BULLETIN OF INFORMATION SERIES : No. 7 EDITED BY BENJAMIN F. SHAMBAUGH ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY COMPILED BY DAN ELBERT CLARK - P SHED AT IOWA CITY IOWA IN 1914 BY THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA IOMlA ST,": TY,'./<Lji\!!G LiBRARY DCS MOINES, IOWA EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION study Iowa history by correspondence, and to study clubs in arranging history programs. Public, school, and college libraries in Iowa are advised to secure the publications herein listed, since a collection of these publications will be found to constitute a library of materials on Iowa history adequate to meet all ordinary demands. BENJ. I?. SHAMBAUGH OFFICEOF THE SUPERINTENDENTAND EDITOR THE STATEH~STORICAL Socm OF IOWA IOWACpry IOWA CONTENTS I. ONE HUNDREDTOPICS IN IOWAHISTORY . 11. LIST OF AUTHORS . III. SUGGESTEDCOURSES OF READINGIN IOWAHISTORY 38 IV. THE GOVERNORSOF IOWA. V. UNITEDSTATES SENATORS FROM IOWA. VI. SOMEIMPORTANT DATES IN EARLYIOWA HISTORY 42 -- 10 ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY 11 Van der Zee's Forts in the Iowa Country. salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, see Parish's John Chambers, Ch. XIV. Salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, see Sabin's The Making of Iowa, Chs. XW, XVIII. index. &terial may also be found in the Annals of Iowa, in the Iowa His- Procee&ngs of a Council with the Chippewa Indians. The S~acand Fos Indians and the Treaty of 1846. torical Record, and in county histories. HALF 20. MILITARYEXPEDITIONS IN THE IOWACOUNTRY 15. THE BREEDTRACT ' Pelzer's A Jmrnal of Marches by the First United States Dragoona Knoepfler's History of the Half Breed Tract in Iowa. (In preparation.) 1854-1895. Van der Zee's The Half Breed Tract before the Year 1833. Powell's The Cmtributions of Albert Miller Lea to the Literature of Iowa History. 16. BLACKHAWK AND THE BLACKHAWK WAR Van der Zee's Captain James Allen's Dragoon Expedition from Fort Van der Zee's The Black Hawk War and the Treaty of 1832. Des Moines, Territory of Iowa, in 1844. Pelzer's Henry Dodge, Ch. V. Van der Zee's Edzoin V. Sumnsr's Dragoon Expedition in the Ted- Stevens's The Black Hawk War Includiltg a Review of Black Hawk's tory of Iowa Cn the Summer of 1845. Kearny's Journal of An Expedition Across Zowa in 1860. Richman's John Brown Among the Quakers and Other Sketches, pp. Van der Zee's French Expedition Against the Sac and Fox Indians in 79-119. the Iowa Country, 1734-1735. 21. ALBERTM. LEAAND HIS PLACEIN IOWAHISTORY 17. EZEOKUK - THE INDIANORATOR Powell's The Cmtrc3utions of Albert Miller Lea to the Literature of- Richman's John Brown Among the Quakers and Other Sketohes, pp. Iowa History. 79-119. Shambaugh's The of the Name Iowa. The Sac and Fox Indians and the Treaty of 1842. Lea's Notes on Wisconsin Territory. Salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, see Lea's Early Explorations in Iowa. index. Lea's Report on the Iowa and Missouri Boundary. Salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, pp. 18. EVENTSIN THE IOWACOUNTRY FROM 1803 to 1832 Van der Zee's Forts in the Iowa Country.: .Tq ' la*! + Q'*; .*' i'' manent Settlement. Salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase, Chs. Van der Zee's Fur Trade Operations in the Eastern Iowa Country from 1800 to 1895. Langworthy's Dubugue: Its History, ~ines,Indian Legends, etc. Van der Zee's Episodes Cn the Early History of the Western Iowa Coun- Shambaugh's Iowa City: A Contribution to the Early History of Iozca. Sabin's The Making of Iowa, Ch. XIX. Van der Zee's Old Fort Madison: Some S02trce Materials. Material may be found in the Annals of Iowa, in the Iowa Historical Sdter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase. Record, and in the histories of the various counties. Salter's The Eastern Border of Iowa in 1817. Schoolcraft's Dubuque in 1830. 23. THEPIONEERS AND PIONEERLIFE IN IOWA IN Shambaugh's History of the Constitutions of Iowa, Ch. 111. 19. EARLY FORTS IOWA McCarty's Early Social and Religious Experiments in Iowa. Van der Zee's Forts in the Iowa Country. Sabin's The Making of Iowa, Ch. XXI. Flagler's A History of the Bock Island Arsenal. Vuch material on this subject may be' found in the Annals of Iowa, in Mrs. Peck's Fort Armstrong. the Iowa Historical Record, and in the histories of the various Van der Zee's Old Fort Madison: Some Swce Materials. counties of Iowa. 14 ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY 15 35. THELUCAS-CONWAY CONTROVERSY inn's The Story of the Mormons. Gue9,q History of Iowa, Val. I, Ch. XIX. Parish's Robert Luca.