~--·-·-·-·-·-·--~~-Git"('"i)·~ f DECEMBER, 1893. CIRCULAR No. 2, f MmnW of [~C!!!~~ oo.~E.~~!~~; N•iional ~ Philatelic Society of New York, U.S.A., No. 52; Oa.nadi&n Philatelic Aesooir.tion; I Birmingham Philatelio Society, &c., &c. tl 268, BURBURY STREET, 1· LOZELLS, BIRMINGHAM, i' QFFERS for net cash in advance the stamps mentioned in this circular. • Should any stamps ordered be already sold, the amount will be I returned without deductions. All stamps in good condition. Unused • · stamps with original gum. I • I -t8 SPECIAL BARGAINS.~ N&T Paica. • ! •. d . Prince Edward hland, entire sheet of 30 stamps, with full margins, • fourpence, black 0 7 0 •I Newfoundland, entire sheet of 20 stamps, with full margins, 1/- lake 1 6 0 • ,. 11 20 ., ,, ., sixpence, lake 0 lS 6 I Nova Scotia, threepence, blue, superb used specimen, lightly postmarked, • on entire envelope 0 4 0 I Canada, threepence, fine specimen on entire envelope 0 1 15 Newfoundland, 1858, 6d., 1/·, 1865-70, 60., 12c., 24c., 1880, 2c., 5c., 1887, • t<i., lo., 2c., 3o., lOo., set of 12, unused • . 0 6 0 I Labuan, no we.termark, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 a.nd 40c., set of 7, unused • • 0 ' 6 • Taamania, Postal Fiece.ls, Platypus type, Sd., 6d. and 1/-, set of 3, unused.. 0 3 0 Straits Settlements, le. on Sc., Sc., 2c. a.nd 4o., set of 4, unused 0 1 0 I Paraguay, 1, 2 and 5o., set of S, unused • • 0 0 15 • Tonga, Id., 2d., 6d. and 1/-, set of 4, • • • • • • • • 0 2 0 I Tranavaal. Id. on ld., ld. on 6d , 2~. on 1/- (two types), set of 4, unused • . 0 1 4 • I Borneo. I, l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, S, 10, 25 and 500., sot of 11, unused • • • . 0 4 15 I • Labuan, 160. blue, CA sideways, entire sheet of 10 unused stamps, with full • I margins 9 10 0 .. 160. blue, CO, entire sheet of 10 unused stamps, with full margins s 10 0 • .. CA, entire sheet of 10 unused Be. purple, full margins •• 0 15 0 • I .. CA, So. purple, e. pair, one stamp surcharged 6c., the other unsur- charged, unused, a great rarity 1 10 0 • CA, 60. on Sc. purple, entire sheet of 10, full margins, one eta.mp is " surcharged twice, once upright and onr.e inverted • . 2 15 0 • ,. no we.termark, 60. green, entire sheet of 10 stamps, full margins • • 0 S 0 ., ,, ., 120. blue ., 10 ., ,, 0 6 0 ~ Cook lelanda, obsolete set of 4, unused . • O 8 O ., new issue, ld., l!d., ~d., 5d. e.nd lOd., set of five, unused O ~ 6 New Brun•wick, 1, 2, 5, 10, 121a.ncf17 cents, set of 6, unused • • O S 6 • Trinidad, unpaid Id., ld., 2d., Sd., 4d., M., Sd. e.nd l/·, set of nine, used • • O 6 6 I Great Britain, reconstructed plate of penny imperforo.te, consisting of 240 • stamps .. • . 0 16 0 I It reconstructed pla.te of penny, perf. 14, large crown, stars in cornol'B, • consisting of 240 stamps 0 14 0 I British Honduras, 1, 2, 3, 8, 12 e.nd 24 cents, set of six, unused 0 . 