'There's Plenty to Do ' If you have nothing to do for an evening, why not take in a movie or, better yet, a 'FORECAST UI play. The Union is offering four different series of films at popular prices and the University's Summer Repetory Theatre has an interesting cycle of plays. See all Iowan stories on Page 3. Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CitU EatabUshed In 1868 10 centl • eopJ Ion CitJ'. Ion m40-Wedne8lay, June 19. 196I 150 Red Soldiers Said to Give Up; McCarthy Forces Shellings light Lead in New York SAIGON IA'I - Ragged, hungry and beg· ALBANY, N_Y. "" - Gov. Ne11lC1:J A. J.vita, a Republican of liberal atance, ging for mercy, 150 enemy soldiers have Rockefeller automatically picked up 71 had no competitloo for the GOP nomina· given themselves up on Saigon's northern presidential conveotion delegates In New Uoo. fringes , South Vietnamese authoritiec re­ York'. primary election Tuesday nllht. BalIotin: In the primary was conducted ported Wednesday. Officers called it the but poIlJcal aUies of the late Sen. Robert from noon to 9 p.m. in mo of the state. biggest mass surrender of the war. F. Kennedy and Sen. Eugene J. McCa.rthy 'I1Ie lone exception we New York CIt y Saigon itself was sheUed early today for were locked in a close fight for the Dem· \Ohere polling houn \I\'l'\'e 3 p.m. to 10 l11e first time since Sunday but only two ocratic senatorial nomination. p.m. mortar rou nd s hit the capital, causing light damage to a dock warr.house. No ca$. The Kennedy ally, Na SlIU County Exec· ualties were reported. A week ago, accord· utive Eugene H. Nickerson, look an early ing to the government, the Viet Con g 2·1 Ie d in the race to oppose RepubUcan threatened to sheH the city daily with 100 Sen Jacob K. JavLta. But midway In the rounds of rocket fire. vole count, former New York City councU· Most of the surrendering prisoners man PaUl O'Dwyer, a staunch McCarthy were said to be North Vietnamese dis. supporter, surged into the lead. patched south l ~ bolster a Viet Con, Joseph Y. Resnick, a upporter of Vice regiment hard hit by fighting around Pre idem Hubert II. Humphrey, trailed. Saigon. The surrenders reportedly IMgan With 6,797 of the state'. 13,408 districts Tuesday when enemy soldiers cam e reporting, O'Dwyer had 151.0'5 vote, straggling out of trenches and battered Nickerson 150,978 and Resnick 112,'106. buildings, pleading with South Vietnam. .s. marines not to shoot them. McCarthy, who had campaigned against Far to the north, heavy new fighting Kennedy for the Democratic presi<' nUaI was reported nine miles south of the Khe nomination, telephoned O'OYi)' r h ad· Sanh combat base, where U.S. marines quarlers in New ':ork City shrrtly before said 128 North Vietnamese regulars were midnight and Id over a loudspeaker sy,­ killed in a day·long battle Tuesday. Ma· lfm: rine casualties were put at 11 dead, 30 "This I. 1M greatest victory outside wounded . ef any primary "a~ w, have had yet. Taotical bombers, artillery and helicop­ It's going to be very dlfflcu[t for party ter gunships saturated lhe area with fire, I•• ders In New York to read the results EUGENE McCARTHY accounang for nearly half of the enemy END OF THE TRAIt - A mule trafn on ft, way to Washington against a late afternoon sky Tuesd.y. Th, carev,n ca .... (rom .nd not tremble." dead, the U.S. Commana saia. Alii .. In The Lead with Poor People's Campaigners who plan to partlclpat. in to. Marks, Min., and has IMan trav,"ng for .eyeral wttb. McCarthy also von ninc preSIdential Four other light shellings were report· day'. Solidarity March arrives In a Vlr,lnia luburb framed - AP Wlre.mot. ed around the country, the biggest at Duc convention delegates in early result.. , a his supporters dcIeBted 5lates organized Hoa. 15 miles northwest of Saigon, where The 20 mortar rounds hit a South Vietnamese In behalf of Kennedy and Humphrey. military position . A government spokes­ early McCarthy victories came In Lon, Prosecution Rests Brandt Drops In Island's Nassau County - of which Ick· man said live government troops w ere Thousands of Marchers wounued . erlOn Is county executive. U.S. h.adauarters said enemy gunn ... Slates of delegalu organized on behall In Court Martial lobbed at least five 122mm rocht rounds On Soviet Envoy of Kennedy, Humphrey and McCarthy into Caml! Evans, headQuarters ~ file Converge on Capital competed for 117 of 123 Democratic pres­ U.s. lst Air Cavalry Division 20 mll.s Idential delegate posta 10 the national con· It no Of City Airman northwest of Hue. said there were WASHINGTON (.fI - Tens of thousands lhe largest appeal to the conscience of the vention. With the assa inntlon of Ken· U.S. casualties and damage was light. In East Germany of Americans will converge on their capi· nation since the 1963 civil rights march OIl nedy. delellates pledged to him generally ALBUQUERQUE. ' .. 