l"l l'lit) IìliCtilYIil).-t CRB USE ONLY United States ,JUL 1 7 2017 Copyright Royalry B ard \ì;l\' ßo'\Iìl) COPYRTfiHT Ro\' Joint Claim for Satellite Fees Deposited for zot6 t¡¡poRraNr: lnorderforthecopyrightownets'claimstobeeffective,youmustfilethisclaimformduringJulyzotT.Use this form only; the CRB will not accept a replica. Authorized representatives are advised to seek legal advice regarding the filing of royalty claims. The filer must provide all of the information requested in each item on this form. cLAt in: The copyright owner claimants named herein file with the Copyright Royalty Board a claim to royaìty payments colìected from satelìite carriers retransmitting copyrighted programming contained on over-the-air television broadcast signals. Their claims to royaìties are for fees colìected from satellite carriers during caìendar year zol6. The claimants or their authorized representative file thjs cìaim in accordance with section rr9 of the Copyright Act (17 U5C rr9) and with subpart A of Part 36o ofthe Copyright Royaìty Board regulations þ7 CFR 36o'r-36o.5). FlIERrS FUtI NAME AND ADDRESS: Providefulllegaìnameandaddress(includingspecificnumber,street,and i,"):1..:: zip code). ::;t:.: a.:.;Å74L SONY PTCTTIRES TSLHVISION INC. LO2O2 I'IEST IíASflINGTON BLVD. GULVER CrTr. C 90212 Telephone number of the person or entity filing the claim: 3rol244-7087 gregory^ booneGspe . sony. com Email address, if any, of the Person or entity filing the claim CONTACT PERSON: lncìude name, phone, and email, if any. GREGORY K. BOONE | .:t; !i:t 1 | ' Phone: 3l l?LtL-7Oel E-oail: boone@soe -e(lm LIST OF COPYRIGHT OWNER5: Providefull legal namesandaddresses(includingspecificnumbe¡street,andzip code) of the copyright owners entitled to claim the royalty fees and who have duly authorized the representative named herein to file this cìaim on their behalf. lf the filer is also a joint copyright owner on this claim, the filer's name and add¡ess must appear in this section. You may attach a list of names and addresses of the copyright owners to the joint claim in lieu of listing them below. Do not include names of subsídíaries, parent companies, etc., if they are not a copyrí7ht ownet entítledtoroyaltíes.n¡orr: performingrightsorganizationsdonothavetolistthenamesoftheirmembersandaffiliates. SONY PICTTIRES STNN TNE. 10202 rfEsT BLVD. cüLvER CITY, CÃ 90232 lsEE Æ)DTTTONAL SHEETS ATTACEEDI 2 .rorr.rt zor6 SATELL|TE cr-arrvr I GENERAT STATEMENT: Providethenatureofthecopyrightowners'worksthathavebeenretransmittedbysateìlite carrier(s) (e.g.,motion pictures, syndicated te'levision series, devotional programs, sports broadcasts, music, news, other station-produced programmin g). ST}IDICATED TELEVISION SERIES AND }ÍOTION PICÏT'RES DECTARATION The undersigned declares under penalty of law that he or she is duly authorized by the copyight owners identified herein to make this filing on their behalf and further declares under penalty of law that all statements contained herein are true, complete, and correct to the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information, and belief, and are made in good faith. ft8 U5Croorl. GREGORY K. BOONE ASSISTAIIÎ SECRETARY SONY PICI'IIRES TELHVISION TNC. (rveeo oR PRrNTÊD ME, TtTtE, AND ORCANtZArlOrrr) 7 / l7 (srcruarune) (oare) tor¡rr zor6 sATELLTTE claru | 3 Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty X'ees 2016 Page 3 3. (Continued) CPT HOLDINGS,INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd. JUL 1 7 ¿01? Culver City, California 90232 ROARD COLUMBIA TRISTAR TELEVISION, INC. COPYRIG}IT NO\'ÂIjÍY 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 ELP COMMUNICATIONS 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 TRISTAR TELEVISION, INC 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 ADELAIDE PRODUCTIONS, INC 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 CC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. 10202 Ìù/est Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 COLUMBIA PICTURES, a division of COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90'232 TRISTAR PICTURES, INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 JANUARY ENTERPRISES, INC 10202 rWest Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 Royalties/2016 Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty Fees.doc (GKB/yl) Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty Fees 2016 Page 4 ,ìt.i : i\ I i),\ !:li l.,l) JC ENTERTAINMENT,INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd JUL 1 7 l}fl Culver City, California 90232 SONY PICTURES CLASSICS INC, C0PYRICHT n OYALÍIY RO;\RÎ) 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 TANDEM LICENSING CORP 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232 SCREEN GEMS,INC. 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver Cify, California 90232 DECLARATION CPT HOLDINGS,INC. By: ,4t¿-- G*póoft" K. BooNE COLUMBIA TRISTAR TELEVISION, INC. By: Y K. BOONE ELP COMMUNICATIONS By: Y K. BOONE TRISTAR TELEVISION, INC. By: Y K. BOONE ADELAIDE UCTIONS,INC. By: K. BOONE Royalties/2016 Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty Fees.doc (GKB/yl) Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty Fees 20tr6 Page s CC INC. By: K. BOONE JUL 17 2011 PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. ROART) C O PYRTGHT N OYÂT,IÍS By: SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT INC. By: FUKUNAGA COLUMBIA PICTURES, a division of COLUMBIA INC. By: GOFMAN TRISTAR INC. By: JANUARY ENTERPRISES, INC. By G Y K. BOONE JC ENTERT By GOFMAN SONY PICTURES CLASSICS INC. By: TANDEM LICENSING CORP. By: K. BOONE SCREEN INC. By: GOFMAN Royalties/2016 Joint Claim for Satellite Retransmission Royalty Fees.doc (GKB/yl).
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