BUBI RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL INTEGRATED WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT I~f1~ ~~-L~i .~2 ~‘ IRC ~nternatior~alV~!a~ and S~nlt3tioflCentre Tel.: +31 7030 689 80 Fax: ~~3i70 35 899 64 N. R. Mudege Irish Aid L. Mujuru Institute of Water and Sanitation Development February, 1999 824zw 16431 •1 LIBRARY IAC P0 Box 93190, 2509 AD THE HAGUE Tel.: +31 70 3068980 Fax: +31 70 35 89964 BARCODE: I~,L~l LO: CONTENTS Abbreviations 3 Acknowledgements 3 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 2. BACKGROUND 7 2.1. Government or Sector Policy 7 2.1.lObjectivesoflRWSSP 7 2.2. Features ofsub-sector 9 2.3. Background to the project and problems to be addressed 11 2.4. Beneficiaries and parties involved 14 2.5. Purpose ofthe review and terms ofreference 14 2.6. EvaluationMethodology: 15 3. PROJECT PERFORMANCE 16 3.1 Overall Objectives 16 3.1.1 Specific Objectives 16 3.1.2. Results 17 3.2 Comments on Achievements 17 3.2.1 Revision of Targets 17 3.2.2 Borehole Drilling 18 3.2.3 Headworks Construction 18 3.2.4 Borehole Rehabilitation 19 3.2.5 Piped Water Scheme Rehabilitation 19 3.2.6 New Piped Water Scheme 19 3.2.7 Training ofWeilsinkers 19 3.2.8 Procurement ofVPM Tools 19 3.2.9 Training ofVPMs 20 3.2.10 Training ofLatrine Builders 20 3.2.11 Construction ofVIP toilets 20 3.2.12 Construction ofmulti-compartment latrines 20 3.2.13 Health and Hygiene education 20 3.2.14 Community Based Management 21 4.0 Project Successes and Failures 22 4.1 Successes 22 4.2 Failures 25 5.0 Assessment ofthe Quality and operational performance ofthe improved water and sanitation facilities 27 6.0 Health and Hygiene issues 29 7.0 Project Management 31 7.1 National 31 7.2 Provincial 32 7.3 District 32 7.4 Community 33 8.0 Efficiency and Effectiveness 34 9.0 Project Implementation in relation to Irish Aid Policy 35 9,1 Impact on women 35 9.~ Impact on Environment 35 1~ 9.3 Sustainability issues 36 9.4 Poverty Alleviation 37 10.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 38 10.1 Project Management 38 10.2 Sanitation 39 10.3 Community Based Management 39 10.4 Financial Management 40 10.5 Environmental Issues 41 2 ABBREVIATIONS BRDC - Bubi Rural District Council CBM - Community Based Management DWSSC - District Water Supply and Sanitation Sub-committee IRWSSP - Integrated Rural Water Supply and Sanitation program MLGNH - Ministry ofLocal Government and National Housing NAC - National Action Committee .NCU - National Coordination Unit PWSSC - Provincial Water Supply and Sanitation Sub-committee VPM - Village Pump Mechanic VIP - Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine VBCI - Village Based Consultative Inventory WPMC - Water Point Management Committee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The review team would like to thank all the people whom we met in the course of this evaluation and special mention are the workshop participants, the Chief Execute officer of the Bubi RDC, the council chairman, members of the DWSSC and community members. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bubi Rural District Council (BRDC) has been implementing a water and sanitation project with financial assistance from the Irish Government. An agreement for a two year project support was signed in 1996 and implementation started in 1997. Despite constraints this is a successful project, which has a lot of potential for meeting for its goals. Results Borehole drilling generally proceeded well with 26 out of a target of 30 drilled. The major problem was that of contract who raised their rates midway through project implementation making it difficult forthe RDC to fulfill its planned targets. The borehole rehabilitation component achieved most of its targets (75%) but this component was not linked to the Community Based Management activity and as a result the opportunity foron-the-job training to maximise technical training was lost. The sanitation component achieved very little progress (23%) largely due to the absence of a clear sanitation strategy which failed to match the enthusiasm of the community. There was also a problem ofover mobilization and Council failed to fulfil its promises. The introduction of Community Based Management systems is a relatively new concept to the district. This activity whilst it is the cornerstone for enhancing sustainability unfortunately started late in 1998 due to lack of resources and technical support from the National level. The activity recorded very little progress in terms oftechnical training. Concerning the rehabilitation of the two piped water schemes and the construction of a new one, very little progress was recorded largely because of differences between the contractor (DWD) and Council. Funds continued to be tied to this activity despite the fact that it was very clear that funds could not be used within the two-year agreement period. The