CAMPUS SPORTS Rayne Youngsters ■ South Rayne Students ■ Smith Tagged Enjoy Frog Hunt Presented Awards Among ‘Decade’ ■ College Graduations Basketball Honorees page 6A 125TH YEAR, NO. 33 RAYNE, LA THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2020 1 SECTION, 12 PAGES $1.00 COPY Diplomas awarded to 162 Rayne High grads By LISA SOILEAUX sung by Julia Blake to cipients” of the 2020 Luke and Kristie Bour- Angela Olivier; Chloe Lynn Guilbeau, Managing Editor begin the commence- class were also ac- geois; • Mary Elizabeth Pep- Madison Marie Heins, ment ceremonies. knowledged, including: • Candice Lynn per, daughter of Shawn Hayley Mychelle Hoover, RAYNE - A total of Highlight of the pro- • Ethan Scott Alle- Brown, daughter of Jar- and Melanie Pepper; Ruth Elise Johnson, 162 Rayne High School gram was the naming of man, son of Jason and rit and Heather Bower; • Lindsey Shea Skye M’Layne Lemoine, graduates received Tanner LaGrange and Leslie Alleman; • Mikayla Ashlee Primeaux, daughter Joshua Anthony McCro- their high school diplo- Kassidie Bourgeois as • Londyn Alise Bar- Dronet, daughter of of Dwayne and Laury ry, Autumn Elizabeth mas Saturday, May 23, Mr. and Miss RHS of dash, daughter of Mark Teddy Credeur and Primeaux; Meche, Lillian Marie during 10:30 a.m. com- 2020. Making the pre- and Melanie Bardash; Jani Credeur; • Alixandra Nevaeh Melancon, Briana Ceci- mencement ceremonies sentations was RHS • Gracie Lynn • Tanner Dane La- Thibodeaux, daughter of le Richard, Emile André held in the school’s sta- Principal J. Wendall Bergeron, daughter Grange, son of Joshua Shawn Thibodeaux and Richard, Morley Kath- dium. Prudhomme. of Frank and Dawm LaGrange and Amanda Abby Johnson; and ryn Richard, Layson The traditional grad- Prudhomme an- Bergeron; Doga; • Trevor James Wiltz, Breez Venable and Nich- uation ceremony was nounced this year’s Sa- • Kassidie Michelle • Leah Kate Olivier, son of Kendrick Wiltz olas Ethen Paul Viator. modifi ed due to the lutatorian, Leah Olivi- Bourgeois, daughter of daughter of Corey and and Wendy Mills. Graduates with Hon- COVID-19 coronavirus er, who presented her Medallion recipients ors (3.2 - 3.599 GPA) restrictions and social graduation address. have maintained four receiving white cords distancing procedures She earned a four-year Mr. & Miss Rayne High quality points or higher were Alyssa Rae Dor- with the graduates, grade point average of in all high school and sett, Jaiklyn Faye Floyd, joined by their parents, 4.03 and a score a 26 dual enrollment course- Taylor Grace Harrison, receiving their diplomas composite ACT score. work pursued. Hannah Claire Jenkins, during a ceremony to Makayla Dronet Class president Gra- Lexie Claire Marks, Kurt accommodate the social was introduced as this cie Bergeron introduced Brennon Meaux, Madi- distancing mandates. year’s Valedictorian and the graduates who re- son Renee Nero and Ja- Graduates were seat- also delivered her ad- ceived honor cord rec- cie Elizabeth Richard. ed on the football fi eld dress. She earned a 4 ognition, including: Graduates also re- with their guests in the year grade point average Graduates with Dis- ceived packets includ- stands of the stadium. of 4.06 and score a 29 tinction (3.6 GPA and ing awards and schol- Each senior received composite ACT score. higher) receiving gold arships by the school, three tickets for guests. The 12 graduates cords were Taylor Mack- social and civic organi- The Invocation was who completed grad- enzie Babineaux, Mak- zations. delivered by Alixandra uation as the gradu- enzie Claire Comeaux, School Counsel- Thibodeaux, the Pledge ates with highest grade Kianna Marie Cormier, or Adrienne Gatte in- of Allegiance by Kassi- point average (4.0) and Elizabeth Nicole Daigle, troduced the grad- die Bourgeois, and the named “Highest Dis- Madeleine Paige Deville, National Anthem was tinction” medallion re- Tanner LaGrange Kassidie Bourgeois Trivion Quinaé Francis, See RHS, Page 2A Rayne’s McFalls honored with unique military gift BY LISA SOILEAUX and other European countries, Managing Editor totaling 23 locations. He was a member of a maintenance enroute RAYNE - Anyone that has been team and worked on airplanes, around Rayne’s Billy McFalls basically B47 bombers. knows that he takes things in His fi rst tour in Vietnam was stride and is not easily surprised. in 1968. He went again in 1970. But a unique and honored While there, he was part of the gift from his nephew may have 3rd TAC Fighter Wing. changed the retired Air Force vet- This time frame brought about eran’s mind. the fi rst time that items were “My nephew who lives in Mich- shipped back to the United States igan, Robert Byrd, apparently with McFalls having to create a gave my name to a group of wood- team to get this accomplished. carvers who carve canes for Viet- Before that time, equipment like nam veterans,” McFalls said. “I airplanes and other large items was sent a form to fi ll out about were just left on site. my military career, which I did, McFalls returned