Proceedings Of The Natural. History Society Of Maryland No. 7 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES FOUND IN AND AROUND BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND, WITHIN A RADIUS OF TWENTY MILES BY ROMEO MANSUETI DEPARTMENT OF HERPETOLOGY Baltimore, Maryland December, 1941 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES FOUND IN AND AROUND BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND, WITHIN A RADIUS OF TWENTY MILES By Romeo Mansueti Proceeding No. 7 The Natural History" Society of Maryland 2103 Bolton Street Baltimore,Maryland ERRATA Page 3 - Line 8 - ”if” should he !,is!L Page 4 - Line 18 - ’’herpeolotical” should read ’’herpetological” Page 5 - Line 36 - ”and turtles1’ should he omitted* Page 5 - Line 41 - ”nakes” should he ’’snakes”. Page 8 - Line 35 - ”has” should he ’’have”. Page 46 ~ Line 19 - The date of publication, 1938. I ■=> <9 6> ■ '7 3 M V7 CONTENTS Introduction • ........ 1 Acknowledgments ........ 1 Use of Scientific and Common Names ... 2 Specimens Examined ....... 2 Distribution .. ..... 2 Map ...... 3 Key to Map of Baltimore City and Vicinity ... 3 Need of Laymen's Help in Natural History Surveys . 4 Preservation of Amphibians and Reptiles .. 5 Concerning the Bibliography .....» 6 Other Species Possibly Occurring In the Baltimore Area ....... 6 Introduced Forms ..... 9 Ecological Factors of Baltimore and Vicinity ... 10 Class: Amphibia, Amphibians .. 11 Order: Caudata, Salamanders ..... 11 Family! Salamandridae, Newts ...... 11 Genus : Triturus Raf inesque .. 11 1. Triturus viridescens virldescens (RafInesque) Common Red* Eft or Newt .. 13. Family: Ambystomidae, Blunt-nosed Salamanders .. 12 C-enus: Ambystoma Tschudi .... 12 2. Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw) Spotted. Salamander . 12 3. Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst) Marbled Salamander 12 Family: Plethodontidae9 Lungless Salamanders ............. 13 Genus : Desmognathus Baird .... 13 4. Desmognathus fuscus fuscus (Rafinesque) Common Dusky Salamander ...... 13 Genus: Plethodon Tschudi .. 13 3. Plethodon cinereus (Green) Red-backed Salamander ... 13 6. Plethodon glutinosus (Green) Slimy Salamander ............. 14 Genus : Pseudotriton Tschudi ..... 15 *7. Pseudotriton montanus montanas (Baird) Rare Red Salamander ... 15 8. Pseudotriton ruber ruber (Sonnini) Common Red Salamander . 15 Genus: Eurycea Raf inesque ...... 16 9. Eurycea bislineata bislineata (Green) Common Two-lined Salamander •. 16 10. Eurycea long!cauda long!cauda (Green) Common Long-tailed Salamander. 16 Order: Salientia, Frogs and Toads ..... 17 Family: Bufonidaes Toads .. ... 17 Genus: Bufo LaurentI .... 17 11. Bufo amoricanus americanus (Holbrook) American Toad ..... 17 12. Bufo fowleri Hinckley Fowler 1 s Toad ..... 18 Family: Hylidae, Tree Frogs .... 18 Genus: Acris Dumeril and Bibron ..... 18 13. Acris crepitans Baird Baird's Cricket Frog ••.....o. 18 ? 18 2 4 1942 II Genus : Pseudacrls Pitzinger ........... 19 14. Pseudacris nigrita ferlarum (Baird) Eastern Swamp Tree Prog «.... 19 Genus : Hyla Laurenti „.... 0 19 15. Hyla crucifer crucifer (Wied) Common'Spring Peeper ... 19 16# Hyla versicolor versicolor (Le Conte) Common Tree Toad #... 20 Family: Rani da. cs True Frogs ....... 21 Genus : Rana (Linne ..... 21 17. Rana catesbeiana Shaw Bull Frog ...... 21 18# Rana cl ami tons Latreille Green Frog.. 21 19. Rana palustris Le Conte Pickerel Frog ..... 22 20. Rana pipiens Sclircber "Leopard Frog ...... 23 21. Rana sylvatica sylvatica (Le Conte) Common WoocT"Frog ................ 23 Class: Reptllia, Reptiles .......... 25 Order: Squamata3 Scaled Reptiles ... 25 Suborder: Sauria, Lizards ... 25 Family: Iguanidae, Iguanid Lizards ..... 25 Genus : Sceldporus Wiegmann ..... 25 1. Sceloporus undulatus fasciatus (Green) Northern Fence Swift .... 25 Family: Teiidae, Striped Lizards or Racorunners .. 26 Genus: Cnemidophorus Wagler ........................... 26 2. Cnomidophorus sexlineatus (Linne) S ix-1 ine d Race runner ... 26 Family: ScincidaeSkinks ..... 26 Genus : Eumeces Wiegmann ..... 26 3. Eumeces fasciatus (Linne) Blue-tailed Skink .. 26 4* Eumeces latlc-cps (Schneider) Broad-headed Skink .. 27 Suborder: Sorpentes, Snakes .... .. 28 Family: Coiubridae^ Colubrid Snakes ... 28 Genus : Carphophls Gervais ....... 28 5# Carphophis amoena amoena (Say) Common ^'orm Snake ... 28 Genus : Pi ado phis Baird and Girard ... 29 6. Piadophis punctatus edwardsii (Merrcm) Northern Ring-neck Snake #•....•• 29 Genus : Hetorodon Latreille .... 29 7. Hcterodon contortrix (Linne) Hog-nosed Snake ... 29 Genus : Opheodrys Fitzinger .... 30 8# Opheodrys aestivus (Linne) Rough Green Snake . 30 Genus: Coluber Linne ... 30 Coiuber constrictor constrictor (Linne) C ommon Black Racer .. 30 Genus : Elapho Fitzinger ..... 31 10. Elaphc obsolcta obsoleta (Say) Common Pilot Black Snake 31 Ill Genus: Lampropeltis Pitzinger . ....... • 32 ITT Lanipr opcTt is getulus get ulus (Linne) Common King Snake ... 