i WATERFORD NEWS RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOB JANUARY HOTEL S VHE SHIPPING ».v\\\\W\\N\VN.\\S\\\\N^N\V\VV>.V irN SUMS ! OF £100; AKD OTWABD8, TOB * CIRCITATION IS Till SOUTH OK IRELAND. ASB CtNTRAL ¦ ¦¦ LAKGEST WATEKFOBD, MARYBOROUGH , • • , - - flridtemi <at M^Hftt-ofln(S g«t. NATIONAL LINE. , D.U B. IiIN. ,, :{ c;-.l j :JL &$Mn, 'ai Friday Evening, at No. 40 A'inj Street IRELAND RAILWAYS. Bolton SfafMtiL -. Apply, bjLettaumlj^'Uenn. Birur, lOTLb* PMiaM erenj STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK In re CARMOD Y COURT OF BANKRUPTCY The European^Qte^ I ' * . TII tisi.] FEOM WATKBFOSD. oohi's-Inn-Keia*, Loirtoif. ' (atf.6t) lorrosiT* rwtisan EVERY WEDNESDAY, ^__ ri AHE EVJROPBANis .ths :l«rg«t, tboin txrst.litnate , j ADTASCE S I miii oiiiwui uii. 1 scKSATa tk* OxVt: All RICE HREE PENCE ; TEABLY (IS ) 13 .; AND FROM QDEENSTOWN JLr. nn4 tho Ujort <JomfO^*t.o Hotel P T EVERY THURSDAY LABASHEEDA, 43 I a &3 Splendid Spectiiatiani F-CFreat Bucowl STAMPED, 4d. ; TEAIILT , 17S. 4d. Bii„,.,,tlOH„„.i . 1**31* «t|lfc2J|! fc Sll 3. modern unpniveme&tt&MfttlWeii teoantly introdnoed, .Clist OI»M. OIIM. Ctaaslciisi. Clan. «n<id«cort,t«d. ~~»«» TAXATIONAL STEAM SHIP INSOLVENCY OFFICE (IBELAKD). I IM . 1 F.U. I ».M I r.M. I naon r.w. and the entire Hon^fa^wwpainted,li Agents for Sale of THE NEWS : A BANKRUPT . Twenty Soiteo ofuipartmoaMfor families. -Draw. TCrrTraTsWG' M 'STSEof'^lo^waiwaii w sf iirfr i=l\\ £\ COMPANY (LIMITED). bm bro hm bm hm W. £87,000 !—witlr-*i,- *20,000!!—with 12§., WATEKFOKD—3Ir. W. K EI.LT, Little George's-strcet <<3y)fr r}V /«\Vto Thenewfoll-powerea BritiBh Iron \ViltTtorA~departur4 7 30 IS <B 3 15 A 30 13 ll ing Hoomafrom J«..6d.toEi. .Sitting Boorraon the • 13 S3 -g US' 4 40 18 13 ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ 412,0001!! ..:.. „ „ „..„,, CARET, Confoctioner, Strand st. Screw Kllmaco»................ 7*0 ground floor free of oBarga,-:• ... '„ : .- . "1 . ''• l TRAMORE—Mrs. .^•rSfcsfeBiii'SEi 8team-ships MolMn.v.t 7 30 IS 2S5 4 So' 12 25 •F«r IlroBpeohiJM«pi/r>;:withoaWel»^'W, B«4KHl Lovi Hotel, Square. Sliipi. Tons »J®-Soup -, Ksh, Joni«, Fowl, aad Bntreo in Coffea ' PASSAGE EAST—The Misses , . Ships. Tons. BalWhale 8 ID 1 30 fl 0 5 10 W SO TILIOT, GeneralMerohant ..[dj.7-6t#] FRASCI Griiee OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE 'S OFFICE, DUBLIN - ' " from Two to Bettai tfOtJck ,.Gnenuj6T.. NEW ROSS—Mr. GODWIN . , 3200 llBLVETU,Tbompson.. 3326 Tbnmutown _ 8 25 l« 3 30 5 35 IS Room and Restsnrant, CARRICK-OX-SDIU—Mr. J.M.MritrnT .News Agent T IIR Q DECV , Gro?an....3tl2 PRMBBTLVAIIIA, H.II ...2873 Rtcuetibrldge 8 411 195 3 41) 9 40 12" daily. Bed, including Servants, 2a. 6d., 2s. and l«.-6d. KNOIAKD , Tliom9on^...S«X) VinGimi Kilkenny arrival 9 0 2 11 4 10 SO 1 40 - rietor. TO BE SOLD , FILTOWX—Miss ltociiE, Grocer. , Forbea. 2876 13 I 611 [jn31-tn . J. MOLONY, Prop K RIN , Weh»ttr_ 3200 DBMIAB X Cutting ...,287C WALTER O'DON NELL & CO. Do. ' departure 9 1<> 2 30 « 40 8 A RENT-CHARGE OF jBlt)25 PER' AamTUrf, DUXGARVAX—Mr. M ATTHEW WALSH , Blackpool. , B>K7rafgrl«. __ 930 IK 60 C35 2 10 , Iy)CI»U!