Baptist Progress, P.O. Box 2085, Waxahachie, Texas 75168 75168 Texas Waxahachie, 2085, Box P.O. Progress, Baptist Postmaster: send change of address to: address of change send Postmaster: 500125 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS | MARCH 2018 | VOL. 105 | NO. 03 INSIDE PAGE 8 BMA TEXAS MISSIONS PAGE 9 DR. BILLY GRAHAM Women of God, dive deep in to your Father’s promises this April Baptist Church. “If we’re going to become the mature women of God 13-14 at Keltys Baptist Church in Lufkin, Texas. Prepare to study and that God wants us to be, if we’re going to become like Christ, then it’s learn to apply God’s unending grace in your life by attending the Spring important that we have a better understanding of God.” Women’s Conference, “Grace for Today and Tomorrow,” sponsored by The heart behind this event is to give women a conference that is more DiscipleGuide. than simply fellowship and door prizes, but rather one that digs deep in to Holly Elliff , an accomplished speaker and frequent guest on Nancy God’s Word. The goal is to have God’s Word at the very center of it all. DeMoss Wolgemuth’s Revive Our Hearts, will be the keynote speaker for “Women have an important role in the life of their family and in the this event. church,” continued McMullin. “This conference is not for specifi c phases During the fi rst session, Holly will give an overview of grace and of life, but rather it is geared toward all women, no matter the age, who its meaning. The second session will dive deeper, using the example want to understand God’s grace and apply it to their lives.” of Hannah from the Bible, studying how her life changed when she So join Keltys Baptist Church this April for the Spring Women’s understood God’s grace. In the third session, Holly will talk about “grace Conference. Worship through music will be provided by Becca Bradley, PAGE 16 through fears and failures,” telling conference-goers how to apply God’s and those who register before March 1 will be able to register for only SOAR grace in difference circumstances. $25. To register, visit keltys.org/womens-conference, or call 936-634- “I think it is important that, as women, we grow in our knowledge of 4019. the Lord,” said Vercie McMullin, Women’s Ministry Director for Keltys WWW.BMATEXAS.ORG Billy Graham, a It’s almost time genuine man of God BAPTIST PROGRESS By JERRY FULTON Jerry Fulton, Editor/Business Manager Are you making plans to attend the 69th Annual Meeting A champion of the faith, Dr. Billy Graham, P.O. Box 2085, Waxahachie 75168 of the BMA of America? The meeting will take place at the has been called home. He was a genuine man 972-923-0756 • www.baptistprogress.org Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi April of God. His ministry and life made a profound BAPTIST MISSIONARY LOAN ASSOCIATION 16-18. Multiple interesting breakout sessions will be conducted impact on my own. I can remember when I Jerry Burnaman, Manager including, Sharing Christ with Muslims, Multi-Generational was wrestling with the idea of entering the PO Box 73, Waxahachie 75168 Ministry, Opportunities…Hispanic and How to Counsel. The Gospel ministry that I found his biography, 972-923-0758 president’s message will be Monday evening. Beginning Tuesday Just As I Am, to be most helpful. May God afternoon through Wednesday, reports and recommendations will raise up more men who are willing to carry BMA OF TEXAS MISSIONS be presented by each department of the BMA of America. The Heith Mitchell, Director His Gospel message to the ends of the earth. PO Box 73, Waxahachie 75168 annual message will be delivered by Terry Kimbrow, president Dr. Graham will surely be missed, but his 972-923-0757 of Central Baptist College in Conway, Arkansas, on Tuesday infl uence in this world will remain for many evening. A highlight of the meeting, the missions commissioning years to come. Please see Bro. Paul Gauntt’s JACKSONVILLE COLLEGE service, will be held Wednesday evening. I hope to see you there. article on Dr. Graham on page 9 of this issue. Dr. Mike Smith, President ▲ Jerry Fulton 105 B. J. Albritton Drive Jacksonville 75766 903-586-2518 www.jacksonville-college.edu TEXAS BAPTIST HOME Jason Curry, President PO Box 309, Waxahachie 75168 972-937-1321 • www.tbhc.org USPS: 043120 • ISSN: 005-5751 Published every third week of the month by the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas Jerry Fulton, Editor/Business Manager [email protected] P.O. Box 2085 • Waxahachie, Texas 75168 972-923-0756 (offi ce) • 972-923-3534 (fax) www.baptistprogress.org Periodical postage paid at Waxahachie, Texas 75165 and at additional mailing offi ces SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Mail Church Plan: $1.75 per month E-Mail Church Plan: $1.25 per month Mail Subscription: $24.00 per year E-mail Subscription: $18.00 per year (Advertising Rates Available on Request) Postmaster: Send address changes to Baptist Progress, P.O. Box 2085, Waxahachie, Texas 75168 2 | March 2018 BMA of America recommendations The following recommendations will be presented to the BMA $145,182.22 be approved. MORAL ACTION of America for consideration during the 69th Annual Meeting of 5. That the budget for June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019 in the 1. That Dr. John M. Adams stand as a nominee for executive the BMA of America in Jackson, Mississippi April 16-18: amount of $120,990.00 be approved. director of Moral Action. 