Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1993-94 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 8-26-1993 The thI acan, 1993-08-26 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1993-94 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1993-08-26" (1993). The Ithacan, 1993-94. 1. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1993-94/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1993-94 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. {\: ,' ·.' ' Sports Index •' Guld•llnes Serve and volley -~~~"~~~~~:::::::::::::.~~ A quick glance at all Ithaca New women's tennis .(: \·. ::5 Accent ............................... 19 has to offer. coach to grace IC courts ~ · Classifieds/Comics ............ 28 Y.-, _} I_ Sports ................................ 31 The ITHAC·AN Tb~ Newspap':r For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 61,' No. 1 Thursday, August 26, 1993 •··.:. 40 pages Free Dining choices New programs in effee,t this semester offer alternatives to dining halls By Kevin Harlin "For people who Ithacan Assistant News Editor were doing activities at For students eating on campus this fall, the ~lions seem endless. night, it was more con­ Ahostofnewprogramsandchanges venient to be there go into effect this semester to pro­ [Egbert] than it was to vide alternatives to the dining halls. go up to the Terraces. The biggest change involves the equivalency program which used At the same time, there to allow students to use meal cards were people who didn't toobtainfoodatthe Snack Bar after want to go down to the · the dining halls closed. The equivalency program was Union." moved from the Snack Bar to the -John B. Oblak, Egbert Dining Hall. John B. Oblak, vice president for student vice president for student affairs affairs and campus life The Ithacan/Jeff K. Brunello and campus life, said students can Wol'Hr9 outalde WIiiiama Hall continue renovations that are expected to be completed In June 1994. now go to Egbert Dining Hall for will take advantage of it," Aaron one hot and one cold item served in said. "We're trying to make things the dining hall earlier that day. With convenient for students." Williams renovations underway the new equivalency program, Last year, students had the op­ Bookstore and the Egbert Post Of­ conserve heat. named "Crossroads," students can tion to use meal cards in the Snack By James Ward purchase a meal with their I.D. Ex­ Bar after dining hall hours in addi­ Ithacan Staff fice will most likely be closed until There will be no additional park­ June, unless construction goes bet­ ing, but Salm joked that peopl't _press, cash or use their meal card if tion to the Terrace Club. Aaron said Williams Hall is being gutted ter than planned., Salm said. associate the gutted building with a they missed dinner that night. theSnackBarequivalencyprogram after years of deliberation. A general contractor has begun parking ~~~- "We looked into TheTerraceOub,theafterhours was eliminated because it was not Re.novations to the future home simultaneous projects of demoli­ building a pairing garage once, but meal option in the Terrace Dining economically viable. of dlc~ibf,lliJCbology.· tion and ~tion on the build- the cost is 100 high," he said. Hall, was expanded from Monday­ Last April, student government and the department of math and ing. he said'. - . The~ selected McGuire Thursday to Monday-Friday, ac­ opposed plans to move the equiva­ computer sciences will continue "The function of the building is and Bennett from six other bidders cording Dana Aaron. assis&ant vice lency program to the Terrace Club through June 1994, said Thomas changing significantly enough that to be the general contractor for the president for student affairs and because of its inconvenient loca­ Salm, vice president of Business we weren't able to really salvage project, which will cost a total of campus life -- campus programs tion. and Administrative Affairs. anything, and the best way to re­ $9.5 million, Salm said. McGuire and events. "For people who were doing Consttuctioo to the building has construct what we wanted to do and Bennett was also contracted for Also, a new takeout pizza ser­ activities at night, it was more con­ forced the College to close off the was pretty much to gut it back to a several other buildings on campus, vice will be offered to students. venient to be there [Egben] than it exit near Mac's just outside the shell," Salm said, adding that a sec­ including Emerson Hall, Alumni "Ifwecanofferaqualitypizzaat was to go up to the Terraces," Oblak southeast comer of Williams. But ond contractor finished asbestos Hall, the Parle School ofCommuni­ a good price, we think the students See "Dining," next page Salm said it should not inconve­ removal and selective demolition cations. and the new Science Build- nience students, since there are no