2 2 • Gibraltar, first issue, id., ld. e.nd 2~d., set of three, unused • • • • O 2 O I ,. second issue, !d. , ld., 2d., 2!d., 4d., 6d., e.nd 1/-, sot of seven, unused O 13 6 ,. \bird isbue, 5, 10, 25, 40, 50 and 75 centimes, set of seven, unused O 6 6 • ., fourth issue, 5, 10, 25, 40, 50 and 75 centimos, set of eix, unused O 2 6 I Leeward Isle•, !d., ld., 2~d., ,d., 6d., 7d. a.nd 1/-, set of seven, unused O 4 0 • Prince Edward Islands, 2, 3 & 4 ponce, 1, 2, 4, 6 & 12cts, set of eight, unused O 2 6 I • Falkland Islands, no we.terme.rk, 6d. e.nd 1/-, CA sideways ld., provisions.I • I ha.lfpenny, upright CA, !d., ld., 2~d., ,d, & 6d., set of nine, unused 0 1 6 I ,r."1- (2:"'> ...? ..... ..r... ~Ht-. ,..,.;;; ~~ ~ -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~·~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- Special Lines lil Unused Stamps, WoYtk the 11.ttentfon of Philatelists who are members of Exchange Societies O'I' wish to p1tt by desirable stamps for aic advance in prices. Per doz. s. d. 1 Newfoundland, 1858, sixpence, la.ke 7 6 !2 ., ,, shilling, lake 15 0 S ,. 1865, six cents, la.ke 4 0 4 ., ,, twelve cents, red •• 8 0 9 ,, ,, twenty-four cent11, blue 15 6 5 ,, 1876, two cents, green •. 1 6 6 ,, 1887, half cent, red 5 '1 ,, ,, one cent, green •• 8 8 ., ,. two cents, vermilion 1 4 10 ,, ,, teu cents, hie.ck •. 6 6 11 ., 1890, three cents, slate 2 0 15 United States, one cent, blue, picture · 8 16 Canada, ho.lf cent, b1ack 5 17 Prince Edward Isle, fourpence, black 2 6 18 ,. threepence, blue 2 0 21 New Brunswick, two cents, orange 2 9 22 ,, five cents, green 2 3 29 Grenada, fourpence, sle.te 5 8 30 ,, sixpence, mauve 7 8 Sl ., eightpence, bistre 10 6 51 Tobago, 2!d. on sixpence, bistre 10 0 61 Barbados, threeponco, head of queen 6 6 65 British Honduras, provisional 1 cent on penny 1 5 ,, per hundred . 10/6 66 ,, ~ 5c. on Sc. on Sd., ma.rone 4 0 71 St. Christopher, §d. on he.If of penny .. 10 6 72 ., one penny on sixpence, green 6 0 75 Tasmania, sixpence, wmk. 6, red violet 12 6 76 11 threepence, porf. 12, ,, 4 0 77 ,, halfpenny, orange .• 1 0 78 ,, fourpence, hist.re , • 5 3 79 ., 2~d. on 9d., blue .• 5 0 80 ,. threepence, platypus type 5 0 101 Gibraltar, twopence, second issue 9 6 102 ., 5 centimos, green , . 9 126 Falkland Isles, one penny. C.A. sidew11oys 6 6 127 ,. ho.If penny, green 9 128 ,. one penny, current 1 4 151 Transvaal, 2~d. on 6d., two types 6 0 153 Natal, halfpenny, green .. 8 154 MauritiuA, one c·ent on two cents, obsolete 1 0 165 Natal, one penny, carmine 1 4 159 Cape of Good Hope, one penny on twopence, bistre 2 0 161 Labuan, two cents, ca.rmina • • . l 3 16!2 ., six cents, green 3 3 163 11 eight cents, purple 4 3 164 ,, ten cents brown 5 3 166 ., twelve cents, blue 6 6 166 ., sixteen cents, grey 8 9 167 ,, forty cents, amber 21 0 168 North Borneo, he.lf cent, rose ~ 169 one cent, orange 8 ......................................