April 12, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1819 SEC. 3. EVENT PREPARATIONS. Capitol and after traversing through ney World Resort near Orlando, Florida in the (a) STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT.ÐSubject five States, conclude in Orlando, Flor- nation's premier solar powered vehicle event. to the approval of the Architect of the Cap- ida. Intercollegiate men and women Sunrayce 99 showcases the imagination, in- itol, the sponsor may erect upon the Capitol from all over the United States have Grounds such stage, sound amplification de- genuity and teamwork of graduate and under- vices, and other related structures and taken part in the development of the graduate teams from North America in the de- equipment as may be required for the event solar power cars. Scholarship achieve- velopment of highly efficient vehicles powered authorized by section 1. ment awards will be awarded to par- solely by a viable, renewable and sustainable (b) ADDITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS.ÐThe Ar- ticipants that display exceptional lev- energy sourceÐthe sun. I am proud to note chitect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police els of technical innovation, engineer- that the University of Arizona has registered a Board are authorized to make any such addi- ing excellence, artistic excellence, team. General Motors, Electronic Data Sys- tional arrangements as may be required to teamwork, and good sportsmanship. tems and the U.S. Department of Energy are carry out the event, including arrangements This day will highlight the impor- to limit access to First Street between Inde- the sponsors of this biennial intercollegiate pendence Avenue Southwest and Constitu- tance of and help us develop a better competition. tion Avenue Northwest. understanding for the many different The top three finishing teams will receive SEC. 4. ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS. uses of solar energy. I support this res- trophies and cash awards. Scholarship The Capitol Police Board shall provide for olution, and urge my colleagues to join achievement awards will also be granted for enforcement of the restrictions contained in in support. technical innovation, engineering excellence, section 4 of the Act of July 31, 1946 (40 U.S.C. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of artistic talents, teamwork and good sportsman- 193d; 60 Stat. 718), concerning sales, displays, my time. ship. and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Sunrayce 99 not only demonstrates the pos- well as other restrictions applicable to the myself such time as I may consume. sibilities of sustainable energy development, Capitol Grounds, with respect to the event Mr. Speaker, House Concurrent Reso- authorized by section 1. but also the importance of public/private part- lution 48 authorizes the use of the Cap- nerships. This approach will allow companies SEC. 5. LIMITATION ON REPRESENTATIONS. itol grounds for the Sunrayce '99 solar to work hand in hand with government in suc- (a) IN GENERAL.ÐThe event authorized by powered car event scheduled to be held section 1 may be conducted only after the cessfully tackling the environmental challenges Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Po- on the Capitol grounds on June 20, 1999. ahead. I applaud the participants of Sunrayce lice Board enter into an agreement with the During this event, college women and 99Ðsponsors, applicants, universities, and ad- sponsor that prohibits the sponsorÐ men who have designed and developed ministratorsÐfor making innovation a reality. (1) from representing, either directly or in- their own solar power cars will begin a Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no directly, that this resolution or any activity five-State run from the Capitol further requests for time, and I yield carried out under this resolution in any way grounds to Orlando, Florida. back the balance of my time. constitutes approval or endorsement by the In addition to highlighting the inno- Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, I have no Federal Government of any product or serv- vation and ingenuity of design and en- ice offered by the sponsor; and further requests for time, and I yield (2) from using any photograph taken at the gineering by the college students, the back the balance of my time. event for a commercial purpose. event will emphasize the power and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (b) PENALTIES.ÐThe agreement shall pro- benefits of solar energy. question is on the motion offered by vide for financial penalties to be imposed if General Motors, Electronic Data Sys- the gentleman from North Carolina any photograph is used in violation of this tems, and the Energy Department are (Mr. COBLE) that the House suspend the section. once again cosponsors of the event. The rules and agree to the concurrent reso- event's sponsors will assume all re- b 1500 lution, House Concurrent Resolution sponsibility for expenses and liabilities 48. