Wetlands at the National and International Scale General Information 1. Agricultural conservation: USDA needs to better indicators/ human activity/ forestry practices/ birds/ ensure protection of highly erodible cropland and Amphibia/ Minnesota/ disturbance/ vertebrates/ Chordata/ wetlands: Report to the ranking Democratic member, animals/ west north central states of USA/ north central Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. states of USA/ United States/ North America/ developed Senate. countries/ OECD countries/ lake states of USA United States. General Accounting Office. Abstract: The present study explores the relationships U.S. General Accounting Office, 2003. between riparian wetland communities and anthropogenic Notes: Cover title./ "April 2003."/ Chiefly tables./ Includes disturbances, including urban, forestry and cultivated land. bibliographical references (p. 106). Small stream riparian wetlands in central Minnesota, USA, http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d03418.pdf provided an opportunity to detect these relationships Descriptors: agricultural conservation---United States/ soil because land use within the region is heterogeneous, conservation---United States/ wetland conservation--- resulting in disturbance gradients at the scales of stream United States reach and landscape. The research tested 2 hypotheses: organismal groups (wet meadow vegetation, shrub carr 2. Agricultural wetlands and waterbirds: A review. vegetation, aquatic macro-invertebrates, amphibians, fish Czech, H. A. and Parsons, K. C. and birds) respond differently to various types of Waterbirds 25(2 [supplement]): 56-65. (2002) anthropogenic disturbance; and the observed biological NAL Call #: QL671; ISSN: 1524-4695. responses are dependent on the spatial scale of the Notes: Managing Wetlands for Waterbirds: Integrated disturbance. It was shown that birds were the best Approaches indicators of landscape condition within the near vicinity of Descriptors: wetlands/ agricultural ecosystems/ habitat small stream riparian wetlands, and fish community changes/ habitat utilization/ reviews/ aquatic birds/ habitat/ composition corresponded to broader landscape land use literature reviews/ agriculture/ breeding sites/ foraging patterns. It is suggested that the type of anthropogenic behaviour/ rice fields/ Aves/ birds/ management/ ecology/ disturbance and the spatial scale at which the disturbance community studies/ conservation/ wildlife occurs will have variable consequences to different management and recreation organismal groups. If the effectiveness of the proposed Abstract: Waterbird use of agricultural wetlands has indicators is verified, then managers can strategically increased as natural wetlands continue to decline monitor the biota and accurately interpret the results. The worldwide. Little information exists on waterbird use of strength and interpretability of bird and fish relationships to wetland crops such as taro, hasu, and wild rice. Several land use of riparian wetlands suggest that indicator and reports exist on waterbird use of cranberry bog systems. criteria development are warranted. Information exists on waterbird use of rice fields, especially © CAB International/CABI Publishing by herons and egrets. Rice fields encompass over 1.5 million km super(2) of land and are found on all continents 4. An approach for assessing wetland functions using except Antarctica. Rice fields are seasonally flooded for hydrogeomorphic classification, reference wetlands, cultivation and to decoy waterfowl, and drawn down for and functional indices. sowing and harvest. A wide variety of waterbirds including Smith, R. Daniel. and United States. Army. Corps of wading birds, shorebirds, waterfowl, marshbirds, and Engineers. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment seabirds utilize rice fields for foraging and to a lesser extent Station. Wetlands Research Program (U.S.). as breeding sites. In some areas, especially Asia, Vicksburg, Miss.: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways waterbirds have come to rely upon rice fields as foraging Experiment Station; Series: Wetlands Research Program sites. However, few reports exist on waterbird use of rice technical report WRP-DE-9. (1995) ecosystems outside of the Mediterranean Region. Species Notes: Title from title page. "Final report." "October 1995." that are commonly found utilizing agricultural wetlands Includes bibliographical references. during the breeding season, migration, and as wintering NAL Call #: GB624 .A76 1995 grounds are listed. General trends and threats to waterbirds http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/elpubs/pdf/wrpde9.pdf utilizing agricultural wetlands, including habitat destruction Descriptors: wetlands---United States/ ecosystem and degradation, contaminant