Better D ornas and Gardens A RevelleCollege Publication - University of California,San Diego RogerRevelle’s CeremoniesSet BirthdayBash to for PriceCenter Whenscheduling their Spring cLasse.,, CelebrateCollege somestudents have noticed that theia lectureis beingheld in "PC Aud." Founder’s80th That’sright, the Price Center is finally Dr. Roger Revellecelebrates his ready...Well, prettymuch. While eightiethbirthday this year on March7, classeswill be heldthere starting April 4 anda trulygala affair awaits him on the andsome of theservices will be openin plazaon Friday,March 10. Fromnoon April,much of the Centerwill not be to 1 p.m.,all Revelle students, faculty, completeuntil later in thequarter and staff,and distinguished guests are invit- duringthe Summer. ed to comeshare in the revelry.The~" At noonon April17, a "softopening" willbe freecake and ice cream for all is plannedfor the PriceCenter. Tours guests,music by Dr.Revelle’s favorite, willbe givenand a hugeballoon relca~ RaggleTaggle, singing telegrams, and willmark the opening.Far morespec- manysurprises. Prominent guests will tacular,however, will be the ribbon- be on handto congratulateDr. Revell,- cuttingceremony on April21. Students on his manyaccomplishments and dedi. Roger Revelle at last andstaff will be able to sign the Center’, caredservice to thecommunity. year’s birthday party. Guestbook, a studentart projecto~! whicheveryone can leavetheir mark, a timecapsule, and a rafflefor a tripto Eu- rope. The actual ribbon cutting Revelle ceremonyis plannedso thatscissors will be passedout to everyoneto simultane- Talent Show ouslycut the ribbon, signifying that the PriceCenter belongs to everyone;Stu- dents,Staff, Faculty, and visitors alike. 8 p.m.Friday, March 3 The ceremonywill be followedby a re- ceptionwith cake and punch.The fes- RevelleCafeteria tivitieswill go intothe night, as the M~r Delswill give a concertand keep the ex- citementof the day rockinginto the night. Openingfestivities will continue, as on April22 theCenter will host the Fin;t AnnualAS CharityBall. The center wi I alsohost movie premiers in its Dolb/ Stereotheater, and in May willbe the siteof freeconcerts in thecourtyarcL Alsoin Maywill be theopenings of th~ new bookstoreand the new pub,Round The Royal Lichtenstein Circus TablePizza. Performed Monday on the plaza to a packed crowd. The event UniversityCenter Board chair Evan was sponsored by the U.C.~.D. Weisenfeldtalks about his involvement Inside"Contestwinners ,EvanWeisenfeld Office of Religious Affairs. in the planningof the PriceCenter. " Academy AWams Ski Vacation -- v_ Pleasesee page 3. Commentary Perspective Opinion Commentary Per spective Opinion Commentary Perspective Opinion Evan WeisenfeldPlans To Love or Better Dorms and Pickingthe Oscars Blindfolded GardensContest Results Price Center Love Not By AimeeNielsea By Todd Thorsen byBrian Lawonda The openingof thePrke Center this Whatis love?Webster’s Dictionary By KevinT. Kelly Best Actress:A fieldof newc~men, whyI’II pick Contest Springwill be oneof thegreatest events defineslove as "A strongcomplex emo- I usuallylike going to seemovies, but veterans,andperennial nomineet. OeenaDavis (2:1) Firstprize winm~ Gilbert and Chris in thejungle they call home. Their room ofthis year, if notall of UCSD’s Idstory. tionof feelinginspired by something,as I neverseem to getaround to it until MerylStreep makes what must be her FrancesMcDounund (5:1) actuallyhas two themes; the jungle half is filled with hanging plants, jungle posters, For Revellestudent Evan Weisenfeld. a personor quality,causing one to ap- summertime.So when1 wantedto pick fiftiethappearance. I know I’m tired of MichellePfeiffer (I0: I) a fishtank,and a tmpiealbendswead. Separated by a largeboolccase, the second chairof theUniversity Center Board, it weciate,delight in, and crave the posses. who willwin the Oscarsthis year, It her,and A Cry in theDark certainl:, JoanCusack (25:1) ludfis decoratedin modern art. willbe theclimax of histhree-year in- signof theobject and to pleaseor pro- wasn’talways easy. The only big- wasn’ta box officesmash, so I don’t SigourneyWeaver (30:.1) Secondplace room of SteveKmnger and MarkEalbanis is verystrange. Upon volvementwith the project.Plans for motethe welfare of thatobject." nominationmovies that I saw wereBig thinkshe’ll be the pick.Glenn Clos~ entryto theroom through hanging beads, your attention is immediately drawn to the thecenter go backfive years, but Evan What does this mean? Can this and A FishCalled Wanda. Then I won. alsoreturns, this time for Dangerous BestDirector: Dkecto~ rarely get the hangingskull and nets suspended from the ceiling. has beeninstrumental in the project definitionof love be appliedto thecon- dered,do youhave to seethe movies to L/asons.Non-biographical historical creditthey