Aldenhamiana No 35 November 2007 Published by THE OLD ALDENHAMIAN SOCIETY Aldenham School, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3AJ, England e-mail: [email protected] www.oldaldenhamian.org 1 THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER Development and OA Office who keep the day-to-day business of the Society under control. As ever, I am I am delighted to report that a number of events since the grateful to Trevor Barton (K71-75), who continues to Spring edition have shown the continuing commitment of mastermind the production of an ever improving OAs to both the Society and the School. The ongoing series Aldenhamiana. My gratitude also extends to the of well attended OA regional lunches demonstrates a clear Headmaster, James Fowler, together with his academic wish by OAs to maintain and strengthen relationships. For and support teams, without whose good-humoured coop- example, the Cambridge lunch in May attracted some 20 eration and encouragement the Committee's work would be OAs and their partners. The next regional lunch is planned extremely difficult, if not impossible. for November and will take place in Chester. As before, the "Aldenham.Net" initiative continues, with the next event Mike Taylor also planned for November, in London. And I must also mention that the OA Football Club will be playing the School in December. Please contact Molly Barton or Jackie HEADMASTER'S LETTER Wilkie at the OA Office for further details and the dates for these events, although these are always posted on the OA Dear OAs, website just as soon as possible. As I completed my first year at Aldenham in the summer I was able to look back on a most enjoyable first year and I am glad to say that the Society continues in a healthy hopefully, look ahead to many similar years in the future. financial state, with your Committee regularly monitoring its What marked out this first year for Charlotte and me was activities in order to bring about improvements where the essential openness and friendliness of the Aldenham necessary. Our membership level remains strong, although community, whether people were at the School in the 40s, changes at the School over recent years mean that the 50s, 60s, or indeed at any point up to the present day. Committee has been reviewing the OA Society's membership policy in order to ensure the optimum take-up I tried to take many opportunities to have contact with OAs of those leaving the School, some of whom may only have during the course of the year and was able to attend been pupils for a comparatively short period and live lunches at Sevenoaks and Chepstow, as well as being part abroad. This was mentioned at the Society's Annual of the splendid Cambridge evensong and dinner, and a General Meeting in March and is being taken forward, rather damp OA Day at the school. I firmly believe that together with a study of the Society's Constitution, by the contacts made at these events allow us to enable former Committee. There will be more about this aspect in the next pupils to see the School as it now is and make an edition of Aldenhamiana. interesting, and often favourable, comparison with their own day. As ever, the major event for 2007 has been OA Day on 24th June, which included a Gaudy lunch for those who left the Of course things are different now: yes we have more School in the 1990s. The 2007 Gaudy was supported by pupils than in the past - 520 in the senior school at the some 40 OAs and their partners, for which much credit beginning of this term, including over 100 girls, but we have must go to the Development Office team. The day began also seen a considerable increase in the boarding numbers with a most enjoyable Chapel Service, a Reception in the over the last year, and our skill of converting boys, girls and Library (sadly, the rain had by then set in!), at which the their families to the boarding experience is a vital part of our Headmaster, James Fowler, and your President welcomed success. We do no longer have Saturday morning lessons, those present. This was followed by an excellent lunch in but instead we run an extremely popular programme of the Dining Hall. As in previous years, OAs later had access sports fixtures as well as other activities in that time. If you to most of the old and new parts of the School, and it was had visited the school on the Saturday before half term, you good to hear many of those present saying how much they would have found 10 soccer fixtures in progress as well as had enjoyed the day. a netball fixture, rehearsals for the House music competition, English language classes for our overseas The most recent event has been the OA Dinner held at the boarders, and a programme to help disadvantaged Royal Air Force Club, Piccadilly, on Friday 14th September, youngsters from a local primary school run by our sixth with some 60 OAs, their wives, partners and guests formers as part of their service to the community. attending. It was, as always, a most enjoyable evening with a superb meal and an entertaining and informative speech These all enhance the experience that pupils have at the from the principal guest this year, James Fowler, School, and this comes on top of increased academic accompanied by Charlotte. We were again privileged to success for many of them. Two pupils gained places at have several other guests, including Stuart and Bridget Cambridge last year and others went to major universities Lewis, Stuart as Chairman of the Governing Body with a across the country. distinguished career in the City; James Boothby (School Captain), together with Jessica Cox and Ben Julius (both Some things however do not change and amongst these is Deputy School Captains). As ever, I am most grateful to Ian an absolute commitment to drama in the School. I have Luetchford (B48-51) for his smooth organisation of the been thrilled to have been in contact with a significant evening. number of OAs as we have been undertaking the building of our new theatre. I have written to each of you already Finally, my grateful thanks must go to all members of the about this project and sought your help, but I can assure Society's Committee for their invaluable support and, in you that the new theatre is a really worthy home for our particular, to Molly Barton and Jackie Wilkie of the drama department and I hope that you have a chance to 2 see it for yourself. at the prospect of Aldenham soon having a really modern theatre facility, as the Headmaster mentions in his letter. I As always I would pay tribute to the excellent work of Molly would strongly encourage you to visit and be inspired! Barton and Jackie Wilkie, not only in keeping OAs in touch with the development of the theatre, but in so many regular Those of you who have followed the progress of the contacts which I know you find helpful. If you do find that Aldenhamiana Prize Quiz will be invigorated to learn that you can pay us a visit, then a call to Molly or Jackie is two entries have now been received. Thus, all the elements always able to provide you with a warm reception on your of fair competition have been restored and we even have arrival. winners! In a cunning ploy to encourage you to read the whole of Aldenhamiana, I shall merely say that their names I look forward to seeing you. (and their submissions) appear later ….. James Fowler Aside from the above, as always we feature a rich diversity of memories, photos and news. Molly and I, your collation, editorial and production team, seem to have an increasing EDITOR'S NOTES number of other things on our plates these days, so (as approved by the OA Society Committee) Aldenhamiana will Rather a theatrical feel to this edition of Aldenhamiana, with move to being published once a year, in or about our splendid front and back covers featuring a School pro- October/November, from this edition onwards. As with all duction in 1959 - have a look at the names of those who breaks from tradition, no doubt that will cause some acted, produced, designed and worked behind the scenes. disappointment. We are confident however that the annual Your Editor's theatrical career at Aldenham was limited to edition will be stimulating, entertaining and generally full of an unintentionally amusing appearance (in tights) in an good stuff. That is of course providing you keep your letters unintentionally hysterical last act of Cyrano de Bergerac coming - so please do! (Kennedy's House Play), a remarkable tour de farce which forever (unintentionally) redefined drama. Notwithstanding I hope you enjoy this Aldenhamiana. such events, Aldenham has a rich tradition of theatre and I am sure there will be many OAs who share my excitement Trevor Barton New School Website Have you seen the new School Website www.aldenham.com? There is a section for Old Aldenhamians with an events calendar, reports of OA events, links to the OA website and lots and lots of pictures of your old School. OA DAY - 24th JUNE 2007 Unfortunately the wet summer weather kept a lot of OAs away on OA Day, especially as the Gaudy this year was for OAs from the 1990s and a number were coming with small children. Those who made the trip enjoyed visiting their old House, Chapel, a drinks reception in the Library and lunch in the Dining Hall.
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