WITH M D- M1HI HflDIO UJEEK Singleschart, 26; chart, New 10-11; Singles, Album 27; guide,New Albums,18-19; Retailing,7; Airplay 6; iTKiiTT^;--: Elvis Special, 20-25. August 11, 1980 VOLUME THREE Number 21 Chrysalis tests anti- Richmond counterfeit LP device Platz split CHRYSALIS RECORDS is to • 1N A move calculated to stimulate ONEdistinguished OF longest-established partnerships andof mostthe pioneeron a forthcoming an anti-counterfeiting UK album. Andsystem in materialpre-recorded - thought cassette to besales the ofhardest- rock musicDavid Platzpublishing and Howie world Richmond between is panya further is reducingshow of theinitiative price theof threecom- homehit end taping of -the Chrysalis record Recordsindustry is byto aboutAfter to be25 dissolved. years together during forthcomingThe system pre-recorded was invented rock tapes. in reducecassettes the to itsrrp back of threecatalogue forthcoming price of MARTHA AND The Muffins are becomewhich time one the of Essex the leadingMusic groupindepen- has America,album releaseswhere all willthe label'scarry newthe £3.99.The first two artists affected will be presentedtheir debut with LPgold Metrodiscs forMusic sales ofin operationsdently owned with international the ownership publishing of safeguard,the LP sleeve which or cassette involves pack. additions to Thealbum ■ Michael of the Schenkersame name Group appears whose on Canada.Wilson, PicturedDindisc leftmd, toCarl right: Finkle, Carol mond30,000 willcopyrights, be going Platz their and separate Rich- In Britain Chrysalis is testing the August 29 together with Jethro Tull's Martha Johnson, Andy Haas, Tim resultways fromthe 30the staffend workingof the year. at EssexAs a releasesbreakthrough Pal onBenatar's August new29 whenalbum it A.Rory These Gallagher will bealbum followed Stage byStruck a 'live' on Gane,promotion, Donna Martha Thompson, Ladly, head Mark of Music's Poland Street offices have Crimesare no plansOf Passion. to extend At thepresent system there to September 12. Gane,manager, Diane and Wray,Nicky DinsongDavies, Dindiscgeneral beenvill begiven inevitable. notice. Some redundancies back catalogue or any other releases tureUnder the GallagherChrysalis's and new Schenker price struc- LPs marketing manager. The : i the I until the test results have been evalu- (ZCHR 1280 and ZCHR 1302) will Musicbegan after when13 years Platz to left start Southern a UK Not surprisingly Chrysalis is reluc- cost1301) £4.99 £5.99. and However,the Tull album the cassettes (ZCDL New RB key company for Richmond. From part- tant to reveal how the system works, (only) will retail at £3.99. TO IMPROVE its service to andowner the he operation became ahas partner continued in 1966 to willhowever be incorporatedit is said an in'invisible the album ink' toldChrysalis RB: "We publicity feel we chief need Chris to stimu- Poole comprehensivedealers RB hasdistributor introduced listing a flourish since then, with Essex Music cover or tape package that will be late sales of our rock material on pre- which will appear every week on companiesworld. Plans in allare major being territories formulated of thefor detectable by 'a secret device.' recorded cassette. Overall, the ratio ofthe the New magazine. Singles page at the back the continued operation of the interna- said;In America,"The decision label presidentcomes after Sal months Licata prettybetween consistent, tape and but recordhard rock sales seems is All distributor codes on all tional affiliates under the Essex Music of investigating several systems and the hardest hit. chartsIndie, (Singles,Airplay Album,and the Disco, new Disposition of the copyrights will decideddetermining which the seems method the bestthe andlabel most has aiming to make pre- release listings) will now refer to be decided by the end of the year, effective. recordedthe rock end of the market.' each,with each"with manownership taking ofabout those one-half which the"We one don'tthat is know ultimately if this adopted system willby the be cannot be equally split to be deter- recordthat it industry.is an effective We do one know, and however, that we Pye-RCA merger delayed forAmong Essex arewriters Johnny to Mercer,have composed Charles structivewant to doand something immediate positive, to combat con- WITH THE failure of Pye-PRT and to the joint company Aznavour, Lionel Bart, Marc Bolan, counterfeiting." RCAindustry to makespeculation the August is growing 1 deadline, that RCA'peak spokesmanseason trading. stressed Although that there an leyJoni Moore,Mitchell, Pink Peter Floyd, Cooke Black and Dud-Sab- willIn beAmerica the first Chrysalis's line of defence distributors in test- companiesthe postponed may notmerger now makeof the the twofin- waslatest "nothingdelay and disturbing" expressed abouthis confi- the bath,Leslie