1 U" - rhl' pro· Six enemy bodies were found afltr de· BERLIN IA'\ - West German Foreign tal today for a mass march to demon· Washington. sold they would go uncommitted to the ecution rc ted ill CDse Ttl lay in lh fenders opened up with counter.fire. Minister Willy Brandt made an unan· strate support of the Poor People's Cam· The demonstrators will loin the cam· conventlon. South Vietnamese .troops and a unit o( court martial of an Iowa City. Iowa, man nounced visit to East Berlin Tuesday and paign and urge an end to poverty and paign th.t was conceived by the 1.1t Most of the Kennedy delegate , In de­ charl,led wll.h di reditinK the arml'd l11e U.S . 173rd Airborne Brigade reported talked with the Soviet ambassador to violence in a trOUbled nation. Rev_ Martin Luther King Jr, a ..... [. ciding 10 remain on the ballo', said the y killing 44 enemy troops in fighting Tues­ fOrces by wearing h[ IInilorm" hil p; r· East Germany. Thc eve of the march was marred by a opportunity for the nation to heal Itt hoped to be elected as slipporter of the UcipaUnl In an antidr f demon lratlon. day two miles north of Phan Thiet, a sorll of poverty '" !thout repetition of the principle for which K nnedy tood. Whom Presumably, they discussed the new So· fight between a group of campaigners and Toom ), 21, Is province canital on the South China Sea racial violence that h•• rocked AIMrl· they millhl eventually sUPpoli remained 100 miles east of Saigon. U.S. headquart· viet·approved East German restrictions police on a corner of the While House :;0 d monstrat· on travel to West Berlin. grounds. can cities in recent lumme ... to be seen. ers sa id there were no U.S. casualties and King was as assinated by a niper In )In "h·ll 110. South Vi6tna'Tlese casualties were light. The f<ireign ministry in Bonn said The struggle at the While Hou e be· In N.w York's paculi.r syst.m of don'l 0" durine a prot m rdl prl[ Memphis a month befOre the campaign chooslhll pre.ldent[al deltg.tts, Demo­ In anojJer major development, the U.S. Brandt was invited to the country house came tbe most violent incident of tbe five­ began. 2 1n front 01 an Alhuqu~rquc po office. Command said it had reports of more of Soviet Ambassador Pyotr Abrassimov week-old poor P8Qples campaign, which cratl el.ct thr.. from 'ach of the st.t.'. Before King's death. he had hoped for Mo t oC !'u sdilY·. t tJmony kcn North Vietnamese helicopters operating near Berlin and the two talked over has remained relatively calm. 41 con,reulonel dIstrIcts and Republi· up wUh de riplion of th d mon Irlluon Monday night around the demilitarized "questions of interest to both sides." hundreds of thou and of participants In cans two ptr district. Witnesses said 20 to 30 youths, shouline the mass march. Organizing problem, by (our pro· utlon witn zone dividing Vietnam. But it still declin­ West Berlin police reported earlier that and swnging fists, fought briefly with The Democratic rtate comm'ttee leader Th d (~n. e did nol dispule th~ir 1 t· ed to confirm or deny South Vietnamese Brandt, riding in a red Soviet car from however, have quasbed hopes lor anything police. A few policement used their clubs. near thai number. will name 67 more delegate at·large, imony. Cornuderahh.' liml', however, IOn military reports that 12 of the enemy hel­ East Berlin. passed into the Communist bringing the tota[ 10 190. The Repllbllcan The campaigners were heading for the taken up by Brllum n ahout the admis­ icopters were shot down Saturday and sector through Checkpoint Charlie. The 1963 civil rights rolly, at which Kin g committee will appoint another 10, for II sability of evident' Inrludmjl photos of apartment of Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, (D­ Sunday nights . Allied and West German officials con­ delivered his famous "[ Have a Dream" total of 92. the demonstration and l.'oflol aile cd I)' Ark. ), chairman of the House Ways and speech. drew more than 200,000 persons. ducted a flurry of meetings during the Rockef Iler's delegate haUl was assur· dlstrillUted dUrlng the proi • Means Committee and author of a contro­ King '. widow will b. among the spaak. * * * day in an effort to agree on a stand.
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