Sisters, OR Copyright © 2005 by Lois Chan (All rights reserved) Unless otherwise stated all scriptures are taken from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV) copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. All rights reserved.. Used by permission. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Emmanuel’s poetry reproduced by permission of the publisher: Thank you, Emmanuel’s Book, Rodegast, Pat and Judith Stanton, comp.. New York: Dr. Edward Martin, Dr. David Meyer, and Dr. Howard Some Friends of Emmanuel, 1985. (Permission from Random House, Inc.) Eyrich, for advice and guidance Published by Thank you, Miss Julie VanLoan and Mr. Timothy Chan, for editorial help Sisters, Oregon www.vmipublishers.com Thank you, Lord, SBN: 1-933204-06-0 for a supportive family ISBN 13: 978-1-933204-06-2 Library of Congress Control Number: 2005931336 Author Contact: www.chinesechristiandiscernment.net TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 7 Chapter One WHAT ELSE is BEING TAUGHT 9 IN the CHURCH? Integration of Psychology and the Bible Looking from a New Angle Chapter Two WHAT is CHANNELING? 23 New Age Channeling Phenomena Different Viewpoints True Identity Channeling and Psychology Chapter Three CHANNELD THEOLOGY 45 Pantheism and Monism Reincarnation and Karma Sin and Guilt Salvation and Judgment Chapter Four CHANNELED METAPHYSICS 69 Meditation Mind Over Matter Psychic Phenomena and Divination Chapter Five CHANNELED PSYCHOLOGY 93 Childhood Influence Consciousness Other Topics Chapter Six CHANNELED PHILOSOPHY of LIFE 117 PREFACE Self-love and Self-esteem Autonomy I am fully aware that one of the latest trends in the church Relativism is to integrate psychology with the Bible. The force behind Moral Issues this integration is not minor, although I believe that few Christians are aware of the controversy. I anticipate questions Chapter Seven OTHER CHANNELED TOPICS 143 concerning why I chose to write a critique on integration. Why did I choose to step out of line with most of the other 155 Chapter Eight WHO IS the REAL AUTHOR? Christian writers? Am I looking for shock value? Am I Is There a Common Author? worried about offending others? Am I fighting Goliath? Who is the Real Author of All Years ago, in order to help a sister with an occult prob- the Channeled Teachings? lem, I read a number of books on occults and the New Age. Who is the Real Author of the That was the first time I learned about consciousness-alter- Channeled Teachings that ing techniques as well as New Age thinking and philosophy. are Taught by Both Spirits Later, I was astounded to find a Christian psychologist and Psychologists? who used New Age techniques in therapy. I began to realize, Is There a Copycat? Who is the Copycat? as some of the Christian New Age researchers have pointed Conclusion out, that psychology is merging with the New Age movement. These researchers are not exaggerating for the purpose of Chapter Nine WHAT ARE the IMPLICATIONS? 177 attracting attention because this is a very real problem. Is Integration Successful? Subsequently, the Lord gave me an opportunity to write Is Integration Desirable? a series on the New Age movement for a Chinese Christian Commonly Heard Justification magazine. Because of the need to do in-depth research, I for Integration read a few channeled publications, which left me feeling Urgent Call for All Christians – dumbfounded and horrified because I found that demons Sola Scriptura teach not only metaphysics but also popular psychology. When it came time to decide on my dissertation research APPENDIX 193 topic, I had no hesitation. I wanted to see the degree to How Much Do Their Teachings which channeled teaching exists in both secular and Have in Common? Christian psychology. I discovered that most aspects of New Age channeled teaching can be found in secular psychology and over half of them are in Christian psychology. 7 LOIS CHAN Biblical interpretation and personal opinion do not merely constitute the controversy of integration; instead, the problem goes much deeper. For example, self-love and self- esteem are topics that arouse argument. Some say that the Bible teaches self-denial and not self-love, others manage to find biblical support to teach a moderate view, and a few go all the way to declare low self-esteem a sin. Who has the cor- Chapter One rect biblical interpretation? We do not need tedious exeget- ical work to decide because the discovery presented in this WHAT ELSE is BEING TAUGHT book–that demons teach both self-love and self- esteem–should help settle the debate forever. IN the CHURCH? Should we integrate messages and teachings from ungodly spirits into our counseling system and consequently have them In April 1997, Hong Kong made international headlines taught in the church? The answer is a definitive NO. I am not because of the newly discovered