The Centre Call germantown jewish centre www.germantownjewishcentre.org Volume 24, Issue No. 6 IYAR 5775 MAY 2015 Counting Our Blessings Torah. Kabbalistic writings link each of been away. We thank you with full the forty-nine days to a unique manifes- hearts for this precious time with our tation of aspects of the Divine that can be families, for the chance to see the found within us and in the world around world and our work anew. us. Each day is an opportunity to see the This spring, I look forward to seeing By Rabbi Annie Lewis world in a new way, to notice the inter- you as we pray and study Torah, sing play of chesed (loving-kindness), gevurah and celebrate together. May blessings “ ne, two, three, four, five, six, (strength), tiferet (truth), netzach (re- abound in our lives and may we make Oseven . .” the baby’s Sounds silience), hod (gratitude), yesod (connec- each day count. Like Fun CD plays, asking, “Can you tion) and malchut (majesty) in our lives. count along with me?” The past year As we open up to the possibility and has been one of counting. Last spring, blessing of each day, we carve out a I began to keep track of weeks of preg- space for receiving Torah. Program Highlights nancy. Before I knew it I was counting As Yosef and I count the omer each down days to my due date. Since Zohar night, we are filled with gratitude for each entered the world, Yosef and I have day of Zoe's life, for our health, and for Women’s Club Torah Fund Brunch been counting days and weeks and this incredible community that has sup- May 3 now months, marking each new mile- ported our family in the midst of great Family Retreat stone, a smile, an intentional reach, a transition in our lives. We cannot thank May 8-10 complex coo. The numbers offer a you enough for nourishing us with deli- Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored container to hold us steady amidst a cious meals, for showering us with love by Men’s Club sea of amazement at the endless new and blessings and gifts and for giving May 10 experiences of parenthood. tzedakah in honor of the birth of our Confirmation In our Jewish calendar, we are now daughter. Dayenu! Each one of these May 16 in a period of counting, ticking off things alone would have been enough. forty-nine days between Pesach and Thank you for your understanding as we Calling all Fashionistas! Shavuot. This period of Sefirat Ha’Omer are still in the process of thanking each Support Israel with (Counting of the Omer) corresponds to and every one of you individually for the Shopping and Dinner the beginning of the barley harvest in countless ways you have sustained us May 17 the land of Israel. We count the omer, these past few months. We feel so blessed Tikkun Leil Shavuot which translates as “sheaf,” commem- to welcome Zoe into this loving GJC fam- (all-night study) orating the sheaves of barley brought to ily that models the importance of con- May 23 the Temple as offerings of thanksgiving tributing to community. Thank you to our Kol Zimrah for a bountiful harvest. In a world with- extraordinary community, to Rabbi Spice- May 29 out a Temple, with no central address handler, Rabbi Sklover, Nina Peskin, for bringing bundles of grain, Medieval Mathieu Shapiro, and all of our staff and Spring Concert mystics understood these weeks of lay leaders for all you have been doing to May 31 counting as a time ripe for spiritual support one another and to keep GJC growth and preparation for receiving flourishing while Rabbi Zeff and I have germantown jewish centre • 400 west ellet street • Philadelphia, Pa 19119 • tel 215.844.1507 • fax 215.844.8309 iYar 5775 • maY 2015 President’s Message Budget Season By Mathieu Shapiro, GJC President s I write, mately $675,000 in dues. We also re- $12,000. Athe shul is ceive approximately $185,000 from our This year’s proposed budget shows in the midst of largest fundraiser, the High Holiday Ap- a potential deficit of $7,000 – but only budget season. peal. Our endowment now contributes because of two things that I want to Over the last year, many people $75,000 per year to the budget, and that share with the congregation. First, we have asked me many questions about will increase, as the endowment grows. rolled forward the surplus we would GJC’s budget, or else said that they Other substantial income sources in- have had for hiring Rabbi Spicehandler wish we were more transparent with clude funds previously given us by gen- – because the Executive Committee the budget. erous congregants, the brand new Arce last year approved taking this money I’m pretty certain that I speak for the bequest and, of course, the Women’s from operating reserves. Also, we in- entire staff, the current Executive Com- Club. The final major sources of income cluded a substantial line for new mittee, and every other President are tuition, for both ECP and the Reli- Board-directed fundraising: $50,000. under whom I’ve served when I say our gious School. Altogether, our annual in- This is our recognition that the primary intention is always to be transparent come is just over $2 million. differences in