financial inflexibility also explains why Council could not virement these resources. Financial Management The water and sanitation project in Bubi has demonstrated that with the right training, clear operational guidelines and commitment by the RDC to observe these guidelines, financial discipline can be achieved. The first audit report was very positive as no cases of financial mismanagement were identified. BRDC has also strictly adhered to budget lines. However, the review team noted that there was limited flexibility to more funds between activities even in cases where it was clear that funds could not be used. Given the staffing problems within Council the different reporting systems imposed on the RDC to meet the needs ofboth the NCU and Irish aid is a constraint to council. Project Management The project has been well managed and that an effective forum represented by the DWSSC for discussing issues exist. The district needs to be commended for keeping activities on course despite the staffing problems and the ever increasing costs of operation. 4 The roles and responsibilities between the Province (PWSSC) and NCU need to be clarified as the Province on what its support role should be and hence refer most issues to the National level which in most cases result in implementation delays. Also there is evidence of poor communication between the DWSSC and the Extension staff. The two have never met since the project started and decisions made at district level (DWSSC) are in some cases not communicated to the extension staff and there is a danger ofsending wrong signals to the community. The procurement of project materials has been done in accordance with the Council’s tender procedures however the drilling component was not put to open tender as work wasallocated to DDF and DWD on the basis ofagreed rates. The sanitation component is well privatised with the RDC providing transport of materials and communities hiring trained builders. There is room for privatising the cement delivery system. Council should look at putting in place resolutions that allow it to procure more cement on its tender. Community Based Management Efforts made by the BRDC to implement CBM are very encouraging considering that the activity only started in October, 1998. There is evidence of active water point management committees within the Resettlement and Forestry areas. A detailed implementation plan is in place but progress on technical training is slow. The rehabilitation component was not linked to the operation and maintenance programme and linking the two could have greatly maximised opportunities for on-the- job training. The RDC is heavily dependent on line Ministries to implement CBM and that it currently lacks the capacity as an institution to support community based initiatives. Main Recommendations There are a number of recommendations made in the report, but below are the major ones. 1. The RDC fills up all vacantposts including the recruitment of the waler and sanitation ProjectManager who should be givenfullpowers to dealwith all issues relatedto the efficientimplementation oftheproject. 2. Irishaidput mechanisms in place to enhance quick decision making or they should give the RDC morefiexibility in decision making as long asdecision to be made are within the overall agreedframeworkand do not greatly compromise someproject Outputs. 3. NCU decentralise some of its current responsibilities to theProvince and retainits core businessofpolicyformulations strategic planning, resource mobilisation and donor coordination. NCU spells out exactlywhat issues can be resolved by the 5~ Province and those which will needNational levelattention and concurrence. 4. Frequent meetings be heldbetween the DWSSC and its extension staffandkey community leaders so that management issues are clar~fied 5. All work must be tenderedfor in the open market and that independent experts be engagedto value allcontractual arrangements to ensure that the RDC is protected against malpractices. 6. BRDC formulates a sanitation strategy which critically analyses the subsidy arrangements andalso provides an effective implementationframework that recognizes andsupports the collective effort ofcommunitygroups. Such a strategy should also look at the mobilisation techniques 7. BRDC train latrine builders on how to construct handwashingfacilities and that this be treatedas part of VIP during construction programme. 8. Plastering of toilets through project assistance be discontinuedin order to save cement 9. BRDC make a concerted effort to ensure behaviour change through targeted information dissemination strategies. Schools to be consideredaspossible entry points. 10. CBM be adopted by council andpromotedwidely in allareas ofthe district. 11. The rehabilitation ofwaterpoints by DDFbe closely relatedto the creation
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