avian-to-human transmis- satisfied with simply having my research approved and earning sion of bird flu and its new strain of the virus – H5N1. In a Ph.D. degree. I see this paper as an urgent message for all the beginning, 4,000 chickens were sick, and health officials Christians, and I sincerely believe that my brothers and sisters found eighteen cases of bird flu that resulted in six deaths. will be concerned about the issues I address. Nevertheless, by the end of that year, about 1.5 million The Lord moved me, and I dared not remain a “mute dog” chickens were put to death. Health officials in Hong Kong as (Isa. 56:10). I converted a huge stack of research reports into well as neighboring places were put on high alert.1 this book so that I could appeal to the church to consider this Truckloads of chickens were destroyed. Many workers information and to act accordingly. killed and buried these poor, innocent chickens. Many more workers sanitized chicken farms and chicken markets. — Lois Chan Hong Kong residences went without chicken for dinner! Bay Area, California, 2005 Some may criticize this as overreaction. Not ALL chickens were sick, they complained. What a waste! Don’t you know how to tell the difference between a healthy chicken and a sick one? Why can’t you keep the healthy ones and destroy only those sick ones? By February 1998, bird flu was under control, and Hong Kong residents were again enjoying chicken for dinner. However, the incident was not forgotten. Hong Kong and many neighboring communities devised plans to prevent its 8 9 LOIS CHAN UNHOLY ALLIANCE recurrence. Certainly, if there is a possibility for a plague to In fact, I found that most of the New Age channeled break out, we will do anything to stop it. (demonic) teachings appear in secular psychology, and I am quite sure you won’t complain like this. In fact, you over half of them appear in Christian psychology. will agree with the above actions and you consider these Wow! Do you have any way to substantiate your statement? actions to be justified and wise because we are concerned I am sure you will ask. Please be patient with me for a while. about the food we eat. We demand nothing less than 100 Let us first go back to the question about what else besides percent wholesome food on our plates because we do not the Bible is currently being taught from our pulpits. want to be anything less than perfectly healthy. No one can deny that psychology is now in the church When it comes to our spiritual food however, we do and heard from the pulpit. Many Christians consider the not demand that it be 100 percent wholesome! Have you terms “psychology” and “counseling” to be synonymous. ever seen a Christian organization or person who demands Some even think of psychology as part of the Christian faith. all teachings from pulpits to be 100 percent biblical? No, Most seminaries are teaching both theology and psychology. there is no spiritual Food and Drug Administration. Many psychological theories are found in otherwise biblical Occasionally, individual Christians make non-biblical sermons. The same pattern can be seen in Christian writ- teachings an issue, but they are usually criticized as ings. Christian bookstores now sell entirely psychologically extremists. Witch hunting! They are throwing away the oriented books or spiritual books with various degrees of baby with the bath water! These people are reviled as old- psychology built in to them. fashioned, narrow-minded, argumentative, intolerant, As a commonly accepted way and without any justifica- unloving, quarrelsome, and divisive. tion, the Bible is left for theological discussions only. In daily However, is it possible to contaminate spiritual food matters, such as marriage and child rearing, psychology is with the spiritual H5N1 virus from our pulpits? The respected as the authority. We follow the teachings of answer is yes. We have invited something else to be taught Christian psychologist Dr. So-and-so instead of the Bible. from the pulpit besides the 100 percent wholesome Bible. The acceptance of secular psychology in the church is We need to be concerned about these foreign teachings. If called “integration.” your pastor invites a guest from another church or another On the other hand, many Christians have spoken out Christian organization, you may not be too concerned. If against integration, especially those in the more conserva- half a demon is invited to teach from your church pulpit, tive churches and institutions. For example, Dr. William will you protest? You say, Ridiculous! That is impossible! Kilpatrick, a Boston College professor with a graduate You are correct. No one will invite a demon to teach on the degree in counseling psychology and the author of several church pulpit, and there is no such thing as half a demon.
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