]aU Days Today, Totnorrow, Saturday Sale Days THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County 21 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1956 Every Thursday 36 Ptget—5 Cent* >nten Preaching Series Doctors, Board Of Health Set Up \o Begin February 16 torch Council Library Offers Separate Polio Vaccine Clinics Income Tax Book Polio Clinics At a Glance ^ill Sponsor Six "YourTederal Income Tax, Society Issues Health Board 1955," a booklet prepared by the Internal Revenue Bureau BOARD OF HEALTH Feekly Services of the Treasury Department, Explanation Of Sets Wednesday has bacn received from the February 8. For eligible children, regardless of ability Isit outstanding American cler to pay, at Pine Room, Municipal Building, beginning at Superintendent of Documents 9 a.m. linen will participate in the Len- and has been placed on sale Doctors' Stand For Inoculations »preaching series, sponsored by for 25 cents a copy in the MEDICAL SOCIETY e Westfield Council of Churches, Westfield Memorial Library, A statement of the doctors' view- Two clinics for the injection of • wla announced today by R. G. point on the free clinic proposal Shirley Louise Wright, libra- February 20. (tentative date, exact date to be an- the Salk polio vaccine will be held len, president. The first of the rian, announced today. for Westfield was issued today oy here, it was learned today, when I of six services will be held the Westfield Medical Society as nounced later). For eligible children whose parents are un- able to pay, at Well Baby Station at the YMCA. the Board of Health announced Lb 16 8 p.m., in the Presbyter- follows: the date of Feb. 8 for its free t church of Westfield. The Rev. The administration of polio- clinic, open to all eligible and the L Gordon K.Michalson, minister Complete Plans myelitis vaccine in mass free clin- Westfield Medical Society set Feb. * the First Methodist Church, will ics, in Westfield as in all other Physicians' Clinic For Salk Shots 20 as the tentative date for a free eside assisted by the Rev, For Prayer Day communities, rests squarely on one clinic for those unable to pay, at «e V. Gardner, associate min problem: Whether under our pres- the Well Baby Station. The board's ,'er of the host church. The ser- ent democracy any government To Be Held Monday, February 20 clinic will use vaccine furnished j'ces will continue on successive Dr. Morong To „ . ' — Wextlield SIUIIIOH can, without due process of law by the state from federal govern- Jhursday evenings in various Mayor H. Emerson Thom«» htlpi Gcorf* La|«rfr«n In h«lp and in the absence of emergency, The Westfield Medical Society announced today that the Society's ment purchases. The doctors will Inctuaries of churches cooperat Speak at Service othert with an early contribution to tht Ctrabral PalljT fund- step in and expropriate private clinic for injection of the Salk polio vaccine to eligible children of use their own supply, purchased L with the Westneld Council of property, regardless of its nature. parents who are unable to pay for such treatment, will be held at from reg'ilar sources. Pwrches. raiilng drive, Feb. 5-13. GaoraVt paliiad condition hai improved the Well Baby Station in the YMCA, Feb. 20. Dr. Daniel C. Hackett, Plans for Westfield's observance •o that he no longer needi the leg bracei that he wore for yean. Laws must be based on reason and The announcements followed * six clergymen who wil of World Day of Prayer Friday, fact. It is the clash of these with president of the Society, said that this is an annost certain date, but (Story on page 26) will be confirmed definitely later as will details of the program. The dispute between the two groups as jieak at the .services are: Dr. Feb. 17 are being finalized, ac political expediency and emotional to the use of free clinics, open to klph W. Sockman, Dr. Boynton cording to Mrs. J. C. Brownell, unrealism that has precipitated clinic was suggested to the Board of Health Mo'nday and is contained D E ton in a statement by the Society explaining its stand on the question, all eligible children, regardless of ferrllli Dr. > ' Trueblood, chairman of the committee for the Group to Take Mothers' March On the problem in our town. You, as the ability of their parents to pay. llr, Harry V. Richardson, Cajion day. The day will be observed not a citizen, are entitled to a detailed which appears in another column Polio Nets $9,748 of today's issue. Dr. Hackett said The doctors objected that this sys- lowurd A. Johnson and Dr. Rob- only by the service in the First analysis of how this situation tem is In principle