pa PPX' $ pc • $ • 4 .s • p - -. ~ . • ..... • ._ ,,_. , ~-r ...... _PJ:: ........ .:"'"1""'"".":9". .,1 \, . All the News of An the Point" Every Thursd.y Morning ~ws J~ll Home of the News l'.bUlhed al second Cia •• Motter at the 20c 1'., Copy 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One VOL. 39-NO. 20 $1.00 1'.. Yeor 'Olt OHlce at Detrait, Mlclll •• " , ,- GP Lawyers Wives Cite Concerned Citizens Credit Given HEADLINES ~I Seniors Housing To Woman of the Informant WEEK Question Placed As Compiled by the Park Officers Also Ap- Grosse Pointe New. On Woods Ballot prehend An 0 the r Suspect, Believed to Be Friend of Thursday, May 11 Council by. 4-2 Vote Agrees to Obtain Feelings j PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR. of ReSidents for Complex at Ghesquiere Man Taken in TER'S plea to organized ! Park; Proposal Views Revenue Bond Farms labor to hold down future i wage demands in order to Issue on_______Three Acres of Land Jerry James W'oeltge, help the President's anti- By Roger A, Waha 27, of Findley, Detroit, inflation program was re- jected yesterday by A~L. 'Y0ods voter~ wil~ ~onsider a. referendary ballot allegedly known as "Big CIO President George Meany questIon on semor CItIzen housmg at Ghesquiere Foot," the elusive day- and other labor leaders. Pa.rk as the council by a 4-2 vote agreed to place time burglar believed to President Carter had said a thl~ matter on the August 8 primary ballot. This be responsible for num- hold.down of wages would actIon was taken at its regular meeting Monday erous burglaries in the help slow the rise in con. May 15. ----------' Detroit area, was finallv sumer prices. But Mr. Meany The council considered a stopped by Farns poEce said, "We feel the pressure proposed question, drafted Club Plans on Thursday, May 11, at should be put on the prices by City Attorney George Cat. 1 13 rather than the wages." !in on Monday, May 8, after New Center :He p~:~ nabbed after an President Carter, who met a meeting was he I d with members of the Senior Citi. alert woman called _uthorit- with Mr. Meany and other ies when she observed a sus. labor leaders yesterday, had zens Commission, City Ad. or eniors picious white male entering no immediate comment. minist~ator Chester E. Peter. F S a neighbor's house. * It: ,. sen and Councilman George Cue t e r, commission repre- Building W"111 V FaTr~s Deht. Sgt. George Friday. May 12 sentative on the council. Serve an lem, w 0 was in on the IN A DRAMATIC tie vote One word was changed by Social, Recreational initial arrest of Woeltge, and yesterday, the Senate Foreign the council in the proposal, Needs of Elderly Farms Det. Earl Field, both Relations Committee failed with this adjustment being "C • of whom spent many hours to block President Jimmy made near the end of the In ommunlty questioning the suspect, said 1 t' h that they have reasons to be. Carter's Mideast warplane ALBERT BOLAND and Pointer CULLEN pac k age. The President's asongfollows:ques IOn, w ich reads By Susa' n McDonald l'leve that "Big Foot" was BUTLER, who chased a purse snatcher through package includes the sale of Do you favor the creation The Neighborhood Club responsible for more than 100 warplanes to Saudi Arabia, a neighborhood, and DANIEL HINTZE of Algon- of a building authority by the is looking forward to burglaries in The Farms and Egypt and Israel. The com. ac, STUART DOMEZ of St. Clair Shores and City of Grosse Pointe Woods breaking ground next the other Pointes, St. Clair mittee's eight.to.eight vote JOHN DAWSON of Southgate, who searched for for the purpose of construct- spring for a new senior Shores, Detroit, East Detroit sets the stage for a bitter occupants of an automobile which had plunged ing senior citizen housing citizens' center to serve and Harper Woods during. floor fight in the Senate into Lake St. Clair. for Woods residents only to the elderly in all five the past three months. next week. The vote was a be financed by a revenue Grosse Pointes, officials Chief Cites Citizen temporary victory for the YSD' bond issue _.not to exceed announced this week. Another man, arrested by 4500 000 to be re pal'd from Park police during a recent ~~~ni~~~:ti~~, ~~~ t::c~;~~ Center Drive s Budget AppJ.