Stanford Hall provided a coat pickup service for those who could not get their garments out of the check room at the Hurricane party Friday night. See page 3. [photo by Bob Gill] McKenna to present CLC proposal by Rob Powers dure which the vice-president for has been very cooperative with the October. campus and the problems of off- Staff Reporter Student Affairs must follow relative Council and has been following this McKenna and other student campus students. Two of to legislation from the CLC. procedure, it is necessary that the leaders will meet with the Student McKenna’s suggestions to allevi­ A proposal to clarify the purpose According to the proposal, the VP proposal be passed, “so that it is Affairs Committee of the Board of ate overcrowding on campus are of the Campus Life Council (CLC) for Student Affairs must either act clear in the future that we have (the Trustees next Thursday to report the immediate construction of a and to define the process which the upon or veto any CLC proposal. In Administration’s) accountability.” on housing problems, the CLC residence hall to accomodate 300 Administration must follow in deal­ the event of a veto, he must state to Van Wolvlear stated last week proposal, and student life. The women, and the conversion of ing with CLC proposals will be the Council the reasons for his that he approves of the proposal. ten-member committee will pre­ Brownson and St. Joseph’s Halls presented tonight to the CLC. negative decision. The decision He said that it would probably be sent these reports to the entire into undergraduate residences. “1 thought that the only way may then be appealed to the approved by the board if put up for board at its biannual meeting At its last meeting on May 12, these changes could be made was Provost, and if necessary, to the a vote, since it is the same Friday. Van Wolvlear is an the Board voted to gradually in­ through the Board,” Andy President of the University. procedure outlined in the Student ex-officio member of the com­ crease the number of undergradu­ McKenna, Student Body president, Under the proposal, the Consti­ Life Council’s (SLC) Constitution, mittee. ate women while gradually increas­ said. “But after speaking with tution of the CLC would state that which the Board approved in 1977. McKenna said he will remind the ing undergraduate enrollment, and some of the Trustees, I saw it could the purpose of the CLC is to The CLC replaced the SLC last committe of the overcrowding on [continued on page 5] be accomplished within the Council “ establish through legislation rules itself.” However, McKenna added governing student life.” that the proposal, if passed tonight McKenna is drafting a set of by the CLC, will be brought before bylaws to this procedure. the board for full discussion on McKenna said last week that Friday. while Fr. John Van Wolvlear, Kennedy urges The proposal defines the proce­ University VP for Student Affairs, NEW YORK [AP] - Sen. Edward legislation. determine which court handles the M. Kennedy yesterday urged that Kennedy said juvenile courts case. juveniles who commit violent have failed to rehabilitate violent “Age cannot justify treating the crimes should be treated as adults boys and girls. 17-year-old rapist or murderer and sentenced to “significant “The idea of independent juven­ differently from his adult counter­ punishment.” ile courts...has backfired. There part,” Kennedy said. “The poor, In a speech to 2,000 law enforce­ has been a notorious lack of the black, the elderly - those most ment officials at the convention of rehabilitation. The violent juvenile often victimized by crime - do not the International Association of is often let off with a slap on the make such distinctions. Nor should Chiefs of Police, the Massachusetts the courts.” Democrat for the first time endors­ ‘slap on the wrist’ Like adults, violent juveniles ed recent movements to try juven­ should be fingerprinted and their iles accused of violent crimes in wrist,” he asserted. Instead, he criminal records should be avail­ adult courts rather than in the more said, “some significant punish­ able to judges at the time of protective atmosphere of juvenile ment should be imposed on the sentencing, Kennedy urged. courts. young offender who commits a Most states now provide that Criminal justice specialists con­ violent crime. This should trans­ defendants under 18 must be tried sidered Kennedy’s relatively hard late into jail in a special juvenile in juvenile courts where the pro­ line approach as significant facility for the most serious violent ceedings often are closed and the because of his liberal political offender.” records kept sealed. That system record and because he takes over Urging that such youths should was devised several decades ago in next year as chairman of the Senate be tried in adult courts, Kennedy an effort to protect teen-agers from Judiciary Committee