AVERAGE DAILY CIBOULATION for the Month of AprU, 1888 WEATHER reeooaM a« o . 8. Weather Baioaa. 6,124 Hartford Member of the Aadit ______ ftoreon of OIroalatlooa lE u f ttitm I m l J i *Howeto tonight oad Friday, 1U A A e r v s a we 1 rtghUy eooler Friday. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VTLLAG E (T^ARM VOL. LVIU^NO. 202 (OaaaUtod AdvortWag on Pago IS) PW , STUDIES NEW PROPOSALS H. A. MORGAN REPLIES TO END CRISIS Czech Officials ConthiDe TO EX-T. V. A . CHIEF’S Talks Iffidi EnToy Of France And Britain In An COLLUSION CHARGES Effort To Halt Trouble. Prisoner Escapes I Declares Former CoOeasie Proho. May 28 — (AP) — The Cnechoolovak government today Has Seriously Obstm ctdl •tudied new French end Britlah From Enfield; Two ^geaU on s designed to terminate ' Work Of Federal Agen^ toe crials ariaing from too demandi oc the Sudeten German minority and Adolf Hltler’a "protectorate" States Hunt Him By His Acbons— R ea li over them. Stefan Ousky, minlater to Paris Long Detailed Statemeit arrived laat night by plane and re- Hartford, May 26—(A P)—Police-wards the Masaachuaetts border ' ported at once to Foreign Minlater of two Staton wero today searching whei last seen. Kamil Krofta. They conferred again for Carl A. Phllllpa, 23, negro, serv- Phillips waa sent from New Lon- today. ing time for robbery with violence, don county May 12, 1937 to toe Washington, May 26.— (AP) Jan Maaaryk, minlater to London, prison on two burglary counts to — Harcourt A. Morgan, a who escaped from Enfield State returned by air tola afternoon to rerve terms of two to four years nessee Valley Authority dire^ confer with both Krofta and Presi- Prison farm ahortly before noon. and seven to 10 years running con- currently. tor, charged today that formiir dent Eduard Benea. Phllllpa waa working with a high- It waa understood that both way detail near the prison. Sud- Phillips broke into the room of o TVA Chairman A. E. Morgad girl at the Connecticut College for Ouaky and Maaaryk brought re- denly he broke and ran into toe conducted "a campaign of dli4 newed aaaurancea of Anglo-French Women, New London. woods nearby. The guards at the The escaped convict weighs 1S8 sent and obstruction” to Htgl Bupport but toeae were accompanied prieon are not armed and he waa by undirainlshed emphasia on the pounds. Is 8 feet 10 Inches tall, slen- credit the TVA program. able to outrun them. der build and Is a "medium black" neceeatty of a concession to toe As far as police know Phillips Testifying before a jtdat Sudetena whom toe German negro. He wan wearing toe blue la not armed. He was beaded to- denim ouflt of the prison. Congressional inquiry commit* Fuehrer had aald he would protect tee, Harcourt Morgan, now from "Buffering.’’ (In London It waa reported Brit- T. V. A. chairman, aaserted that A. E. Morgan had gone be* ain had Bounded out boto Germany and Czechoslovakia on a plan to yond “proper limits” in dis- place Britlah observers In their HARWOOD TO SET DATE agreeing with other membeilil troubled border region as a means to easing tension and giving Britain of the T. V. A. board and had unbiased reports to guide her peace- ! , ^ Te" persons—seven passengers and a crew of three__died n.h.« .i, i- , "seriously obstructed the work- making efforto ,______ Jurt short of ^ scheduled landing place In Cleveland o t ^ n f g h ^ Z h ? ?rom N M r l " '^ FOR STATE GOP PARLEY of this agency of the Federal 'Was Well Handled Cleveland airport, within sight of safety, night flight from New York:‘ ’hirplaneliVlIiU ” p 'to '’ a '‘'r a r e e^g^t X » " ? r o m government.” Diplomatic quarters In Praha ex- pressed sattsfacUoD with toe way GOLD STRIKE RUMojitT A. E. Morgan testified be- Central Committee Leaves START RUSH FOB STOCK fore the Congressional com- the government handled yesterday’s difficult situation at Eger when two mittee yesterday, making London, May 36.— (A P )—New Budetena, killed laat Saturday by TAMMANY CHIEF Decision ^ th Chairman; rumors of a rich gold strike lengthy charges of “collusion,. border guards, were given a demon- caused a scramble today to buy conspiracy and mismanage- strative Nazi funeral. JAPAN RESHUFFLES LATE NEWS more shares of Western Holdings ment” against H. A. Morgaii Dlaplte too aggressive tone of Move Made To Hold Con- and sent toe stock to a new high funeral speeches by two Sudeten IS LINKED WITH and the other T. V. A. director, of 31 abilUngs (|5.2S). deputies. Kart Hermann Frank and David E. Lilienthal. Ernst Pfrogner, It waa hoped that FLASHES! vention Earlier This Year. Western Holdings was formed ITS GOVERNMENT; more than a year ago by Sir Abe Boads Btstenwiit another m«*toig between toe Sude- POUCYRACKET Bailey to look for gold in Orange Raodlng a prepared statemept t » ten fuebreL Konrad Henleln, and Hartford, May 26.