deserve for reallypulling Thirdplace finisher Chau Nguyen sits in hispeaceful room, complete with stereo sincebefore the ~roundbreaking. ceptionsoflove that are held by thestu- know who will win? Of coursenot. filmsrarely do well,so counther out, everythingtogether. Barry Levinson andrefrigerator withplenty of munchies’~o eat while enjoying the ocean view. Now,as AS officerand chair of th.." ibleamounts of timeand dedication. "I dentsof UCSD?To find this out, I Eventhough the winnersare pickedby too.Melanie Oriffith (Working Girl) is may ridethe coattails of successwith UniversityCenter Board, Evan work~ can’t tell you how many timesI’ve askedsome studentshow they would theirpeers, we canall guess who is go. up againstthe same problems that face Ralnman,getting credit for other’s indi- withnine other dedicated students who missedclass because of meetingsand definethe word"love". A few of the. ing to win. You don’thave to know Tom Hanks.The two actresses that will vidualtalents. Alan Parker could do the wereappointed from various student as- thingsthat just had to getdone." responsesI received were "That babe in muchabout something to praiseor ptm be battlingit out for top honors are Jodie samething with Mississippi Burning. sociationsand all five colleges to make But,as in mostthings, all the time and Discovery"and "Thathunk in Chal. it;Just like I’m sure the Ayatollah didn’t Fosterfor The Accusedand Sigoumey CharlesCrichtm could suqxise with A decisionsabout the policies, finances, dedicationpay off whenEvan sees the lenger."Is thislove or lust?According readThe Satanic Verses. I justhope 1 Weaver for Gorillasin the Mist. FishCalled Wanda, but faces opposition andother aspects of thePrice Center. projectcoming together. He is veryex- toWebster, this is love--at least partially. don’tend my writingcareer like Rush- Foster’sunglamourous pomayal inan fromsrious-minded oscar purists. Rela- Evnn’sposition is unique in that he isthe citedabout the list of events scheduled to Lovecan includethe cravingof the die.But anyway,without further ado unglamourousfilm will both help and tivelyunknown (at least to me)Mike Ni- onlyelected member of theboard and, as commemoratethe grandopening next poueasionof an object,but it alsoin- hereare my picksfor the 1989 Academy hurther. Signumey Weaver is the safer chols(Working Girl) might as wellhay. such,acts as the representative fromthe quart~.But most of all,Evan is exci~l clucksthe desire for a personto carefor Awards. bet.Odds are: notbeen nominated at allMartin, Scot. studentbody. Evan tries haxd to keep aboutbringing the collegestogether the personthat he or she craves.Do SigourneyWeaver (3:2) ceseprobably deserves this oscar more communicationsbetween the planningthroughthe Price Center. It promisesto thesestudents care about these people BestActor: Tight competition this year, JodieFoster (3:1) thananyone else for his daring undertak- boardand all of thestudents, via its own be a wonderfulopportunity for Revelle, thatthey lust after?. To this question, I witha varietyof roles.Tom Hanks (Big) GlennClose (10:1) ing(aren’t all of hisfilms daring?) publicationand through student media, whichhas oftenled the Universityin receivedsome responses like "No, not willcertainly not win, because comic ac- MerylStreep (15:1) TheLast Temptation of Christ.He is an to getfeedback and to giveout informa- programmingwith events on the Plaza. really"and others like "Yesh, I’d risk tor’salmost never win. Max VonSydow MelanieGriffith (25:1) academyoutsider, though, and due to the tionon the progress ofthe Center. "Now,"says Evan, "Revelle needs to ex- my lifefor her."The formertype of can’twin becausePelle the Conqueror controversialnature of thepicture, may As Evancomes to theend of histerra pand to do programmingthrough th,~" responsedisgusts me. Somepeople out wasan unknownpicture. Oscar perenni- SupportingActor: Most of theseactor.~ beleft off this year’s "winners list." The as UCBchair this June, he saysit has center."Designed to be thenew hub of thereare about as emotionalas a fish. al GeneHackman (Mississippi Burning) are "Nobodies" to the average surprisesare been a great experience."It has theUniversity, thePrice Center promise~ Thelatter type of responseis a little and EdwardJames Olmos (Standand moviege.er.Kevin Kline is themost not- BarryLeviuson (3:1) preparedmefor all kind of differentjobs to be themuch needed central gathering drastic,but it seems to meetthe criteria Deliver)both starred in high-profile,top- ablein A FishCalled Wanda, but as a MartinScorcese (4:1) andhas taught me a lotabout leadership placeof UCSD,or, as Evan likesto tobe classified aslove. icalpictures, and both deserve Oscars, comicactor will fare poorly in thepol- AlanParker (5:1) and
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