CORNELL VOL. 42 NO. 7 NOVEMBER 9,1939 r1 en When PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF CORNELL ALUMNI You Go East or West, ITHACA NEW YORK AND VICINITY Stop Off REA RETA*—Folded and interfolded facial tissues LANG'S GARAGE for the retail trade. at GREEN STREET NEAR TIOGA S'WIPE'S*—A soft, absorbent, disposable tissue; packed fiat, folded and interfolded, in bulk or Ithaca's Oldest, Largest, and Best boxes, for hospital use. Storage, Washing, Lubrication, Expert Repairs CORNELL FIBREDOWN*—Absorbent and non-absorbent DAILY AIR CONDITIONED TRAINS ERNEST D. BUΠON '99 JOHN L. BUTTON '25 cellulose wadding, for hospital and commercial use. FIBREDOWN* CANDY WADDING—in WESTWARD Light type, a.m. EASTWARD BALTIMORE, MD. several attractive designs. Read Down Dark type, p.m. • Read Up 8:10 9:40 Lv. New York Arr. 8:35 7:45 FIBREDOWN* SANITARY SHEETING— 8:25 9:55 Newark 8:18 7:29 WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH For hospital and sick room use. 8:30 9:45 " Philadelphia " 8:15 7:45 Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, *Trade mark reg. U.S. Pat. Off. 12:52 *11:12 4:10 *5:21 Arr. ITHACA Lv. Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, THE GENERAL CELLULOSE COMPANY, INC. Plans, and General Consulting Practice. GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY Enjoy a Day or Week End EZRA B. WHITMAN, C.E. '01 D. C. Taggart '16 - - Pres. - Treas. in Ithaca G. J. REQUARDT, CE. Ό9 B. L SMITH, CE. Ί4 5:21 4:10 Lv. ITHACA Ar. 11:01 12:52 West Biddlθ Street at Charles HENRY M. DEVEREUX, M.E. '33 8:20 7:05 Arr. Buffalo lv. 8:05 10:00 4:55 7:30 Pittsburgh 10:35 11:45 3:00 1:15 Cleveland ** 12:20 5:41 YACHT DESIGNER 9:30 7:40 Arr. Chicago Lv. 10:15 WASHINGTON, D. C. *New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at 295 CITY ISLAND AVE. 9 p.m. from Ithaca THEODORE K. BRYANT CITY ISLAND, N, Y. LL.B. '97—LL.M. '98 LAW OFFICES Master Patent Law, G.W.U. Όβ f Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively WILLIAM HARRIS 09 kDiair 309-314 Victor Building 60 Park Place NEWARK, N. J. Phone, Cable Address KENOSHA, WIS. Market 3-2520-1 -2-3 "Wilhar" MACWHYTE COMPANY YOUR BUSINESS CARD Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire In the Professional Directory reaches Rop Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. 5000 interested Cornellians. Literature furnished on request FIND For Special Rate write: JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. "13, PRES. & GEN. MGR. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS YOUR R. B. WHYTE, M.E. "13, GEN. SUPT. 3 East Ave. ITHACA, N.Y. FRIENDS! • To correspond with that Cornell friend whose address you do not know, you have only to write your CORNELL - PENNSYLVANIA letter, put it in a sealed and stamp- ed envelope with his or her full name written plainly on the outside, FOOTBALL LUNCHEON enclose that envelope in another bearing your return address, and Before the Game November 25 mail to Houston Hall—3417 Spruce St., Philadelphia LETTERS EXCHANGE Cornell Alumni News ALL CORNELLIANS INVITED ITHACA, N.Y. (PLEASE USE THE COUPON) _ _ PENNSYLVANIA GENERAL ALUMNI SOCIETY, 3401 SPRUCE ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. We will Forward your enclosure to Please send me tickets for the Luncheon before the Cornell-Pennsylvania the addressee if a recent address can game, November 25. Payment is enclosed at $1 each, plus 10 φ for mailing— be found, if not will return it to you Total $ with a report. This service is free to Cornell NAME Class our subscribers. ADDRESS . Please mention the NEWS ELL ALU I NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLII, NO . 7 ITHACA, NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 9, 1939 PRI-CE, 15 CENTS NEW ALUMNI CHILDREN SET RECORD First One of Fourth Cornell Generation Enters University This year's Freshman Class includes for third-generation Cornellians. The other PARENTS CHILDREN the first time, so far as is known, the 39 are listed below (their mothers' Albert D. Fonda '17 Harriet E. University's first fourth-generation Cor- maiden names only are given). Last year Helen S. Clark '17 Maynard C. Hammond '19 Robert A. nellian. She is Geraldine W. Jenks., there were 2.6 of double Cornell parentage. Lillian Lybolt Ί8 daughter of Ernest E. Jenks '15 and Mrs. PARENTS CHILDREN William A. Harris Ί8 Simon M. Jenks (Dorothy Tar bell) Ί6, of Great J. Burdette Bain, Grad Ίx-'i4 Betty B., Grad Prue H. Miller Ίi Neck. Her maternal grandfather was the Lottie M. Ketcham Ίo* Luke W. Hovey '17 Joyce V. '41 Pearl L. Warn '17 late George