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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT '11111. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1932 OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S N1OST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1933 l'rz,Y, 50 DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT • OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1932 OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1933 To His Excellency Captain the Right Honourable the Earl of Bessborough, P.C., G.C.M.G., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: • • The undersigned has the honour to present to Your Excellency .the: Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended September 30, 1932. Respectfully submitted, HUGH GUTHRIE, Minister in Con&ol of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 59542-1à TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Report of the Commis.sioner 5- Appendix A 135 Appendix B 138 Appendix C 147 Appendix D 171 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE HEADQUARTERS, OTTAWA, ONT., 1932. The Honourable the Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa. have the honour to submit herewith the Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended September 30, 1932. The most important occurrences during the year were the conclusion of agreements whereby this force absorbed the provincial police forces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, and Alberta assuming the duties formerly discharged by them while continuing to act as a féderal con- stabulary; and the assumption of the duties of the Customs and Excise Prevent- ive Service on behalf of the Department of National Revenue. The last named addition to our duties included the acquisition of the preventive vessels, and their crews, which formerly belonged to the department served. STRENGTH AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE FORCE On September 30, 1932, the force .numbered 91 officers, 1,911 non-dommis- sioned officers and constables, and 346 special constables, or 2,348 all ranks; omitting the special constables, the strength of the force proper was 2;002. On the corresponding date in 1931 the strength was 59 officers, 1,154 non-com- missioned officers and constables and 138 special constables, or 1,351 in all, or 1,213 officers and other ranks of the' uniformed force. The increase in the - total strength, 997, thus exceeds 73 per cent; while in the force proper the increase was 789 or slightly.over 65 per cent. During the year 1,176 men joined the force, the wastage from sundry causes —dead, invalided, time expired,- etc.—was 197. Of the increase, 370 were mem- bers of the five provincial police forces which were absorbed; 175 came with the Preventive Service; while 294 recruits enlisted, and 60 returned to the force after leaving it. The special constables engaged numbered 277. The number of applicants was approximately 4,605, of whom fewer than 300 were accePted; or about 6 per cent. The following table shows the distribution in the several provinces and territories on September 30, 1932:— RECAPIT ULATION tà "' .9, W s.. E il f, it m : --É'a Place 0 'il> ià g *El 41 m «3 e> îl .•1i . d § -.ii; .,-'. ,e, .>. `e) . 'à 0 a' e" ° 'Ê, S ,c,>) 3 _ .1). 0 _ O, ti a p.,• .,0, -tâ tg , 0, r..• fli ?) -,.‘g U e ',r4 e, 4 C2 ..`,/ e e) c3) 6' e et cM 4 E(21 Â Prince Edward Island .... .... .... , .. Nova Scotia 7 ... i .... 4 17 28 122 162 341 .... .... .... .... New Brunswick .... .... 1 1 6 .... .... .... 9 19 75 16 127 .... .... .... .... Quebec .' . .... .... .... 1 4 .... .... 2 6 21 111 11 156 .... .... .... 107 Eastern Onliario 1 1 2 3 9 .... .... 12 33 46 280 14 401 35 3 38 17 Western Ontario .... .... .... 1 3 .... .... 2 7 12 51 2 78 3 2 5 .... Manitoba 1 1 6 .... .... 7 17 18 147 11 208 15 .... 15 64 Saskatchewan .. .... .... 1 1 12 1 1 9 26 44 269 43 407 75 15 90 36 Alberta, "K" 'Divi- . sion 1 2 9 .... .... 4 27 37 182 37 299 73 .... 73 .... "G" Division, N.W. T. (Hdqrs., at Ed- monton) ..... ... ... ... : 1 .... 4 .... .... 1 3 11 60 22 102 .... .... .... 