earlier this month. ing. surrowiding classrooms. ''1bat area has always been a Martin Berlinrood, assistant First-year feast "We had hoped to keep that bottleneck and we're going to try dean of the School of Humanities open ... but we decided it was just and change that," Salm said The and Sciences, met with architects to too close for the amount of demoli­ renovation project will include en­ coordinate academic requirements tion we were doing," Salm said: larging the entrance, and designing for the building, including specifi The exit, neighboring Mac's, the double doorways that will help to See "Williams," next page Professor leaves College amid harassment charges of power, which surfaced in the Holm's wife Mamie said he had By Chris Lewis March 25 issue of The Ithacan. retreated to a "secluded area" until Ithacan Projects Director Twelve current and fonner stu­ the end of the week. World-renowned cello instruc­ dents told The Ithacan about sexual She referred The Ithacan to tor Einar Jeff Holm will not return harassmentorinappropriatebehav­ Holm'sanomey,JamesBaker, who to the School of Music this semes­ ior dating back to the early 1980s. was reached Tuesdaynightathome. ter, and Ithaca College officials will Three of those students signed "I have been on vacation. I have not comment on whether adminis­ formal complaints with the not been in touch with my office. trative action or the music College's Affinnative Action Of­ Until I get back in and educated on professor's personal choice is re­ fice in the spring of 1992 and said the matter, I have no comment," sponsible for the decision. Holm was appealing the College's Baker said. "It's a personnel matter and we investigation. A legal assistant at Baker's of­ don't discuss those," said Dave Two faculty members at IC dur­ fice familiar with the case declined Maley, manager of public informa­ ing this time said students com­ to comment on the record. tion. plained to them about sexual ha­ Arthur Ostrander, dean of the After26 years ofserviceatlthaca wsment by Holm and two students School of Music, also declined to College, the tenured music profes­ reportedly transfened to different comment sor moved out of his Ford Hall schools because of Holm's behav­ Provost Thomas C. Longin said studio Friday, Aug. 20. ior. Holm's leaving is "a personnel Holm's departure comes amid The professor declined to com­ matter and is ongoing. We have allegations· ranging from physical ment on specifics of the allegations identified and employed a qualified The hhacan/Rena M. Difilippo and verbal sexual ~ttosex­ last spring, and was not available replacement" Marge Tachampel ~97 and Missy Trawlnakl '97 enjoy hot dogs ism.mental nianipulatiooandabuse. for comment this week. See ''Professor," next page at Claa of 1997 barbeque on Monday, Aug. 23. ,, 2 -TIIEITHACAN ..... ·. Dining·_---~__ -- - ~-s. :· ·:-:-···· .,.·;:--:--~.~·;..:~.. !,-,..... -~ ...:- ....:",~""..J··:!t .......... ~!:l"_~.:..-y-,~ ...... '"1' ..... ,..,,.:, ....... ,. ~\,. Spring Continued from front pqe Ne~ril"'~•:·:_opttdna·.·-- .· -_ · -.:_.·: .. , . ' .. ' .... said. "At the same time, there were snow brings people who didn't want to go down For hours see What's Hap- f;xpre_~ _or~- :~t~I~~~~~ to the Union." .,. pening C?" page 15. - · . ... o,fered on a -.. , .~Jo:.ex- new gym Oblak said the variety of options • Cn>SI.,..., th& repl~ ;-,-~--HUIP··~ ~- ~-...~D ... ~.­ and locations were designed last ment for the ·Snack .. Bar 'Wll.be ari'iinplovement·of·the assistant·vlce presldent,bf -floor ,spring after meetings with the ous.­ equlvalency program is lo- -~- CiJi'rbn,Jv. l)ffil~ ln,tJ,&- student affairs art1·c:&f111US . going and incoming executive cated In the Egbert Dtnlng Snack :'81'· ·Aarc)i\'. said ·Drnlng fl(e ,. ·campus programs and By Wllllam Rubenstein boards of student government. Hall. Students can use meal Services.conducted-taste tests - events: . Ithacan Editor in Chief Oblak said the new programs cards, 1.0. Express or cash to to c:ktt~lne a nicfP.,1~ could The Ben Light Gymna­ and locations would be moniuxed obtain hot and cold take-out compeltf with any k>calptna. It • The In The flag program silun has anew $70,000 floor, to determine whether Ibey need to meals with a vegetarian op- will· be Qffered at :the. Terrace. w.as~v~trom.~_~of. thanks to heavy snow last be modified or moved. He also said tion. CklbancUheSnackBarforcon- tl)eBe~ualllG)ih:lnasiumto . Dining Savices will examine op­ spring. venlence. - the Towers ··o~ Hall.be- Excessive snow covered tions for the Pub/Coffeehouse in:­ • Terrace Club, an equlva-. causatbeHUICenterbecarne · air vents on the Hill Center cludingaposm,leespreaomachine. rooff<X" several weeks. When "The most imlJ(l.'tant test is the !ency program located In ·the aJunctlOn Expreu will oper- too ~--durtng.
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