bpai hi ' i:m['.i:i; w. tag. PAGE in THK SEATTLE STAR SAT JESS WILLARD NEVER WILL BE MATCH FOR JACK DEMPSEY Cal Ewing I rhe Fighting Pose of Ex-Champ Too Old, Fat HEMItfSCEMCE? Outsmarts "Bearcat" Dode Bercot and Slow for Champion ? Coasters Willard Ha. Remarkable Physique, but Seattle Fans |\P C Puodatc Will See for Them.elve. Tue.day; Demp»ey Hat Youth, Punch and Condition All in Hi* Favor As Told to Leo H. Lassen Fosters Rookie Rule and Protects Himself With B1 UK) 11. i.a.sskn Veterans IT this in your l»oiinet: Jess Willard will never beat Jack Demo- KY LEO H. LASSEN ns i,h tl. world's heavyweight champion- Harry Decker Used Beefsteak and ASH II tn Chl ship unI«?HH they let him come in with *cou- Kwlns for out ple of axe*. ?marl ins iti<" \u25a0'\u25a0I big nf I hi* «'nu»l Willj.nl is a wonderfully built fellow, weight Shot While Inventing Big Glove Imiur limp and pow.-rtul. with the power that II K i ii unfa ii. MM wins alone gives. foalaiwil Iha if too days used to lake some awful punishment because ..I tin- lack ot who But the foimei champion old. tod| TN the old catcher- i \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 k l« t ill'* lliiW ?? ? early (lav- and the huilci- Mfl too to be considered an m & protection. The pitching l>o\ was m those lii *ffwl <n MM fat and klov ever speed as the\ ha\ e now rlrmlt fur »a»t formidable championship contender. here TuesdM Of course, the catchers stood hack ami took the Ilist pitches on the \u25a0 ??\u25a0on »hi«*h Seattle fans will see W illard for themselves lu»s,>>. ami it was the thud strike. \u25a0taiaa thai two at the Crystal Pool, when he will go thru the motion» in l*»unce except when men were on man who dla not af| gloves 1,1 those days, and a bj simply ihowing himself and doe* l'.ut they had no shm guards, masks or lug mi \r 1(1 «'!«»? A A exhibition bout Willard We almost a martyi to km> U-hmd the plate with lellows like or major l«a«u* no real lx)xmg in the exhibition. fellow had'to chance John Clarkson. Amos llusie and those old stars doing the pitohmjr hall in lt?J mmi But as W illard will undoubtedly be given a with glove in- manlier* of fans to The big catcher's pad now in use in baseball, is the same that Dempsey again, it will lie interesting foi Seattle see Pecker, mate of mine on the Peoria team in IHM.">. invented atapa nut anil Imaa up Oklahoma cowlxiy for Hairy a team Then Kwln* the to hit thidgja up la Harry had Iteen troubled with split fingers and he kept tinkering around lw>l Bakar and t'hat Thomaa f<>i hia t hi'mselveit. aa hia old Dm fashion with leather trying to figure out how to protect his left hand, which does i-ali-hara an<l lha> prota. t him far MM not claim to be In roohlr I ula la cotx-ai Had aa tha condition mm, aaying that w would ltl\ t its i OMIXO the big work tor all catchers. llakar .ana tit In tha Moot ham or an \U»N». UMOI glove to start with one day he slipjKii a aftar »,i. n l.ii« neeil Intenalva work for five He had a thin, fingerless and laogua laat aummar llmmy Rivers, the Taooroa, faOaw and In month* to get In ahape He la aport piece of raw l>eefstcak U'tween the glove and his hand and that gave him aa\aral yaara In tha majora who showad such promise laat yaar. ? a .« lianlel idea. this protection for almost a season, using a Iresh tha i'uml Ing u paunch that nutkaa only to loaa several atarta becau ha his first He used T1...m.i- lJi"l in tha nulf-|M-ri<tanl l D'lgdale look !lka a Morgan dancer. wu 'ln't laad. la coming back again piece of meat each day. Han Joaquin vallay rlrrult laat aa*. Wlllard i« I big, good nutured Ha ll.kad a fallow named BUI Mar pocket of the glove and put a piece of leather aon ami ha nlao haa aaan lons major MM Then he tried shot in the kid, and the talk 1* that WlU»rd row In Ta<-oma recently, and n**t shot, two pieces ot leather. leaSUa aat \ lr* on top of the leaving it l>etween the lan't keen on fighting but that he la ?wk ha tackles Tad Krache. tha ur> f,n- Ho Kwins outamartad hla ro work gave him the idea of huild.ng the mitt up bigger and lacing being egged on