FOR THE RECORD continued from page 102 eriug change of aux. trans. from DA -2 to DA -N; remote control permitted while using nondi- rectional ant. SUMMARY OF STATUS OF AM, FM, TV MAX Utica, N. Y.- Granted license covering Installation of new aux. trans. and increase Compiled by BROADCASTING through Sept. 17 power. ON AIR CP TOTAL APPLICATIONS WFPK Louisville Ky.- Granted license cover- Lk. Cps Net on oir Fer new simians ing increase of ERP to 20 kw, and make changes in ant. system. AM 3,251 36 105 544 KEEZ (FM) San Antonio, Tex. -Granted li- 679 28 109 68 cense covering change of ant -trans. location, FM installation new type ant., increase ERP to 17.5 Tv (Commercial) 431' 79' 115 108 kw, and specify studio location (same as trans. location). WSMI Litchfield, m.- Granted mod. of cp to OPERATING TELEVISION STATIONS install new main trans.; condition. Compiled by BROADCASTING through Sept. 17 WBGC Chipley, Fla.- Granted extension of au- thority to sign -off at 6:30 p.m. local time, except VHF UHF TOTAL for special events for period ending 12 -1; eco- 426 84 510' nomic reasons. COMMERCIAL WTYN Tryon, N. C.- Granted authority to NON- COMMERCIA I. 27 3 33' sign-off p.m. for month of Sept., except for ignoff events.6 COMMERCIAL STATION BOXSCORE WDVL Vineland, N. J.- Granted extension of completion date to 10 -31. As reported by FCC through Aug. 31 WMUB-TV* Oxford, Ohio- Granted extension of completion date to 3- 24 -59. AM FM TV Actions of September 10 LICENSED (all on air) 3,251 534 429' WHY -TV Oklahoma City, Okla.- Granted cp to install aux. ant. at main trans. site. CPs oN AIR (new stations) 30 24 77' WCDC (TV) Adams, Mass.- Granted mod. of NOT ON AIR stations) 95 86 113 cp to change ERP to vis. 122 kw, aur. 61.7 kw, CPs (new ant. height 2,000 ft., and make changes in ant. TOTAL AUTHORIZED STATIONS 3,376 644 667 system and equipment. The following stations were granted exten- APPLICATIONS FOR NEW STATIONS (not in hearing) 424 43 48 sions of completion dates as shown: WIRT (TV) FOR NEW STATIONS (in hearing) 107 30 58 Hibbing, Minn. to 3 -1 -59; WVMI -TV Biloxi, Miss. APPLICATIONS to 4 -1 -59; KORN -TV Mitchell, S. D. to 1- 13 -59. TOTAL APPLICATIONS FOR NEW STATIONS 531 73 106 KHVH Honolulu, Hawaii- Granted change of remote control authority. APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR CHANGES (not in hearing) 359 26 39 APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR CHANGES (in hearing) 41 0 16 NARBA Notifications TOTAL APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR CHANGES 400 26 55 MEXICO LICENSES DELETED 0 1 0 Notification under the Provisions of North CPS DELETED 0 0 0 American Regional Broadcasting Agreement List of changes, proposed changes, and correc- ' There are. in addition, nine tv stations which are no longer on the air. but retain their tions in assignments of Mexican broadcast sta- licenses. tions modifying the appendix containing assign- 2 There are, in addition, 38 tv cp holders which were on the air at one time but are no ments of Mexican broadcast stations attached to longer in operation and one which has not started operation. the recommendations of the North American There have been. In addition, 177 televlsioa cps granted, but now deleted (33 vhf and 144 uhf). Regional Broadcasting Agreement Engineering