•Thursday, October 25, 1973 Guest composers to be at symposium The Zip Code jj^rcl ||usa and Robert Starer wnTbe guest composers at the 10th annual Coraposers' 4 RICHARDS MOTORS in case of emergency for Springfield is Manor house now open on year-round basis Symposiuin at Montclair State College on Stronger call Tuesday and Wednesday. SAVES YOU $1500 376-0400 for Police Department 'itingwood Manor at 962-7031. The manor house north uf Houte 511 on Sloatsburg road. Pic- According to Thomas Wilt, symposium than ever before! ; or First Aid Squad 07081 J/or ihe first time since New Jersey .began lo nicking, "hiking and fishing facilities are ( is closed on Mondays, Easter Sunday, coordinator, "this yearly event is designed to ON THIS CAR operate Kin(;wood Park in 1J3G, its historic available at Ringwood State Park.f here is an" 376-7670 for Fire Department enhance the students' knowledge and en- R,ckv Cimu. manor house bas been opened to the public on a Thanksgiving, Christmas and N(?w" Year's Day. admission fee for entrance tq the grounds and joyment of Ihe music of distinguished .con- Pa-iich'nl. A.MC '74 year-round basis. The Kingwood manor house was built to be Publlthtd Ev.ty Thurtdoy by T'umai Publl.KIng Coip. also to the manor house. These fees are waived, temporary composers by giving them the 41 Mountain ova., SptlnglUIJ, N.J. 07081 - 666-7700 The spacious Victorian mansion, the homo of the ironmaster at ihe site of the first large-scale development of the iron in-, however; for New Jersey senior citizens US' opportunity to work in an informal situation rt-pri'sontin^ an American lifestyle that years of age or older. Free senior citizen passes dustry in the United States. Ore from its mines under the composers' direction." • -;- > - Nourished from about 1810 to approximately ' can be obtraincd at any state park office or l!i;i(), is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday, provided iron for every American war from the The program in Memorial Auditorium at 8 SPECIAL PURCHASE AMC LEASE MODEL SPR.NGF.ELD. N.J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1973 state historic site.. p m Wednesday, which features the works of through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Revolution to World War I. Admission fees for Ringwood State Park the tw» composers, is open to the public. weekends from May until Oct. 31. From In Revolutionary times, the Ringwood include $! for parking, plus 25 cents for each Rehearsals, theory workshops and the like, November lo April, the house will be open from ironmaster was Robert Krskine, a general in person 12 years of age or older. Admissjon to held during'.the daytime hours on Tuesday and 10a.in. to -1 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, and Washington's forces and also his mapmaker. Krskine's home was destroyed prior to 1807. Ihe manor house is 25 cents per person 12 years WcdncsdayAare also open to all interested. FULLY EQUIPPED Including: Automatic during the week to special groups -only, of age or older. Trammiuion, Factory Air, 360 C8 , Vinyl providing arrangement is made by calling In 1(107, ironmaster Martin J. Kycrson built a Top, Tinted Glwi, Power Disc Brakes, Power Federal-period house which.became the basis Steering, Radio, Whito Wall Tim, Vitibility'Group, all in the ring—with kid gloves for the present Ringwood Manor. This struc- \ Light Group, Undarcoating, and'only 8860 Milei. ADVERTISE M,E NT ,; Conference on concrete can lead to complacency and arrogance. We ture was enlarged in IBM and again in Itt7f> by is extremely complex; it's hard to represent street lights and improved ecological policies. PORTRAITS tercharges which had featured some debates in have just seejL what this can bring, on the the Hewitt family. These renovations gave the "Innovations in Concrete chltects, contractors, owners, everyone's views." He noted that various "We . need good business principles in in deep rich By ABNER GOLD District, Democrat William Wright Jr. and national level." TURD OF HEARING mansion its present Victorian style. Construction" will be the concrete suppliers 'and COLOUR Republican Peter J- McDonough. citizens want to put top priority on flood con- government," he declared. "We must en- Abram S. Hewitt was Ihe last ironmaster at "I am not here to minimize the efforts and •"Dr'Tnstantian, me first of the local In response to a question about granting theme of an all-day seminar businesses related I" sup* rresTeti exdut'vely by The meeting was sponsored, by ththee Dr. Constanuan, me uw u> «.