Wyke/Normandy Wills of Surrey Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Normandy Historians Wyke/Normandy Wills of Surrey (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) MSS 280 There exists at The Surrey History Centre, Woking, Surrey a series of hard-back notebooks pertaining to "Old Wills of Surrey" containing précised notes compiled by Cliff Webb from original wills held at The London Metropolitan Archives. In 2009, Christopher J H Pettitt of Wyke, Normandy, Surrey and member of Normandy Historians, copied extracts (in manuscript), from those notebooks that were relevant to families, who at one time were either resident in Wyke or thereabouts or had an interest in property within the then parish of Wyke. (c.1520 - 1820), which together with similar extracts from microfiche records held personally by Christopher, are held by Normandy Historians. Stephen Cranstone of Aldershot (a member of Normandy Historians), transcribed and digitalised Christopher's manuscript notes presented here, but the reader should be reminded that although care has been taken in the transfer of data, viewing of the original wills at The London Metropolitan Archives is recommended. Index to Wyke Wills Wyke Wills of Surrey Index to Normandy Wills Normandy Wills 1534 - 1820 www.normandyhistorians.co.uk MSS 280 Page 1 of 1 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) SURNAME REFERENCE YEAR ROLE OR MENTION WILL REFERENCE (AND PARISH) AUSTIN 1557 WITNESS SA 1534 – 1558 BANYSTER 1557 WITNESS SA 1534 – 1558 BELL 1713 BENEFICIARY SA 1709 - 1715 BERRY 1816 BENEFICIARY SA 1800 - 1821 BERRYMAN 1638/9 SA 1627 - 1639 BEZAR 1742 BENEFICIARY SA 1740 - 1745 BICKNOIL 1638/9, 1667/8, 1669, WITNESS (1638/9) OVERSEER (1667/8) 1670. BICKNOLD 1638/9, 1667/8, 1669, WITNESS (1638/9) OVERSEER (1667/8) SA 1660 - 1671 1670. BIGNOLD 1638/9, 1667/8, 1669, WITNESS (1638/9) OVERSEER (1667/8) CO 1663 - 1673 1670. BIGONAL 1638/9, 1667/8, 1669, WITNESS (1638/9) OVERSEER (1667/8) SA 1627 - 1639 1670. BISHOP 1745/6 COPYHOLD OCCUPIER SA 1746 - 1751 BIRCH 1816 BENEFICIARY SA 1800 - 1821 BLACKMAN 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 BOYLETT 1590 INVENTORY SA 1582 -1594 BURGET HOUSE DWELLER (1591) SA 1582 - 1594 CHRISMAS 1638/9 WITNESS SA 1627 - 1639 COWDRAY 1721/1722 WITNESS SA 1722 - 1725 COWDREY 1721/2, 1731 TESTATOR (1721/2) SA 1726 - 1733 CLIFTON 1670 WITNESS & BENEFICIARY CO 1663 - 1673 DENYER (OF 1667/8, 1669,1731 BENEFICIARY (1731) OVERSEER SA 1660 - 1671, SA 1726 - 1733 GODALMING) DRAPER 1745/6 WITNESS SA 1746 - 1751 ELLEY 1713 BENEFICIARY (1713) SA 1709 - 1715 ELLIOT 1724 BENEFICIARY SA 1728 - 1730 MSS 280-1 (Index) Page 1 of 4 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) SURNAME REFERENCE YEAR ROLE OR MENTION WILL REFERENCE (AND PARISH) ELLYOTT 1670 BENEFICIARY CO 1663 - 1673 FAGGOTER 1742 BENEFICIARY SA 1740 - 1745 FINCH 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 FLINT 1557 SA 1534 – 1558 GATES 1669, 1670,1706 TESTATOR (1706), OVERSEER (1669) SA 1660 - 1671, CO 1663 - 1673, CO 1697 - 1728 GYLES (OF LONDON) 1593 DEBTOR (1593) SA 