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. related to the event. As with all Cap- The question was taken; and (two- STEARNS). Pursuant to the rule, the itol event, sales, advertisements, and thirds having voted in favor thereof) gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. solicitations are explicitly prohibited the rules were suspended and the con- COBLE) and the gentlewoman from the on the Capitol grounds for the event. current resolution was agreed to. District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) each I support House Concurrent Resolu- A motion to reconsider was laid on will control 20 minutes. tion 48 and urge its passage. the table. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, before I begin, f from North Carolina (Mr. COBLE). I want to thank Congressman BUD SHUSTER, Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Chairman of the Transportation Committee, for AUTHORIZING USE OF CAPITOL self such time as I may consume. moving H. Con. Res. 48 through the Com- GROUNDS FOR BIKE RODEO TO Mr. Speaker, House Concurrent Reso- mittee and to the Floor so expeditiously. BE CONDUCTED BY THE EARTH lution 48 authorizes the use of the Cap- The resolution we are considering today will FORCE YOUTH BIKE SUMMIT itol grounds for the Sunrayce '99 solar permit the organizers of Sunrayce 99 to spon- Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, I move to power car event to be held on June sor a public event, with solar-powered cars, on suspend the rules and agree to the con- 20th, 1999, or on such date as the the Capitol Grounds on June 20, 1999, or on current resolution, (H. Con. Res. 49) au- Speaker of the House of Representa- such other dates as the Speaker of the House thorizing the use of the Capitol tives and the Senate Committee on of Representatives and the Committee on Grounds for a bike rodeo to be con- Rules and Administration jointly des- Rules and Administration of the Senate may ducted by the Earth Force Youth Bike ignate. jointly designate, to conduct opening cere- Summit. The resolution also authorizes the monies for Sunrayce 99. The Clerk read as follows: Architect of the Capitol, the Capitol As the Chairman and co-founder of the H. Con. Res. 49 Police Board, and the sponsor of the House Renewable Energy Caucus I appre- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the event to negotiate the necessary ar- ciate the innovation necessary to identify and Senate concurring), rangements for carrying out the event utilize alternative forms of energy. As we SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF BIKE RODEO ON in complete compliance with the rules move into the 21st Century, one of the critical CAPITOL GROUNDS. and regulations governing the use of environmental challenges facing us is the The Earth Force Youth Bike Summit (in the Capitol grounds. need to discover the possibilities of sustain- this resolution referred to as the ``sponsor'') The event is open to the public and able energy development, so that our children, shall be permitted to sponsor a bike rodeo free of charge, and the sponsor will as- and their families will be able to enjoy the (in this resolution referred to as the sume responsibility for all expenses clean air and environment that is so important ``event'') on the Capitol Grounds on May 5, and liabilities related to the event. In 1999, or on such other date as the Speaker of to the health of our nation. the House of Representatives and the Com- addition, sales, advertisements, and so- From June 20±29 the world will watch as up mittee on Rules and Administration of the licitations are explicitly prohibited on to 40 teams participate in Sunrayce 99 and Senate may jointly designate. the Capitol grounds for this event. demonstrate good-spirited competition and in- SEC. 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Capitol grounds will be used for novation at its best. The teams will race (a) IN GENERAL.ÐThe event authorized by the opening ceremonies for the solar through five states, from the start in Wash- section 1 shall be free of admission charge to power car event that will begin at the ington, DC, to the finish at Epcot at Walt Dis- the public and arranged not to interfere with VerDate 06-MAY-99 13:35 May 13, 1999 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\TEMP\H12AP9.REC h12ap9 PsN: h12ap9 H1820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 12, 1999 the needs of Congress, under conditions to be event. The Capitol grounds, Mr. Speak- If we are in a community that is free prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol er, will be used for the bicycle summit, from vandalism, it is a sign of a and the Capitol Police Board. which will teach children the proper healthy neighborhood. If there are (b) EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES.ÐThe spon- sor shall assume full responsibility for all ways to ride their bikes and honor chil- areas that provide access to walkways expenses and liabilities incident to all activi- dren who have taken an active role in and sidewalks that are away from the ties associated with the event.
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