SE/02/01110/FUL Dated as valid 13th May 2002. APPLICANT: Honeygrove Properties (Swaylands) Ltd. AGENT: Barrett Lloyd Davis Associates, 535 Kings Road, London SW10 0SZ. PROPOSAL: Alterations, extension and conversion to residential use comprising Swaylands main building 22 units, stables 6 units, 2 no. apartment buildings of total 20 units erection of 1 no. dwelling, extension to Dairy Cottage, erection of garage blocks, demolition of outbuildings, restoration of landscape and installation of sewage treatment plant. (Re-submission of application SE/00/2718) in accordance with plan schedule (to be specified). LOCATION: Swaylands School, Penshurst Road, PENSHURST, Tonbridge. WARD: PENSHURST This application is duplicated by a submission to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TW/02/01006). INTRODUCTION - Honeygrove Properties have submitted revised duplicate planning applications (following refusal in March 2002 of earlier proposals) to Sevenoaks District Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council for a scheme to convert and restore the principle buildings incorporating enabling development within the grounds of „Swaylands‟ estate, near Penshurst. „Swaylands‟ is a substantial Grade II Listed Building that has been vacant for the past 6 years and is deteriorating in condition. It stands within an extensive estate, most of which is a Grade II Historic park and Garden. - The key elements of building works in the revised application comprise: A) restoration, conversion and limited extension of the main building to provide 22 residential apartments; B) restoration, conversion and limited extension of the stable block to provide six residential apartments; C) a new building comprising ten residential apartments to the north-west of the main building; D) a new building comprising ten residential apartments to the south-east of the main building; 1 SE/02/01110/FUL Cont E) one new large detached house to the south of the main building and to the west of the larger of two former lakes close to the Devey Boathouse; F) extension and alterations to Dairy Cottage to provide one enlarged dwelling, with a range of ancillary outbuildings formed from the conversion of Farmery buildings; G) erection of a number of garage courtyards within the north-eastern frontage belt. - The existing lodge building by the entrance is proposed to become the site manager‟s dwelling, resulting in an overall total of 51 residential units. - The new build elements conflict with the established planning restraint policies but would „enable‟ the Listed Buildings and the registered park and garden to be restored and brought back into use. - The application site straddles the boundary between Sevenoaks District Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, hence the submission of the same proposals to each authority. The majority of the site, including the main Listed Building, lies within Sevenoaks District‟s area. The front portion of the site, close to Penshurst Road, including the stable block, lies within the area covered by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. - Each authority is required to reach its own decision on those elements of the proposals, which lie within their control. - Sevenoaks District Council will consider the acceptability of items A, C(part), D, E, F and G (part), together with the proposals for the restoration and future management of that part of the Listed historic park and garden that lies within their area. - Tunbridge Wells B.C. will consider the acceptability of items B, C(part) and G(part), the proposed highway/access arrangements, and the proposals for the restoration and future management of that part of the Listed historic park and garden that lies within their area. 2 SE/02/01110/FUL Cont ITEM FOR DECISION This application is being reported to the Development Control Committee in view of both the scale and nature of the proposals. RECOMMENDATION: Subject to: 1) the receipt of no further representations raising new issues of substance, inclusive of the views of the Garden History Society, following expiry of the advertisement/notification periods; 2) completion of a Section 106 Agreement addressing: a) financial matters b) the establishment of a Management Company and preparation and implementation of a management Plan c) contribution of community sum 3) referral to the Secretary of State as a departure to the Development Plan; the Strategic Services Director be delegated to grant planning permission subject to conditions to be prepared in liaison with Tunbridge Wells B.C. (in the event of that Council finding its element of the proposals accceptable), addressing the following matters: 1) time period for implementation and phasing of development; 2) external building, surfacing and boundary treatment materials; 3) soft and hard landscaping proposals, including tree protection