18_763888 bindex.qxp 3/23/06 9:03 PM Page 361 Index Almeda Park, 298 Cannon Beach, 177 AAA (American Automobile Alpenfest, 340 Eugene, 159 Association), 48–49 Alton Baker Park (Eugene), 157 Grants Pass, 295 A&T Myrtlewood (Port Orford), American Automobile Hood River, 244 225 Association (AAA), 48–49 Jacksonville, 290 AARP, 25 American Express, 39 Lincoln City, 192 Abacela Winery (Roseburg), Portland, 70 Neskowin, 188 303 traveler’s checks, 18 Newport, 201 Abbey Bach Festival American Foundation for the North Willamette Valley, 134 (Mt. Angel), 146 Blind (AFB), 24–25 Portland, 109 Access-Able Travel Source, 24 Amity, 131–132, 134, 138–139 Port Orford, 225 Access America, 23 Amity Vineyards, 131–132 Seal Rock, 202 Accessible Journeys, 24 Amnesia Brewing Company Silverton, 145 Accommodations (Portland), 120 Yachats, 206 best, 9–12 Amtrak, 31, 47, 48 Artists Repertory Theatre money-saving tips, 38–39 Andrea’s Cha-Cha Club (Portland), 115 surfing for, 26–27 (Portland), 117 Ashland, 56, 57, 275–287 tipping, 53 Angus Bowmer Theatre accommodations, 281–283 A.C. Gilbert Discovery Village (Ashland), 276–277 exploring the area, 277–278 (Salem), 144 Ankeny National Wildlife nightlife, 287 Active vacations, 31–36 Refuge, 143 Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Adelman Peony Gardens Ankeny Vineyard (Salem), 276–277 (Brooks), 147 146–147 outdoor activities, 279–280 Adelsheim Vineyard (Newberg), Anne Amie Vineyards (Carlton), restaurants, 284–287 125–126 129 shopping, 280 Adler House Museum Annz Panz (Hood River), 244 wineries, 278–279 (Baker City), 334 Antique Motorcycle & Auto Ashland Art Works, 280 Aerial tours, Tillamook, 185 Museum (Port Orford), 225 Ashland Hardwood Gallery, Agate Beach, 200 Antique Powerland Museum 280 AIDSinfo, 42 (Brooks), 146 Ashland Vineyards, 278 Ainsworth State Park, 240 Applegate Trail Interpretive Aspen Point Campground, 274 Airfares, 26, 30–31, 47 Center (Sunny Valley), 296 Astoria, 2, 55, 57, 61, 164–171 Airlie Winery (Monmouth), 151 Apple Valley Country Store Astoria Column, 167 Airlines, 29, 47, 48 (near Hood River), 243 Astoria Regatta, 166 Airport security, 29–30 Aquariums, 8, 173, 199 Astoria Riverfront Trolley, 168 Air travel, 29–31, 37 Arcadia Beach Wayside, 176 Astoria Visual Arts, 168 Aladdin TheaterCOPYRIGHTED (Portland), 116 Archery Summit (Dayton), MATERIAL 126 Astor Street Opry Company Alameda Brewhouse (Portland), Arch Rock Viewpoint, 228 (Astoria), 171 119 Area codes, 39 Astro Lounge (Bend), 327 Albany, 149–154 Argyle Winery (Dundee), 126 ATMs (automated teller Albany Regional Museum, 151 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall machines), 17–18, 39, 45–46 Alder Dune Campground, 214 (Portland), 114 Aufderheide National Scenic Alder House III (Lincoln City), Art galleries Byway, 262 192 Ashland, 280 Augen Gallery (Portland), 109 Alder Springs Campground, 264 Astoria, 168 August Cellars (Newberg), 126 Alfred A. Loeb State Park, Bandon, 221 Aurora, 134 230–232 Bend, 322 Azalea Park, 231 18_763888 bindex.qxp 3/23/06 9:03 PM Page 362 362 INDEX nightlife, 327 The Blue Giraffe (Ashland), 278 Bachelor, Mount, 319–320 outdoor activities, 319–321 Blue Heron Cheese & Wine Backpacking, 33–34 restaurants, 325–326 Company (Tillamook), 185 Bagdad