— (A P )— The Free State, South Africa. th-> committee while UUentoal one / Premier Milan Hodaa oould be ar- 8TARTUNO ST.ATEMENT. ranged before the week-end. power to decide whether toe Re- Brokers formsd in excited A. B. Morgan oat nearby, toe ptee- _ Washlagton. May 26__ (AP) ent T. V. A. chairman asserted: Officials also were pleased by toe James J. ffines Accosed Of 3 KEYMEN RESIGN Eepi’weotatlve Dies (D„ iv*x.) told queues to get in on the stock publican nominating convention will comparatively calm progress of a startled House today be had ta- which waa paddled at three ehU- "To the membera of this oommtt-' be held this year In mid-summer or lings (75 cents) a month ago and tee Oongreas has (pivsn toe reappai^ German - Ckechoslovak diplomatic Being The Political fixer formaHon that at “one of the prin- cipal Nazi camps’’ in the L'nited In September, os usual, waa vested closed at 17 abllllngs nine pence btllty of determining toe facts oeq- ' exchanges. German Minlater Ernst ($4.48) yesterday. Elsenlohr haa visited the foreign Drastic Cabinet Reorganiza- REPUBLICANS ASK States a speech had been made "by today in State Chairman Benjamin earning toe T. V. A. controvenw whito Arthur Morgan hs» precipl- office almost dally in toe past four For The “Dntch” Schnltz a member of Congress advocating E. Harwood by action of toe Re- days and thua far he and KrofU Iho assa-wlnallon of the President of publican State Central committee. tion Gives The Army have managed to keep toe conver- toe I nitrd Statee." At yesterday's meeting of the The directors of toe Authority, Gang In New York Gty. The Texan did not Identify the pledge tola committee our complete sations on a fairly friendly basis. ACnON W HAVES State Ontrol committee Harwood member or amplify the charge, Invlteo action concerning three of COMMUNIST PARTY cooperation to the end that oU at Measures Taken More Power To Wage A • • • When ' Elsenlohr, for example, Its members who were criticised In toe facte may be obtained. We ore New York, May 26 — (AP) _ ANOTHER BORDER "INCIDENT” proud of the Job that toe Authori- called Praha’s attention to violation reports of the Merritt Parkway and of German borders by Chiechoslovak James J, Hines, one of the most Vigorous Chinese Invasion Junior State Orgam'zation Praha, May 26.— (A P)—A gov- Waterbury Grand Juries, but none HOLDS CONVENTION ty has done, sometimes under the powerful leaders In Tammany Hall, ernment spokesman said tonight was forthcoming. most difficult clrcumstencee, end that a German warplane had been we ere glad to preaent on account (UonUnnod on Page l-wo) was listed on the police blotter to- The three members named were: Tokyo, May 26.—(A P )—Japan’s Petit on Gov. Cross To Im- sighted on a flight over Czechoslo- Clarence G. Willard of New Haven, of our atewerdahlp.” day, accused of being an ally and , , vakla’s great munitions plant, toe foreign, war and finance ministers secretory of toe committee, men- Delegates From All Parts Of Referring to hlmeelf and LUian- "political fixer" of the Dutch tioned in the report of toe Merritt left the Cabinet today In a drastic The report cast a.shadow over the thol, toe 70-yeor-old witnesa aeaert* peach Waterhnry Mayor. Parkway Jury which recommended ed that "we assume toe committed HARTFORD PLANS Schultz gang In a *100,000,000 reorganization by which toe army ' prospects of a Oerman-Czechoslo- Coontry Gatiier In New policy racket. I vtik setUement, the highway and health depart- desires to hear us on too chargee Hines, 61-year-old former black- appeared to have won a stronger ments dismiss him as publicity tost Arthur Morgan has mode, grip on the government, with toe Hartford. May 26.— (A P )—Gov. BIG SPORTS ARENA smith, was the first "Ijigher up" 100 CHILDREN KESCL'ED representative; Charles E. William- York Gty For The Parley. also on our charge tost Dr. Mor> whom District Attorney Thomas E. likelihood that there likely nov^ will Cross had before him today a copy B o s t o n son of Darien, arrested on a charge gon, whUe a member of too board, May *0e—(A P)— More Dewey has prosecuted in his three be made a new and stronger effort of a resolution draf»Cd by the exec- ' than of conspiracy as a result of toe seriously obstructed and interfored year warfare against rackets. The to end the Oilna conflict with quick | „t|ve committee TeTh '' ’* ” *<=• jll"" >00 children, ranging from Waterbury investigation: and John with the board’s efforts to carry out young "racket buster" repeatedly victory.
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