_.....,...,..., ... ..,n .............................................................. ~ CATALOGUE ~ OF Any Stam21 not avproi:'-d of and ret?t'l'"ned within four days !IJ-ill be refunded for in full. 8. d. Victoria, one penny, green, Queen on Throne, unused, a bee.uty 12 6 ,, ,, ,, ,, used, very fine 6 6 ,, sixpence, blue ,, ,, ,, fine 1 3 ,, twopence, embfoms, no watermark, fine pa.ir, imperf. 4 6 ., fourpence, ,, impet"_f., vcrt.ico.lly In.id, fine 12 6 ,, ., rose, watermark Ffoe .~killings, good 6 6 ,, sixpence, blP.ck, perf. 12, 110 watermark, very fine 5 6 New South Wales, Sydney View, two pence, plate I, light postme.rk, very fine clear impression 40 0 .. Sydney View, two pence, ple.te II, good 30 0 " ,, ,, ,, the exceedingly " " rn.re vP.riety, cre1:it omitted., e. brillia.nt copv 70 0 Sydney View, twopence, plate III, good copy 30 0 .. " ,, ,, ,, first re-touch, a .. " h1·illiant stamp, beautiful colour. has been torn, but re-joined, not po.tched . 25 O Sydney View, thrao pence, green, perfect but poor in colour 12 6 " ,,.. ,, ,, green, better copy 15 0 " l:i.uree.te heo.d, no we.terme.rk, fine pair .. 16 O ,," " ., ., the error " WALE, brillhmt colour, has been slightly mended 35 0 laureate hea.d stars in corners, error " " W AEES, mai:(nificent sta.mp •. 40 O ,, one penuy, vermilion, wmk. I, good unused copy 15 O " .." diadem head, thr1ie pence, greeu,imperf. very fine 12 6 .. ,, ,, five pence, green, imperI , one " corner torn, but a. sa.tisfe.ctory copy ,, one penny, 1S62 issue, with single lined I wmk., " very fine unused copy 5 6 .. ,, one penny, red. wmk. N.S.W., perf. 12~, 10 . " 12~ by 10, 11 by 12 and 14, !;et of 5, \'Cry fine 2 6 .. ,, two pence, blue, wmk. N.S. \V., perf. 12~, 10, " 12~ by 10, and 11 by 12, set of four, fine 1 6 ,, nine· pence on ten ponce, wmk. N. S. W ., perf. " 11 by 10. unused, unsevored pair 3 6 threo pence, green, wmk.10, hlock of six, unused 5 O ,, " ,, two pence, blue, centennial iAsue, printed on " fiscal paper, fine pa.ir, ,,;hewing l&rge N.S. W. wmk., unused 8 6 New Zealand, two pence, blue, on blue Jlll.per 6 Q wmk. star, m1e penny, orange, unu~cd .. 6 0 " ,, ,, twopence, blne, fine unmied pair 25 0 " ,, ,, threc~1encc, lilac, fine, unused " 12 0 II ,, ~.Z., twopenc11, blue, used pair •. 12 0 ,, ,, ,, fourpence, .rol'le, fine 6 0 ,, no wmk., fourpcmcc, yollow, fine, unui;ed lg 0 Western Anstralia, lst i~sue, Lwopcnco, cut to sho.pe so 0 ,. ,, fourpence ,, ,, unused 5 0 .." ,, .-ixpence ,, ,, very fine 30 0 ,, sixpence, cut sqnn.re, very fine 50 0 " .." ,, ono shilling, cut square, very fine.; 18 6 " 2nd issue, one penny, vertical pn.ir, Yery fine •• 6 0 " " , , fonrrencc, blue, unused ,, 16 0 " " sixrencc, green, unused, cut close 26 0 " " ,, sixpence, green, U!!ed, very fine 18 0 " " ,, twopence, rouletted, mrnRed, fine .• " " 36 0 " " lSl:l!) issue, fourpence, i·cd brown, fine, unused pair 9 0 USED STAMPS On Original Entire Envelopes.
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