CURRICULUM VITAE Phillip J. Sipiora Professor of English and Film Studies Founding Editor, The Mailer Review University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33620-5550 (813) 494-8877 (mobile) (813) 974-2421 (office) [email protected] [email protected] http://english.usf.edu/faculty/psipiora/ EDUCATION Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin, 1985 (American Literature, Rhetoric) BOOKS In Print Mind of An Outlaw: Selected Essays. Ed. Phillip Sipiora. New York: Random House, 2013. Reading and Writing About Literature. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002. Kairos and Rhetoric: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Eds. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany: SUNY UP, 2002. Ethical Issues in College Writing. Eds. Frederic G. Gale, Phillip Sipiora, and James L. Kinneavy. Series in Rhetoric and Composition. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1999. Forthcoming The Films of Ida Lupino. University of Edinburgh Press. [Publication year: 2015.] EDITED JOURNAL The Mailer Review (Eight volumes: 2007 to Present; 4,000 cumulative pages). ARTICLES / CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (Selected) In Print Sipiora/2 “Editor’s Preface.” Mind of an Outlaw: Selected Essays by Norman Mailer. Ed. Phillip Sipiora. NY: Random House, 2013: xvii-xxiv. “Norman Mailer, Discursive Artist.” The Mailer Review 7.1 (2013): 190-202. “The Complications of Norman Mailer: A Conversation with J. Michael Lennon.” The Mailer Review 3.1 (2013): 23-65. “Ethos and Ethics: Reconsidering Gun Crazy.” The Films of Joseph H. Lewis. Ed. Gary D. Rhodes. Detroit: Wayne State UP: 2012: 451-80. Preface to The Participatory Journalism of Michael Herr, Norman Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, and Joan Didion: Creating New Reporting Styles by Jason D. Mosser. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellon Press, 2012: 1-v1. “Phenomenological Masking: Complications of Identity in Double Indemnity.” Billy Wilder, Movie-Maker: Critical Essays On the Films. Karen McNally, ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press, 2011: 102-116. “The Naked and the Dead.” Resource Guide to American Literature. Post War Literature, 1945-1970. Ed. John Cusatis. Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc. 2010: 144-149. “Perspectives on Cinema: A Conversation with Tom Luddy.” The Mailer Review 3.1 (2009): 565-69. “All Wrong Turns: Tracking Subjectivity in Edgar Ulmer’s Detour.” Chapter 8. Edgar G. Ulmer: Detour on Poverty Row. Ed. Gary D. Rhodes. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2008): 145-163. “The Phenomenological Quest of Stanley Kubrick: Eyes Wide Shut.” Chapter 15 in Stanley Kubrick: Essays on His Films and Legacy. Ed. Gary Rhodes. Jefferson, NC: McFarland (2008): 343-358. “Ventriloquist Extraordinaire: Norman Mailer’s Interrogative Voices.” VSESVIT 3 (2008). [VSESVIT, founded in 1925, is a Ukrainian monthly literary journal that publishes exclusive translations of world classics and contemporary works of literature.] “Living in a Darker World: Hemingway’s Figural, Phenomenal Florida Fiction.” Florida English 5 (2007) 42-62. “The Ancient Concept of Kairos.” Kairos and Rhetoric: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Eds. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany: SUNY UP, 2002. 1-22. Sipiora/3 “Kairos: The Rhetoric of Time and Timing in the New Testament.” Kairos and Rhetoric: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Eds. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany: SUNY UP, 2002. 114-27. Rostagni, Augusto. “A New Chapter in the History of Rhetoric and Sophistry.” Trans. Phillip Sipiora. Kairos and Rhetoric: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Eds. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany: SUNY UP, 2002. 23-45 (This essay originally appeared as "Un Nuovo capitolo nella storia della retorica e della sofistica." Studi italiani de filologica classica, n.s. 2 (1922) 148-201. “At Millenium’s End: A Hemingway/Fitzgerald Retrospective.” With Lawrence Broer. Thalia 20 (2001): 3-23. “The Legacy of James L. Kinneavy.” The Kinneavy Papers: Theory and the Study of Discourse. Eds. Lynn Worsham, Sidney I. Dobrin, and Gary A. Olson. Albany: SUNY UP, 2000: 381-384. "James L. Kinneavy." Twentieth-Century Rhetorics and Rhetoricians. Eds. Michele Baliff and Michael G. Moran. New York: Greenwood Press, 2000. 208-218. “James L. Kinneavy and the Ethical Imperative.” Journal of Advanced Composition 19 (1999): 541-545. "Ethics and Ideology in the English Classroom." Chapter 8 in Ethical Issues in College Writing. Eds. Frederic G. Gale, Phillip Sipiora, and James L. Kinneavy. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1999. 39-61. "Hemingway's Aging Heroes and the Concept of Phronesis." Chapter 4 in Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Eds. Sara Munson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. New York: Greenwood Press, 1999. 