A s b u r y Pa r k d a il y P r e s s . THIRTEENTH YEAR. NO. 230. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1899—EIGHT PAGES. ONE CENT DEWEY TO THE PUBLIC. ANOTHER WEEK TO DECIDE NEW JERSEY f i l l ASSIST. BROTflERSHOOTSBROTHER PHILADELPHIA’S BIG FIRE HIS VIEWS ON GREAT QUES ONE THIRD AMOUNT NEEDED HER PART IN THE DEWEY ACCIDENT OCCURRED WHILE STARTED IN A WAREHOUSE. TIONS OF THE DAI. IS PLRDQED. CELEBRATION. EXAMINING WEAPON. m * LOSS $ 250 , 0 0 0 . W Real Estate SALE. Insurrection Near to Its End—Agntn- Proposal to Keep the Empire Pool First and Fourth RegJtnenrs, First Benjamin Margerum of This City C r u (ner Oh icago R eturns to N ew Y o r k aldo a Figurehead—Phllfplnos Not and Baths Open All AVtnter En­ Troop, Gatling Gun Com pany A, Accidentally Shot by Raymond, and Joins W arships—Arrival Ahead Now Ospable of Self Government. dorsed by Leading Hotel Men. Naval iteservcs and Men Who His Brot her?— Did Not Know He of Tim e—Orange Free State to H elp Insurance Adfniral Does Not W ant Freslden Subscriptions W ill Be Solicited by Served With Third Regiment in Was Hit—Ball Enters Neck and Tran&vaal—Basntos to Assist Eng­ tlal Nom ination. Com m ittee—Aid the Movement. Spanish War to Parade. Lodges in Back. la n d . A twenty-five room The mass meeting held last night In Em­ Now York. S«*pt. 27.—Yesterdny after­ New Jersey will give very generous assist­ Benjamin Margerum, the li year-old son Special Dispatches to The Dally Press. Mortgages pire hall, Cooper building, was not the suc­ of Mr. and. Mjrs. Benjamin H. Margerum, Now York, Wednesday.—A t 9.05 a. m. boarding house in noon, sitting in his on bin on the Olympia, ance to New York in Its celebration got the Admiral Dewey talked freely of his ex­ cess that the friends of tho movement had return of Admiral Dewey. Its geographical residing at the Esther cottage, G07 Bangty the cruiser Olyriipla left Sand Hook, bound North Asbury Park periences in the Philippines, although he hoped. situation is such that unless it shares much avenue,' this city,'was accidentally sfiot in. carefully refrained from expressing deli- It was 8 20 before the mepting was'called of ‘the inspiration of the great occasion about 9.30 o’clock last night. While the Dewey arrived at Tompklnsville later, near the beach. nite views as to the course that ought to to order, owing to the absence of^ M. L. there would be a line of dullness that would wound Is serious it is not considered neces­ and as senior officer practically has charge be pursued iu the prosecution ot the war Bamman, chairman of the board of trade mar the picture and the enthusiasm. As it sarily fi^tal and the patient is progressing of tho squadron. When the Olympia left Easy terms. or as to any matter of administrative or committee, who had sent word that having favorably under the car$ of Dr. John Taylor political policy. When nsked about the is New Jersey will participate in every the lower bay for her present anchorage of this city. Philippine question, he said: beon called to New York on business he phase of the great show and New York will there was a great ovation. Her whole “ 1 shall have to defer auy expression could not be present until later In tho even­ be surprised at the extent o f her prepara­ The wound was Inflicted bv his brother course up through the Narrows was the o f my opinions until I .have reported to ing. tions. Raymond, who Is grief strickci by the sad signal for dipping flags. When Dewey the administration. I shall go 'to Wash­ Captain Jonuthan Minot consented to act The participation is as a guest. The affair. He was examining tho weapon and reached Tompklnsville bedlam was let D. C. CO VERT M ILAN ROSS AGENCY ington on Tuesday of next week and as temporary chatraian, and upon assuming whole military division will not be in line failed to see the cartridge, which was the loose. The entire fleet there fired tho ad­ shall remain there as long as the govern­ the chair spoke briefly on the matter in as It has been on former New York demon­ only one in the weapon. His brother was miral’s salute of 17 guns aud for 20 minutes ment may wish me to stay. hand and called upon W. J. Cooper to more stooping in front of him, tying his shoe­ the air was full of smoke. 