1582 -1594 GOODYER 1721/22, 1795 TESTATOR (1721) & (1789/95) SA 1722 - 1725, SA 1778 - 1800 GUNNER 1591 SA 1582 -1594 GURNETT 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 HAMPTON 1679 CO 1674 - 1698 HARDING(E) 1593 SA 1582 -1594 HARPER 1742 BENEFICIARY SA 1740 - 1745 HARRISON 1591 OVERSEER SA 1582 -1594 HATRELL 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 HAWTRALL 1669 WITNESS SA 1660 - 1671 HEATH 1742 WITNESS SA 1740 - 1745 HOLMES 1816 TESTATOR (1816) SA 1800 - 1821 JACKSON 1731 WITNESS SA 1726 - 1733 LACY 1731 WITNESS SA 1726 - 1733 LAG 1721/2 BENEFICIARY SA 1722 - 1725 LICKFOULD 1679 WITNESS CO 1674 - 1698 LOVELAND 1613, 1669, 1670 W, TESTATOR (1713) & (1729/30), WITNESS SA 1660 - 1671, SA 1608 - 1615, 1713,1729/30 (1669) CO 1663 - 1673, SA 1709 - 1715, SA 1728 - 1730 MANSELL 1557 WITNESS SA 1534 – 1558 MARLYN 1557 SA 1534 – 1558 MARTIN 1731, 1745/6 TESTATOR (1745/6), WITNESS (1731) SA 1726 - 1733, SA 1746 - 1751 MICHELL 1557 OVERSEER & YEOMAN SA 1534 – 1558 MSS 280-1 (Index) Page 2 of 4 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) SURNAME REFERENCE YEAR ROLE OR MENTION WILL REFERENCE (AND PARISH) MITCHELL 1557 OVERSEER MICHENELL 1679 BENEFICIARY C0 1674 - 1698 MICHINALL 1557, 1591,1679, 1670, WITNESS (1742, 1745/6) SA 1582 -1594 1742, 1745/6 MITCHENER 1557, 1591,1679, 1670, WITNESS (1742, 1745/6) CO 1663 - 1673, SA 1740 - 1745, 1742, 1745/6 SA 1746 - 1751 MYCHNEYR 1557, 1591,1679, 1670, WITNESS (1742, 1745/6) SA 1534 – 1558 1742, 1745/6 OCKLEY 1745/6 COPYHOLD OCCUPIER SA 1746 - 1751 OTTOWAY 1816 BENEFICIARY SA 1800 - 1821 PALMER 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 PARKER 1591 PRICE (OF HORSLEY) 1593 DEBTOR (1593) SA 1582 -1594 RANS 1563, 1557 SA 1561 - 1571 RAWNCE 1563, 1557 SA 1534 – 1558 ROBINSON 1706 OVERSEER CO 1697 - 1728 ROOKE 1724 TESTATOR (1724) SA 1728 - 1730 RYCHARDSON 1557 WITNESS SA 1534 – 1558 SHERRETT 1745/46 COPYHOLD OCCUPIER SA 1746 - 1751 SHRUBB 1745/46 WITNESS SA 1746 - 1751 SNELLING 1713 BENEFICIARY SA 1709 - 1715 STEVENS (OF ASH) 1742 BENEFICIARY SA 1740 - 1745 SYMONDS 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 TAYLOR 1521, 1557, 1670, 1742 TESTATOR (1521) & (1742), BENEFICIARY SA 1740 - 1745 (1557) TEMPLEMAN 1816 BENEFICIARY SA 1800 - 1821 VINE (RALPH) 1591 WATTS 1557 SA 1534 – 1558 MSS 280-1 (Index) Page 3 of 4 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (Index) (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) SURNAME REFERENCE YEAR ROLE OR MENTION WILL REFERENCE (AND PARISH) WEST 1674, 1795, 1816 TESTATOR (1674), BENEFICIARY SA 1671 - 1679, SA 1778 - 1800, (1789/95), WITNESS SA 1800 - 1821 WESTON 1557 WITNESS SA 1534 – 1558 WESTBROOKE 1670 CO 1663 - 1673 WHITE (OF 1593 SA 1582 - 1594 ALDERSHOT) WILLOWAYE 1591 SA 1582 -1594 WOOD 1679 WITNESS CO 1674 - 1698 WOODES 1557 SA 1534 – 1558 WOODROFFE 1679 WITNESS CO 1674 - 1698 MSS 280-1 (Index) Page 4 of 4 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) An explanation of the referencing (as typified by the two examples below), might aid the reader: Example A: SA 1582 – 1594 407. Richard Willowaye (X), of Wyke (Husbandman) 1591. Wr 1590/1 (1). The prefix SA signifies Winchester Archdeaconry Proved Wills (2). 