STATISTICAI. IIATVD BOOK OF NAGALAND 1984 3 lO SONOMICS a STATISTICS IT OF SAC >-S Ih 1 M A j STATISTICAL HAND BOOK OF NAGALAND 1984 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS Government of Nagaland KOHIMA Sob. National Systems Unit, National Institute of Educational Pl^nmrr and AminifcrRtion 17-V .lA'^it'-ndo Maig.Ne-^Delhi-UOOl^ DOC. No............................ D a t e ........................................... .....................- r K F F \ C’ E Statistical Hanil Book ot Nagaland 1984 is a puhlication inrc'senting Statistical intormation on various aspects of Naga- lland EcoiKMTiy Data incorporated in this publication have Ibeem collected from various I'epartraents of the Govt by the lEctTinomics Sc Statistics Department and froni Official puhlica- ttioras as also from 'sources not published so far. It is hoped that ihe publication would be of some help tto thi public interested to have iv bird’s eve view of Nagaland, tto students of Economics, to Ihe Planners & others willing to piarticipate in Nagaland’s piogres^ and Development. I thank the variou > Departments and agencies which sui> polled the necessary information and rendered unstinted coope r-ation in preparing this hook. r thank Stui. H O. OUPTA, Joint Director, Economics Sk Statistics, but for whose special efforts it would not have bieen possible to bring out this issue. si> expeditiously. 1 also tlnank other officers of the Dej»tt and particularly Shri D R- F aul, inspector of Statistics, who shouldered the responsibility olf collection. compilation and proof readitig of the Bool< Suggestions for further improvement of the Hand Hook SiTP welctiine r»ated. Kohiina T.C.K LCITHA tine 15th Nov. Director (»f Hconomics & Statistics, Nagaland : (Cohima. CONVERSION TABLES 1. STANDARD OF WEIGHTS 0.065 Gram 1 Grain * 0.000064799 Kilograrr. 28.350 Gram I Ounce = 0.0283495 Kilogram rs 0.4535924 1 Pound 6.350 I Stone — 50.102 1 Cwt. 1016.05 1 Ton = 1.016 Tonnes = 0.0!16638 Kilogram I ToPa 0.05832 ) Chattak 0.93310 » Seer = 37.3242 Maund = 2.20462 Poundi ! Kilograra 1.07169 Seers 1 Metric Tonne f r 98420 I n n 2^.7<)28 M aiind I Ton 1 01605 Metric Tonnes 1(00 K ilogram s 1 O nintal 1(0 Quintals* 1 T onne 1 Ouintal 220.4622 Pounds II- STANDARD OF IJ N^iTH & CAPACITY In ch 0.0254 Metre (Exact) F'oot 0 30+8 M etre „ Y ard 0.9144 M etre „ M ile 1609.344 M etre „ 1.609.144 Kilometres IrnpeTial ( iallon 4,545^6 Litres (Fxact) M etre 1-09361 Yard'. K ilomelre 0.621.17 Mile I K ir <1,219976 Impciial Gallon III STANDARD OF ARFA 1 Square Inch 6.41626 Square Centi- m<gtre-s 1 Square Foot 0.092803 Square Metre I Square Yard 0.836131 Square Metre 1 Acre (4840 Sq. Yds.) 0.404686 Hectares 1 Square Mile 2.58999 Square Kilometres 640 Acres 1 Hectare 2.47105 Acres 1 Square Kilometre 0.386101 Square Mile 1 Square Metre 1.19599 Square Yards IV. METRIC UNITS (A ) Length 1 Kilometre = 1.000 Metres 1 M etre = 1.000 Milimetres (B) Area 1 Sq .'Kilometre = 100 Hectares 1 Hectare =» 10.000 Sq. Metres (C) Weight 1 Metric Tonne = 1.000 Kilograms 10 Quintals I Kilogram = 1.000 Grams V. TEMPERATURE C. ( Centigrade ) 519 ( F— 32 ) F. ( Fahrenheit) 9/5 ( C + 3 2 ) C O N 1 E N T S I. GENERAL 11.1 Introduction — 1 11.2 Ciovcrnor of Nagaland — 5 11.3 Council of Ministers 5 U-4 Nagaland legislative Assembly — 7 Iu5 Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly. - 8 1..6 Senior Officers of the Nagaland l egislative Assembly. ti.7 Governor’s Secretariat, Kohinia. li.8 High Court. t .9 Nagaland Public Service Commission. 1 10 Senior Officer’s of the Nagalad Secretariat. J 11 Deputy Commissioners 1.112 H-ad" ol 13epartmenls/(>fiiees. 1 !i3 Ai'ts of Nagaland Legislative Assembly. 1.II4 Nagaland ut a Glance. ~ 20 1 '.15 Distance of Important Koufes in Nagaland — 23 2. AREA AN1> P O P U L A U O N ’ ’1 Dii trlct-.visc, Population and Density. 2 ,2 Decennial (irovvfh of Population 1971 to 1981. — 29 2.3 Population Trend in Nagaland, 1901 to 1981. — .10 2.4 Sex*wlse Population by Districts, 1981. H 2.5 Literate Population by Sex, 1981. —32 2.6 Distribution of Population by Religion, 1981, --33 2.7 Growth of Major Religious Communities During 1971 — 1981. - 39 2.8 Population by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, 1981. — 40 2.9 Distribution of Urban Population, 1981, — 41 2.10 Distribution of Working Population, by Agriculture and Other Workers. — 42 2.11 Statement showing the Working Force and N on-w orkers as per 1981Census. — 4 4 2.12 Circle-wise Villages and Population as per 1931 Census. — 50 3. ACiRIClJLTUHK STAriSilCS 