morally wrong J. McCracken. Churches at Methodist Church at 1:30 p.m., School Census arose. Here are the fa eta. that the society's program will in- Volunteers collected $9,748.58 in clude at least two shots of the vac- and the board stated that it was Ihich these services will be held but also by continuous prayer in The Background obligated to use every means on fcclude the Presbyterian, St the church from sunrise to sunset. the "Mothers' March on Polio With the advent of a seemingl cine for those who receive the first held in Westfield Tuesday night, at its clinic. hand to assure protection. When i Episcopal, First Congrega- The service, as prepared by the PTA Qominitteeg safe and potent polio vaccine, fiel members of the Medical Society re- Mrs. Irene T. Griffin, general trials were held in the spring of , First baptist and first Cook Christian Training School To Begin Feb. 15 chairman, announced today. The Tuesday, the Board of Health fused to participate in the entire* idiat. for Indian American leaders at 1954 in various states. In New wrote Dr. Hackett that it "will be ly free plan, the board said It match was under the direction o Jersey five counties were used. Dr. Sockman, minister of Christ Phoenix, Ariz., is based on the Mrs. Charles P. Eddy Jr. very glad to co-operate," but that would conduct the clinic with out theme "One Flock, One Shepherd" A town-wide school census will These shots were given by phys "it would hope that most such fam- Ihurch, New York, who will inau- be conducted beginning Feb. 15 Since there are certain areas not of town doctors, if necessary. ite the series this year, was expressed in their poetic prayers. cians all over the country by thi ilies will be accommodated at the The Medical Society's plan for "The responses are memorable, by the growth studies and summer tabulated as yet, this is not a com- hundreds of thousands withoui board's clinic on Feb. 8." In i [ailed the "Dean of the American roundup sub-committees of the plete figure, Mrs. Griffin noted. She final paragraph of its letter, thi a clinic at the Well Baby Station otestant Pulpit" at the Duke particularly one based on the Bib- charge. Sixty-seven per cent ol was ottered as a solutiofl to the lical and Indian American versions Westneld PTA Council educational announced that persons still wish- eligible grade two children re- board wrote, "It may well be that jJrtivtrjHy commencement in facilities committee. The census is ing to contribute may do so by the Medical Society will wish to disagreement Monday. On Tues- . He is the chaplain of New of the shepherd's psalm," Mrs. ceived shots in New Jersey. But day the board notified the doctors Brownell said. expected to be completed Mar. 3. mailing their donations to Albert it is not enough to give shots— consider devoting some portion of I'ork Vniwsity and is director of M. Lamberton, First Federal Sav- their privately held vaccine to the that "it appreciated the signif- )he Hill of Fame on the campus Plans for the survey were made the results must be carefully eva' icance and generosity of your of- Mrs. Walter Day, president of at a joint meeting of the groups ings and Loan Association. uated. This takes time. Pleasi needs of the children in the Chil- re. His voice has ministered to the' Council of United Church dren's Country Home." In reply fer . and will be very glad to pie throughout this country Monday night at the Board of The coin cannisters which were understand this fact: This vaccini co-operate." However, it also pro- Women of. Westfield 'and vicinity, Education building. distributed by the American Le- used for these field trials was pur to this', Dr. Hackett said: "The lid Cinadi through the national will open the service with the "Call chased by the National Polio Foun medical staff of the home requested ceeded with plans for the free i pulpit which is the largest Mrs. George H. Haslam, chair- gion throughout the stores will be vaccine from the Westfield Board clinic. : to Prayer" and will, introduce the dation with money we all gave. „ MUnvbfoadcasf in the world. speaker? DiVCaiWll Oscar Mor- man of the educational fauilitici collected thi^ week. The. t'ticmu for of Health for free inoculation of The Board of Health's clinic will, \ft is tin the author of several committee, presided and intro these and trie special gifts will be The immediate situation brough be held next Wednesday in the ong, headmaster of the Peddie vaccine manufacturers face to faci the children now at the Children's School, Hightstown. • Also partici- duced H. D.
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