28 MUSIC THE BILLBOARD JUNE 2, 1951 THE 8 /[[BOARD Music Popularity Charts Immminunnnuuumnuunnunnmunnummmlumnmmmmmuuumuununmmulunh Most Played Juke Box RHYTHM AND Rhythm & Blues Record Reviews BLUES NOTES Rhythm & Blues Records Each of the records reviewed here expresses the opinion of By HAL WEBMAN- the member of_The Billboard music staff who reviewed ... Based on reports received May 23, 24 and 25 The Josephine Baker day cele- the record. Records listed are rhythm and blues records most played in juke boxes according to The Billboard's bration in New York's Harlem r. T special weekly survey amng a selected group of puke boa operators whose locations rewire rhythm last Sunday (20) raised about and blues retords. ARTIST TUNES $15,000 for the National Associa- POSmoN LABEL AND NO COMMENT Weeks 1 Last I This tion for the Advancement of Col- to datejWeeklWeek ored People. The money will be 17 1 1. BLACK NIGHT C. Brown shared between the New York RED MACK Aladdin 3076 -BMI NAACP and the na- Mr. Big Head 8o-- ao-- 80 --a0 8 2 2. CHICA BOO L. Glenn branch of MERCURY 8217 -Easy, free -swing blues, with Mack singing strong Swlagthme 254-BMI tional organization; $12,000 was and turning Ina fine trumpet sole Lyrit hY Wndk 4 3 3. HOW HIGH THE MOON L PaulM. Ford taken in at the major event of the Just Like Two Drops of Water 72-- 74-- 72 --70 Mask, shoal th upcoming blues forcefully for art okay cover í78I1451; (45)F1451-ASCAP day, a show and dance at the job. 2 7 4. 60 MINUTE MAN Dominoes Golden Gate Ballroom, which was CECIL CANT Federal 72022-BMB attended by some 4,800 persons. Fun Still in Lowe With You 77-- 77-- 77 --77 DOT 1053 -The late glues a -IS, chants like Louis Armibmg on a 4 S. ROCKET 88 J. Brenton About 4;000 were 4 reportedly M. little ballad of his own define. Chess 1458 -BMI from the affair. A turned away Mina 82-- 82-- 82 --a2 1 luncheon' and a cocktail party - 5. TEND TO YOUR BUSINESS J. Wayne Gam warbles and plays one of his slow braes specialties, with an Silted In See raised the other monies; another especially lively piano go in back of his haunting vocal. 8 8 7. RED'S BOOGIE Piano Red highlight of the day's proceedings CHUBBY NEWSOME a motorcade thru Harlem. In . V(78)22.0099; (45)504099 -BNB was Fat Heed 74-- --70 to an all -star show, the Little Woman With the Coconut 72-- 72 5 9 7. I WILL WAIT Four Buddies addition REGAL 3319 -Thrush Opts an indifferent calypso number, tlo ork Savoy 769 -BMI Golden Gate affair featured an gives it a good try with effective rhythm shifts. all -star mixed big band led by 16 5 9. LOST LOVE P Mayfield Where's the Money, Honey 64-- 64-- 62 --66 Among UO rovelty blues of interest gets an unexcltirg go. Specialty(78)390; (45)3904S-1M pianist Joe Bushking. sso the sidemen in the ork were such FRED JACKSON ORK 1 - 10. ITS LATER THAN YOU THINK...R. Milton standout tootlers as Buck Clayton. Specially SP 403 -anti Buck Fewer 83-- 83-- 83 --83 Harry Edison. Steve Llpkins, Bud- REGAL 3323 -Tend blows an excl., Jump blues as combo bui,ds a dy Rich.. Jo Jones. Hilton Jeffer- beat and tension in back. An outstanding instrumental so0. son. Lucky Thompson and Std Sentimental Blues 8l-- a1-- 81 --81 Weise. The affair was acclaimed Slow blues instrumental features Sarh tense te advantage -Om a Best Selling Retail as the most successful benefit run warm high trumpet. in the Harlem area in many years. TITUS TURNER Mabel Scott cut her first Coral Let's Forget the Whole Thing 74-- 74-- 73 --75 slicings Tuesday (22). She cur- REGAL 3322 -Blues on a rumba kick with a strong shout punches Rhythm & Blues Records rently is holdmg forth at the well, and it's different enough to catch the ear. Ork drives hard. Royale Theater, Baltimore, and Stop Trying To Make a Fool of Me 83-- 83-- 83 --83 . Based on reports received May 23, 24 and The 25 will move to the Riviera nitery. Turner sings up A Storm On a wry MO, SIOw blues. warbler slows plenty talent, and ark makes fine mood backing. St. Louis, June 1 for an eight -day Records listed are rhythm and blues moo. that sow best in stores according, to The Billboard's stand. Norman Grans "Jazz at FREDDY CLARK quid& weekly survey among a selected yaup of retail sores, the majority K whose customers ..Ise impresario. Tonight of All Nights 45-- 45-- 45 --45 Metier ad blues records. the Philharmonic" was in New York for a week for SPECIALTY 405 -Slow ballad tool drags. Tune s weak, warbler POSmON recording