Leading OH THEIAURfL Steve Hartman VOLUME 93, No. 3, FALL 2005 EDITOR L.:t. IIThat' s okay, we taped it." lan Andrews, Mount Un ion '0 1 ith these words, I reas ured my wife, Rachel, that we had in fact captured GRAPHIC DESIGN the latest version of our son Gabe' favorite TV how ("Little Einstein ," for Stacey Castle W those who know the e thing ). Of cour e, for many of u , "taped" ha become BUSINESS MANAGER synonymous with "recorded," ro ted in a generation' familiarity with videotape and it John Green, Nebraska Wesleyan '60 once ubiquitous nature. ABOUT THE LAUREL Later, it occurred to me that this simple phra e represent a generation gap between THE lAUREl is th e exoteric publication of th e Ph i Kappa Tau our son, Gabe, and Rachel and me. Even though we regularly "tape" his favorite how, Foundation. Published prior to 19 19 as SIDE LI GHTS, a journal devo ted to topics related to higher education the record ing is actuall y the reproduction of a digital video fi le onto a computer-like involvi ng colleg e and alu mn i interes ts, THE lAUREl is device. Sound li ke big stuff. Gabe will likely never connect the term "tape" with an now published under the direction and authority of the actual, phys ical, be-ki nd-rewind videotape. But ye t, the re ult of the two recording Board of Trustees of the Ph i Kappa Tau Foundation. method is the same- a show saved for later. ADDRESS CHANGES Likew i e, with fraternity life, the results- leader hip, cholar hip, brotherho d, and Visi t www.ph ikappatau.org and choose "Update Your Address"; or call (800) PKT-1906; or ma il achievement- remain con tant, even though in orne case the methods by which we changes to: Phi Kappa Ta u; 522 1 Morn ing Sun arrive at the e things may change. Road; O xford, OH 45056; or e-ma il Cindy Morgan Many of us look fondly upon memori es of frie nd hip fostered over the evening at cmorgan@ph ikappatau.org fodder in the chapter dining hall or in front of the "house TV" in the chapter living The next issue of THE lAUREl will be Vol. 94, No. 1 and room (often requiring some sort of verbal or manly wre ding to determine an agreeable will be ma iled on or around March 1, 2006. channel). The chatter and banter and laughter were not simply mall talk; they were the PERIODICAL STATEMENT actual building blocks of brotherhood. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to 5221 Today, some of tho e same building block are constructed among undergraduate Morning Sun Rd.; Oxford, O H 45056 through "!Ming" or "text messaging" (if you aren't fami liar with the e term , identify a THE LAUREL of Ph i Kappa Ta u is published trienn ially 13-year-old nearby and request interpretation). Brother impart wisdom, hare humor, by the Phi Kappa Tau Foundati on. Sta ndard A Mail and make plans for the weekend all with the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of fi nger and postage is paid at Ci nc innati, OH, 45203 and thumbs. No speaking required. Despite the generation ga p and hifting method , the additional ma iling offices . need for leader , for friend , and for h igh achievement will always per ist. W ith this in mind, Ph i Kappa Tau is buzz ing about plan for our next century of Pri nted in the USA I ISSN Number: 0023-8996 brotherhood. At both national and regional event , everyo ne is talking (and text me saging, I suppose) about the Centennia l Celebration in Oxford, Ohio, in July of PHI KAPPA TAU FOUNDATION 2006 (page 16), the regional Centennial Founders Day event in March (page 14), and (800) PKT ·1906 x236 • loundation@phik appat ~n~.org the launch into Phi Tau's next 100 years. Chairman GERALD CARUON In addition to these celebrations, brother have many other opportunities to Vice Chairman C. BRENT DEVORE celebrate - organizing a reunion at the Centennial Celebration (page 17), pon oring " Exeru~ve Director JOHN GREEN a brick in the Centennia l Garden (page 19), or by imply u ing thi h istoric Ph i Tau Treasurer WILLIAM G. BRAUN D milestone to dial the number of a brother (for tho e of yo u who remember "dialing" ) to catch up on life events. Ju t li ke Hugh Heiland, composer of "My Phi Tau Pin," (page Secretory ROBERT D. LEATHERMAN 20), each brother wi ll have a chance to leave an indelible mark on the Fraternity. CH ARLES BALL JOH NF . COSGROVE My family just recently held a rather