Theater (Portland), 120 scenic drives, 321–322 Blue Mountains, 333, 334, 336, Baker City, 333–338 transportation, 317 337 Bandon, 3, 6, 219–224 traveling to, 316 Boating (boat rentals). See also Bandon Cranberry Festival, 22 visitor information, 316 Canoeing; Kayaking; White- Bandon Glass Art Studio, 221 Bend Brewing Co., 327 water rafting Bandon Marsh National Bendistillery (Bend), 327 Garibaldi, 184 Wildlife Refuge, 220–221 Benham Falls, 319 Lincoln City, 191 Bandon State Natural Area, 220 Benton County Courthouse Newport, 201 Barlow Trail, 254 (Corvallis), 150 Boatnik (Grants Pass), 20, 294 Bar Pastiche (Portland), 118 Benton-Lane Winery (near Boat tours and cruises. See Bartini (Portland), 117 Corvallis), 151 also Whale-watching Baseball, Portland, 108 Berbati’s Pan (Portland), 116 Crater Lake National Park, Basketball, Portland, 108 The Berry Botanic Garden 270 Basket Slough National Wildlife (Portland), 103 Grants Pass, 295 Refuge, 143–144 Bethel Heights Vineyards Klamath Lake, 273 Bastendorff Beach County (Salem), 132 Portland, 105 Park, 216, 219 Beverly Beach State Park, Rogue River, 227 Battle Rock Park, 225 196, 203 Boiler Bay State Scenic The Bayfront (Newport), Big Horse Brew Pub Viewpoint, 196 200–201 (Hood River), 248 Bonneville Fish Hatchery, 237 Beaches. See also specific Biking and mountain biking, Bonneville Hot Springs Resort, beaches 31–32 238 best, 6 Ashland, 280 Bonneville Lock and Dam, 237 Brookings, 228 Astoria, 168 Bookstores, Portland, 110 Cannon Beach, 176–177 Bend/Sunriver area, 5, 321 Bradford Island Visitors Center, the Coos Bay area, 216 Cannon Beach, 176 237 Lincoln City, 190–191 Corvallis, 150 Brandy Peak Distillery Manzanita, 182 Hood River, 242 (Brookings), 231 Newport, 201 Klamath Falls area, 273 The Brazen Bean (Portland), Newport area, 200 McKenzie River area, 262 117 Oceanside, 186 Mount Hood, 256 Breach the Moon Gallery Seaside, 173 the Oregon Coast, 5, 172 (Newport), 201 south of Yachats, 208 Portland, 96, 106 Breitenbush Hot Springs Beachside State Recreation Seaside, 173 Retreat and Conference Site (Yachats), 207 Sisters area, 313 Center, 261 Beacon Rock State Park, Willamette National Forest, Brewpubs 238, 240 265 Ashland, 287 Bear Creek Artichokes Billy Chinook, Lake, 309 Bend, 327 (near Tillamook), 185 Bird-watching, 32 Eugene, 162 Bear Creek Winery (Cave Bandon, 220–221 Hood River, 248 Junction), 300 Garibaldi, 184 Portland, 119–120 Bear Valley National Wildlife Klamath Falls area, 272–273 Bridge of the Gods, 237 Refuge (near Worden), 273 Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, 335 Bridgeview (near Cave Beaverton wineries, 130 Malheur National Wildlife Junction), 301 Bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), Refuge, 348 Bridgeview Applegate best, 9–10 Owyhee River region, 347 Tasting Room (Grants Pass), Beekman House (Jacksonville), Twilight Creek Eagle Sanctu- 290–291 289 ary (near Astoria), 169 Brigittine Monastery (Amity), Beer, 361 Willamette Mission State 134 Belknap Resort and Hot Park, 143–144 Britt Festivals (Jacksonville), Springs, 262 William L. Finley National 21, 287–289 Bend, 3, 56, 58–59, 316–327 Wildlife Refuge, 152 Broadway in Portland, 115 accommodations, 322–324 Blackfish Gallery (Artistbn), Brookings, 