S. Tar bell '90, and her great- Earl W. Benjamin Ίi Earl W., Jr. Eva I. Hollister '15 Chester J. Hunn '08 Charles H. grandfather was the late Doctor Tarbell Francis G. Brink Ί6 Robert S. Mrs. Hunn, Sp '34~'35 '72. (first name, Doctor). On the other Florence T. Roos, Grad Ί5-Ί6 Shurly R. Irish Ί8 Elizabeth B. side of her family, Miss Jenks is the Barbeb r B. CbConabll e Όi BBarber B., Jr. Elizabeth Fisher '17 EarleH. Kennard, PhD '13 Jarman G. granddaughter of the late Jeremiah W. Agnes Gouinlock '08 Charles M. Cormack '2.0 Robert V. Mrs. Kennard, AM '2.6 Jenks,.for many years professor of Po- Vilma Vigert '19 Edwin I. Kilbourne '17 Philip A. litical Economy. George D. Crofts Όi George D., Jr. Elizabeth Alward Ί8 New record this year, also, is the num- Frances E. Johnson '05 James A. McConnell '2.1 Jean (Miss) Lois A. Zimmerman '2.0 ber of students entering the University Henry Dietrich '17 Mary A. Alice L. Stout, Grad Ί6-Ί7 Gordon J. Mertz 'io David P. from alumni families. From registration Douglas S. Dilts '17 Margaret R. Beatrice H. Parry '2.2. blanks and personal identification, the Edith M. Rulifson Ί8 Floyd R. Newman Ίi John A. Alumni Office has found that of the Edgar A. Doll '12. Bruce A. Ruby P. Ames '13 S. Geraldine Longwell, PhD '3 f Allen B. Reed '2.0 Marjorie J. z,o97 new students this year, 2.96 are the 7 Alfred E. Emerson, Jr. Ί8 Elsie P. Murphy '12. direct descendants of Cornellians. This is Winifred JellifFe Z2. Helen L. Hugh D. Reed '99* William C. 38 more than last year. Charles D. Farlin '13 Madeline K. Church Ί6 Bernice L. Spencer '14 Jean Louise Reginald C. Reeve '13 Robert K. Seventeen new students this year are Mary A. Keane '14 of the third Cornell generation. Their Frank L. Faulkner Ί6 Margaret Kniskern Ί8 Frank K. Henry T. Ruckaberle '15 Roberta S. names and those of their Cornell parents Ellsworth L. Filby '17 Ethel DeBroske '2.1 and grandparents are tabulated on this Marion C. Fisher '19 Ellsworth F., Jr. Clarence M. Slack Ί6 William A. page. Six others had Cornell grand- Harold Flack '12.* Mary Alda Deibler '17 Robert H. parents but not parents: Hugh K. Clark, Evelyn Alspach Ί6 (Continued on page < Grad, grandson of the late Frank E. Kidder '80; Edward M. Marvin '43, grandson of the late Charles D. Marvin THIRD-GENERATION CORNELLIANS '81; Charles R. Patton '43, grandson of GRANDPARENTS PARENTS CHILDREN the late Charles H. Royce '91; Leigh Charles M. Bean '77 Albert C. Bean Ίo Albert C. Bean, Jr. '42. Simpson '43, grandson of Robert Simp- son, Jr. '72.; Kenneth Smith '43, grandson James W. Beardsley '91 Wallace P. Beardsley '19 James P. Beardsley of the late Robert M. Cannon 'η*L\ and Henry Blake '73* Charles E. Bee, MCE '15 Edward R. Blake William H. Van Duzer, Jr. '43, grandson Helen Blake '08 Daniel B. Davis '7.0 of the late William Van Duzer '81. Burton W. Davis '91* Dorothy J. Davis James H. Edwards '88* Robert D. Edwards '15 Robert L. Edwards Besides the one great-grandfather, 2.5 Ira H. Myers '77* Allan C. Fraser Ί3 Helen M. Fraser Cornell grandfathers and four grand- Helen P. Myers Ί6 mothers are reported; iη% Cornell fathers George H. Pierce '86* Charles E. Haslett '07 Gladys M. Haslett and 59 mothers, a total of 367 Cornell Mary H. Painter '86 antecedents in direct descent. In addition, Byron W. Holt '90* W. Stull Holt Ίo Jocelyn Holt the new students report 943 other Cornell Lois Crump Ί3 relatives, including brothers, sisters, John L. Stone '74* Mrs. Otis H. Johnson Otis H. Johnson cousins, aunts, uncles, and even one husband and three wives. (Mary Stone) Ίo Walter C. Kerr '79* Donald C. Kerr Ίx Elizabeth M. Kerr In the list following, all children are Mrs. Kerr '39 Freshmen unless designated otherwise Daniel Mitchell '90 Isaac B. Mitchell Ί8 Grayson B. Mitchell with Class numerals. Asterisks (*) Floyd C. Overton '84* Kent A. Overton '13 Richard M. Overton designate persons who are deceased, and Horace B. Robinson '74* Melville W. Robinson '15 Melville W. Robinson, Jr. the sign f indicates step-parents. Some Joseph J. Churchyard '74* John B. Shepard '07 Elizabeth C. Shepard Cornellians' children may have been missed. Additions to these lists will be Mrs. Walter J. Shepard, Sp '19* welcomed if sent to the Alumni Office, 3 Charles M. Thorp '84 Mrs. W. Denning Stewart William D. Stewart, Jr. East Avenue, Ithaca. Jessie Boulton '83* (Margaret B. Thorp) '12. Charles B. Mandeville '77"* Munroe F. Warner Ίi Jean Margaret Warner Both Parents Alumni Margaret Mandeville Ίi Of the 46 new students whose mothers Henry H. Wing '81* Paul W.
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