1582 – 1594 signifies that the Will was proved between 1582 and 1594. (3). 407 is the number of the Will of Richard Willowaye in the notebooks of Cliff Webb relevant to Winchester Archdeaconry. (4). An X against a name signifies “his” or “her” mark to a signature. (5). Wr 1590/1 - the letter Wr signifies the year in which the Will was written. Example B: CO 1663 – 1673 291. Joan Bignold (X) of Wyke, widow 1670 proved 5th Nov 1670 (1). The prefix CO signifies the Commissary Court of the Bishop of Winchester as relating to Surrey (Court appointed to act in the absence of The Bishop). (2). 1663 – 1673 signifies that the Will was proved by The Commissary Court between 1663 and 1673. (3). 291 is the number of the Will of Joan Bignold in the notebooks of Cliff Webb specific to the Commissary Court (4). The widow, Joan Bignold, died 1670. THE WILLS – (Abstracts) (1). SA 1534 – 1558 (Unregistered Wills). 511 Ann RAWNCE of Wyke, widow of William RAWNCE (yeoman) 1557 · Goddaughter Ann RAWNCE daughter of son John RAWNCE – an ox · Residue to Beatrice and Jane RAWNCE and a cow each at marriage or 18 years. MSS 280-1 Page 1 of 8 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) · Surnames WATTS and FLINT mentioned. · To child of Thomas MYCHNEYR – monies for (Ann, Elizabeth and John). · To my daughter Elizabeth TAYLOR £5. · Son in law – Geo MARLYN £2. · Son in law – Wm WOODES £2 (?). · Overseers, my neighbour John TAYLOR and Lawrence MICHELL (yeoman) of Ash. · Witnesses, Peter RYCHARDSON, John BANYSTER, John WESTON, Thomas MANSELL, John AUSTIN. (2). 1521. John TAYLOR of Wyke, Ash · Will – (Located at Hampshire Record office) (3). SA 1561 – 1571 (Unregistered Wills) 300. John RANS of Farnham. Proved 1563. · To my daughter Beatrice RANS my house in Wyke, with remainder to my daughter Agnes and then daughter Jane. · Daughter Agnes ‘Swan’ at Farnham. · Daughter Jane out of my land at Wyke that Beatrice has, £16 at marriage. · To my wife Elizabeth RANS, lease of ‘George’, Farnham etc plus £4 per annum (to pay rent of ‘George’) from land at Wyke etc. SA 1582 – 94 (4). 407. Richard WILLOWAYE (X), of Wyke (Husbandman) 1591. Wr 1590/1 · Eldest son Robert goods · Son William goods plus money · Daughter Agnes PARKER · Relict Rose, exec. MSS 280-1 Page 2 of 8 © Normandy Historians Wyke Wills of Surrey Downloaded from www.normandyhistorians.co.uk Wyke Wills of Surrey (With references to Ash, Aldershot and Worplesdon) (5). 454. Henry MICHINALL (X), Wyke, farmer. 1591. · Son Thomas, a little house wherein (?) BURGET lives called Mascolls Hall with a plot of ground after death of mother (GUNNER) · Son Henry lease of Upper Bents and a moor called Maydmans Moor at 18, which belongs to Westwood. Paid to (Mr) Ralph VINE. £1 per annum and the moor 8s/- per annum. · To my children 6 stalls of bees and a chest each. · Son Henry a dagger and a cane. · Wife Joan residue, giving £5 each to my four daughters.
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