~ved .Contract of $ , , . The club has been plan- rentals; such housing to be ning the project for more burglary, is being held by located in Ghesquiere Park than a year in an effort to ~oliee of that city. The sus- ::~a~~: l~~c~~:~n~n o::~i~i N. eeds Help By Board. of l\lallagers') School He'ad on approximately three acres serve social and recreational pect is believed to be a per- fight, because the bill must of. land to ~~ d0l!'ated;, (pre- needs of The Pointe's con- sonal and close friend of ~~~at~ea~eJet~:dHi:u~~th the VI 0 U sly furn~hed was Iltantiy-growing senior citizen Woeltge, who might ha\'e To Hit Goal Another Meeting Set Is Extended • '.' Jj}... t...q.-*'hf!o_~~14iDg author- popu1a\\on.~..c"" _/...,_... been working with him ae- I y Y the city? ',,;' .....• -". ..' , - cording to .Pa~"PdU~l:!" Chier. - _.s~~~~~~~~;~;~; .."~.~.. ~~~~~J~F:;'i!;;:rt:7;:- -se5SR~:i~S;ti~:~:~:~t:~:;e:!:~~;,e~~j~on~ -to. ExpJaJa Vote' . It s no longer Just a pro- Hepry O. Coonce wh.Q is 'soarer'Oliay's -~o:lw' V t' 1 posal. We've progressed far wltbJiold/riijo''ffie''naiire. o'''f't-he . 0 mg to p ace the ques- enough with our fund raising .. C:R~:; ~~,;;: ~ t~~M~Yr tlon ~ampalgn.$25.!OPO sider.Pr.oposal,from Division Coordinator Extension by 5-2 Vote tlOn on the ballot ~er.e Mr. now that we can announce man until a complete inter. of Congress Friday and re- S h 0 r t 0 f Quo t a on Incorporation of 'Services Cited by in Action on May 8 C:ueter, Mayor. BenJ~mm W. the seniors' center will be a rogation and investigation on duced his request for a tax Needed to Balance Judges in Probation Program Plea By Susan McDonald Pmkos and Co U n c I ] men reality with continued com. this point is completed. cut to about $19 billion, Budget ------- The Board of Educa- George S. F!eeman and Jo~n munity support," said club The chief said he is refus- down from the $24 billion By Roger A, Waha Sab~l. Castmg the two d~s- director John Bruce. ing to name the suspect un. he had wanted. He also post- W h . Al tion, by a 5-2 vote, ap- sentmg votes were Council. _ til fin::l proof is, or is not. poned the effective date of it Just 10 days to go ong with approving the Youth Service Divi- proved a. two-year con- men Thomas Fahrner and ReceIves App.roval. uncovered that the suspect the tax cut for three months till Memorial Day, Grosse sian's, (YSD), fiscal year budget for 1978-79 and tract extension for Su- Robert E. Novitke, w h i I e The self.supportmg Nel~h- in Park custody is connected until January I, 1979. The Pointe War Memorial's planning a meeting prior to July 1 to discuss divi- perintendent Dr. William Councilman E. D. Grady was bor~ood Club has sought fm, in any way with "Big Foot.., change means Americans will 1978 annual Family Par- sian manpower requirements, the YSD's board of Coats Monday, May 8. excused from the meeting as anemg ~or seve~al months Farms Police Chief Rob- get less of a tax eut than ticipation Campaign is managers are scheduled to hear from the bureau's The con t r act extends he was out of town from m~Jor eontn.butors and ert K. Ferber, who dispdtch. M F h h'" 1 foundatIOns. It Will conduct d 1 the President had proposed entering the home stretch coordinator on the feasibility of incorporating into through June 30, 1983. Fi. r. a mer, w 0 orlgm~ - a community-wide fund rais, e a etter to the residen~ of and receive it later, if Con- with just under $25,000 the YSD the services recently explored by The nancial details have yet to I~ ~oved that the ~om~ls- er at a later date. Moross road, whose alertness gress goes along with the needed to operate the Pointe's municipal judges in relation to the volun- be worked out. sl.on s r~quest.~e demed WIth The club received site ap- was responsible for the cap. new administration package. Center after July 31. teer probation program. - - The superintendent was hIS motIOn fallmg .for a lack proval and three zoning var. ture of the Metro area's *' *' *' To date, $125,854 has been "The YSD will entertain a 1 paid $41,000 base salary last of ~ up p 0 ~t, saId he ,was iances from the City Council most wanted burglar in a received from 5,172 donors review of the judges' propos. tured, prior to the judges' year and received a $2,000 agamst us I n g G.hesqulere last November to allow it to l?~g time, complimented the Sunday, May 14 as compared to $117,044.07 al to see if the division has plea, to offer such services performance bonus.
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