Vol. 621 Tuesday, No. 4 13 June 2006 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Tuesday, 13 June 2006. Ceisteanna—Questions Taoiseach ………………………………… 693 Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Priority Questions …………………………… 705 Other Questions …………………………… 718 Adjournment Debate Matters …………………………… 724 Leaders’ Questions ……………………………… 725 Death of Former Taoiseach: Expressions of Sympathy ………………… 734 Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ……………… 744 Order of Business ……………………………… 745 International Development Association: Motion …………………… 749 European Communities (Amendment) Bill 2006: Order for Report Stage …………………………… 749 Report and Final Stages …………………………… 749 Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill [Seanad]: Second Stage (resumed) … … 754 Estimates for Public Services 2006: Message from Select Committee …………… 768 Private Members’ Business Human Rights Issues: Motion ………………………… 768 Adjournment Debate Health Services ……………………………… 798 Accident and Emergency Services ……………………… 800 Driving Tests ……………………………… 802 Water and Sewerage Schemes ………………………… 804 Questions: Written Answers …………………………… 809 693 694 DA´ IL E´ IREANN 9. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach his plans for a meeting with the British Prime Minister, Mr. ———— Tony Blair, to discuss the situation in Northern Ireland. [19218/06] De´ Ma´irt, 13 Meitheamh 2006. Tuesday, 13 June 2006. 10. Mr. F. McGrath asked the Taoiseach the position regarding recent developments in ———— Northern Ireland. [19372/06] Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 11. Mr. Sargent asked the Taoiseach if he will 2.30 p.m. report on recent contacts he has had with the pol- itical parties in Northern Ireland; and if he will ———— make a statement on the matter. [20716/06] Paidir. Prayer. 12. Mr. Sargent asked the Taoiseach if he will report on his most recent contacts with the British ———— Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, regarding devel- opments in Northern Ireland; and if he will make Ceisteanna — Questions. a statement on the matter. [20717/06] ———— 13. Mr. Sargent asked the Taoiseach if he will report on recent developments in the Northern Northern Ireland Issues. Ireland peace process; and if he will make a state- ment on the matter. [20718/06] 1. Mr. J. Higgins asked the Taoiseach if he will report on his contacts with the parties in The Taoiseach: I propose to take Questions Northern Ireland. [17722/06] Nos. 1 to 13, inclusive, together. There are ongoing contacts with all Northern 2. Mr. Kenny asked the Taoiseach if he will Ireland political parties. I last met Sinn Fe´in, the report on recent developments in the Northern SDLP and the Alliance Party on 30 March. The Ireland peace process; and if he will make a state- Northern Ireland Assembly reconvened for the ment on the matter. [18043/06] first time in three and a half years on Monday, 15 May. Its purpose is to prepare for the re-estab- 3. Mr. Kenny asked the Taoiseach if he will lishment of the devolved Executive as soon as report on his recent contacts with the political parties in Northern Ireland; and if he will make a possible and, in any event, before 24 November. statement on the matter. [18044/06] We believe this is a fair and reasonable deadline. We hope that the creation of the preparation 4. Mr. Kenny asked the Taoiseach if he will for Government committee, which met for the report on his recent contacts with the British first time on 5 June, will allow all the parties to Government; and if he will make a statement on engage with one another and begin addressing the matter. [18045/06] the issues relevant to the restoration of the Executive. We want to see early progress made 5. Mr. Kenny asked the Taoiseach if he will to this end. Yesterday’s announcement on report on his recent meeting with the British arrangements for chairing this committee is wel- Prime Minister on the margins of the EU-Latin come although I am conscious of the time already America Summit in Vienna; and if he will make lost. It would be deeply disappointing if construc- a statement on the matter. [19090/06] tive effort and engagement could not be reported when the British Prime Minister, Mr. Blair, and I 6. Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in asked the Taoiseach meet the parties in Belfast later in the month. if he will report on his most recent contacts with Time is limited and it is therefore essential that the British Prime Minister in regard to the Irish all the parties seriously commit themselves to the peace process; and if he will make a statement on process that Mr. Blair and I initiated in April. In the matter. [19166/06] particular, there is an obvious need for the DUP to engage with Sinn Fe´in. These are the parties 7. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach if he will with the largest mandates and the largest make a statement on his most recent contacts responsibilities. They will occupy the positions of with the political parties in Northern Ireland. First Minister and Deputy First Minister in the [19216/06] event of restoration. It is important that they and the other parties use the time available to address 8. Mr. Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach if he will the issues that stand in the way of restoration. make a statement on his recent contact with the The Governments have repeatedly said that we British Government regarding developments in hope that a plan B will not be necessary. Northern Ireland. [19217/06] However, as joint stewards of the process, we 695 Ceisteanna — 13 June 2006. Questions 696 [The Taoiseach.] time already lost and the issues concerning how have also made clear that such a plan will be much work will be done. implemented, if necessary. The committee must get down to serious dis- I met the Prime Minister, Mr. Blair, on the cussions immediately and there must be a clear margins of the EU, Latin America, Caribbean realisation that the Governments are firm about Summit in Vienna on 11 April. At that meeting, the deadline of 24 November. That is a legislative we briefly discussed the return of the assembly deadline passed by the House of Commons. It is on 15 May and our hopes for the restoration of not just a date in the calendar and any party that the Executive. believes the deadline is moveable is making a On 22 May, I met Mitchell Reiss, the US serious error of judgment. It is increasingly clear special envoy to Northern Ireland. We discussed that the patience of the Northern Ireland elect- current developments, including our common orate is being tested. The overwhelming sense is wish for the earliest possible restoration of a that people want the politicians to get on with power-sharing Executive. bringing devolution back, and that is what we want them to do as well, without waiting for some Mr. J. Higgins: It is clear that the assembly in other structure or resolution. Northern Ireland is now in a shambolic situation. I do not agree with the first of the Deputy’s The parties could not even agree on a chairperson comments but I agree with what he said about for the committee that is supposed to steer a sectarian divisions, which are always unhelpful power-sharing Executive. They may not be able and create bitterness, tragedy and difficulties. to agree an Executive in the autumn and if they The basis of the Good Friday Agreement is cross- do, it will not last long. community support. In a society like Northern Does the Taoiseach now accept that what is Ireland that has been divided for generations, the being laid bare is the disintegration of the struc- only way to make progress and for everyone to tures put in place by him, the British Prime Mini- deal with their agendas and issues is on a cross- ster, Mr. Blair, and the political establishment on community basis. That is why the Executive and this island and in Britain because those structures Assembly are structured in the way they are. It is were based on permanent sectarian blocs? The not a resolution by Prime Minister Blair and me, structures were put in place on a false basis of it is an agreement between the parties in institutionalised sectarianism. Northern Ireland supported by people North and The dreadfully tragic death of Michael South in a democratic referendum. It has the McIlveen and the growing anecdotal evidence of strength of the people. We now require the par- tensions of a sectarian character within communi- ties to implement it and if they moved forward ties makes it clear where the solution to this prob- with devolution in place, we would have fewer lem can be found. It is clear that will not be found difficulties. in the institutionalisation of sectarian divisions in I have said many times on sectarianism that so the political system but in a radical new working much of what happens in Northern Ireland is class politics based on the principle of bringing working class people together rather than push- fomented in one form or another around sec- ing them into the arms of sectarian politicians. tarian division, whether it is marches, causes or issues. It is an ongoing problem, how people are Did the Taoiseach have the opportunity to dis- cuss with the British Prime Minister, Mr. Blair, forced to move from certain areas, how people the situation regarding extraordinary renditions are pressed into sectarian areas and how those and the fact that EU Governments may be assist- territories are marked out. All these create diffi- ing in the kidnapping of suspects to facilitate their culties but there is no simple resolution to them.
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