Fujisan Map O Assyuku.Pdf

Fujisan Map O Assyuku.Pdf

子山 Fujikawaguchiko 137 139 Koyodai 714 Fujisan World Heritage Center 717 139 Description of Maps and Symbols 710 Fujiyoshida Interchange P Road Map 139 718 Hokuroku parking lot 139 137 This Road Map shows topography (valleys and ravines) and routes for evacuation on foot, including connection points that serve as reference for orientation. Note that the map does not 高座山 display some small pedestrian paths and other minor landmarks. 138 139 Mt. Shiroyama Fuji Subaru Line (SB) Mt. Otsuka Numbers in names of connection points on the Fuji 71 1kp Subaru Line indicate distance in kilometers from the 707 Fujiyoshida City Fifth Station parking lot. Minamifuji Evergreen Line Fuji-Azami Line (FA) Fuji Skyline (FS) Mt. Ogura KA1 Fujisan Mountain trails Dotted lines indicate descent paths Museum Trails indicated by four colors 4.3k NS1 Mount Fuji 701 Research Institute Yoshida Trail (YO) 24.1kp 716 Fujinomiya Trail (F) 3.8k Mount Fuji ¥ Karumi Forest Road Subaru Line toll area OT1 Higashifuji-goko Road 子山 SB1 Gotemba Trail (G) FT1 2.8k 23kp Subashiri Trail (S) Y001 Eruption KA2 Nakano-chaya Mt. Omuro 1.1k Pedestrian path Narusawa Forest Road 1.0k 1468 22kp Takizawa Forest Road Paths accessible by foot Odawa Forest Road Funatsu Forest RoadFuji Forest Road Mt. Nagao Forest road NS2 Mt. Tenjin 高座山 FJ2 1424.1 1420 FJ3 Y004 Evacuation These are mainly used for forestry and may not be Karumi Forest Road 21kp accessible to regular vehicles. SB2 Mt. Igadono Fuji Forest Road First Station FJ1 1485 P National, prefectural, or major municipal road 1.8k parking lot Asahidaira Forest Road Map Highway 2.6k KA3 Yumiitsuka FJ4 Funatsu Trail 20kp 2.8k Mt. Katabuta 1566 FJ5 3.2k Prefectural border 1468 Token Forest Road HI1 Seiken 19kp Connecting point 1584 HI2 1st Sta. 1.6k X00 Numbers of points shown on trail correspond to Token 0.9k signs posted at those locations. Points without signs 1635 Fuji Subaru Line Sawara Sanboku Forest Road Jukaidai parking lot 2.3k SB4 are not shown on the map. 15kp P 2.1k 14kp 16kp 17kp Mamashita Forest Road For all climbers and visitors 2nd Sta. 18kp TK1 Yamanashi 1.0k Distance between connecting points (km) FJ6 Yamanashi SB5 Fuji-Oishi Forest Road Y006 Karumi Forest Road Forest Karumi 13kp SB3 This map is for use by visitors to Mount Fuji for 0.8k FO1 Gate (forest and pedestrian roads) Mt. Sajiki Mt. Maruyama TK2 KA4 1795 1700.6 Prefecture evacuation and other assistance in the event of a KA5 1.8k 3.6k Prefecture 1.9k 3rd Sta. sudden eruption. The Road Map shows ways to Parking lot FU1 12kp 11kp SJ1 FO2 Takizawa Forest Road SB6 escape on foot and is covered with pink dots 0.6k SB7 Inquiries Futatsuyama Forest Road Shoji Trail that serve as a guide to current location and Toll area Mt. Futatsuyama 2.4k Takamarubi Forest Road 1492 Mt. Kosuke 0.8k Fujiyoshida City direction of evacuation. The Evacuation Scenario Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Division 1894 SJ2 Fuji Forest Road 10kp SB8 Y008 Potential crater formation area TK4 Map displays ten typical eruption patterns as Yamanashi Prefecture