exposure, and prey management---United States fluctuations are presented. This citation is from AGRICOLA. © CSA 5. Assessing wetland functional condition in 3. Anthropogenic effects on the biodiversity of riparian agricultural landscapes. wetlands of a northern temperate landscape. Eckles, S. Diane. and United States. Natural Resources Mensing, D. M.; Galatowitsch, S. M.; and Tester, J. R. Conservation Service. Journal of Environmental Management 53(4): Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural 349-377. (1998) Resources Conservation Service; Series: Wetland technical NAL Call #: HC75.E5J6; ISSN: 0301-4797 note 1. (2002) Descriptors: wetlands/ assessment/ land use/ fish/ aquatic Notes: Title from web page. "March 2002." Description invertebrates/ riparian vegetation/ effects/ biodiversity/ based on content viewed May 13, 2003. Includes landscape/ land resources/ resource conservation/ bibliographical references. resource management/ riparian forests/ biological NAL Call #: aQH87.3 .A77 2002 5 Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/land/pubs/ biologically meaningful buffers for wetland and riparian directiv%5F%20files/TN%5FECS%5F190%5F2%5Fa.pdf habitats. These results indicate that large areas of Descriptors: wetlands---United States/ environmental terrestrial habitat surrounding wetlands are critical for impact analysis---United States/ wetland restoration--- maintaining biodiversity. United States/ wetland ecology---environmental aspects--- © CSA United States/ wetland agriculture---United States/ ecological assessment---biology---United States/ 8. Bottom-up control of carabid beetle communities in agricultural landscape management---United States early successional wetlands: Mediated by vegetation This citation is from AGRICOLA. structure or plant diversity? Brose, U. 6. Base cation chemistry of storm runoff in a forested Oecologia (Berlin) 135(3): 407-413. (2003) headwater wetland. NAL Call #: QL750.O3; ISSN: 0029-8549 Hill, A. R. Descriptors: terrestrial ecology: ecology, environmental Water Resources Research 29(8): 2663-2674. (1993) sciences/ cluster analysis/ linear regression analysis/ NAL Call #: 292.8 W295; ISSN: 0043-1397 mathematical and computer techniques/ pitfall trapping/ Descriptors: wetlands/ storm runoff/ headwaters/ applied and field techniques/ agricultural landscapes/ geochemistry/ forest hydrology/ cations/ chemical analysis/ biodiversity/ bottom up control/ early successional stormwater runoff/ catchment area/ stormwater runoff/ woodlands: habitat/ enemy free space/ feeding activity/ catchment area/ storm runoff/ headwaters/ forest hydrology/ hunting efficiency/ morphological traits/ plant height/ chemical processes/ composition of water predation/ spatial heterogeneity/ species diversity/ species © CSA richness/ vegetation structure Abstract: Two hypotheses of bottom-up control that predict 7. Biological criteria for buffer zones around wetlands that the species richness of Carabidae will depend either on and riparian habitats for amphibians and reptiles. the taxonomic diversity of plants ("taxonomic diversity Semlitsch, R. D. and Bodie, J. R. hypothesis") or on the structural heterogeneity of the Conservation Biology 17(5): 1219-1228. (Oct. 2003) vegetation ("structural heterogeneity hypothesis") were NAL Call #: QH75.A1C5; ISSN: 0888-8892 tested. Plant species were classified into nine plant Descriptors: wetlands/ riparian environments/ environment structural groups through cluster analysis of morphological management/ buffers/ conservation/ habitat/ feeding/ life traits (e.g. total height) at 30 early successional temporary cycle/ water resources/ biodiversity/ nature conservation/ wetlands in the East-German agricultural landscape. In a agricultural practices/ overwintering/ ecotones/ silviculture/ linear regression analysis, the heterogeneity of vegetation breeding/ amphibiotic species/ nesting/ aquatic reptiles/ structures explained 55% of the variation in carabid beetle literature reviews/ habitat selection/ Caudata/ Anura/ diversity. According to a partial correlation analysis, plant salamanders/ frogs/ toads/ conservation/ biodiversity/ taxonomic diversity did not have a significant effect, habitat community studies/ general consistent with the "structural heterogeneity hypothesis," environmental engineering and contradicting previous studies which concluded that Abstract: Terrestrial habitats surrounding wetlands are plant taxonomic diversity would be the most important critical to the management of natural resources. Although factor in early successional habitats. An experimental study the protection of water resources from human activities was used to test hypotheses on the processes underlying such as agriculture, silviculture, and urban development is this bottom-up
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