measures, maintenance and hand-digging and special construction techniques where necessary, and establishment of precise alignment of driveways passing through wooded areas; 4) highway matters, including visibility, surfacing, signage and parking maintenance; 5) drainage matters including provision of the sewage treatment plant; 6) alignment of service runs, all to be underground; 7) external lighting of accessways and buildings including garage courts; 8) removal of permitted development rights for the dwellings; 9) provision of refuse storage areas; 10) management plan to protect wildlife; 11) contamination remediation; 3 SE/02/01110/FUL Cont 12) slab levels for the new buildings and associated changes in ground levels; 13) demolition of structures and removal of materials; 14) accommodation at the „Farmery‟ being ancillary to Dairy Cottage; 15) design of the pavilion shown to western apartment block and arbour to the eastern apartment block; 16) detail of the „Victorian‟ rail fence across the western pasture; 17) removal of permitted development rights for satellite dishes; 18) the location of temporary construction compounds. Any additional relevant matter. 1.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1.1 The site lies within the Metropolitan Green Belt, the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Special Landscape Area to the southeast of the village of Penshurst. Part of the site lies within Royal Tunbridge Wells Borough in the parish of Bidborough. 1.2 The main building, stable block, lodge and front boundary wall are all individually listed Grade II and other buildings within the site are therefore curtilage listed. Most of the site is on the statutory list of Historic Parks and Gardens with the exception of the parkland to the west and southwest, and is also Grade II listed. 1.3 Kent Structure Plan. Strategy, policies S2 (Environment), WK1 and WK2 (West Kent) Environment, policies EN1 (Countryside), ENV2 (Landscape and Nature Conservation), ENV3 and ENV4 (AONBs and Special Landscape Areas), ENV7 (Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows), ENV19 (Buildings of Architectural or Historic Importance) Natural Resources, policies NR12 (Water Supply, Sewerage and Waste Water Treatment) and NR5 (Development in Flood Risk Areas) Metropolitan Green Belt, policy MGB3 (Uses Appropriate Within the Green Belt) Transport, policies T18 and T19 (Land Use and the Transport System – Development) Housing, policy H3 (Housing Development in Existing Urban Areas) Rural Settlement, policies RS1, RS5 (Development at Hamlets and in the Countryside) 4 SE/02/01110/FUL Cont 1.4 Sevenoaks District Local Plan. Sustainable Development, Local Agenda 21 and Environmental Appraisal, policy SD1; The Environment, policies EN1 (Development Control: General Principles), EN2 (Landscaping of Development), EN3 (Open Space Provision in New Developments), EN6 (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), EN7 (Special Landscape Areas), EN11 (Conservation and the Countryside), EN12A and EN12B (Trees and Woodlands), EN16 (Restoration of Derelict and Abandoned Land), EN17B and EN17D (Nature Conservation), EN18 and EN19 (Listed Buildings), EN26 (Historic Parks, Gardens and Open Space) and EN34 (Rural Lanes); Natural Resources, policies NR1 (Water Supply and Disposal Services), NR2 (Land Drainage) and NR8 (Energy Conservation); The Green Belt, policies GB1 (The Definition of the Green Belt) GB2 (New Buildings in the Green Belt), GB3A and GB3B (Reuse of Buildings in the Green Belt) and GB4 (Protection of Visual Amenity); Transportation, policy T8 (Development Control); Vehicle Parking, policy VP1 (General Parking Standards); Population and Housing, policies H4 (Site Development), H6A and H6B (Residential Conversion, Property Subdivision and Extension), H11 (Housing Development within Smaller Settlements and in the Countryside), H12 (The Conversion and Change of Use of Rural Buildings); Public Services, policies PS2 (Developer Contributions), PS3B (Education) and PS9 (Refuse Collection). 1.5 Tunbridge Wells Borough Local Plan Adopted 1996. Policy MGB1 Metropolitan Green Belt Policy EN1 Development control criteria Policy EN3 Alteration to buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest Policy EN12 Historic Parks and Gardens Policy EN23 Landscape Protection Policy H6 Affordable housing within development schemes Policy H15 Conversion of redundant buildings outside Limits to Built Development Policy TP1 Vehicle access Policy VP1 Vehicle parking standards Policy R2 Recreation open space in development or more than 15 bedspaces. 1.6 Tunbridge Wells Borough Local Plan Review - Deposit Copy, May 2001 Policy MGB1 Metropolitan Green Belt Policy EN1 Development control criteria Policy EN3 Alteration to buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest
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