F 1 R * • M Iffi Liiftvk^ Pit* Hi^Kii? Pw»^ ^Ifiisli

F 1 R * • M Iffi Liiftvk^ Pit* Hi^Kii? Pw»^ ^Ifiisli

1 f r * •■ pw»^ m ^Ifiisli iffi 13 LiiftVk^ Pit* Hi^kii? P R G T R 0 p RR & NIGHTCLUB VIENNA'S & VINVL 3 EARS UNPER ONE ROOP Looking for a quiet cocktail to relax after enjoying the days activities? or maybe some 80's music down stairs in our vinyl bar? or maybe you are still full of life and want to party into the wee small hours? Whatever you are looking for we have it covered with 3 great floors Poors open 9pm every night £1.50 Prinks FREE entry with a Mod Programme 20 New Street, Paisley www.viennaspaisley.com or call 0141 887 3691 GHDH ALBA •Mod 2013 air BBC ALBA Diluain 14 Damhair Diciadmlr 16 Damhair Dimairt 15 Damhair Ceol is Comhradh lOf Cuirm na Cloinne lOf Diardaoin 17 Damhair Dihaoine 18 Damhair Farpais an t-seann Nois BEO 7.30f Cuirm Criochnachaidh a’ Mhoid lOf ...agus BBC Radio nan Gaidheal 103.5-105 FM Diluain 14 Damhair Diardaoin 17 Damhair Dimairt 15 Damhair Am Bonn dr beo 9m Cuirm na Cloinne BEO 7.30f Coisirean Duthchail BEO 1.30f Farpais an t-seann Nois BEO 7.30f Dihaoine 18 Damhair Mire ri Moir BEO 10m Farpais Lovat & Tullibardine BEO 1.30f Cuirm Criochnachaidh a’ Mhoid BEO 7.30f www.bbc.co.uk/albawww.bbc.co.uk/iplayer aiteachan I cultar | so ONLY £2 M A G A Z I N E PER ISSUE 12 ISSUES FOR ONLY £24 GREAT REASONS TO SUBSCRIBES*. •PAYJUST £2 arfi^ire|shpp price £2.501 •SAVEon the OVER annuahhop 20%* vilCredit/Def ^ric^ ^ t card • FREE KBme.pe^iy^^^^yp^doSr' 1 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Call: 0800 318 846, Sam-gpm, 7 days (free from UK landlines) Visit: www.scotsmagazine.com and click‘subscribe’ / , Please quote: SMM0D ^L, BONKERS OFFER for £15 SIGN UP TODAY... EB23/subscribe quote: BNMOD O Q f|£ (Free From UK landlines only), Offer ends date: 31 January, 2014. Price quoted for UK delivery only. For r 5 please call +441382 575580. More offers available < Comunn na m * Ci&G A! cstAkAcWi\AW cKafKv'orwAA: AWaa ci\oi^k<u\\rsr\^\ici\Jl; Ao gkrtlorwk^ci\<As; AWaa oigviAW Jim Md(C Naiseanta (RjogfiaiC (Paistig 2013 <FaiCte SHo ‘EaCdsaicf !Nic (DfidmfinaiCC Neach-gairm Comataidh lonadaiC Mdd 2013 - (PdisCig Jls [eth na ComataufH lonadaiCtHa mi todichte faiCte a chur oirSfi a (pfiaisCig. Tfia mdr dHiiiCair a ’ CMdddNdiseanta (RiogfiaiCagus e a ’ tadCaCair sgire ionadaiC Siorrachd(Roinn Triii airson a’ chiaduair. Tha sinne a tha gu cunChaCacC a’ fritheaCadh a’ ‘Mfdida’ coimfeadair adCart gu mdr ri Sfiitf a’ seaCCtainn gur e deagh dite a tU’ann am 6aiCe (phdisCig airson Mod a chumaiC; (e taCCaichean a tHa air-Ceth goireasach; ceangCaichean math cdmhdhaiC agus coimhearsnachd a tha fiaCaidh. Tha (PdisCig air fas gu hhith na dite cuCtaraiC hedthaiC, agus tha e na thoiCeachas mdrdhuinn a hhith a’faicinnpriomhfheis na gdidhdg a’ tighinn don Shade againn. Mura Siodh i an seo cha hhiodh a’ ghdidhdg a’faighinn uidhir de dh’inhhe. Thasinn moitedgu SheiCarcdnan ‘sorduaCchasa’faighinnfoiCCseachadh adhartach is aig drd-ire ann am hade aoigheachd ur don Mhdd Tha ar Comataidh lonadaiC, an cois na huidhnean taic, Cuchd-cuideachaidh is maoineachaidh againn, air a thighinn cdmhCa gus deanamh cinnteachgum Si deagh chuimhne agaiSh airMddT’hdisCig. (Bu mhath (earn taing a thoirt