3.1 Area under Principal Crops. ~ 57 3.2 Pioduction t)f Crops — 59 3.3 Total Irrigated area and Irrigated area under Crops. - 61 3 4 Area under and production of various Fruits and Vegetables. — 63 3.3 Consunij)tii)n of 1 ertili?:-rs and Pesticides. — 64 3.6 Area under different l and uses in Nagaland. — <)5 4, BANKING S l Al ISl’K ’S 'W.l ( entre-wise distribution o f D eposits and ( redits of Scliediiled Cominercial Banks as on 30.6 1983. — 67 44 J District-wise and Occupation-wise classification of Outstanding Credit of Sciieduie Coinnierciai Banks as on 30.6 1981. — 68 ■4 ^ State-wise distrihution of Deposits of Scheduled <“'onimi:rcial Banks according to ty[)e, June, 19H1 in Nagaland. - 69 4.4 District wise and Occupatinn-wise classification of outstanding Credit of Scheduled C’nmmercial Bank, June, 1981. — 70 5. BASIC SI \TISI ICS ‘5 I Basii information relating to Developmental aclivities in the Kural areas as on 14. 1981. — 75 6 . COOPERA nON STAf/SIKS H}.\ Working of Co-opeiative Socletief. ~ 89 1. EDU( Al lON STATISriCfi T . l l iteracy in Nagaland, 1971 —101 V.7 l iteracy in N agaland, 1981 — 102 T.} Number of Educational Institutions - 103 7'.4 Number of Students in I ducational Institutions —105 7.5 Number of Teachers in Educational Institutions. “ 106 7.6 Results of different Examinations. 107 7.7 Expenditure on Educational Institutions by the State Govt. — 109 8 . EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 8.1 Distribution of Govt. Employees as on 31st March according to status and percentage of increase ovei tiie preceeding year. — 1 1 ! 8.2 Distribution of Stale (lovt. Employees according to status atid Scheduled Ti ibe, — 112 8.3 Distribulion of Slate Govt- Employees in various Departments as on 31st March, 1982. — 113 8.4 No. of Persons Registered as per qualification through Employment Exchanges. — 116 8.3 No. ot Persons employed as per qualiHcation through Employment Exchange. — 118 9. FORESl STATISTICS 9.1 A rea under Forests. - 121 9.2 Ciassilicalion o f I orest Area. - 125 9.3 Revenue and Expenditure of the Forest Department. - 129 VI11 Tmblse N o, Pages to. FIVE AH PLAN STATISTICS _ 1(0.1 Annual Plan outlay and expenditure 131 HO.’ Si'ctoral outlay during 6 th Plan period and expenditure, proposed secjoial outlay during 7th Plan and proposed outlay for 1«83‘86. 132 11. HI AI Til STATISTICS 111.1 Number of Hospitals, Dispensaries P.H.Cs. Sub-centres and Beds. 137 1 11.7 Nuniber of Medical personnel — 139 111.3 Number of T. B. Hospitals, V. D. C'llnics and Mental Hospitals with Beds. — 140 111.4 Patients treated in Hospitals and Dispensarier?. — 142 III.5 Doctors with d»^signation, District-wise. - 143 11L6 Registration of Births and Deaths. - 143 111.7 Vital rales by District. - 150 111.8 I ive Hirths by typi of attention at deiivery - 15? iii.y I ive Births and Draths by idigion - 154 11 tNDUSTRlES STATISI ICS 121.1 Number of [ndusfries __ 157 13. P O L IC E S rA T lS T If S l ? . l Number of Police Stations and Outposts. 168 1 B.2 Incidence of Crimes. 169 fH.l Strength of Civil PoUcc. ... 171 JS.4 Expenditure on Police personnel. — J72 14. POWER & Ef EC TRJCn V STATISTICS 14.1 InstaUed capacity and G eneration of Electricity. — 174 11.2 Electricity consumption. — 175 J4.3 Sale of Electricity by class of consumers. — 185 14.4 Generation, Consumption and per-capita consumption of Electricity. — J88 14.5 Number of Villages and 'I'owns Electrified. — 189 14 6 TarifT of Hlcctricity. — ]y() 14.7 Expenditure on Electricity. ^ I9l 14.8 Revenue & R eceipt, — 192 15. p r k :e s t a t i s t i c s . 15.1 Mcinthly aveiage Wholesale Prices of Agricultural commodities at Dimapur ]<>4 15.2 Yearly average Retail Prices of essential commodities in the State. 2(X) 13.3 C onsum er Price Index N um bers for G rade 111 & IV employees in Nagaland. — 201 16 PUBLIC FINANCE STATISTICS 16.1 Receipt and Expenditure of the Government. — 204 16.2 Financial statement of Receipt undei Consolidated Fund of the Government. — ?fl<i 16=3 Annual collection of Entertainment lax, Number of ('inegoers. Number of Tit kels sold and Number of shows. — 209 16.4 Gross and Net collections in Small Saving Securities. — 210 TTab’le N o. Pages 17. RlIR\L DFVKLOPMENT ST\TISTIC!^ 1 7.1 . taii-mt'nt showing (he Plan espendirurr IJnder Rural De\ elopmeni Blocks. — 21 '*■ 18. R\INFAL1 SrAHSTlCS 1 8.1 Kainfall at diftercnt centre,, 198' 2 ! t 19. TRANSPORT & ( OMMUNIC\TJON STATJSTICS 1 9 1 l ength of Ronds undei the Public Works Department.
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