obnoxiou birthday party to celebrate Gabe' BILL CRANE • C. STEVEN HARTMAN two year on thi earth. It was an opportunity to remini ce about the pa t and to look GR EGH EILMEIER J. K. HEILMEIER forward to what fun is ye t to be (and also a chance to watch him mear icing on Ed, our dog). A nd whi le I'm ure we captured some of the event "on tape," it is the experience GREGH OLLEN DAVID W. LAWRENCE -- the bui lding block, if you wi ll -- that matter mo t. DONALD J. PHI LLIPS II ROSS E. ROEDER teve Hartman , Mu kingum '89, is chief executive officer. JOEL S. RUDY TIMOTHY SMITH SCOTT STIWART ROD NEY E. WILMOTH DAVID RUCKMAN WHAT'S NEW ON THE WEB • denotes non- v o~ng member phikappatau.org/ centennial phikappatau.org/ cmpg DIRECTORY OF SERVICES Vi it th ite for information about Read the newly revised chapter (800) PKT-1906 • www.phikappatau.org regi trati n, package , event and much management and planning guide to Chapter Services x231 , [email protected] mor tay on top of the Borradaile hallenge , Finance x237, [email protected] download report and fo rm and utilize phikappatau.org/foundation Foundo~oo x236, [email protected] re ource for your chapter. e th newl y updated F undation Educo~onol Programs x24B, ~oul!as@ph i koppo1nu . org pag , learn about inn vati ve programs phikappatau.org/ conferences Communicu~oo x223, [email protected] offer d by Phi Kappa Tau and make your eeking a way t ontinue the pirit Centennial CelellloMn x230, [email protected] gift w b n fit the c ond entury f L ader hip ad my in till d . tt nd brotherhood. one of our r gional o n ~ r n MEMBER: The College Fratern ity Edit r 2 T tu L IJIU t THELAURFL _______4F ~~ull~i~O~OS~\k~~l.~983~,tN~~o~.JT..----------------------------------wwwww~K~~~ rfLi\l oo Years in the Making vlhe Celebration schedule is set. Founders I Day events are scheduled. The dream of a Centennial Garden is becoming a reality. Learn about the opportunities that you have to celebrate our heritage and inspire our future. p I APPATAU 'THE REGUlARS' 1906-2006 Leading Off. Steve Hartman on 2 the building block of our live ---- a we prepare to celebrate our Centennial. FEATIJRES Leaders. Identifying haz ing 4 and how Phi Tau is combating Lifetime of Achievements the problem. 20 Hugh G . Hei land, Miami '36, the auth r of"My Phi Tau Pin", pent hi life giving of him elf to Leadership Series. Dave hi theatre tudent . ow Heiland i the one in 7 Ruckman, Ohio Scace '62, it the p tlight. down and discusses how he applie the Golden Rule. 1986-1 996. Bill Jenkins, The Bond that Unites Us Bowling Green '57, T, m lla, Truman tate '93, and Me aine Zimmer, Truman cace 25 r views the next decade in '94 were men who et the tandard and led by example. Both men hi Centennial erie . nter d hapter eternal earlier thi yea r but it i their tory, told thr ugh the eye of a fe llow brother, that how how influential Sideroads. Charle p pi an be. 46 Hazelrigg, Miami '53, and his wife travel l,200 miles­ Leadership Academy Wrap Up on bikes. 30 Revi w the 2005 Leader hip Academy, read about the award winner and ee h w the Fraternity c ntinue to expand on the educational ummit. DEPARTMENTS 34 N ews 38 Laurels 42 On Campus 44 Directory 45 Chapter Eternal Fall ZOOS THE L AUREL 3 Leaders Addressing challenges that fac e Phi Kappa Tau . Hazed & Confused When the dog & pony show ends; a call to action for our chapters BY BRIAN BREITTHO LZ, O HIO '83 limits until Train earn that right. • Train are not allowed to talk with other Train , or with anyone fter a lengthy period of job hunting, the day ha el e in the firm without fir t a king the director for permi ion. finally arrived. Like many other mile tone in • When addre ing the director, Train mu t ay," ir, Mr. Director, . your life, this day will be forever etched in yo ur If ... " memory-the day you start your new career as a • Trai n mu t bring lunch to the office each day, but they mu t college graduate. relinqui h it to a enior partner. The firm' ver ion of dieting! AYour senior year was fill ed with on-campus interview , "pre­ • Trai n mu tan wer the phone within three ring . ot ju t their nights" with different firm , and multiple on- ite vi its to the firm phone , but every phone in the firm, a the partner houldn't be who e offer you accepted.
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