this year’s budget, as and that we are generally happy to dis- Our largest expenses are salaries, compared to last year’s, are that Rabbi cuss both the process and the budget. which account for approximately $1.7 Zeff is returning from sabbatical and First, the process. Our budget be- million of our spending. Most of the rest that we have new contracts for Nina gins with our amazing Finance Direc- of our expenses are for boring things Peskin and Rabbi Lewis. tor, Gloria Geisler. Together with Nina such as postage, phones, supplies, insur- The most significant pressure on Peskin and our Rabbis, Gloria goes ance, heat, snow removal, and mowing our current and future budgeting will through each department’s expected the lawn. An astoundingly small portion be maintaining our current level of budget for the coming year, preparing of our budget is used for food and our staffing. We previously had a Senior both a spreadsheet full of numbers, extensive programming. Rabbi in his first contract as a senior and second spreadsheet that inter- We typically budget conservatively – rabbi, an Assistant Rabbi and an Edu- sperses numbers with narrative ex- that is, we do not assume much income cation Director/Rabbi freshly out of plaining the numbers. that we are not confident we will re- rabbinic school, and an inexperienced Gloria, Nina, Rabbi Zeff and the lay ceive, and we assume most expenses Executive Director. Each is now more Finance Committee then meet several will run high. For my years on the Exec- experienced, and ought to be paid in times, to go through virtually every utive Committee, we have typically bud- line with USCJ averages for their posi- line. Once the Finance Committee ap- geted to break even, or even to lose tions. proves the proposed budget, it is pre- money. In fact, Gloria and our entire If you’ve made it this far, and I’ve sented to the Executive Committee. staff are so careful, and so prudent with written clearly enough, you now un- After the Executive Committee ap- our funds, that we always run ahead of derstand the basics of GJC’s budget. If proves, the proposed budget is pre- budget – often substantially ahead. you are interested in more detail, or sented to the Board. The meeting at When we run ahead of budget, any sur- were unable to comprehend my gar- which the Board votes on the budget is plus is put into what we call “operating bled language, I invite you to ask me preceded by an hour-long “open” ses- reserves.” for further information. If nothing else, sion, for the Board to ask detailed Last year, we approved a budget with I hope you feel at least a little bit more questions. a projected – and cautious – $48,000 assurance that the staff and lay leader- The fact is that Gloria and the entire deficit. As usual, the year went far better ship are working hard and responsibly staff present a detailed, conservative, than budgeted. Even with the unex- on the shul’s budget. budget, that has very little “fluff,” and pected, and unbudgeted, expense of very little that is discretionary. Rabbi Lewis’s maternity leave, and the Special Thanks to the The vast majority of our income hiring of Rabbi Spicehandler, we still fin- Wolfe Family Foundation comes from a handful of places. Col- ished approximately $60,000 ahead of for generously supporting lectively, our members pay approxi- budget, with a surplus of around programming at GJC 2 www.germantownjewishcentre.org The Centre Call germantown jewish centre IN CELEBRaTION… Norman Newberg, on his 80th birthday Shabbat Chai-Lites David Mosenkis, on his nomination for a Carol Wright Award for his outstand- May 1-2 ing work with POWER (January 2015 – March 2015) • Religious School Shabbat Potluck Dinner Louie and Steve Asher, on the birth of • Charry Service – Mazal tov to William Galtman, their granddaughter, Nina Asher Kupchan, daughter of Simma son of Lee Galtman and Debbie Rivette, & Charles Kupchan, sister of Maia on becoming Bar Mitzvah Mia & Dan Blitstein, on the birth of their son Zev Isaac • Kol D’mamah Howard Dansky & Yona Diamond Dansky, on the birth of their • EARLY Ginat Shabbat at 10 AM grandson Zev Isaac Blitstein • Musical Marching Minyan at 11 AM Caleb Rudick, on making this summer’s Philadelphia Maccabiah • Pirke Avot team for Boys Baseball May 8-9 Reena & Aryeh Friedman, on the birth of their grandson, • Family Retreat son of Uri & Michal Friedman • BBMM Simcha Raphael, on the publication of his book The Grief Journey • Parshat ha-Shavua b’Ivrit and the Afterlife: Jewish Pastoral Care for Bereavement • Pirke Avot Cherie Goren, on her 90th birthday May 16 Betsy Teutsch, on the publication of her book 100 Under $100: • Charry Service – Confirmation One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women • Pirke Avot Charlie Trey-Masters, on making this summer’s Philadelphia May 23 Maccabiah team for Boys Basketball • Evening – All-night Shavuot Study Benji Axelrod, Eitan Barash, Caleb Mendelsohn, Noah Rudick May 29-30 & Coach David Axelrod, on their win in the JJBL (Junior Jewish • Kol Zimrah Basketball League) Jr.
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