General Affairs Department Fifth Station Hoso-Ono Forest Road Area where craters could appear in the event of TK3 6-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Kofu City, Yamanashi Narusawa 1.7k parking lot Fujiyoshida City well as instructions for immediate evacuation for an eruption Takizawa Forest Road P 2.2k Phone: +81 (international) +0 (domestic) 55-223-1432 SB13 each one. Please note that these cases are based 1kp Karumi Forest Road 1.6k 1.0k Emergency Management Information Division 2.3k Karumi Forest Road Y018 Y011 Ko-Fuji Forest Road off of past eruptions and are not guaranteed to Note on Applicable Dates and Evacuation Routes KA6 9kp Okuniwa parking lot 0.4k 2kp 2.6k 0.6k0.3k Shizuoka Prefecture Emergency Management Department Shizuoka P Izumigataki SB11 be exact predictors of future situations. All information based on scenario of on-foot evacuation from Mount SB12 Y014 0.9k Fuji-Yamanaka Road 9-6 Ote-machi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka 0.8k Fuji eruption during climbing season (July 1 to September 10 in 5kp 0.5k Hakken Forest Road KF1 Published June 2016 Phone: +81 (international) +0 (domestic) 54-221-3366 Yamanashi Prefecture, July 10 to September 10 in Shizuoka Prefecture). 3kp 0.7k 0.2k Y022 Prefecture SB9 Takizawa Forest Road OC1 Y024 TK5 Asahidaira Forest Road 4.2k 0.9k 8kp 1.0k 6kp 20kp Yoshida TrailY029 4kp TM1 Inset map of Fifth Station and above 1.4k Fuji Subaru Line KF2 19kp 1.4k HI1 4th Sta. When Climbing Volcanic Activity 1st Station 2.9k 4th Sta. P 8th Station HJ1 Osawa parking lot SB10 Y042 Mt. Kofuji 7kp Fuji Subaru Line KA7 1.2k 8th Station 6th Station SB4 Mount Original 8th Station 7th Station Original S-0126th Station Subashiri Trail Stay regularly updated on volcanic activity reports. S-051 S-026 S-019 0.7k 1.4k Volcanic Alert Levels on Mount Fuji 15kp Y055 0.8k S-003 0.6k S-069 16kp 17kp Mamashita Forest Road Fuji 8.5th Station 0.5k 0.7k 0.5k 2nd Station 18kp TK1 0.9k 0.4k S-037 Submit a Climbing Plan. 9th Station S-075 S064 1.9k 0.5k 6ŧ Fuji-Oishi Forest Road Y006 HK1 Mt. Hakusandake Original 7KH9ROFDQLF$OHUW/HYHOLVDQXPEHUIURPRQHWRƓYH FJ8 3756.2 OH-5 6ŧ3 0.4k 7th Station Sunaharai 5th Station 150 indicating the level of danger and necessary response for SB3 1.1k P Keep your phone on in order to receive emergency FO1 OH-4 1.3k Subashiri Fuji-Azami Line eruptions and other volcanic activity. Mt. Maruyama TK2 3776 HM1 Fifth Station parking lot 1700.6 0.8k FA1 QRWLƓFDWLRQV DQGRWKHUPHVVDJHV Each level indicates the action that local residents and Mt. Kengamine OH-1 3775.5 OH-3 visitors should take (Level 5: evacuate, Level 4: prepare to HM2 0.4k 0.5k Wear or carry a helmet and other safety equipment. FO2 Takizawa Forest Road OH-2 1.1k evacuate, Level 3: do not approach the volcano, Level 2: 8th Station 0.5k G-099 do not approach the crater, Level 1: potential for F-049 7.9th Station7th Station 9.5th Station 0.5k G-068 6th Station increased activity). G-090 0.8k F-033 0.5k 0.8k G-057 Fujiyoshida City 0.5k Volcanic Warnings and other notices are used to 9th Station 0.7k New 6th Station Hat/helmet SJ2 Y008 F-032 1.0k Shizuoka communicate the current Volcanic Alert Level. 