who made an unsuccessful attempt to cross the “ “ “ 371c •“ W e H a v e T a k e n T h e A gency F o r ience, for which they are willing to pay a small the Mechanics National Bank, New York; wtfy ;n 102 Union street. Atlantic lust sumnie" in the 11 foot dorv Dark Secret, is filling the boat out again, and will fee. Now the only way that they can avail sixty-five are granite cutters and the remainder The residence of E. B. Ingrahara„Masonic start on nnother voyage on July 21 from Nan- themselves of the convenience of the service is “ “ “ 47c “ attendant labor. Eighty-five per cent ol the street, has been..treated to a coat of paint. whole are American born. tasket Beach. The papers speak of Capt. An­ to ask the use of their neighbor’s instrument, Clias. Nichols’ Vellar, corner of, Limerock drews’ attempt as a very plucky and brave one. thus bothering the neighbor and taking from Cobb’s Soaps! The Maine Granite & Improvement Com­ and Highland streets, is ready for the vsills of Will some kind friend explain to us tbe differ­ the company that for which they do not pay.
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