*. trol, mort tennis courts, the library museum, courage light industry to move to Springfield, the work put in by my opponents," Democrat RESIDENTS OFFERED Kingwood. His family lived there from 1857 to sppnsoref] by the American plying the concrete industry. Springfield League of WWome n VtVoterrs and was speakers, said his goal Is to "keep Springfield improved storm sewers and other projects. but I am flatly opposed to a major shopping variances for retailpurposes in the industrial Robert Weltchek said in his final remarks at 11)31 during the summer months. Hewitt's' Concrete.Institute. Jo/Nov. 8 . A lecture on innovative opened by Marge Halpin of the-League. Ruth the ideal residential community that it is-" "With a municipal budget of $2.8 million," he •complex." zone south of Rt. 22, Constantian stated, "I FREE BOOKLET y Mag Halpin of tneijeaBue. nuui me .u.-u. .v— father-in-law was Peter Cooper, foremost iyth at the* Hamadji inn| East concrete structures will be RICHARDS the annual candidates' night debate Monday at Weltchek stressed what he has learned in his would never permit anything like an Alexan- U.S. Government Publication 1732 SprlngfOld Ave. the Florence Gaudineer-School, and that of the Westfield LWV served as Discounting his opponents' call for said, "lhis is big business. We must be more century American ironmaster, inventor of the Brunswick. • part of the luncheon pniRram. Maplewood MOTORS OF UNION 7 695 CHESTNUT ST., UNION alert tt> sources for funding our programs." three years on the governing body. He said that der's shopping center in Springfield. We should Available At No Charge 767-2675 summed up the tone of the debate among the Tom Thumb steam engine and founder of The agenda is designed to be TELEPHONE: 686-6566 / Open daily 3-9:30; Sat. 9 6PM limited attendance to perhaps 75 persons^jn- said that ycterasjiQuioLrauier cuu»uu • he has led in preservation of the town's enforce the ordinance, which forbids retail WILMINGTON, PEL. - A free United four contenders^for twojhree-year terms on the Stokes also noted the need for ecological im- Cooper IJnion. Mementos of Cooper are among .. of.-interest.-to engineers. Jir- eluding a^^ large-contingent-of^lrl-Scouti^nd_J»n.meiL£l£clfid_next Tuesday wlUJre able to -—provement, saying that-many measures .will residential character through amendments to sales." , ' Slates Government bodklot entitled- the treasures to be'seen at Ringwood Manor. n Township Committee. " ' . Weltchek disclosed that vvhen a recent ap- may well have also put a damper on the tone of work with the three GOP members^Tready irr eventually become compulsory. the zoning; ordinance, and in passage of a "Hearing Loss - Hope Through Research," Today, the house appears much as it (jid Speakers Were Republicans Hal Dennis and the discussion. ' office. Dennis said that flood relief Is his top pioneer rent control law. plication for a variance for retail sales came is now available to persons suffering a when the Hewitts were in residence. On display Dr. Ray Constantian and Democrats Nat All local candidates emphasized issues and^ Both Stokes and Weltchek emphasized their priority. He saW that attention must also go to Turriing to the issue of bipartisan before the Zoning Board of Adjustment, it was~ bearing loss. art* furniture and paintings amassed by the- Stokes and Weltchek. The program opened with problems facing the community, with an ab- experience in municipal government as former bicycle safety, additional traffic signals and representation, he stated, "One-party control (Continued on page 16) Published by the U.S. Dept. of Public Cooper and Hewitt families, including valuable aJess restrained discussion by the^two can- Health, Education'a'nd Welfare for use by sence of the personal charges and coun- mayors. Stokes commented that "government examples of4the Hudson River School of art, a didates for the State Senate seat In the 22rid the hard -of-hearing, the booklet covers such firearms collection and furnishings made by -facts as inherited deafness*' discovering John Hewitt and Peter Cooper. .early trouble, selecting a hearing aid, noise The manor Is surrounded by formal gardens, YOUR'FAMILY SUPERMARKET. _ .damaging and adults's hearing, and Ihe which are currently being restore^!. Once again- main types of hearing loss. Free copies of the booklet are available by (he fountains are operating, gravity-fed by a reservoir concealed in hills behind .the gardens. Voters to pick 2 for TownshipXommiWee .writing lo "Government Booklet," Independence Mall, Suite '15, 1601 Concore * Kingwood Manor House and gardens are part 'Pike. Wilmington, Delaware, 19803. of a 3,112-acre park located in Passaic County, • ' ~ Will ballot —== ' MIKE TOBIA Your Yule cards LEAN-TENDER-JUICY LEAN-TENDER-JUICY PNE GUY in HILLSIDE says cogrse set TENDER TIMED-20-LBS. 8. OVER on county; CHECK OUR The Art. Department of the College of Saint Elizabeth, NORBEST WEEKLY SPECIAL Convent Station, is again state races offering;! two-session mini-art ? course in silk screening for ROAST BEEF - Polls fo remain open ZENITH 52" Cabinet 299.
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