FOOTY TIPS CONTENTS FOOTVZINE #1 What is it about Footy that so captures the Star Watch with Werribee's (VFL) imagination of Australians, why do three times as TIP #1 Paul Satterley 3 many people go to watch footy than all the othe r sports in Australia combined 7 ls it the sheer pace, Hot and Stephen Marmo "Blood for Life" 4-6 ex hi 1ir ation an<l space of the big Auss ie game, the C ri ag Pittendrigh "Carna Dinosuars" 7 speccy marks, the tribalism of the supporters, the cold contrast beer & the pi es?, pro bably all of these but it's also Tracy G riffe n is "Footych ick" 8-9 more , it's abo ut being part of history and commu­ baths are nity. C lu b Watch 10-11 In a time when every aspect of o ur society is either under question or the subj ect of intense di­ useful in Kieran Carro ll "John C urtin visiv e ness, Auss ie Rules manages to fac ilitate at the Sarah Sands Hotel" 12 fighting heated debate, d iscuss io n and ratbaggery but at the Rock and Ro ll Footy l 13 end of the day all fans have the love of the game in swelling common. Unlike questions of gu n laws, musical C linton Walker "Murchison Days" 14-15 taste, drug legali satio n or political affili ation foory people can agree to <li sagree. caused by Nathan Mo rris "4 Quarters Why Footyzine7 sprains and of Human History " 18-19 The re is no lack of media coverage of Footy, particul arl y in the southern states and with the suc­ G uy Weller "Bash ing The Ump" 20-21 other cess of the Swans and the Bears inc reasingly up Neil Boyack "The Uses of Pipe" 22-23 north as well , so why produce another mag? Basicall y because most coverage of the game Justin Lowe "T he Game" 24-25 is driven by ratings, commercial consi<l erations and "family values", gone is the day when you coul<l Braham Dabscheck reviews •••••••••••••••••••• light up a spli ff in the outer and launch mouthfulls Garry Linnell's Football Ltd 26-28 of four and twenty an<l invective at the opposition, To advertise in next issue of Mandy &Ange's Scene at the Footy 29 the larrikins amo ngst the he rd, the pot heads, the Footyzine rockers, deviants and philosophers need a voice as Dear Footy Advisor 30-31 well. .. Footyzine is that voice' No opinion will be call Angela on 02 211 2334 1/sth Bi-annual too one eyed o r scurrilous for us to print, you've Official Club Internet Sites heard of the Angry Penguins, well look out li terary http ://www.collin gwoodfc .eo m.a u/ Collingwood FC establishment here come the Angry Swans (and http ://vicnet.net.au/-brad/bombers. htm Essendon FC a ny number of other football animals too!). SQUARE DANCE http ://minyos .its.rmit. edu .au/-s934257 Fitzroy FC W e're a lso committed to suppo rting local http :// dingo .vut. ed u. a u/-we stwe b/ do cs/dog sho me .htm I foory .. Let's hear it fo r all the kids and dads and Footscray FC Featuring http://www.dockers.e om .au/ Fre mantle FC the mums and daughters chas ing a Sherrin in a ll http ://netra .catnet.com.au :80/gfc / Geelong FC the fa r flung corners of the A ussie rules empire. We http://www.cadability.com .au/AFLJteams/Ri chm on d/ want reports from obscure teams a ll over this great Big Mexican Dinner Richmond FC lan<l .. whethe r you're a Tiger from Yankalilla, http://www.westcoasteagles.com .au West Coast FC Grafton, Red C liffs or Richmon<l it's a ll the same with Legendary Caller to us ... Footy is Footy. Footyzine # 1/ winter 1996 was produced by: So spread the word and se nd us you r offerings, Eddie Greenaway, pi ccys, poems, cartoons, articles and fiction ... to the Amley Shore Di Bu ckley and Angela Collins. Footyzine C lub House, P.O. Box 199 Newtown Illu s trations by Peter Fitzgerald . Special 2042, N SW. .. We'll also rev iew your CD's, Zine's, chaak raffle • lpm S8 th anks to Tracy Griffen , Da rcy Condon, Ross Books etc if you give us a gou<l hloo<ly footy reason O'Donovan, Jarrod Wa tt , Drew, Neil Boyack, why we sho uld!ll Helen Meyer, Greg Golden, Jon Satterley and See Ya at the game, Saturday 5th October l SS Gat al l the Swans mob. (Sydney & Melbourne) Carn the Swans' Eddie Greenaway. Foatyzine is created by foaty fans - for footy fans. All