0.7k G-044 TK4 8th Station G-079 (including chinstrap) Hoso-Ono Forest Road Fujiyoshida City Fujinomiya Trail 7.5th Station G-05 1.1k Fifth Station parking lot TK3 0.4k Be sure to check for volcanic alerts before climbing. Komitake Shrine Kudari 6th Station Fujikyu Unjo-Kaku Gotemba City Fujisan Miharashi F-029 P 0.7k G-034 Sky Palace Fuji HP1 Prefecture Komitake Baiten Yamanashi Old 7th Station 0.4k Backpack Fifth Station Rest House Gotemba Trail 1kp 1.3k 2.3k 三味線林山 Level SB13 Mt. Hoei 2.0k &ODVVLƓFDWLRQ $IIHFWHGDUHDV Prefecture F-018 2693 Y018 New 7th Station 0.9k H01 Y011 Ko-Fuji Forest Road Mt. Hoei Long sleeves 上高塚 2kp Izumigataki 6th Station (including during summer) Sato-goya 0.5k G-020 1.9k Gotemba City 5 Satomidaira Seikan-so F-009 HC1 Area from 0.3k (Evacuate) Y014 Jirobo 2.0k (PHUJHQF\ crater to KF1 F-P 0.6k 0.8k Gloves (knit gloves OK) 0.3k HC2 0.4kG-001 residential Mt.Fuji Safety Y022 P 1.4k :DUQLQJ Guidance Center HG1 0.2k 0.7k G-003 0.4k areas Takizawa Forest Road Futatsuzuka P SK15 4 TK5 Fujinomiya Oishi-Chaya Gotemba Y024 Fifth Station HC3 1804 Rainwear (Prepare to evacuate) 0.7k HH1 HH5 HH6 New Fifth Station parking lot parking lot HH4 23 一木塚 (with separate top and bottom) Fuji City 0.7k 横塚 Y029 0.4k HI2 From crater to Yoshida Trail HC4 HH2 HH3 土屋台 0.6k 2.6k periphery of 3 Hana-goya Hinode-kan 0.8k 0.6k Pants (comfortable and elastic) (Do not approach 7th Station First-aid Center 7th Station Tomoe-kan 8.8k SK14 residential areas the volcano) Kamaiwa-kan KF2 0.9k 0.8k Torii-so Shishigaiwa Rock Fujiichi-kan :DUQLQJ Toyo-kan HC5 Emergency shelter HI1 8th Station (unmanned) 2 Y042 HJ1 0.2k Hiking shoes Crater area Taishi-kan HF1 (Do not approach Mt. Kofuji HE3 Horai-kan 1.6k (sand-resistant) 8th Station First-aid Center Otainai Recreational forest Akazuka the crater) 0.9k Gansomuro Fujisan Skyline 6th Station hiking courses 0.8k 1371 8th Station 7th Station Original 6th Station Mount Original 8th Station Hakuun-so S-012 Subashiri Trail Takabachi 152 (PHUJHQF\QRWLƓFDWLRQV6HUYLFHRIIHUHGE\FHOOSKRQHSURYLGHUVWKDWLQWKH Original 8th StationFujisan Hotel S-051 S-026 S-019 1 Y055 Miharashi-kan S-003 parking lot HB1 Original 8th Station Tomoe-kan (closed) Susono City HE2 Crater proper Seto-kan 2.6k 0.9k Umanokashira HYHQWRIDZHDWKHUZDUQLQJE\WKH-DSDQ0HWHRURORJLFDO$JHQF\VHQGVD )RUHFDVW (Potential for Goraiko-kan Osada-sanso Fuji-Azami Line HE4 Fuji 8.5th Station SK9 P 1221 message to users in the affected area at no charge. Please check that your increased activity) S-069 Shita EdoyaS-037 9th Station Taiyo-kan Yoshino-ya 6ŧ 宮塚 S-075 S064 0.9k Mt. Hakusandake Original Higashifuji-sanso SK8 1.0k phone has this option enabled. Ue Edoya 6ŧ3 1.0k 六郎塚 3756.2OH-5 Kiku-ya 7th Station Sunaharai 5th Station P Fujisan Skyline 南宮塚 Yamaguchi-ya Branch Ogi-ya 152 HD1 Yamaguchi-ya OH-4 Subashiri SK13 竜爪塚 HM1 麹 ヶ 塚 Updates on Volcanic Activity 3500 3300 3100 2900 2700 2500 2300 Fifth Station parking lot HE1 3776 2.1k Jiroemonzuka Information on Mt.

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