sessions at Mercury and doesn't project. weeks Last This Why Did You Do Its 50-- 50-- 50 --50 to aatelWeeklWeek to set up his fall jazz wax line. Slight improvement over flip Is this second ballad. He's preparing for release a set star 16 1 1. BLACK NIGHT C. Brown CAMILLE HOWARD Once There Lived a Feel Aladdin 3076 --BMI of Gene Krupa trio etchings made on concert. Diskings originally Bangle toe Boogie 72-- 72-- 70 --74 4 - 2. GEE BABY J. 01104. Walker were held back by Krupa because SPECIALTY 404 -Miss Reward knocks out one of her pounding boogie Mambo Boogie Savor 777 -Bel wougie piano solos with rhythm wpm., in the same groove as all her of his then expiring tie with Co- originals, but with a beat for jukes. 4 4 3. ROCKET 88 J. Brenton lumbia Records. He now has god Come Back Whore You Belong Chess 1458 -BM1 Schubert's Serenade Boogie 73-- 73-- 71 --75 granted Granz clearance for re- The familiar classical theme is spurted Into a boogie format for piano. 21 3 4. ROCKIN' BLUES J. OtisM. Walker lease of the extended perform- Noway appeal nee. My Heart Tells Me Savoy 766 -8M1 ances, which will be made avail- CECIL GANT 6 5. I WILL WAIT Four Buddies - able only on long play platters. You Worry 82-- 83-- 81 --82 Jest To See You Smile Again Sasso 769-BMI Don't The trio includes tenorist Charlie DECCA 48212 -The late great blues pianist and shouter drives thru 5 8 6. TEND TO YOUR BUSINESS J. Wayne Ventura and pianist Teddy Napo- with a boogie rgwlty, .fining a lyric consisting of little more than the Love Me Blues Slttld In 556 leon. title that is nevertheless mmPletely pptlwlirg. 1 - 6. 60 MINUTE MAN Dominoes Little Baby 75-- 75-- 74 --76 easy blues and plan* by GaM in his relaxed, effective I Can't Escape From Yoe Federal 12022-BMI Slow. nut Slim and Slam are back to- manner, 15 2 8. LOST LOVE P Mayfield gether again for the first time Life h Suicide ,.591414110(70)390; (45)390.45 -BMI since shortly after the memorable 5 - 8. TENNESSEE WALTZ BLUES S. MoGhee "Flat Foot Floogie" days. Gal - House Warming Boogie Atlantic 926 lard and Stewart united for a %/ 5 5 10. I APOLOGIZE B Eckstine break -in engagement at the Bird - Rhythm & Blues ee Bring Back the Thrill ..MGM(78)10903; (45)1C10903 -ASCAP land nitery in New York and al- ready have been preserved on wax by Norman Gran: in a Mer- Record Releases Ì e cury recording session held last week. Syd Nathan, King Rec- 8/RECORDS, INC. Baby, Van Ain't NOwBese Thompson ( I Want) ords'. prexy, and Ralph Bass. his -L. Gallafis, Tennessee Pb osn s0.sa1 recording exec, returned from an V 22.0128 extended Southern- talent and Boa Fever -F. Juana Ork (Sentimental Blues) sales tour last week. The pair ewe 3323 "Step It Up and Go" 2 -Sided Boogie Moneymaker! inked a couple of new talents: Dance Boogie -The F61 Scamps (Gonna Sur Col Blues singer Charles Maxwell, 30242 BIG JEFF of Cleveland, and Preston Lova, Gonna Buy Myself a Mule -The Fin Scamps DOT #1058 an alto sax tootler now in Omaha (Dance Basal Col 30242 but remembered for his work in Bq "Cleanhead" Vinson (Time After) Bangin'the Home -E. Boogie a number of leading orks includ- King 4456 backed by ;ng Count Basle's, Lucky Miliin- I Ain't Gonna Worry No Mae -Gusty Brooks 6 In der's and Andy Kirks. The sales His Tones (Shadow of) Col 30241 IPlaying Like Mad Both HILLBILLY & POLISH Locations $ accent on this tour was placed on I Want a Lavender 0011151 -L. Thomson (Baby, SCHUBERT'S SERENADE BOOGIE the Dominoes' disking of "Sixty You) V 22.0128 by Minute Man." LM's Forget <h Whole Thing -T. Turner (Stop Trying) Regal 3322 ;"FIREWATER; CAMILLE HOWARD ..404 Coral Records last week con- Little Fat Woman With the Coconut Head -C. tinued to expand its r. and b. Newsome ((Where's the) Regal 3319 talent roster under its new policy Sentimental Blues -F. Jackson Ork (Buck Fever) Regal 3323 POLKA" in this field. New artists include Fortune 159, Inzt., Gores Carter and Max Balky.... Shadow of the Blues -Dusty Brooks 6 His Tone. RCA Victor inked warbler John- U AWt) Col 30241 "I DON'T NEED YOUR LOPE Stop Trying To Make a Fool of Me-7. Turner 0 ANYMORE, ny Hartman to a term recording (Let's Forget) Regal 3322 5 WOMAN" By Freddie Myers Er His Trail Riders paper. Hartman formerly sang Time Alta Time -E. 'Clcanhead" Vinson (Home with Dissy Gillespie's band and Boy) King 4456 RECORDS currently is being featured with Where's the Money, Honey ? -C.
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