don h-uiCe duine airson an cuidsaothair gus Mod(PhdisCig a thoirt gu SuiC 6 1 Am MdcC Naiseanta OtioghaiC PaisCig 2013 WeCcome from ‘EaCasaid MacOonaCd Convener LocaC Committee Mod 2013 - (Paisley 1 On behalf of the LocaC Organising Committee I am delighted to welcome you to i (Paisley. | Lhe first xnstt of the (Royal National ^Mdd to the local (Renfrewshire area is much I anticipated. Tor those of us who are regular Modgoers we are looking forward to I demonstrating that (paisley is an ideal Mod host town, with fantastic venues, V excellent transport linhs and a welcoming community. (Paisley is an increasingly | vibrant cultural venue, and we are delighted to see gaelic’s premier festival I within our town. Such a focus on gaelic would not have occurred without the | visit. Mle are proud that our language and culture has been given such a large and I positive platform within a new Mdd host area. I Our Local Organising Committee, along with our partner organisations, supporters | and sponsors, have come together to ensure that you all have a great Mdd (Phdislig I experience. I would lihe to thanh^ everyone for all their efforts to male Mod 1. (Phdislig truly memorable. Renfrewshire Council 7 Am Md(f Miseanta ^RjogfiaiC VaisCig 2013 TaiCte 6ho Iain M MacLedid, Ceann-suidhe, A' Chomuinn QhaidheaCaich flig amannan 6idf teagamfan ag eirigh mu Sfith a’ toirt Jim ModNaiseanta (RiogfiaiCgu baiCe aoigheachd iir— am 6i e cfio soirbfeachaitsa 6bios e anns na b- aiteacban dbbaisteacb, am 6i na tadaicbean is ei(e iomcbaidb is msaa? <Bidb (PdisCig iirgu cinnteacb dba mdran de Cucbd-jritbeaCaidb a ’ Mbdid, acb ma 6bios direamban farpaisicb na bdadbna-sa na chombarra airtaic, bidb an HOmb Mddseo na mbor- tbbacbd do Cuchd-tadbad. Mar as trice, bbeir farpaisicb cdirdean, caraidean is Cucbd-taic Ceotba agus gheibh iad uiCefdiCte cbridbeifann am bade aoigbeacbd na bCiadbna-sa. dba am Mod a’ toirt cotbrom do dbaoine oga is aosda an comasan cdnain a cbbeacbdadh, agus aig an aon dm a’ cuideacbadb Ce bbitb a’ brosnacbadb Cuacb ar cdnain ‘s ar cuCtair. dba sinn a’ curfdiCte air anfbds a tb’ann amfogbCam tro mbeadban na (JbidbCig a tba a’nochdadbgu sdnraicbte anns na badtean mdra am meadban na b-Jlfba agus anns na sgirean mun timcbeaCC. Teumaidb saogbaC na (Jdidbfig nos motba na bba iad a-riamb beacbdacbadb air mar a bbeirear taic do db'fbds direamban odeanacb taobb a-muigb nan sedmraicbean-sgoiCe, Ce tuiCCeadb sbeirbbeisean tbar-cburraiceaCaim agus Ceasacbaidbean coimbearsnacbd, gus na sgdean cdnain aig sgoiCearan a neartacbadb. (Jeda tba mdran fbatbast ri dbeanamb gus TdMCj a Ceudacbadb aig ire drd-sgoiCe, feumaidb sinn cuideacbd coimbead nos fbarsainge na TdMg anns an t-saogbaCursdiseaCta a tb’againn a tba cbo eadar- dbeaCaicbte ris na coimbearsnacbdan (JdidbCig anns an deacb mdran againn a tbogad dba miair-Cetb taingeiCdo sgioba a’ Cbomuinn, Ce taic bbo cbo-obraicbean ann am buidbnean com-pdirteacbaidb agus mdran de Cucbd-taic saor-tboikacb, a bbios a’ tigbinn cdmbCa a b-uiCe bCiadbna gus coinneacbadb ris nan dubbCannan a tba an cois tacbartas den ire seo. dba Comataidb lonadaiC (PbdisCig air a bbitb a’ stri gun fois gus uCCacbadb a dbeanamb airson Mod na bCiadbna-sa, agus tba mi cinnteacb gum bi an cuidsaotbair soirbbeacbaiC. dding mbdr cuideacbd, aig dm dbuiCicb san eaconomaidb, do na buidbnean-taic pobCacb is maCairteacb, oir as an aonais cba b’urrainn dbuinn an tacbartas seo a cburair cbois. dba mi’n ddcbasgum bi urturasgu ModJCdiseanta RiogbaiCna bCiadbna-sa, anns an dite ur seo, tCacbdmbor is misneacbaiC dbuibb. 