addition, educational tv station granted but now deleted. Meeting, Jan. 30, 1941. There has been, in one uhf Mexican List No. 211 Aug. 20, 1958 710 Kt Ohio; WHK -FM & SCA, Cleveland, Ohio; WJEF- XBBL Culiacan, Sinaloa-5 kw DA-N, uni. Youngstown, Ohio; WFOB Fostoria, Ohio; WFRO FM & SCA, Grand Rapids, Mich.; WKBN -FM Class II. 2- 20 -59. (Change in frequency from Fremont. Ohio; WGHN Grand Haven, Mich.; Youngstown, Ohio; WKMH -FM Dearborn, Mich.; 1260 kc.) WGRD & aux., Grand Rapids, Mich.; WHBC & WLDM & SCA, Detroit, Mich.; WMHE & SCA, 840 Kt aux., Canton, Ohio; WHGR & aux., Houghton Toledo, Ohio; WOMC Detroit, Mich.: WSAI -FM Tampico, Tamaulipas -500 w ND. D. Class II. Lake, Mich.; WHHH Warren, Ohio; WD3M & & SCA, Cincinnati. Ohio; WSAM -FM Saginaw, 2- 20 -59. New. aux., Jackson, Mich.; WJER Dover, Ohio: WJLB Mich.; WSTR-FM Sturgis. Mich.; WSTV -FM 1120 Kc & aux., Detroit, Mich.; WLW & alt. main, Cin- Steubenville, Ohio; WTOD -FM Toledo. Ohio; cinnati, Ohio; WMAN Petoskey. Mich.; WTCM WTOL -FM Toledo, Ohio; WTVB -FM Coldwater, XETR Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi -1000 w Ci Mich.; WTOD Toledo, Ohio; Mich.; WVKO -FM Columbus, Ohio; WWJ -FM of Traverse ND, D. Class II. Upon commencement opera- KLSE (TV- ) Monroe. La.; WAGR Lumberton, Detroit, Mich.; WWST -FM Wooster, Ohio; WAPS tion on 1320 Ice. (Delete assignment -vide 1320 N. C.; WAM Washington. Ind.; WARU Peru, Akron, Ohio; WBGU Bowling Green, Ohio kc.) Ind.; WAUG -FM Augusta, Ga.; WAVU, WAVU- WBOE Cleveland, Ohio; WBWC Berea, Ohio 1170 Kc FM Albertville, Ala.; WCRK rdorristown, Tenn.; WCBE Columbus, Ohio; WDTR Detroit, Mich. XEZS Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz -500 w D, 250 WDOB Canton, Miss.; WEAG Alcoa. Tenn.; WHPR Highland Park, Mich.: WKAR -FM Has w N, ND, uni. Class D. 2- 20 -59. New. WEOA & aux., WEHT -TV. main trans. & ant., Lansing, Mich.; WOAK Royal Oak, Mich.; WOSU- 1260 He Evansville, Ind.; WTUC Union City, Tenn.; FM Columbus. Ohio; WOUI Athens, Ohio; WSLN WWXL Manchester, Ky.; WTLB Utica, N. Y.; Delaware, Ohio; WTDS Toledo, Ohio; WUOM XEBL Culiacan, Sinaloa -5 kw D, 0.5 kw N, KBRS Springdale. Ark.; WFAM -TV Lafayette, Ann Arbor, Mich.; WYSO Yellow Springs, Ohio; uni. Class III -B. Upon commencement of opera- Ind.; WFUL, WFUL -FM Fulton, Ky.; WGRE WHCI Hartford City, Ind.; WAKE -TV. main tion on 710 kc. (Delete assignment -vide 710 kc.) (ED -FM) Greencastle, Ind.; WISH Indianapolis. trans., main & aux. ant., Akron, Ohio; WNNS- 1320 He Ind.; WKAM Goshen, Ind.; WLSI Pikesville, KY.: TV, main trans. & ant., Columbus, Ohio; WCPO- XETR Ciudad Valles, San Luls Potosi -1 kw D, WMCH Church Hill, Tenn.; WMRI, WMRI -FM TV Cincinnati. Ohio; WEWS (TV), main & aux. Marion, Ind.; WNGO Mayfield, Ky.; WPKY trans. & ant.. Cleveland Ohio; WFMJ -TV, main 0.1 kw N, ND, unl. Class IV. 9- 20 -58. (Change in & ant., Youngstown, Ohio; WHIO -TV. frequency from 1120 kc.) Princeton, Ky.; WTRO Dyersburg, Tenn.; WABJ trans. Adrian, Mich.; WADC & aux., Akron, Ohio; main trans. & ant., Dayton, Ohio; WHIZ -TV 1330 He WAKR & aux., Akron, Ohio; WALM Albion, Zanesville, Ohio; WHEN TV main trans.. main XEYG Iguala, Guanajuato -250 w ND, D. Class Mich.; WAND Canton, Ohio; WATC Gaylord. & aux. ant.. Youngstown, Ohio; WKNX -TV Sagi- IV. 2- 20 WATT Cadillac, naw, Mich.; WKRC -TV