>A ,Tlmm»s»....221O CITY MANSION . HOTEL, .Payable-bj the> Gre»t Sonthern .Tyojtorn-Bail- COVLK Brothers, Booksellers, &c, Will U ' Atlanajh S 40 - S 10 — 2 13 , 1: : ^nd KILKEXXY— d»«p«'cli«i 'mm Lirerpool to New YnrV us fnllows . GENTLEMEN : " Abboyloix 9 85 3 10 S 3D 8 58 2 30 30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET; DUBLIN, ' way Company.' " ' ' ' '• * FENNSYLVANIA...Wedncsday, Janaary 19th. Marlboro' mrrival 10 -JS 3 30 0 0 7 18 2 0 A DMITTEDLY one of the BEST.SITUATE, HELVETIA _ . LOAN;S_ ON CALL OB DBPOSIT. Wednesday, January 26th. / have the pleasure of informing you, that the Court, on this day, hat confirmed your ii. CHEAPEST, and MOST COMTOETABLI FAMILY "THE "WATERFORD NEWS" EXGLAND Maryboro'.-<i*p...<ton 10 39 — 0 35 — 9 4» npHB DIBE0TOH8 of theWAxKTO»BAflD .OnrfBjki. Wednesday, February 2nd. Rnicrra 11 40 —. r 48 — — and COMMERCIAL HOTEL8 in tho Ci^. PRINTING , PUBLISHING, Tender for the Purchase of the Slock in this Estate. Panonitown 12 IS — 8 30 — — J- i I»nu(D EAttwiT COMMKT MACHINE And from Queenttovrn tho tallowing dar». .B.ed,.ls. ; Breakfast, 1B. J Dinner (OrdWy) Is. 6d. ¦Water- RULING , The Saloon accommodation Prtlumnt _. 12 S5 — 0 0 — — A» ptepawd,-nnd€B tj»)prorision» of "'Ih*) BOOK-BINDI NG , on bonrd theteSteameri is '«'J N«na«h 12 30 — 0 33 — — Dining and Sitting Rooms set apart for Ladies and •uprriur. Kate of Your obedient Servant, ford and;Central:Ireland Baflway Act, 1868," to pasntet from Liverpool to New York , Temnirmore II 33 — 7 40 — 10. SS Families, free of charge. Accommodation for Seventy. 12 « D <1 15 Gjinrn» 8KI/L and- oonrey, thB -wnoln, or«nypart , of th» .BOOK 'MANUPAOTORT , according to flccotnmwlation in Start- L. H. DEERING. Thnrla trrital 11 48 - B0 — ll 14 Qvo Persons. • [ ja8-ly} 7 ACCOU NT rcom, »11 hatide Marvborn ....den...up \ 1 3 47 7 2« 7 24 3 «4 KENT.CHABGE-of,£l 025'.per Ainitai, payable U STREET. iam« pririlrga in Saloon. Return TicVeta, ' always in attendance. , 49 & 50 KING T»entj.fiTe Guinea! Dublin orriul 338 8 35 D30 930 6 30 <ST A Night Porter them by.tho;Gre»t SontherauaniW«e Urn.lWlw»y PATRICK 8. CARET, Proprietor. Tbtre ti MrelVo t «fcoramodalinn for Steerage Pamen- TO ViTZnroRD. Company, on account of the principalran »f £20,600 , Rera, >od ¦ full supply of Cooked ProTiiiom aoroed op LETTER-PRESS PRINTING by tlie TKAINa I'll Wtn DATB. I aUHDATI expended by the former.{or the latter Company. Companj'a Steward* MILFOBD HAVEN. PI.AIX AND ORNAMENTAL, . -2 They are also prepared, for- th»-purpo»of BB Pasiengera booked tliroosh to Aipinwall ¦TATlo¦T.T ,n»!na . I 2 k1;l**3|l 4 all * 2|| 4311 t &3 that wilt not we feel confiden t, fail to , San Francitco, THE SALE OF THE ABOVE 01»»».0l«aa. Claai.lciaH.ldaM. CUaa. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, PLACING the . INSTALMENTS • of the .GOTEBN: in a manner , the inland towns of Canada, and of the Uoiltd ritatea ' , on IX. AH. r.M P.U. I Jt.U. P.M. A DJOINING the Terminus of the Sonth: Wales MENT LOAN and BONDS falling dne, to Aecept givo satisfaction, , y faroornblft Uranit^r < > ¦ . ¦ ' * I "<t>.