8 Am Md(f Naiseanta ^ogfiaiC (Paistig 2013 WeCcome from JoHn M MacCeod, (President, An Comunn (jdidheaCach (Bringing the (RpyaC National Mod to a new hosting town is sometimes fishy - wiCC it he as successful as in its regular resorts, will the venues he suitable etc? Paisley will certainly he new to many Mod visitors, hut if the number of competition entries this year is an indication of support, this llff1* Mdd will he high on the popularity lists. Competitors invariably bring relatives, friends and supporters with them and they will all receive a warm welcome in this year’s host town. ‘The Mod provides an opportunity for young and old to use their language abilities, and at the same time helps to promote the value of our language and culture. ‘We welcome the growth of Cjaelic-medium education which is particularly prominent in and around the populated city areas of Scotland’s central belt. ‘The Qaelic world more than ever needs to consider how to support the growth in student numbers outwith the classroom, with more extracurricular services and community development, to strengthen the language shills of these pupils. ‘While much still needs to be done to extend CjMT to JTigh School level, we also need to loof beyond CjMT in the new social world that is so different to the original Gaelic communities in which many of us were brought up. I am grateful to our hard-worfing staff, their colleagues from partnership organisations and the numerous volunteers who come together each year to meet the challenges of this huge event. ‘The Local Organising Committee in Paisley has been tirelessly preparing the ground for the arrival of this year’s Mod, and I am sure their efforts will be rewarded. My thanks also go, through these continuing economic difficulties, to our public and commercial sponsors without whose continuing support an event of this size and complexity could not go ahead. May your attendance at this year’s Pgya! National Mod at its latest venue be an enjoyable and an inspirational or ~ 9 -■ Jim MdcC Naiseanta (RjogdaiC Vais tig 2013 TiosrachadH cudromach dha TarpaisicH Pail air Farpaiseach Ma thachras gum bi dail air farpaiseach arm a bhith a’ faighinn gu farpais sam bith aig an am iomchaidh, feumaidh e/i fios a chur chun Ard-stiubhard no aon den luchd-taic aige/aice ann an aite na farpais gus am faighear fios mun dail gu Cathraiche na farpais. Stiiiireadh dha Farpaisich Chan fhaod farpaisich leabhar, lamh-sgriobhainn, no leth-bhreac de cheol a chleachdadh ann am farpais, ach a-mhain ann am farpaisean ionnstramaid ciuil. Bileagan Breithneachaidh Gheibhear bileagan breithneachaidh airson gach farpais ann an Talla Bhaile Phaislig Disathairne 12n,h Damhair agus eadar Diluain 14mh's Dihaoine 18mhDamhair Nota: Bu choir farspaisich feitheamh co-dhiu 2 uair a-thide as deidh crioch farpais mus tog iad bileagan breithneachaidh aig an deasc.

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