Cincinnati. Ohio; WKZO- -59. New. Mich.; WATH Athens, Ohio; TV, main trans.. main & aux. ant., Kalamazoo, 1340 Kc Mich.; WATZ Alpena, Mich.; WAVI Dayton, Mich.; WLWC (TV) Columbus, Ohio; WLWD XEBK Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas -250 w ND, Ohio; WBBC Flint, Mich.; WBBW Youngstown, (TV) and aux.'s same as WLWC (TV) Dayton, uni. Class IV. 11- 20 -59. (Increase power.) Ohio; WBEX Chillicothe, Ohio; WBFC Fremont, WLWT (TV) Cincinnati, Ohio; WNEM -TV, & aux., Columbus, Ohio; WCEN Ohio; 1370 Kc Mich.; WENS main trans., main & aux. ant., Bay Mich.; Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; WCER Charlotte. Mich.; WOOD -TV, main & aux. trans. & City, XEXO Neuvo Laredo, Tamaulipas -250 w ND, WCHB Inkster. Mich.; WCHI Chillicothe, Ohio; Rapids, Mich.; WPBN -TV Traverse City. Mich.; D. Class IV. 8- 20 -58. (Change in call letters from WCIN Cincinnati, Ohio; WCMW Canton, Ohio; WSTV -TV Steubenville, Ohio; WTVN-TV Colum- )(ENU.) WCUE Akron, Ohio; WATM Atmore, Ala.; WSYL bus, Ohio; WWJ -TV, main ant., main & aux. 1400 Kc Sylvania, Ga.; WCPO & alt. main, Cincinnati, trans., Detroit, Mich.; WOSU -TV (Ed.) Colum- XESB Santa Barbara, Chihuahua -1 kw D, 250 Ohio; WHAK Rogers City. Mich.; WHFB Benton bus. Ohio; WBCK Battle Creek, Mich.; WBCM w N, ND, uni. Class IV. 11- 20 -58. (Increase in Harbor -St. Joseph, Mich.; WHIZ & aux., Zanes- Bay City, Mich.; WCHY Cheboygan, Mich.; daytime power.) ville, Ohio; WM{ alt. main Si aux., Cleveland, WGAR & aux.. Cleveland, Ohio WI= Muske- 1490 Kc Ohio; WHIM & aux.. Akron, Ohio; WHLS & gon, Mich.; WKLA Ludington, Mich.; WKMI & aux., Port Huron, Mich.; WBMI Howell, Mich.; aux., Kalamazoo Mich.; C Cincinnati, Ohio; XECH Toluca, Mexico--500 w D, 250 w N, ND. WHRV Ann Arbor, Mich.; WHTC Holland, Mich.; WLEC & aux., Sandusky, Ohio; WLEW & aux.. uni. Class IV. 11- 20 -58. (Increase in daytime WHCB Iron River, Mich.; WILE Cambridge, Bad Axe, Mich.; WLMJ Jackson, Ohio; WMAN power.) Ohio; KEVL White Castle, La.; WING At alt. & alt. main, Mansfield, Ohio; WMDN Midland. 1520 He main, Dayton, Ohio; WION Ionia, Mich; WIRO Mich.; WMIQ Iron Mountain, Mich.; WMOA XEST San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora -250 w Ironton, Ohio; WIZE Springfield, Ohio; WJBL Marietta, Ohio; WMOH Hamilton. Ohio; WMPC 2- 20 -58. New. Rapids, Mich.; Lapeer, Mich.; WMRN Marion, Ohio; WMRP ND, D. Class II. Holland, Mich.; WJEF Grand Flint, Mich.; WMUS Muskegon, Mich.; WMVO 1550 Kc WEFT Gallipolls, Ohio; WJMS Ironwood, Mich.; WJPD Ishpeming, Mich.; WKBN Youngstown, Mount Vernon, Ohio; WNIL Niles, Mich.; WNXT XENU Neuvo Laredo, Tamaulipas -50 kw D, 1 Portsmouth. Ohio; WOAP Owosso. Mich.; WOHI Ohio; WKIIM Jackson, Mich.; WKLZ Kalamazoo, & aux., Toledo, kw N, DA -N, uni. Class II. 2- 20 -58. (Change in Mich.; WKMF Flint, Mich.; WKZO Kalamazoo, East Liverpool, Ohio; WOHO call letters from XEXO and in characteristics of Ohio; WOIIP Bellefontaine, Ohio; WONW De- Mich.; WOSU Columbus, Ohio; WSAI Cincinnati, fiance, Ohio; WOOD & aux., Grand Rapids, operation.) WSAM Saginaw, Mich.; WSTR Sturgis, 1600 Kc Ohio; Mich.; WOUB Athens, Ohio; WPAG Ann Arbor, Mich.; WSTV Steubenville, Ohio; WTNS Coshoc- Mich.; WPFB Middletown, Ohio; WPVL Paines- Loa Moehis, Sinaloa -1 kw D, 200 w N.
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