NEWTOWN ltSL CLUB Check This - Footyzine can also be found in 52 Enmore Road Newtown published material reflects the views of its cantribu· cyberspace come and have a dob with us us ac : Subsuibe now - 4 big issues for S20 - payable lo Our Zine City tats and are not necessarily those of the publisher. •••••••••••••••••••• www. documenta .c om.a u/eddie 32 G FOOTY ZINE G all seen Braveheart and think it's his­ This process takes heat from the head, torically true. It does however, leave one in the same manner that water evapo­ vulnerable as the hair ers in eyes and rates from a canvas water bag on the underfoot and can make a man look like front of a car; both the head and the a girl. canvas bag are cooled by air rushing past. I think the best style is a combination If the playe r keeps running, eg. Paul look as worn by Tony Lockett and Paul Kelly, he stays level headed and cool and Kelly. City folk know it as the "Sharpie" can probably lead his team to a 1996 look fr om the 70's, rural folk call it con­ Flag. temporary chic. The posterior long hair acts as a phys i­ It functions well for fo oty, as the short cal conduit for air and water, creating a anterior cut protects the scalp and pre­ slipstream behind the player as he runs, vents both hyper and hypothermia, by which others can take advantage of. utilising the priciples of the Wagga ''Ti­ This again is best seen in Paul Kelly. ger Cut" developed by the Tigers in the The Wagga Tiger C ut costs about $6.50 early l 980's. in Wagga. It is practised in parts of Syd­ Body temperature is maintained at an ney but I suggest you go for the real average 3 7.4° by the evaporation of wa­ McCoy and get to Wagga and back be­ ter from the distal end of the spiked hair. fore the finals start. "To be in the game ... ... advertise in Footyzine!" CONTACT AN GELA 02 211 2334 PO BOX 199 NEWTOWN NSW 2042 2 ® FOOTY ZINE ® 31 Dear Footy Advisor, What hair length and style should the mod­ em fo otballer wear? Confused Name: Dear Confused, Paul Satterley I'm asked this question all the time by young men keen to cut a striking figure Club: on and off the fi eld . W erribee (Victori a Football League ) Look at Shannon Grant for one ex­ treme. Young Shannon has thwarted Position: most of the oppos itions plans to pull his head off by shaving it. A good strategy, Rover but he runs the risk of hyperthermia and/ Greatest achievements: or sunstroke, and he has no protection Winning the (JJ)Liston (Trophy in from rain. His scalp is also more vulner­ 1995) was my greatest personal achieve­ able. Hair protects the head like trees ment to date, however playing in a pre­ prevent erosion. mi ership side for the Footscray Reserves Paul Satterley rece ives a mud bath from his Dear Footy Advisor, At the other extreme is the John Platten in '94 was a huge day. Williamstown opponent Danny Del-Re. At the end of a match, my right foot really "Mad Celt" style. This style fri ghtens the H ow was the State game - VFL vs the Tasmanian Football League?: gives me curry. I'm right-footed, and have crap out of oppos ing teams as they've How's the new VFL comp been going?: less of an arch on that side. What can I do? The new VFL competition has been Playing on the MCG is always a buzz Mr Sore Swan great with the inclusion of the two new & representing the VFL was an honour. sides - Tra ralgon and North Ballara t. It is also an opportunity to meet other guys from the other clubs, blokes I' m usuall y Dear Mr Swan , We are ye t to have played Tra ralgon away although the trip to Nth Ballarat was figh ting wi th from week to week. I suspect that foot arches are a mecha­ a great outing, we had a big win & sank nism we've deve lo ped to a llow the many cans on the way back home in the Is there room for T assie in the AFL?: length of one leg to match the length of bus. I think if the AFL is to be a truly na­ the other; so is your right leg longe r than 2NBC·FMI t ional competition then it must have a yo ur left ? Possibly, you've fl attened one 90. 1 on the FM Band I What about the future of the VFL?: team from Tas mania.
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