32 12. Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum (Lacepede) Common MlUFsnake .... 32 Genus: Natrix Laurent! ... 33 13. Matrix septemvlttata (Say) "Queen ’ Snake ... • • • •. 33 14. Natrix sipedon srpedon (Linne) Common Banded Water Snake 34 Genus: Stororia Baird and Girard ... 34 15* Stororia dekayi (Holbrook) Dekay Snake ..... 34 16. Stororia occipitomaculata (Storer) Red-bellied Snake .. 35 Genus; Haldea Baird and Girard .. 36 1*7'« Hal'dca valariae valariae (Baird and Girard) Valariae1s Snake ... 36 Genus: Thamnophis Pit zinger ...... 36 16. Thamnophis sauritus sauritus (Linne) Common Ribbon Snake .. 15. Thamnophis sirta.Iis sirtalis (Linne) Common Garter Snake .... 37 Panily: Crotalidae, Pit-vipers ..... 37 Genus : Agkistrodon Beinvois .... ... 37 20. Agkistrodon mokasen cuprous (Rafinesque) Northern Copperhead .. 37 Subclass: Synapsida Osborn .... 33 Order: Testudlnata Oppel . 38 Family: Klnosternldao, Stink-pot Turtles ... 33 Genus : ~ Sternotheru s Gray .... 33 21. Sternothcrus odoratus (Latreillc) husk Turtle ... 38 Genus : Kinosternon Spix ... .. 39 22. Kiribstcrnon subrubrum subrubrum (Lacepede) Coimnon Mud Turtle TT.............. 39 Family: Chelydridae3 Snapping Turtles . 40 Genus : Che Ivor a Gray ..... 40 23. Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Linne) Common Snapping Turtle . c........ • 40 Family: Testudinidae, Pond Turtles and Terrapins 41 Genus : "Clemmys Rit'gen .... 41 24. Clemmys guttata (Schneider) Spotted Turtles .. 41 Genus: Terrapene Merrem ....... 41 25. Terrapene Carolina (Linne) Common Box Turtle 4-1 Genus : Pseudemys Gray ... 42 2oT~Pseudemys rubrlventris rubriventris (Le Conte) Common Red-bellied Terrapin . 42 27, Pseudemys scripta troostii (Wied) Cumberland Terrapin.. 43 Genus: Chrysemys Gray .... 44 23.' Chrysemys picta picta (Schneider) Common Painted Terrapin .......... 44 Bibliography 45 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES FOUND IN AND AROUND BALTIMORE CITY, MARYLAND, WITHIN A RADIUS OF TWENTY MILES By Romeo Mansueti \r y/ \>\r \t ^/ \» V' »/ </ >/. \/ A(. '' ►'{. v "W/v */\ */* *Vs 7v tv a /v "A tv /v /v /> /\ "is A ’n /\ /v /v /\ /> /\ /\ /v /» w /v 'a /v /v /v /* « a /\ INTRODUCTION The following annotated list, with descriptions, systematic arrangements, ranges. Bibliography, hypothetical list, etc., has Been prepared after approximately four years of collecting in and about Baltimore. It is also Based on some of the specimens original¬ ly in the collection of the Natural History Society of Maryland, upon specimens collected By other persons also interested in the study of herpetology, and on scant literature published on the amphibian and reptilian fauna, of this area. The writer has made frequent collecting trips for herpetologica.1 specimens on practical¬ ly every available day in the collecting season, and on these field trips has visited almost every locality listed In the key. The lack of any useful publications on these particular cold-blooded crea¬ tures inhabiting Baltimore and vicinity provided adequate inspira¬ tion to prepare this list. This paper has only been prepared as a preliminary contribution to the na.tu.ral history of the Baltimore area, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the pleasures in compiling this paper has been the uni¬ form cordiality and generosity of the individuals who have con¬ tributed aid and informa.tion. Dr. Robert H. McCauley, Jr., of the Department of Zoology of Goddard College has read over the manuscript and has helped material¬ ly with his criticisms. No amount of appreciation could be suf¬ ficiently expressed to Dr. McCauley for his unfailing interest in this paper. The writer also wishes to express his thanks to the following gentlemen: to Father William H. McClellan, S.J., of Woodstock Col¬ lege, in Woodstock, Maryland, for valuable notes on lizards and snakes; to Mr, M. Graham Netting, Curator of Herpetology of the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh for encouragement and helpful sugges¬ tions; to Dr. Emmett Reid Dunn, Curator of Herpetology of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, for information on Maryland amphibians; to Mr. Louis Putens for the use of his im¬ portant amphibian records of this area; to Mr. Harry Charles Robert¬ son, for the use of his valuable records of Maryland snakes and lizards; to Mr. George Maugans, Curator of Herpetology of the Natural History Society of Maryland; to Mr. Herbert C. Moore, Editor of the Department of Publication, for many favors granted to the writer. My f P 2 4 2. other kind friends, particularly John and William Norman, Elias Cohen, James Leake, Burt Bennett, William Miller, Fred Miller, Henry Eichhorn, Janet Byrns, Mildred Bures, Joseph Bures, Milton Vincent, Frank Groves, Victor Spruil, Rennert Smelser, Joseph
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