
Your Want Ad Dedicated To Reporting Is Easy TirPface-. Springfield News- TusFPhone 686-7700 An Unbiased Pukll.h.d Ev..y Thu.»doy k'y T.u 16 C,nl,, 51,..,, 5p,|nuIUId, N.J Maillnu Add....: _ • '• i.cond Clo.i P VOL. 37 ^No. 52 ,P.O. l!o« n9f ip.inul,«ld. N.J. (T.081 po,d ot Su.inglUW, NJ SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1966 Jsli'o vf. 15 Cents Per Copy Township renews efforts in4lop cLcortf ritf project Asks talks to froiTrriyer -Amry-£ng/neers fo —; By ABNER GOLD Possible action to relieve chronic flood conditions along the Rahway River through Springfield, and particularly in the area of -. Marlon ave., -was the central-topic—at the Township Commlnee^majMlng Tuesday evening; ._ at Town Hall. The discussion was prompted by the floods ..following last week's rainstorm, when Marlon ave. was perhaps the hardest hit portion of the ^township. A_number. ofbaSements.werejnun-. , dated, and. water pressure forced sanitary * "rs<5wer"S"to" fiaclTlnto several riomes. .' .. During the public discussion period, on Tuesday, Philip Del Vecchio reminded- the governing body that- the Army Corps of Engi- neers had declined to take any major flood control action two years .ago. Del VecclHo," former mayor now seeking a return to the Township Committee.recalled that the federal engineers had said tharthe amount of property damage did not justify the funds which would be needed for flood control. He suggested that last-week's downpour might have pro- vided new figures. , Mayor Robert G. Planer disclosed that the •township liad already moved for another meeting with Rep. Florence Dwyer and federal and staterantl-floocTagencres; "" _-_--- ----- PORT SPRINGFIELD Last- week's- torrent of rain created this ave.,-as well as Baltusrol "way.-where a small bridre"was washed" Commltteemon Arthur M. Falkin noted that lake in the.Jlt.J8 construction-area, approaching the Springfield^ - •- out-Just..north-of-Tomple-Beth"Ahmr-Thc CommoWaltirWiueF last week's downpour brought the third major union line. Springfield.ave. was closed by police as water as much Company's Canoe Brook Weather Station In Short Hill-- reported flood in two years. Hestrongly urged'.all resi- as five feet deep covered the roadway. Other streets closed during -a rainfall of 5.26 Inches from 8 a.m. last-Wednesday to B n nv j h anffprcH Hnmoflf rn hall»phnrngmpha. the -downpour' Included CaldweU pi.. Maple ave. and Mountain - Thursdayr (Pimm b•'y• and repair bills ready for the meeting. "We will strongly encourage public participation in Jy .Vezzu,""" left""Detnocfatlc candidate for die Township Com- thejneetlng," Falkin declared. He added, that minee,. reviews campaign plans with. Donald Mantel, municipal Democratic" organiza- ~th"e~meeQhg will be publicized In advance in Del Vecchio proposes that governing body tion chairtrtan. Vezza this wook aiinouncbd appointment of Mantol ns.his campaign chairman. the press .ajxWftn" notices to be1 sent to all resldants. In such areas as Marlon ave., Alvln ter.,1 Riverside dr, and Laurel dr. Residents of Marion ave. who Joined in an organize atizen^j^ appeal for action to prevent flooding were John DemOcrafrTe-name Mantel;^ ~Natallnl, Kussell ~ Musal and""MfB7~HerSerr TSfclE|> Del Vecchio, Republlcan'candldate else, 78 cents out of every dollar is in the service, would have_welcomod discussion Schoch. Noting that th^tfloodlng "had. never ffoor election to the Township Committee, this" handsof other governmencslagencies." of the ;et. expendituros-by' a-commltiee 1 — (Continued on pao« 28) w urged..formation of a oltlzens' budget "What would you recommend, Mr. Del such as the one I am-suggesting, and I inn HTeads organization, campaign - J PBWBW committee, .to meet with individual Vecchio7" another member of the. audience certain that the otherjnembers of the Town-* governmental bodies during preparation of inquired. ship Committee s'hannrhy sentiments." Donald L. Mantel of 44 Kipling jive., last Mantel, as a "dedicated worker and a proven their annual budgets, • . • _. "Ong_of • the. botter_..nspects. of living in a community such as SpringfidW is the willing week was re-elected chairman of the Spring- "political leader who has. all the ability needed Rally will launch^ "Would you believe that only .two people "I WOULD URGI- the citizens of our com- field Democratic Committee. Muntel has been to direct what promises to bo the most ex- would show!up at a budget.hearing where the munity to form a~citizens' budget review participation of many of ourqualifled citizens serving as interim chairman since April of tensive campaign ever seen in Springfiold." —expenditure of over four million dollars was committee, whose primary function would be - to serve on one or more voluntary and.