OCTOBER 21, 1968; FIFTY CENTS III India PAGE 21 1,n a methodology study clear up the confusion abo'iraiigsc7ity 968 24 ary creativity alone is not enough for the small agency4 PAGE lomated monitoring of commercials is here,;technica`l%; `blut .. PAGE 26 le first Icrease in early- ening information '.t logramming in a,,`lai> ,he Twin Cities... KSTP NEWS O'CLOCK °' PORT This flexible half-hour is a new communications concept, live and in color, Monday through Friday on Channel 5. Anchored by veteran newsman Bob Ryan, the KSTP NEWS 5 O'CLOCK REPORT presents brief summaries of late news developments but concentrates on coverage in .depth of "special interest" areas: agriculture, arts, law, medicine, religion, science, education and more-the Twin Cities' first regular television coverage of these areas. The entire, award -winning KSTP NEWS staff participates with the specialist in each field reporting in his area. The KSTP NEWS 6, 10 and Midnight REPORTS remain as scheduled. Represented Nationally by Edward Petry & Co. news fl/11151.1Ln 2III I S - ST 1LA 11 ',take it big... tyke ít now.,, make it Pre -Sold in 57 Markets! MAKE THE NOW TV SCENE WITH THOSE SWITCHED ON TUNED IN... 'IN PEOPLE! IT'S THE GROOVIEST- GET WITH IT... dapk 26 swinging action -packed films in COL OR- with proven audience rating grabbers such as- BEACH BLANKET BINGO BEACH PARTY Starring FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO DEBORAH WALLEY Starring BOB CUMMINGS DOROTHY MALONE FRANKIE AVALON HARVEY LEMBECK JOHN ASHLEY JODY McCREA DONNA LOREN ANNETTE FUNICELLO HARVEY LEMBECK JODY McCREA JOHN ASHLEY MARTA KRISTEN LINDA EVANS BOBBI SHAW DON RICKLES Also Starring MOREY AMSTERDAM end EVA SIX and featuring PAUL LINDE DICK DALE and the DEL TONES GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI BIKINI BEACH HYE Starring TOMMY KIRK DEBORAH WALLEY ARON KINCAID Starring FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO MARTHA HARVEY LEMBECK JESSE WHITE CLAUDIA MARTIN HARVEY LEMBECK DON RICKLES JOHN ASHLEY JODY Mc(' NANCY SINATRA Sings OERONIMO'-Special Guest Stars BASIL RATHBONE CANDY JOHNSON LITTLE STEVIE WONDER THE PYRAMIDS and PATSY KELLY PICCOLA PUPA also featuring SUSAN HART and BORIS KARLOFF Special Guest Star KEENAN WYNN HOW TO STUFF A WILD BIKINI MUSCLE BEACH PARTY PALUZY Starring ANNETTE FUNICELLO DWAYNE HICKMAN BRIAN DONLEVY Starring FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO LUCIANA McCREA Featuring DICK DALE BUSTER KEATON BEVERLY ADAMS HARVEY LEMBECK JOHN ASHLEY JOHN ASHLEY DON RICKLES JODY MOREY AMSTEROA JODY McCREA and Guest Star MICKEY ROONEY and the DEL TONES ROCK STEVENS CANDY JOHNSON Introducing LITTLE STEVIE WONDER BUDDY HACKETT as the Rich Business Managr' PAJAMA PARTY SKI PARTY TOMMY KIRK ANNETTE FUNICELLO ELSA LANCHESTER HARVEY LEMBECK Starring Starring FRANKIE AVALON DWAYNE HICKMAN DEBORAH WALLEY JESSIE WHITE JODY McCREA BEN LESSY DONNA SUSAN HART BOBBI SHAW LOREN YVONNE CRAIG Guest Star ROBERT O. LEWIS with JAMES BROWN Guest CANDY JOHNSON Special Stars BUSTER KEATON and DOROTHY LAMOUR AND THE FAMOUS FLAMES LESLEY GORE co-starring ARON KINCAID BOBBI SHAW PATTI CHANDLER MARY HUGHES .American International Television 165 West 46th Street New York, N.Y. 10036 Circle 1. e 7 also know that they can avail e call almost every day. He may oúr. Chicago office. And he's de- and his themselves of the.húge source of .1 ,ne of his stations to -describe termined that. his stations information .gathered from Petry's sales approach. Ormaybe staff are thoroughly,informed. nation-wide operation. unsel another station on . So when he does call, his .stations But if Keith Lewis hasn't called you . Or to provide programming listen..They know.that they'll benefit mation. from this very personal attention yet, maybe yán should call him. Right now. i Lewis is General Manager of and skill of the Chicago. staff.: They The representative is sometimes. the only part: of .your station that., people ever get. to: 'see. Edward Petry Sc Company Kaiser Broadcasting: , n e Big Audiences. WKBS TV reaches more Average TV Households than the VHF independents in St. Louis and Minneapolis (9 AM -Mid, F/M 68 ARB). Big Reach. Larger net weekly circulation than the NBC affiliate in St. Louis, the 11th TV market, or the CBS affiliate in Hartford -New Haven, the 13th TV market (Total Net Weekly Circulation, F/M 68 NSI). WKBS TV is the most viewed independent in Philadelphia and the most viewed UHF station in the nation (Avg TV HH, 9 AM -Mid, F/M 68 ARB)., Big Programming. 85% First Run Color pro- gramming, prime time weeknights. 100% by January! .:. .,: THE .<*tv DONALD O'CONNOR . ,;. SHOW Philadelphia's only Mon -Fri si Prime Time Variety Show. .:;r ..:. ..='. 4 Television Age, October 21, 196W TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES '1/4 in its third big season. SIV THE TEN O'CLOCK NEWS wo Philadelphia's only 10 PM news ... 23 -man staff... largest in Philadelphia for a single news program. - '1:: 1 Plus . THE JOHN GARY o SHOW, NHL FLYERS, HY LIT, DIALING FOR DOLLARS, Big Advertisers. 