¦ •• ••¦" "¦ ' '' l inn hm h-m hm hmlbm JtX. Railway Company at New Milford, and the EXl'EOlTIOUSLY, AND ELEGANTLY. Fof KreinKt or P«i«« apply to " . - . tARGE A1VD VARIED DRAPERY STOCK STILL (CONTINUES. ~ _ _!»0 LOANS at FOTJB PEE OBNT, payable.upon OKI CUHAPLY , Thurlci departure — 7 in «e Landing Stagtfof the Waterford Royal Mail Packets. other HOOK- Tns NATIOMAI. STKAM S>Htr COMPANT Tfmpl'moro m — 7 18 — (1 SI — I a 10 MONTH'S NOTICE, or MVE PEB CENT. npon -TH»B« PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, ami oil (LiuiiEn), y informed that the above Specimens way 14, Tlie Alb .r.T, OhlliRl|.«t ., and 23, Water-street Li'erprol Nr»|fh — B 30 _ 5 IS — — Tho Public aro respectfull MONTHS'NOTICE. ,-. ¦ - . -• • WOU1C, in a manner equal to any house. , , HOUSE KEEPERS should not miss tho opportunity which this BANKRUPT SALE To. N. and J. ClMMim andC. BROB Porti.rana — 8 U - I 20 — I — extensive Establishment is rcpleto with every accom- They triU also accept MONET" on MOETOAGB tho Office. ., Qaeenstawo ; to Partnnnlown — 6 41 — 6 25 — ! — be seen at Mr. MusriiT, News Au'ent affords, of getting modation. Coffee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ; FORMS. , Carrick-on-Suirj or Itoncrtil I — 7 13 — 6 1 — I — BONDS, at SIX PEE CENT, for TIIREE or FITS YEASS, RKXTALS, LEASER , imd all kiiitU of LAW Mr. K ICIIARD I'nrLAS, Portlaw ; or to the. Mnrjlioro' ...arvl...up\ — 8 31 — 7 J( — I 3 24 Billiard nnd Smoking Rooms. Tho Rooms aro large, and for tho DEBENTURE STOCK, bearing Interest used i,, WORKHOUSES anil DISPEX- Agent for llaterfori- fur- All the FORMS U ICIMEL IJOWNET, Quay. Dublin departure — 00 1040 -13 0 lofty, nnd airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly at SIX PER CENT, for THREE YEARS aud FIVE PBB 1'iinteJ List, which may FIRST CLASS GOOSS, IN Marylioro'..am/._<(o;n _ IO 30 2 55 6 35 ill 0 , RAKIE S, at Price* in The Sites — nished, nud nro otherwise iitted up with every regard CENT in perpetuity afterwards. lication. CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY. DOWH TRAISB — ; ~"~ be had on app Slnrybnro' ...departure 6 30 III 50 «7 —,4 0 to comfort and convenience. For tho Year ending tho 29th September, 1869, the in Black or Colored Inks. WOOLLEN CLOTHS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, * a 3" 3li POSTING and HAND-RILLS, JANUARY , 1870 . Abbeyleix ! 6 50 11 10 I .1 50 ) „ r. - 4 20 This Hotel is situated on tho bnuks of tho far- Traffic Receipts were £28875 17». 4d.—the Workiag with or without printed heail- Att»na|!li I 1 I" II 2s ' 0 }"i — 4 35 and commands a most exten- H3* ACCOUNT HOOKS , STEAM COMMUNICATI ON * ? famed Milford Haven, and other Expenses being £15,605 4s. 2d.—leaving a strongly bound, and Paged FANCY DRESSES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HnllyraKSM 7 20 ll 3} i i« 15 ) ? — 4 <s \n^, inaile in a superior wanner, Kilkenny ....orriror 1 45 !2 0 I <l 411 8 111 — 5 10 sive view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of tho Balance of £13,270 13s.
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