^l tHfTyear, and he was endorsed unanimously __. In accepting the appointment, Mantel said, first United Fund being considered?" Del Vecchio askedameet- to sit with the members of the boards respon- might, mention, unpaid municipal committees. by the committee to..remain in the post. "I welcome the nppr>rriinlty-tn_wnrk-fng_jnrr.y- sible and-revlew policies and procedures that • -I~feeFthnt we have rmmy~pBople~wltosc~iiil^- ~^\'lBO~Tg^inecte'd by the organization were Vez7n nnrl rn hplp him bring -back balanc e and ;zzj5cTre: —-Yet—ln-the-last-flvs-yearsr-no-more-thair are Involved in the preparation of the individual '' -ents—would-sor-vo-Sprlngfleld-and-the-dntiro- Robert T;-Wcltchclcrof 14 Mohawk dr., vice- common sense to municipal government." United Fund of Springfield, this week again two poeple have ever attended the meeting budgets. In the case of .the county, 1 would. Counry. of Union .by their participation in a chairman; Mrs. Hazel Karp of 8 Troy dr., .. ple of Springfield are'aware that where" the" Springfield municipal budget was .review committee," Del Vecchio continued. p y , The peo Invited all citizens of SpringfieltorbeJ^tonlght:*—d to'attend the ^ secretary and John P. Walsh of 162 Baltus- J_thc-Rcpublican-quarte atlons and a representation that would at- "I would propose that' we call on some of Ve,,' treasurer. ~ Committee know only "Does this show confidence hi the work our our- volunteer talent to create a laymen's • Mantel was also appointed campaign man- ...Me'," Mantel stated. "Their record of ln- present Township Committee Is doing?" a for the citizens of Springfield, committee to objectively review these budgets. ager by Jerry Vezza, Democratic candidate. W, Lockwood, vice-chairman-of—thS^^ e United member of the audience asked, ' • _• detision and procrastination would be laugh- Community Fund of Essex and West Hudson. _•_., _ ..„., :•--.• _1 recall that it wa_s a committee p_f a similar —tor-the-Townshlp Committee. Vezza described able "jif^irwerenot costing the residents of— "Yefr,- Del VecchllTanswered. ""However, "I know, that In my Jour provlous years " ThnVasslsted'the^members of theTow,,-" Springfield so dearly. • Stl/elman stated: "We are approaching the you must keep in mind that the committee makeup "start" of~therInitial fund-raising • campaign spends many hours with his department heads - as_a member of the Springfield Townsh p shlp comm|ttee in 1962. when! had tliepleasure uomiWIttee, during which time OJo-Bohd rat- of serving as Springfield's mayor, tha^changed "The fact is-;" Mantel added, "that theTown- of the United Fund of Springfield. Our'goal in the preparation of the budget. >-lng-for-our'-tDwnBhip-was-raised-from-B-AA- the dream of a decade Into "the" reality "that — Brow nlie, Sim son .shlpXommlttoeHns gone stale Tl,e flounder- is $39,750, which will be distributed^ 14 . "I wonder how man...„..y, citizen^uwtus ar,^e awarB^eve ofL to A by Moody's, tho national municipal rating - |a-'-niVw-nnr niirqrnnrHngjynnlf-lpnl ' qwli Ing foursome think and act alike. They lackL^apencles.-ReprcsentatlVBH-nf->h(M.A-<teA«-l^-—thg-facr-thflirT5wiHiap~s'ervTces account for Past performances si this nature reassureme - Imaglnatibrf and apparently are Incapable of will attend" our rally tonight. It will give only 22 cents out of everjrtax dollar of the making the most;obvlous decisions." that-^oivic committees constituted for specific' ~rramed to top ranf the people of Springfield an opportunity to total budget. On the other hand, the Union purposes can serve an invaluable function in Mantel asked, "When are we going to get ask questions about the United Fund and the County Board of Freeholders spends 12 cents the growth of our. community," Del Vecciiio the road to Bnltusrol—Top •"— after- some participating agencies. ' • • •/ of our money, while the cogt-of educating our pointed out. ' .-•_.•••- for national honor tragic fire or other emergency? Where Is "We are in need-of-any kind of assistanoe- cliUdren-in-the local and regional schools the promised codo of ethics? What has hap- you may offer, particularly in the residential resumes the other 64 cents. /'. * * * • • • - IVo seniors at Jonathan Tlayton Regional division. SaHrTreeman, • residentlaTaiVfslon .—,'THERE ISNODOUBT in my mind that each" ' High !)Chool have been named semi-finalists "So.you can see the regardless of the dill- (Contfnued on pag« 28) chairman, needs your help," he concluded. gence that our Township Commltteemen eicer- " vJI I .: l> t?y I \J\ \\A I OI U LJ t? of the boards responsible for tho prepnrn-. in the 1967 National Merit Scholarship Compe- tlon of each of the -buckets expends untold s^tltion.-Tliey ar i Thomas .1. Brownlleand-Gary _hours.-However, I feel' that a'fresh point of ^...Sjmson^itwSannouncedBils-wectSyRoberf .*.-.- .. Members _pf-^the_^Jt1Illburn-Springfield - F. La Vahture, principal. VlCW migllt-lendlitself . tO -giving tpp|pVr«; nf Slmson Is president of the,Student Council annualjeenage talent show being sponsored by the boards jin^ Immediate sounding board l6r at Dayton and president-elect; of the Spanish them at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, wlmt the citizens -are thinking and wlmt their National .Honor Society.
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