which said the nature of crime, rather the harshness of a full-fledged handles most federal anti-crime than the defendant’s age, should trial. Liberals vs. Conservatives Activists wrestle taxes California voters on June 6 in what burden on taxpayers in “ Taxachus- WASHINGTON [AP] - Liberal many saw as the beginning of a sets” - so dubbed because its tax activists, facing a heavy sched­ taxpayers’ revolt. Conservativesproperty tax rates are among the ule of Proposition 13-style initia­ around the country have attempted highest in the nation - earned the tives and referenda on Election Day since then to adopt the issue as most attention at the weekend next month, are vowing to wrestle their own. meeting. That is because it has the the tax issue from conservatives. “Tax cutting is not tax reform,” backing of liberal labor and com­ Their battle cry is a call for “tax says Byron Dorgan, the North munity groups - the same groups justice,” essentially an increase in Dakota tax commissioner. “Tax that opposed Proposition 13 in corporate tax collections and a limitation has nothing to do with California. redistribution of the tax burden tax justice.” The Massachusetts initiative from lower-and middle-income Thus, tax observers are anxious­ would authorize the use of differen­ families, where property taxes hit ly awaiting the November votes in a tial tax rates, allowing residential hardest, to wealthier taxpayers. least 10 states where tax relief property tax rates to be set lower A weekend tax conference con­ measures are on the ballot. than commercial rates. vened by the National Conference Proposals range from Proposi­ Michael Ansara, head of a on Alternative State and Local tion 13 look-a likes in Oregon, citizens’ group calling itself Public Policies revealed frustration Idaho and Nevada to measures in Massachusetts Fair Share, said among tax officials faced with Colorado, Arizona and Michigan Saturday that the defeat of Gov. across-the-board tax cuts along the that would impose limits on reven­ Michael Dukakis in last month’s John Malcom directed the Student Union plant sale held in LaFortune lines of California’s Proposition 13. ues or spending. Democratic primary was due to his last week, [photo by Bob Gill] That proposal was approved by An initiative that would ease the lack of concern over the tax issue. 2 the observer Monday, October 9, 1978 N e w s Lectures focus by Cathy Santoro government. Extracurricular functions of the World The Institute for International Institute include sponsoring lec­ The Institute for International Studies, in its present form, is a tures, and providing research and Studies will sponsor three lectures community program supported by travel grants for faculty and stu­ \US officials to attend talksthis week by John C. Campbell, the University. Brinkley said that dents. The Institute has also director of studies for the Council the curricular function of the published 61 books in their 23 year on Foreign Relations. The series EGYPT-High-ranking U.S. officials “will be involved at all times’ organization is to supervise the history and they also keep a is, entitled “The Great Powers and Area Studies Program at Notre in negotiations that begin this week to complete the Egyptian-Israeli reading room with special collec­ the Middle E ast,” will begin Dame. peace treaty outlined in the Camp David summit accords, a State tions at the Library. Tuesday, October 10 at 4 p.m. in Department spokeswoman siad yesterday. Secretary of State Cyrus the Memorial Library Auditorium. R. Vance will open the talks Thursday at an undisclosed location in Campbell served as a region Washington. State Department spoleswoman Kimberly King said PITTSBURGH CLUB specialist for the State Department Vance “ may be called away elsewhere” during the discussions but from 1942 to 1955. As a member of that several “ top American officials ” would take part throughout Fall Break the Council on Foreign Relations since 1955 he has directed research sign-ups: Sunday, Oct. 15 at 4:00 in on American foreign policy relative |Forces break up proteststo the Eastern European and LaFortune Amphitheatre Middle Eastern questions. Professor George Brinkley, Buses io/ll leaue ND/SMC at 5 pm Friday Oct. 20 TEHRAN-Security forces broke up anti-government demonstrations acting director of the Institute for in nine Iranian cities yesterday, a day after a bloody clash between International Studies, judges Buses will return from Pittsburgh Greyhound Terminal soldiers and protesters in the Caspian, Sea city of Bobol reportedly Campbell “a leading authority left one person dead and many other injured. There were no reports on the Middle East.” Campbell is at I pm, Sunday, Oct. 29 of injuries in the demonstrations, most of which involved a few the author of several books and hundred protesters, the Tehran newspaper Ettelaat said.
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