7, 228, 230–232 campgrounds, 325 109 Brooks, 146 exploring, 317–322 The Black Sheep (Ashland), 287 Bullards Beach State Park, festivals, 317 Blue Basin, 310 220, 222 18_763888 bindex.qxp 3/23/06 9:03 PM Page 363 INDEX 363 The Bullseye Connection Cannon Beach, 2, 6, 55, 61, The Cascades, 16, 19, 253–274, Gallery (Portland), 110 175–181 351 Burns, 348 Cannon Beach Gallery, 177 Cascade-Siskiyou National Bush Barn Art Center (Salem), Cannon Beach Historical Monument, 280 142 Society, 177 Casinos, 191–192, 218, 331 Bush House Museum (Salem), Cannon Beach Sand Castle Cathedral Ridge Winery 142 Festival, 20 (near Hood River), 243 Business hours, 39, 49 Cannon Beach Spa, 177 Cat Ski Mt. Bailey, 268 Bus travel, 48 Canoeing, 34 Cave Creek Campground, 301 Butte Creek Mill (Jacksonville), Klamath Falls area, 273 C.C. Slaughters Nightclub & 289 Upper Klamath Canoe Trail, Lounge (Portland), 120 273 Cellphones, 28–29 Cape Arago State Park, 216 Central Oregon, 3, 5, 16–17, Calendar of events, 20–22 Cape Blanco, 224 306–327 Camelot Theatre Company Cape Blanco Lighthouse, 225 Chamber Music Northwest (Ashland), 287 Cape Blanco State Park, (Portland), 115 Camping and campgrounds, 225, 226 Champagne Creek Cellars 32–33 Cape Ferrelo Viewpoint, 228 (Roseburg), 303 Bandon, 222 Cape Kiwanda, 186 Champoeg State Park, 134 Bend and Cascade Lakes Cape Lookout State Park, Changes (Portland), 112 Highway area, 325 186, 187 Chateaulin Wine Shoppe Brookings, 232 Cape Lookout Trail, 6 (Ashland), 280 Cannon Beach, 179 Cape Meares Lighthouse, 186 Chateau Lorane (Lorane), 157 Cape Blanco State Park, 226 Cape Meares State Scenic Chief Joseph Days Rodeo, 340 the Columbia Gorge, 240 Viewpoint, 186 Children. See Families with Coos Bay area, 219 Cape Perpetua Campground, children Crater Lake National Park, 207 Chinatown (Portland), 67 271 Cape Perpetua Interpretive Chinook Winds Casino the Dalles, 251–252 Center, 205 (Lincoln City), 191–192 Devil’s Lake State Recreation Cape Perpetua Scenic Area, Clamming, 163, 186, 220, 227, Area, 194 205–206 228, 360 Elkhorn National Scenic Cape Sebastian, 228 Clarno Unit, 310 Byway, 338 Carl G. Washburne Memorial Clear Lake, 262 Farewell Bend State Recre- State Park, 209 Climate, 19 ation Area, 348 Carlton, 2, 60 The Coast Range, 350 Florence area, 214 restaurants, 139–140 Coffee, 360 Fort Stevens State Park, 170 wineries, 128–130 Coldwater Cove Campground, between Gold Beach and Car rentals, 36, 48 264 Agness, 229 for customers with special Colliding Rivers Viewpoint, Hood River, 246 travel needs, 24 267 Klamath Falls area, 274 surfing for, 27 Columbia Art Gallery (Hood lower Deschutes River, 311 Carson Hot Springs Resort, 238 River), 244 McKenzie River area, 264 Carter Dunes Trail, 211 The Columbia Gorge, 3, 14, 16, near Oregon Caves National Carter Lake Campground, 233–252, 352 Monument, 301 211, 214 Columbia Gorge Discovery Nehalem Bay State Park, 184 Car travel, 31, 36–37, 48–49 Center (The Dalles), 249 Newport area, 203 driving safety, 46 Columbia Gorge Interpretive North Umpqua River, 268 Cascade Cliffs Vineyard & Center Museum (Stevenson), reservations, 32 Winery (Wishram), 251 236 Rogue River Valley, 298 Cascade Festival of Music The Columbia
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