RollingBricusse Stones,and Tony Procol Newley. Harum, oning return.for counterfeit In the UK, material the label'scoming dis- in ishingA decision post. has been postponed until placedence asthat planned, the mergerthe belief would is that take the reasons,""1 am breakingPlatz told away TB. for "After personal 25 tributorto be involved, PolyGram although will obviously in what haveway negotiationsSeptember 1 areand still in theincomplete event thatby agreeingtwo sides terms. are still some way apart in myyears own I needway tothose be aspectsable to ofdevelop the bus- in and by which personnel was not cer- jeopardisethen any further the opportunities delay would seriouslyavailable While both are concerned to make a foriness creating." which I have been responsible mCKIETTK PRESENTSWITH VOCAL A NEW REFRAIN ELECTRICALLY BY MR RECORDEDPETER HICKS SINGLE J^<2ndnt2nkd^n5titu±lon— C/W 'THE TOASTIN LIMITED TAKEN EDITION FROM THE PICTURE CHART SLEEVE ALBUM 'DEFECTOR' WAILASLETHROUGH PO WSm "0)366 - nciui Publishers to meet BPI over royalty threat THE MRS is seeking a meeting with the MRS general administrator Bob Mont- resolveBP1 "at the the growing earliest concern possible among date" pub- to gomeryAssociation wrote emphasising to the BPI's that publishersCopyright lishersmechanical over royalty the threat payments. of diminishing didbasis not for acceptroyalty "suggested" payments. prices as a -.Y recentThe decisionscontroversy by EMI,was sparked PolyGram off and by lishersThis might led toblock speculation the release that of albums pub- CBSbeen toused replace to calculate rrp, which royalties, has always by a companiesand singles backedin the UKdown. unless But record Ron ing"suggested" the MRS. list price without consult- MusicWhite, md,MRS insisted vice-president last week and that EMIthis wouldConcerned result inthat a reduction the lower in income. prices wasWhite out of told the RB: question, "It definitely isn't a ^ I • PYE/RCA. From Page *caseindustry of usfunctioning. trying to Weslop want the a recordmeet- deal that would not mea loss for jng tjle gpj a[ [[le eariiesl p0SSible either in matters of taxat a more3e 10 sorI oul tbe whole thing - n serious problem is understood :' t although it's unlikely that anything will UKthe difficultytrading conditions in the light for realisticallyof c " be fixed up until September." encouraging1 forecasts of profitability anyof the event, international such arc recordthe ramifica- indus- ePR made. At present neither RCA y-yu j mat music publishers would find it andT arewith profitable video unlikely record opera- difficuIt t0 Use their legal rights to block A CHEQUE for £3,500, raised at the major contributor to earnings for a theif it first were recording to be prevented of a copyright. in Britain, Evt recent Rockabilia auction at Ham- year or two, future prospects are not there is always the possibility of the Clive Swann musicmersmith business Palais, charity is handed Rock over Aid byto the viewedCertainly, favourably. RCA's scrutiny of Pye's record being manufactured abroad and Mayor of Waltham Forest for the imported.Meanwhile, MCPS is working on its to PolyGram Waltham Forest Society for the Men- ticularly protracted and there is a sus- own nationwide assessment of average THE EXODUS of former EMI tallyPictured Handicapped. left to right: Gayle~ Clark, dealpicion which that RCALord mayGrade be initiatedcooling onper- a prices. "We are not accepting any of the o PolyGram continued last week A&M, Roger Bolton, Bronze, Neil sonally with Edgar Griffiths, RCA's ersfigures until being we presentedhave assembled by manufactur- our evi- with the announcement that Clive Warnock, Bron Agency chairman, president. Additionally, Griffiths is dence," commented MCPS md Bob directorSwann has of beenPolyGram appointed Record commercial Opera- Alex Sowerby, chairman of the engaged corporate wranghngs Montgomery. He felt it would be neces- Walthamtally Handicapped, Forest Society Mayor for of theWaltham Men- liveswhich leave havi the"" company. top-level This execu- sary to agree a formula for royalty pay- Swann, previously EMI Records' Forest, Claire Pipcairn, Bronze, Mar- regarded as helping to expedite "Webased won't on prices agree aagreed formula by based both national sales director, replaces Tom garet Taylor, Cream, Pete Stone, Vir- ters in the UK. _ ^ | determined by^ heavy..j promo-wiuv- Parkinson,end or whoafler leftseven PolyGramears with at the gin,Following and Mrs theWarnock. success of the char- to Jackreturn Craigo, to New RCA's York UK formd, furtheris due pies,"doi^ dilcountshe stressed, offoed fewnmlti- company. y ity's first event, a number of other discussions,greyed but the latest disbelief postpon- by copyrightBut .unless owners manulenter
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