21 of the top 25 spot advertisers. DERRY MASON. Coming this , Big Facilities. 41/2 acre plant houses full color facilities, January: hi -band Color VTR, latest special effects equipment. PAY CARDS, Big Coverage. Optimum power from 1200' tower at Phila- first run color! "" delphia antenna farm puts Grade B signal into four states. Big with the Big Staff. 114 people ... doing things in a big way. kids too ... .INTSTONES, 9`, ,SUPERMAN CAPTAIN liADELPHIA L._ KAISER FOR PHILADELPHIA TV: Los Angeles Philadelphia Boston Detroit San Francisco Cleveland Radio: Boston San Francisco Cambridge (Audience data are estimates only, subject to qualifications of the source report) (Television Age, October 21, 1968 5 `1";\.'--12".0.0t ti' ¢,rr' ¡ OCTOBER 21, 1968 Television Age 21 THE ERA OF CONFUSION There's plenty o/ dissatisfaction with rating methods but no clear-cut answers. 24 NOT BY CREATIVITY ALONE Even a small shop like Scali, McCabe, Slaves must have a s' yet,/ IS I balanced blend o/ marketing strengths, this 17 -month -old agency feels. Then join the experts - %s . the informed is M+i professionals on ss 26 WILL ELECTRONIC MONITORING SCORE? Wall Street and in the Conunercials monitoring may graduate from its current financial communitywho manual sampling status to an electronic system with 100% read and rely on The .Magazine Of coverage-and then again it may not. Wall Street; Every two weeks, this 60-year -old 28 THE SPECIAL WAY TO ADVERTISE publication offers the latest news and statistics influencing stock Specials give clients merchandising impact, and enable [bent prices and investment policy .. to be heard above the `clutter' of short commercials, says a analyses of issues with special media director. attraction for growth potential - generous income yields. SECOND-QUARTER SPOT NEWCOMERS Special studies include stock split 30 candidates, mergers, newcomers to New -to -spot products and services remain at last year's level, the Big Board, earnings reports, but certain package goods categories decline. new scientific and technological dis- coveries, GNP, consumer buying, capital spending ... probing behind the figures to give you expert in- terpretation. DEPARTMENTS 1'h eV ELECTRONICS Controls A. 10 Publisher's Letter 32 Film/Tape Report Computers Communications Company Report to the readers Round -up of news profiles Market trends 12 Letters to the Editor 40 Wall St. Report . " Charts and -= tables The customers always write The financial picture Special columns on Washington, 15 Tele -scope 41 Spot Report Taxes, Specula- What's behind the scenes Digest of national activity tion, Inquiries. it 17 Business Barometer 43 One Buyer's Opinion Measuring the trends The other side of the coin The Magazine of wail 19 Newsfront 63 In the Picture street The way it happened A man in the news 120 Wall Street New York, N. Y. 10005 31 Viewpoints 64 In Camera I enclose $25 for one-year subscrip- A no -holds -barred column The lighter side tion. Name Address Televis'on Age i:, published every oilier Monday 1iy the Television Editorial Cori Publication Office: 34 N. Crystal St., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Address mail to editorial, advet City State Zip tising and circulation offices: 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Rockefeller Center, New York N. Y. 10020. PL 7-8400. Controlled circulation postage paid at New York, N. Y. 6 Television Age, October 21, 1961' Television Age '0L. XVI No. 6 Editor and Publisher S. J. Paul Editorial ;ditorial Director: Alfred J. Jaffe fanaging Editor: Bill McGuire tenior Editor: Ed Dowling Itssociate Editor: Paul Guthrie 'inancial Editor: A. N. Burke Vashington Correspondent: Jay Lewis ?ditorial Assistant: Sue Bricker `41/111//' Advertising ldvertising Director: Norman Berkowitz :astern Sales: Marguerite Blaise How many hats do you wear as a promotion man? Lee Sheridan Sales Service Director: If you're like most broadcast promoters, you are a production the a publicist, an advertising tycoon, specialist, a researcher, a merchandising expert, Production Director: Fred Lounsbury an innovator of sales tools, a public relations Circulation Director: Evan Phoutrides many man, an exploiter, as well as the guy who gets to 'Business Office: Miriam Silverman answer all the mail nobody else in the station worlds wants. BPA's 13th Annual Seminar in Miami Beach will Branch Offices cover...THE MANY WORLDS OF PROMOTION Midwest of ... with top people in all these fields... prominent to help you become more Paul Blakemore, Jr. guest speakers...all proficient in your job. 6044 N. Waterbury Road promotion Des Moines, Iowa 515.277.2660 Go south, young man, to the Big BPA Seminar! It convenes at the DEAUVILLE HOTEL, MIAMI South BEACH, FLORIDA, November 17th through 20th, 1968. Herbert Martin Box 3233A For the full story contact BPA. Birmingham, Ala. 35205 NON-MEMBERS: Come join us. Registration 205.322.6528 fee applies to your membership dues! United Kingdom F.
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