~, Cha XVII-XXI. Shambaugh's Hktory of the Constitutions of Iowa, Ch. VIII. The Controversy between Secretary Conway and the Council. 41. Auausrus CAESARDODGE - AN EARLYIOWA SENATOR The Controuersy between. Secretary Conway and Covernor Luca~. pelser's Augwtus Caesar Dodge. Salter 's Aug~t~C. Dodge. 36. THEBELLEVUE WAR Clark's History of Senatorial Elections in Iowa, Cha I, 111. Reid's Thomas Cm, Chs. XIV-XVII. Colgrove's The Delegates to Congress from the Territory of Iowa. Black's Lynchings in Iowa. 42. GEORGEWALLACE JONES - AN EARLYIOWA SENATOR 37. JOHNCHAMBERS - THE SECOND GOVERNOR OF THE TER- Parish's George Wallace Jones. RITORP OF IOWA Wilkie's Geo. W. Jones. Parish's John Chambers. Clark's Histoy of Senatorial Elections in Iowa, Chs. I, 11, V. Shamhugh's Messages and Proclamations of the Governors of Iowa, Colgrove's The Delegates to Congress from the Territory of Iowa. Vol. I, pp. 249-311. Parish's The Autobiography of John Chambers. 43. JAMESW. GRIMES- THEOPPONENT OF SLAVERY Salter 's Life of James W. Grimes. 38. THE CONSTITUTIONOF 1844 AND THE DISPUTEOVER Carpenter's James W. Grimes, Governor and Senator. BOUNDARIES Clark's History of Senatorial Elections in Iowa, Chs. V,VII. Shambaugh's History of the Constitutio~sof Iowa, Cha. X-XIV. Pelzer's The Origin and Organizatwn of the Republkan Party in Iowa. Pelzer's Auwstw Caesar Dodge, Ch. VIII. Slhambaugh's Messages and Proclamtwns of the Governors of Iowa, Parish's John Chambers, Ch. XIII. Vol. 11, pp. 3-112. Conventions of 1844 and 1846, pp. 3-313. Shambaugh's Documentary Material Relating to the History of Iowa, VO~.I, pp. 150-184. Brigham's James Harlan. Clark's History of Senatorial Elections in Iowa, Chs. 111, N,VI, VIII, 39. THECONSTITUTION OF 1846 AND THE ABMISSIONOF IOW~ INTO THE UNION OF Shambaugh's History of the Constitutiol~sof Iowa, Chs. XV-XVIIT. 45. THECONSTITUTION 1857 Pelzer's Azcg~stusCaesar Dodge, Ch. VIII. Shambaugh's History of the Constitutions of Iowa, Chs. XIX, XX. Shambaugh's Documentary Material Relating to the History of Iowa, Shambaugh's Documentary Material Relating to the History of Iowa, VOLI, pp. 123-131, 185-215. Vol. I, pp. 217-287. Shambaugh's Fragments of the Debates of the Iowa Constitutional Horack's Recent Amendments to the Constitution of Iowa. Conventions of 1844 and 1846, pp. 317-401. Horack's Constitutional Amndments in the Commonweatth of Iowa. 40. THEMORMONS IN IOWA 46. OLD JOHNBROWN IN IOWA Van der Zee's The Mormon Trails in Iowa. Richman's John Brown Among the Quakers and Other Sketches, pp. Bloomer's The Mormons in Iowa. Schmidt's The Miller-Thompson Election Contest. Teakle's The Rendition of Barclay Coppoc. Jones's The Quakers of Iowa, pp. 191-197. Lloyd's John Brown Among the Pedee Quakers. Country. Sabin's The Making of Ioca, Ch. XXXI. 16 . ONE HTJNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY ONE HUNDRED TOPICS IN IOWA HISTORY 17 47. BARCLAYCOPPOC -A FOLLOWEROF OLD JOHN BROWN 53. THEIOWA BAND Teakle's The Redition of Barclay Coppoc. l~dams'sThe Iowa Band. Riehman's John Brown Amng the Quukers and Other Sketches, pp. Magom's Iowa Band of 1843. 49-56. Douglass's The Pilgrims of Iowa, Ch. IV. Jones's The Quakers of Iowa, pp. 194-197. Shambaugh's Messages and Proclamations of the Governors of Iowa, Vol. 11, pp. 380-402. Aurner's History of Education C Iowa. (In preparation.) Brighd's James Harlan, Chs. IV-VII. 48. SAMUELJ. KIRKWOOD -IOWA'S WAR GOVERNOR Parker's Teachers in Iowa Before 1858. hthrop's Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood. Buffurn's Federal and State Aid to Education in Iowa. Clark's History of Senatorial Elections in Iowa,, Cha. VIII, XI. Parvin's Thomas Hart Benton, Jr. Shambaugh's Messages and Proclamation8 of the Governors of Iowa, Material may also be found in the official reports of the State Super- Vol. 11, pp. 227-524; Vol. IV, pp. 285-318. intendent of Public Instruction, in the Annuls of Iowa, and in Clark's Samuel Jorhn Kirkwood. (In preparation.) county histories. 49. IOWAAND THE CIVILWAR 55. HIGHEREDUCATION IN IOWA Byers1 Iowa in War Times. Aurner7s History of Education in Iowa. (In preparation.) Lathrop9s The Life and Times of Saml J. Kirkwood. Parker's Higher Education in Iowa. Ingersoll's Iowa and the Rebellion. Pickard's Historical Sketch of the State University of Iowa. Rich's The Battle of Shiloh. Parker's The Founders of Iowa College. Reports of the Adjutant General of Iowa, 1861-1865. Abernethy's History of Iowa Baptist Schools. Roster of Iowa Soldiers. 56. AMANA- THE COMMUNITYOF TRUEINSPIRATION 50. THE LAKE SPIRIT MASSACRE Mrs. Shambaugh's Amana: The Community of True Inspiration.
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