2 0 8 M ain Street 2 0 8 Bond Street “ I have never had much to say about strations, when the eventa wore natinoal fully explain the^projeot. string, one' foot resting on a chair, when the Philippines, nnd 1 am not going to and New Jersey participated as part of the Crutser Chicago Joins tho W arships. begin now. The people o f this country, Mr. Cooper BaltNiLwas to devise means Union. the cartridge exploded. Tho lad did not The cruiser Chicago, Admiral Howlson, who have rend the story of the war and for keeping the Empire baths, pool and hull New Jersey claims Admiral Sampson, know, he was hit at first, but followed his arrived at this port this morning. Sho re­ o f the events that have happened in the open the entire year. The approximate ex­ who keeps his penates and lares at Glen brother, who ran screaming from the room. turned from a five months* cruise to Africa, islands during the lust year and a half, pense for the winter would be about $4,000, Ridge. There is now In the governor’s The first he knew of the injury was when St. Helena and the South American coast. know as much about the matter as any one half of which sum it had been proposed vault in Trenton a beautiful bojeweled he felt the blood trickling down his shoul­ The Chicago arrlvod sooner than wjis ex- man aboard ship. I have read every­ should be raised by. the sale of 203 member­ der. Monmouth Trust KEITH’S EXPRESS thing that I could get hold of in connec­ sword which will be New Jersey’s tribute to poctedj Admiral Howison being evidently ship tickets at $10 each. Several neighbors were apprised o f the tion with the war ever since I left M a­ her historical citizen. New Jersey’s con­ unwilling to miss the Dewey celebration. - AND ■ A. R Parsons of the Hotel Brunswick accident and hurried away for doctors. Dr. ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVH nila. A t the time of my departure I nection with Admiral Dewey is her posses­ All ou aboard were well. thought the scheme a good one, but ex­ Taylor was secured and hurried to the thought the insurgents were on their last sion of the only man who thrashed the hero General Heath Dead. pressed himself In favor of the coupon tick­ house. An examination disclosed that the Hotel Brunswick, legs and said so. I did not think they when an impudent Vermont boy In a Mont­ Washington, Wednesday.—General Henry Safe Deposit Company Railroad Depot and could possibly hold out much longer, but ets Instead of the membership tickets. pelier schoolhouse. HttJs Major Z. G. Pang- ball had entered the right side o f his neck* {1214 Banff* Avenue. Heath died hero at 2 o’clock this morning, they have got some supplies, and, be­ George L. Atkins of the Ocean hotel com­ born, identified with state and municipal taking a downward course near the surface, JMonmouth Building, Asburj Park, s . j , PrlBdp&l Offloe 806 M A IN STREET sides, they are good soldiers, and their aged 74. He had beon ill a Jong time. The plimented the Empire Amusement company matters, and.Is a resident of Jersey City. and lodged in the muscles of the back on Goods stored at reasonable rates. powers of endurance are wonderful.” body will be taken to Richmond, Va., for Telephone connection. and explained the sacrifices that any com­ Major Pangborn will fire Jersey City’s the left side. Fortunately It escaped all Superior to Cubans. burial. ] C APITA L, $100,000. P. O. BOX 067, - - - - A SB U B Y P A B X . pany must make which started a movement salute to tbe admiral as he sails up the the vital parts of the body, an injury to As to the capacity of the Filipinos to which would almost undoubtedly prove K illed at Grade Crossing. for winter business. North river on Friday. SURPLUS, $25,000 ' govern themselves, the Admiral said: Altoona, Pa., Wednesday.—Four persons F. B. Conover of the Coleman House en­The New Jersey brigade assigned to do fatal. “ I do not consider that they are as yet were killed at a railroad crossing, accldeut dorsed the coupon ticket method and said Dewey honor is composed of the First and I t was thought unwise to make any at­ capable of self government, but they will here this morning. The bodies were badly Executes all trusts known to the law. be in a little time. They are a very queer anything that would lengthen the season tempt to locate or remove the bullet, and Loans money on bond and mortgage. Fourth regiments, which are located in mangled. Is people. Maiiy o f them are quite civiliz­ would be a great thing for the town.
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