6. We urge each church to include Ministers Resource Services 2. That the proposed Moral Action budget be approved. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS in her monthly budgeted offerings to the various departments 3. That our churches and pastors embrace and support our Your Committee on Arrangements visited the following and agencies of the BMA. nation by participating and promoting the National Day of prospective sites for the 2021 annual meeting of the BMAA: Prayer, May 3, 2018, to join other Americans in praying for Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas. BMA SEMINARY our nation. Meetings can be conducted at town halls, city Our recommendation to our churches is that the 2021 meeting 1. Affirmation of the proposed budget halls, county courthouses and State houses. be held at the Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas, April 2. Re-affirm the appointment of Dr. Charley Holmes as president 4. That all our BMA churches schedule June 24 or July 1, 2018 19-22, 2021. Each church observe Sunday, May 20, 2018, as Scholarship as the Moral Action “Freedom Offering” Sunday. This is an Sunday with:special prayer for our graduates receive a special opportunity to honor or give memorials for our soldiers, both COORDINATING COUNCIL scholarship offering to support the training of future BMA pastors past and present. 1. We recommend that no structural changes be made at this and missionaries on that Sunday 5. That our local associations, our local and state WMA and time to the relationship between DiscipleGuide and Daniel Brotherhoods, and our local churches be encouraged to give Springs Camp. We recommend that this matter continue to Verify that the association believes BMA Seminary’s purpose a financial gift or a budgeted monthly gift to Moral Action. be evaluated over the coming year. We further recommend statement clearly, accurately, and realistically articulates the 6. That Dr. John M. Adams, executive director, represent the that Camp Director, Jason Prewitt, be encouraged to make mission of BMA Seminary and the expectations of the association. BMA of America in Washington, D.C. by encouraging and contacts and visits among the churches of the association to The purpose of the Seminary’s divisions of undergraduate contacting our United States Senators, Congressmen, and raise awareness of the camp ministry and needs of the camp. and graduate studies is to provide accredited undergraduate other Christian moral/political organizations such as the 2. We recommend that January, 2019, be designated as and graduate theological education for equipping individuals American Family Association (AFA), Focus on the Family, Stewardship Emphasis Month among the churches of the for Christ-centered service and leadership roles; to support the Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, and BMA. We encourage our churches to utilize the “Open educational needs of the churches and agencies of the Baptist Heritage Foundation. Hands” material produced by DiscipleGuide as a resource in Missionary Association of America and other groups who share 7. That our Baptist Missionary Association of America reaffirm this emphasis. a like commitment to the authority of Scripture; and to serve as a and approve these five (5) Moral Action resolutions and that resource center for critical thought and research in a context which they are mailed to the President, United States Senators, the LIFEWORD MEDIA MINISTRIES nurtures the historical, doctrinal character of the churches of the United States House of Representatives, and the United States 1. We recommend that we adopt the proposed operating budget Baptist Missionary Association of America. Supreme Court. for 2018. 8. That we humbly request that these resolutions be printed in 2. We recommend that Sunday, October 21, 2018, be set aside as DISCIPLEGUIDE our BMA state newspapers. Lifeword Sunday. 1. That we adopt the proposed DiscipleGuide operating budget 9. That the BMA churches recognize and honor our grandparents 3. We recommend that the housing allowance be set at $2,500 for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. and great-grandparents on Grandparents Day September 9, per month for the Director of Operations, Director of 2. That we adopt the proposed Daniel Springs operating budget 2018.
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