Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Phoenix Student Newspapers 12-4-2006 Phoenix, 2006-12-04 Student Life Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/phoenix Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Life, Phoenix (2006, December 4). http://opus.govst.edu/phoenix/57 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Phoenix by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. How Christmas began Our Associate Editor, All new movie reviews: Derrick Lilly, Bobby and Tenacious D says goodbye Story on page 2 His third and final Phoenix Page 5 editorial on page 7 The LCE wants you! Happy, Merry, What? By Robert Wolff insulate themselves from the general uni­ Editor versity community, something the center can help them with. "We don't know Dr. Catalina Ramos-Hernandez takes why, but it sometimes happens," said education seriously and she wants to Hernandez. make sure other Latino students have the The center offers for both Latin­ same attitude. American and non-native Latin­ "Only 20 percent of Latino students Americans services such as mentoring for that enter college leave with a up to one year, tutoring for each course degree ... that's nationwide," she states. per semester, social events to help them Although this statistic may be only part integrate and adjust to the university of the driving force to improve the educa­ community, and emichment seminars tional standing of Latino students, it's by throughout the year. no means the only reason for Hernandez. The LCE also offers assistance for That's why she, along with the help of school issues such as financial aid, schol­ other staff, has formed the Latino Center arship opportunities and even registration for Excellence at Governors State assistance for undocumented students University. The LCE is a project formed wishing to become American citizens.. in conjunction with Morton College and Since the center is new, with the grant funded through a federal grant from the money received in October of last year Illinois Department of Education. and Hernandez herself hired in April of Morton College, a two-year under­ 2006 along with other staff brought on graduate community college, has a heavy within the past few months, the organiza­ Latino population. However, there are tion is looking to staff itself with dedicat­ specific issues for many Latino students ed people. that hinder their education and often pre­ "Right now we are looking for tutors vent them from to the junior and senior to help the incoming students adjust and level and completing their bachelor's we need mentors to help students find out degree, said Hernandez. The LCE, work­ all they can about the programs and ing in conjunction with Morton College opportunities that are available to them," and Governors State University, aims to she said, adding that there also a need for fix those problems. faculty mentors. "In many cases, Latino students are For more information on either bene­ isolated," stated Hernandez. "They do fiting from the services the LCE pro­ Phoenix photo by Robert Wolff not become familiar with the services that vides, or if you are interested in opportu­ No Nativity scene in th e Hall of Governors we have. They get frustrated, don't make nities to become a mentor or tutor, call use of the services the university provides 708-235-7609. You can also reach the compla ins some, but does it rea ll y matter? and drop out." center via email, at f­ She also claims many Latino students [email protected]. Story on page 4 GSU receives $500K to fund new crime fighting program By Elyse Burke The official name for the program is the Contributing Writer Center for Law Enforcement Technology Collaboration (CLETC). It will offer post­ How would you spend $500,000? The baccalaureate certifications, and other edu­ Criminal Justice Program at Governor's cation/training opportunities focusing on State is developing a Law Enforcement information security and intrusion detection, Technology Center. digital forensics, forensic science and serv­ The $500,000 is a budgetary item given ices science. to GSU by Illinois legislature. The funding The Center will create a framework for is a result of years of planning and develop­ GSU to work collaboratively with law ment on the part of various GSU faculty enforcement experts to deliver up-to-date members and departments. curricula and create a research environment. "We had been floating the idea and shop­ The Center is designed for students and ping around for proposals. And I guess our professionals looking for training in new delegates in Springfield were interested in technical skills that will enhance public what we were doing, they saw promise," safety, promote titreers ill:)aw enforcement, said James Coldren of the Criminal Justice and pave the way to gr~hoor:- · Department. It will also provide an opportunity for "A key fac tor was our partnership with south suburban students and regional law Phoenix photo by Robert Wolff local law enforcement, specifically the enforcement professionals to build upon Dr. Coldren will help set up the new Center for Law Enforcement South Suburban Association of Chiefs of their current expertise. Technology Colaboration. Police," said Coldren. See 'CRIME' on page 2 =================~~================= YOJRCAMFUS A festivus for the rest of us: Why do we celebrate the holidays? By John Conrad "dedication." Contributing writer Christmas is the Christian holiday celebrated on December 25th, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Traffic has increased, commerce has gone crazy, and It's However, the birth of Christ is believed to actually be clos­ a Wonderful Life has been given er to spring, according to excessive television air time. This HowStuffWorks.com. could only mean that the holidays are In the 4th century, the Catholic upon us once again. Church wanted to upstage a Roman The holiday season is an impor­ celebration of the sun god, Mithras, tant time of year for many people. which took place in late December. However, few individuals understand The date of December 25th was cho­ the history and traditions of the reli­ sen to compete with this rival pagan WANT YOU! gious or cultural celebrations of oth­ religion. TO WRITE FOR THE STUDENT ers. The celebration of Christmas NEWSPAPER OF COURSE! Hanukkah is a Jewish celebration spread quickly throughout Europe, that takes place on the 25th day of but took time to be assimilated into If you have an interest in writing, jour­ Kislev on the Hebrew calendar (gen­ early American culture. The erally in late November or colonists considered Christmas a nalism, or design, the Phoenix has a place December). But how did this 8-day pagan ritual and it was even banned for you! celebration originate? by law in Colonial Massachusetts. The Phoenix Student Newspaper is In 168 B.C.E. the Jewish Temple was seized by the Kwanzaa is a cultural festival celebrated by African­ looking for student contributors for the fall Syrians and dedicated to worshiping the Greek god Zeus, Americans between December 26th and January lst. trimester to help in making the Phoenix s according to the History Channel's website. The Jews bat­ Derived from a Swahili word meaning "fruits of the tled the Syrians for three years, eventually regaining con­ harvest," Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana return a success. trol of their Temple. Karenga, according to the official Kwanzaa website. If you are interested, please contact the The Temple was rededicated to Judaism on the 25th day Kwanzaa was created as a celebration of African culture, Phoenix office at 708-534-4517 or ofKislev. When the time came to light the Temple's values, and tradition in order to preserve and promote [email protected]. menorah, the Jews found there was only enough oil to last African-American culture. This 7-day celebration is based one evening. Miraculously, the flame burned for 8 days, on the seven principles of Kwanzaa, with each day repre­ until more oil could be manufactured. senting one of the principles. The result is an 8-day festival of lights to commemorate ~~ this event. The term Hanukkah is a Hebrew word meaning 'Festivus' continued on page 3 The Phoenix is Governors State try, and the Center is a great pathway to an ever-widening University's student newspaper. It is pub­ job market," said Coldren lished twice monthly during the fall and Crime: After completing a five course sequence students will winter, and monthly during the spring/sum­ Continued from page 1 be halfway to a Master's degree. mer. They will be given the opportunity to develop techno­ "I want the Center to be seen as a valuable educational We welcome articles, suggestions, pho­ logical skills that will enhance their effectiveness and pro­ entity in the South Suburbs. I want it to be viewed a visible tos, commentary, cartoons, and letters to fessional status, and prepare them for new career directions and strong part of the academic community here at GSU the editor on issues that concern you or the in science, law enforcement, business and technology and the local community," said Coldren greater GSU population. fields, according to a GSU press release. The new classes will be taught by instructors in both the We reserve the right to edit submissions "We just want to fill the needs of local law enforcement. Criminal Justice and Computer Science departments, with for clarity, legality, and interest to our GSU There is not enough technical training available to meet the the possibility of adding adjunct professors.
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