to the states and mailed it in, and that was it. at Eglin Base in Florida. After 24 “I didn’t think much about it years of service, he retired, having until I received this beautiful work been stationed at many locations of art — that’s what you have to throughout his military service, call this — a work of art,” McFalls including Barksdale, Lake Charles comments as he shows off the in- (twice) and Alexandria; Fort Wal- tricate walking cane. ton Beach, Florida; Long Beach “There’s everything on here and Riverside, California; Bel- about my service,” McFalls ex- leville, Illinois; Marquette, Michi- plained. “It’s really detailed and is gan; Greenland, Africa, Thailand, a true keepsake. I’m very appre- the Philippines, along with his two ciative of receiving this.” tours in Vietnam. The Spring City, Tennessee, Upon retirement, McFalls and native joined the United States his wife, the former Merella Mel- Air Force on July 12, 1951, at the ancon of Rayne, have made their age of 20. He departed from Chat- home here in the “Frog City,” tanooga, Tennessee, for San An- where the couple is known for tonio, Texas, to begin his military their support of city events, the career. Rayne High Wolves and New Or- Despite never riding on a train leans Saints. in his life, McFalls departed with The couple has been married $10 in his pocket for eight weeks for over 60 years and are the par- of basic training. He then trans- ents of one daughter, Norellie Mc- fered to Barksdale Air Force Base Falls Fontenot. She and her hus- Rayne’s Billy McFalls displays the unique in Shreveport. band Jimmy have blessed them walking cane he received from a group McFalls completed his TDY in with three grandchildren and six of woodcarvers in Michigan dedicated to Spain, Morocco, New Foundland great-grandchildren. honor Vietnam veterans. Subscribe Inside Today Weekend Outlook CONTACT US... In Acadia Parish: $27 Campus ...............5A Obituaries ............2A Phone: 337-334-3186 Outside Acadia, within Sunny, Hot Fax: 337-334-8474 Louisiana: $30 History .................9A Frog Hunt ............6A And Humid [email protected] Outside Louisiana: $32 Classifi ed ...........11A Legals ................12A Highs: 86 - 89 Lows: 68 - 70 Lifestyles .............6A Sports ..................7A Page 2A ■ The Rayne Acadian-Tribune — Thursday, May 28, 2020 Obituaries rosary will be recited Zaunbrecher, Hilda rial Mass and will conduct the grave- on Wednesday at 6:30 Habetz Simoneaux and side services. p.m. at Gossen Funeral Pauline Habetz Reiners; Chef Roy Lyons was born in Rayne Home. and one brother-in-law, in 1949. He graduated from Rayne Father Gary Schex- Will Leleux. High School in 1968 and attended USL nayder will conduct the She was preceded in and Nichols State University. Over the funeral and graveside death by her loving hus- next 30 years he attended seminars services. band of 62 years, Phil- and continuing education classes on Survivors include her ip; her parents, Charles the local, state, and national levels. In seven children, Jules and Bertha Dischler 1995, he completed the National Certi- and wife Claudia of Zaunbrecher; one sis- fi cation Test and received the American Vinton, Chris and wife ter, Jane Zaunbrecher Chefs’ Federation Certifi ed Executive Kim of Vinton, Celeste Leleux; three brothers, Chef Diploma, based on his education, Lalande and husband Fr. Charles Zaunbrech- experience and achievements. Paul of Church Point, er, Vincent Zaunbrech- He was one of the offi cial spokes- Damian and wife Dinah er and William “Billy” persons for the Louisiana Dept. of Ag- Dolores “Bubbles” of Roberts Cove, Fred Zaunbrecher; and one riculture and the Canadian National Zaunbrecher Habetz and wife Joan of Vin- grandchild, Broc Ha- Television. His success made him a ton, Jackie Valdetero betz. world traveler, guided by his love of ROBERTS COVE - A and husband Doug of Dolores “Bubbles”, cooking and his expertise in promoting private Mass of Chris- Roberts Cove and Con- affectionately known Cajun Cuisine. tian Burial will be held nie Bossier and hus- as “O’Ma”, was born, Chef Roy balanced ownership and Thursday, May 28, band Kevin of Roberts raised and lived in Rob- management of his restaurants, his 2020, at 2 p.m. at St. Cove; her 19 grandchil- erts Cove her entire life. spice producing company, his active Leo IV Catholic Church dren, Jake, Scott, and Born of German par- membership in professional organiza- in Roberts Cove, for Do- Blake Habetz, Hunter, ents, she married her tions, his nationwide and worldwide lores “Bubbles” Zaun- travel schedule for cooking demon- Hali, and Kyle Habetz, childhood friend, class- David “Chef Roy” Roy Lyons brecher Habetz, 89, who strations and promotions, and his Alex Lalande, Claire mate and fellow Ger- died peacefully on Sun- community involvement with enthusi- Lalande Gatte, and Ja- man, Philip, and raised MIRE - Memorial services will be day, May 24, at her res- asm and professional equanimity.
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