61-76. "The Epistemology of Metaphor: A Response to 'The Myth of Alzheimer's: Forming a Language of Post-Modern Gerontology'.” Journal of Aging and Identity (1998) 49-55. "A Rhetoric of Ethics and Cultural Understanding: The Quest of Isocrates." Discourse Studies in Honor of James L. Kinneavy. Ed. Rosalind J. Gabin. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1995. 11-24. "James Louis Kinneavy: Vir Bonus Agendi Peritus." Discourse Studies in Honor of James L. Kinneavy. Ed. Rosalind J. Gabin. With Valerie Balester and Rosalind Gabin. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1995. vii-xix. "Ethical Argumentation in Darwin's Origin of Species." Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. Eds. James S. Baumlin and Tita French Baumlin. Dallas: SMUP, 1994. 265-292. Sipiora/4 "Kairos in the Discourse of Isocrates." Realms of Rhetoric: Phonic, Graphic, Electronic. Eds. Victor J. Vitanza and Michelle Ballif. Arlington, TX: Rhetoric Society of America, 1991. 119-135. "Vampires of the Heart: Gender Trouble in The Great Gatsby." Chapter 15 in The Aching Hearth: Family Violence in Life and Literature. Eds. Sara M. Deats and Lagretta T. Lenker. New York: Plenum, 1991. 199-220. "Rhetoric and Cultural Explanation: A Discussion with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." With Janet Atwill. Journal of Advanced Composition 10 (1990): 293-304. "Ethical Narration in 'My Old Man’." Chapter 3 in Hemingway's Neglected Short Fiction: Current Perspectives. Ed. Susan F. Beegel. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1989. 43-60. Rpt. in Hemingway's Neglected Short Fiction: Current Perspectives. Ed. Susan Beegel. Tuscaloosa; U of Alabama P, 1992: 43-60. "Rearticulating the Rhetorical Tradition: The Influence of A Theory of Discourse." Journal of Advanced Composition 8 (1988): 123-136. "Hemingway's 'Hills Like White Elephants.'" The Explicator 42 (1984) 50. Book Reviews “Norman Mailer, Metaphysician at Work.” Review of On God: An Uncommon Conversation (Norman Mailer, New York: Random House, 2007.) The Mailer Review 2 (2008): 502-06. (Review Essay) “The Old Man and the Seed.” Review of Strange Tribe: A Family Memoir (John Hemingway, New York: Lyons Press 2007.) St. Petersburg Times 21 July 8 2007: L10. “Mailer Recounts Hitler’s Youth with Usual Metaphor Mastery.” Review of The Castle in the Forest (Norman Mailer, New York: Random House, 2007.) The Tampa Tribune, January 28, 2007: 7. (Review Essay) “Moments of Metaphor in Mailer’s Castle.” Review of The Castle in the Forest (Norman Mailer, New York: Random House, 2007.) The Mailer Review 1 (2007): 229-233. (Review Essay) “Letters Reveal Conflicts that Plagued the Hemingways.” Review of At the Hemingway’s (Marcelline Hemingway Sanford, Moscow: ID: U of Idaho P, 1999.) Tampa Tribune. October 10, 1999: 4. "Remembering Spain." The Hemingway Review 14 (1995) 128-32. (Review Essay) Italian / Italian-American Publications “Cinema Italiano internazionale.” L’Unione Italiana. March 2009. Sipiora/5 “Sicilia: il calderone della democrazia.” L’Unione Italiana. January 2009. “Due nazioni unite assieme da storia e cultura.” L’Unione Italiana. November 2008. “Fuori e dentro dal tempo:Ventiquattro ore in cima alla Sicilia.” L’Unione Italiana. September 2008. “Ancora una volta fra le braccia della bella Firenze.” L’Unione Italiana. July 2008. “Jersey Boys: An Italian-American Experience.” L’Unione Italiana. May 2008. “L’Età dell’oro del cinema italiano.” L’Unione Italiana. March 2008. “Cinema Italiano: Neorealismo.” L’Unione Italiana. January 2008. “Arrivederci Firenze; Pensiamo a Sicilia.” L’Unione Italiana. November 2007. “Andiamo a Roma.” L’Unione Italiana. September 2007. “Arriviamo a Firenze.” L’Unione Italiana. July 2007. CONFERENCE PAPERS / INVITED LECTURES (Selected) “Future Perfect: The Evolving Legacy of Norman Mailer.” Twelfth International Norman Mailer Society Conference, Wilkes-Barre, PA, October 10, 2014. (Forthcoming) “Norman Mailer and the Art of the Essay.” Eleventh International Norman Mailer Society Conference, Sarasota, FL, October 25, 2013. “Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Mailer and Qualities of Legacy.” Tenth International Norman Mailer Society Conference, Provincetown, MA, October 11, 2012. “The Mailer Legacy: Reflections of a Scholarly Journal Editor.” Ninth International Norman Mailer Society Conference, Austin, TX, November 10, 2011. “Walking the Mean Streets: Martin Scorsese’s Calculus of Cultural Codes.” 44th Annual AIHA Conference, Tampa, October 21, 2011. “Caricature, Intrigue, and Uncertainty in the Cinema of the Coen Brothers.” Lecture at the Clearwater Public Library, March 17, 2011. “Mailer and Hemingway and the Point of Departure.” Eighth International Norman Mailer Society Conference, Sarasota, November 5, 2010. Sipiora/6 “Grammar and Time in A Farewell to Arms.” American Literature Association Symposium on American Fiction: 1890 to the Present, Savannah, GA, October 9, 2010. Hemingway's Literary Architecture: A Cartographic
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