by hia socallsd defested tliaya Harbor boy. Rlvei* This aia by srahhins 'a" ' tookiaa ' and ft lenda h ia plenty of bo*mg akill and If ha la gers on the Itack of the jrlov. villi fortirylns hla i-alrhlns ««rpa. g»l match with l>eiiipaey ..in have in condition and flgliln he ahould "» |>mioctioii. finally got |H> whathar A >tulTiii|i the mitt and It lamaina to arao ; i One day he hit upon th< idea ol tu»> but one raault. that a a cruahlng a long »a>a in the ring game ? Rwins will ll»a up to Hi* rral auiilt and some good felt and used that defeat for Wlllard. of Iha mo air rula or not not t It has been in use ever since. Wlllard look a terrible l>eating at niKTi \\r> Toledo In lilt, and since then ha Mllll.- I.'MM! I ?tin have the mark* of those \ \t NilI M grow younger Hanny Kramer and !<»r Oarman ng daye on my ban «. haa n no and haa I catch Hi I I VMI !?- an t galnr.i no aklll, while I>emi>aey at in?' In Portland Monday la * fingers, never correctly nn-inlil ri -.hi Hi* r.«»« atata im la many Farrell tha very peak of hia championship* round i"'r»r that will go a lone *lf> remenibei of the old time Fanning With Shaw, flins»r with I l*at rlfhthandad reign toward deciding Hie i'oa«t feather- plats mm's from K*n m<i aa..ann. bavins ihr- Kmm Haaia laai weight title Both fellows have bsca their left-hand finger*, because they rtuiy <iua (hf national paatlma Hut Mont champions kept title*. I Ws Mil I going well ~.??\u25a0:> ami a good bout la kept faraaklni: all the tino- llun><> if Dial Hha i dim la ''111 mis exception. mi i \i \\ In order. ? Catching hi baatball with Football . .lam mliioi li-a*u. ptuhrt. LUKJ t»da>. Seattle fana like the alyle of ? will guards and |>ri oag of kinds Hascttall champs repeatctl. will Im Imi k ull tha >»b acaln a.I Chuck llelman the Portland yountr st HI M W < MONO la a aaft cum tsar > d to tba dan " Job i tba decline of the "oM guatd The ater who will take on Frankie flreen It \iK 19 N M risked by the knight* of lh« BY IIKNR. L 1 VKKKI.I MMM I KMiIM I Kill get* [cloae of Ho -raoon found at tha Crystal I'ool Tuesday night. Kddie Marino aay>- that Hernia thoe* data egception of golf and OW \ HI \l. elate In rarl> ihe W< I. < I. unpion Har»»eii Thla little fellow ooxea with real skill Rchumsti will he back tn the Mart* in most You isn't flsura ball playara. WITHboalng. lenders sport i> Champion?Walter aeat i-iglit British t>i» j alwaya to for a kid who haa had but a few soon Thla welterw will will tell remained In possession of their hon Oeursa klalaal wanlad Monday Oucdale Hair*n hut fights under hia belt He alao has a never l«- rhampion of anthylng. but or* thru l»IJ rotna lark to tha foaat laasua. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Ml tba rhangri In xmc of Allw rlcun liperi Champion tlena real kick and he may la> heard of in HVhuman alwsvs g1»e» the Imya and There was practically a new Hat whan ha had a chanr.. to play wllh the rule*, and hoar they arm Hareaen. faater company one of thesa days git l» h good run for thatr money. of champions In football, but that Im Ansalaa h» lurna around «nd about P O A Champion (l«r Hataxen Thrre ia gossip that he wilt gate branch! is such an unstable game that many ansinaeta a daal for h Imaa If wharaby Willi Amateur Champion--Jesse Sweet In Willi. HI WILL Bob Harper tn Portland soon. annual changes sr* forced by nat da a ill plat aith Toronto In tha ' aar. Br. M VT« ural conditions larnational ian sua n*it taar Hut taat Amateur Woman Champion Mi«s great deul intereat Tuei-day lor BENJAMIN i..«a a ill tia k»anly »»r» by I- A aa A of TILDEN MAY Professional baseball retained Olena Collate a in will alao aettla on the allowing of tOMIM. \OHill moat of its leading clubs snd tennis ? ? ? Malaal la atal of ll» *»o»t aalat Hlllv Wright, who l« doing real I. ? l!en,am.i. i- ? omlng North . had no important cbangea CcMtat Irasua company BE ABLE TO /"VV I.IFOKNI A won the national comeback Wright haa won two mmiii 'ieorge Hhanklin haa htm Ml In the college field, rowing aqd v.
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