200 British Columbia— . .... .... 1 4 . , .. .... 3 11 15 101 12 147 38 .... 38 .... Yukon Territory ..... .... .... 1 2 .... .... 1 4 7 29 5 49 2 2 4 36 Tniull 1 1 7 13 67 1 1 46 162 261 1.442 346 2.348 241 22 263 460 5 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE The distribution into posts and detachments on September 30, 1932, was:— Divisional Detach- posts ments Prince Edward Island 7 Nova Scotia 1 37 New Brunswick 1 33 Quebec 1 31 Ontario 2 33 Manitoba 1 51 Saskatchewan (1 depot) 2 99 Alberta 2 97 British Columbia 1 16 Yukon Territory 13 Northwest Territories 21 Baffin Island 3 Ellesmere Island • 1 North Devon Island ' 1 13 443 This is a. very great increase in the number of detachments upon the cor- responding date in 1931, when the detachments numbered 197. One cause of the increase is the assumption of the provincial police work in the Maritime Prov- inces, Manitoba and Saskatchewan; the Maritime Provinces, for example, there were 77 detachments on September 30, 1932, as against one in 1931. Another cause for the increase is the taking over of the Preventive Service; for example, the increase in Quebec and Ontario from 21 to 64 is largely due to this additional duty having to be discharged. In 1930 the detachments num- bered 188. The table which follows shows the distribution of the force in certain years since the reorganization of 1920. The table does not mention the detachments in the Northwest Territories, these being included in the figures for those divi- sions by which they were administered:— . 1920 1924 1928 1930 1931 1932 Nova Scotia 25 31 33 32 32 341 New Brunswick 2 2 2 127 Prince Edward Island 33 Quebec 8 24 33 37 34 156 Eastern Ontario 395 339 342 365 360 401 Western Ontario 31 46 40 46 47 78 Manitoba 189 55 50 72 90 208 Saskatchewan 407 200 266 350 439 407 Alberta 337 187 200 210 209 401 British Columbia 229 97 80 85 92 147 Yukon 50 41 41 46 46 49 1,671 , 1,020 1 1,087 1,245 1,351 2,348 / I The engagements, discharges, and other changes during the period under review were as follows:— Engagements- Engaged constable (5 years) 204 Alberta. Provincial Police (3 years) 135 Alberta Provincial Police (1 y-ear ) 15 Manitoba Provincial Police (5 years) 5 Manitoba Provincial Police (3 years) 55 Manitoba Provincial Police (1 year) 11 . New Brunswick Provincial Police (3 years) 32 New Brunswick Provincial Police (1 year) 18 New Brunswick Provincial Police (6 months) 1 Nova Scotia Provincial Police (3 years) , • 52 Nova Scotia Provincial Police (1 year) 38 COMMISSIONEIM REPORT . 7 . Engagements—Concluded . . Prince Edward Island Provincial Police (1.year) 8 Preventive Service (1 year) 147 Preventive Service (6 months) • . 28 Re-engaged after leaving . . 68 Rejoined after desertion 2 Engaged Special Constables 277 Total increase 1,176 Discharged through death, expiration of service, invalided, etc. 197 Total increase for the year 1932 979 The following died in the twelvemonth:— Reg. No. 6103, Sergeant Brice, T. C. 5963, Corporal Summerfield, H. W. cc 6177, Corporal Rails, L. V. 10149, Corporal Burstall, E. B. 10428, Corporal Laight, J. CC 9669, Constable Millen, E. Of the foregoing, Corporal Rails was murdered by escaping thieves on 5th July, 1932. Constable Millen was murdered by the man known as Albert Johnson on 30th January, 1932, in the vicinity of Aklavik. Both were highly regarded by their Commanding Officers. The following were pensioned:— „ Reg. No. 2694, Sergeant-Major Webb, J. A. ( ". 3198, Staff-Sergeant Allan, J. 'I " 4608, Sergeant Green, H. U. - " 5114, Sergeant Richards, E. C. " 5443, Sergeant Sharman, W. H. (c 9057, Sergeant Haley, J. .ci 4914, Corporal Fieldhouse, W. ci 5168, Corporal Parker, R. E. The following changes took place among the officers: = Promoted Deputy Commissioner: « Assistant Coinmissioner T. S. Belcher. Promoted Assistant Commissioners: Superintendent G. L. Jennings, O.B.E. Superintendent H. M. Newson.. Superintendent C. Junget. Superintendent R. Field. Superintendent A. J. Cawdron. Appointed Acting Assistant Commissioner: Superintendent A. E. Acland. Promoted Superintendents: Inspector S.
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