17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 279 Index Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations Adams, Jody, 16, 22 size in relation to JC, 77–78, Allegra, Antonia, 240 128, 171, 201 Alssid, Rebecca, 106 Barr, Philip, 6, 27, 111–112, American Institute of Wine and 141, 150, 189 Food, 107, 109, 158, 222 Beard, James, 36, 71 Anderson, Jean, 118 “beauty shot,” 61–62 Anino, Kathleen, 261–262 Beck, Simone (Simca), 54, 124, Association of Cooking Schools, 206 see IACP Bell, Steve, 67–68 Avrett, Judy, 52 Berman, Fern, 156 Badia a Coltibuono, 163–164, Bishop, Liz, 9, 11–12, 15, 17, 180–181 49–50, 91, 128–129, 206 Bailey, Roy, 268–269, 270–273 blocking, 34 Baking with Julia, 267 Bollinger, Jane, 204, 219 Barr, Andrew, 83, 141, 142, 144, “Bon appétit,” 2, 31, 49, 69, 65, 156, 205 181 Barr, Brad, 83, 101, 141, 142, Boston Pops, 197–199, 215 205 Bugialli, Giuliano, 162, 181–182 Barr, Nancy Verde, Bugnard, Max, 56 assistanceCOPYRIGHTED to JC, 52–53, Carême, MATERIAL Antoine, 56 247–250, 257–263 Certified Culinary Professional culinary training, 7, 122–125 (CCP), 109 meeting JC, 7–24, 248 changing culinary attitudes, mentoring by JC, 116–118, 104–107 124–125, 189–190, 202–203 chefs’ recipes, 249 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 280 INDEX Cherniavsky, Mark, 242 and fans, 21–23, 48–50, Child, Charlie, 41, 139 151–155, 243 Child, Julia ( JC), fearlessness, 100–101, on aging, 82, 158–159, 141–142, 194–195, 207–212, 214, 238 243–245 anonymity in public, friendship, 115, 127–129, 151–155, 203, 243 136, 143–144, 204–205 appetite, 40–41, 126, 129, genuineness, 73–74, 81 150 graciousness, 23, 36, 71–72, attitude toward self, 51, 79, 101, 115, 248 98–99, 107, 193–194, 203 health, 3–4, 186, 187–188, attitudes toward food and 195–196, 237–243, cooking, 17, 29–30, 36, 48, 273–274 56, 85–86, 108, 114–115, home kitchens, 48, 75–77, 126, 131, 136, 149, 202 83, 84, 92, 123, 134–136, character and outspokenness, 213, 227, 260, 265 3, 30, 81–82, 83–84, 88–90, importance of TV to, 25–26, 130, 136–137, 159, 224, 31–32, 66–69, 194, 243, 267 262–263 and Italian food, 131–134, culinary awakening, 176–177 160–183 curiosity, 13, 69, 85–86, lack of self–consciousness, 2, 109–111, 112–114, 81–82, 96–97, 100–101 133–134, 169, 232–234, 246 love of cats, 78–79, 273 80th birthday celebrations, as mentor, 42, 105–108, 109, 214–226 116, 171, 177–180, 224 endorsements, 118, 247 mischievousness, 4, 66–69, energy, 41, 45, 63–64, 95–96, 81, 111, 142, 230–232 158–160, 192, 196, 209, organizational skills, 7, 237, 256–257, 267, 32–33, 48, 52, 61, 76–77, 272–273, 274 144 family, 84–85, 107, 139, perfectionism, 13, 97–98, 247 175–176 performance skills, 63–64, 199–202, 250 280 ᪐ 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 281 INDEX politics, 136–137, 171 relationship with JC, 11, professionalism, 102–103, 17–18, 29, 57, 66, 108, 112, 104–107, 114–115 130, 164, 190–191, 238 relationship with PC, 11, Childs restaurant, 1–2 17–18, 11, 57, 112, 130, Colonna, Teresa, 7 176, 190–191, 238, cookbook photography, 10 263–264 cooking for JC, 86–87, 131–134, romanticism, 190–192, 216 141, 222–223 schedules, 47–50, 144–145, Cooking in Concert, 250 158–159, 192, 210–211, Cooking with Master Chefs, 226–229, 247–249 246–250 scripts see organizational Cousins, Phila, 195, 234 skills Currier, David, 91 sense of humor, 1, 63–69, Daguin, André, 70 79–81, 250, 253, 275 Daguin, Ariane, 70 size, 4–5, 9, 65, 77–78, 84 D’Artagnan, 70 snoring, 159–160 David, Elizabeth, 231 sociability, 70–71, 135–136, Davidson, Alan, 227 138–139, 179, 214, 226, 243 Davidson, Susy, 54–55, 65–66, stamina see energy 145, 156, 199, 210–211, 218, and technology, 118–119, 219, 222–223, 225, 234–237 159–60, 169, 250 De Groot, Roy Andries, 71 unflappability, 18, 34–55, 63, De Gustibus, 26, 37–39 68, 90–91 de’ Medici, Lorenza, 163–164, in Venice, 149–152 180–181 voice, 2, 9, 29, 41, 65, 80, Dinner at Julia’s, 158, 191 140, 275 eels, 182 writing style, 116, 257–258, Ellis, Merle, 69 261 Escoffier, George Auguste, 56 Child, Paul (PC), 41–43, 136, Fallowfield, Julie, 118 137–138, 150, 164, 176, 185, Fenzl, Barbara Pool, 197 187, 212, 216, 263–266 Fiore, Pamela, 219, 221–224 as artist and photographer, foie gras, 70–71 11, 238 Food & Wine Classic, 195–197 ᪐ 281 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 282 INDEX Food News and Views, 253–255, In Julia’s Kitchen with Master 256 Chefs, 255–263, 265 Frechette, Brett, 18–19 Jackson, Sally, 137, 219, 220, French Culinary Institute, 271–272 99–100 Johnson, Robert, 115, 185–187 From Julia Child’s Kitchen, 11, Jones, Evan, 225 169 Jones, Judith, 36, 118–121, 244, Frost, Tina and Fred, 7 245, 261 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 136 Julia and Jacques Cooking at Gibson, Charlie, 66, 198 Home, 250–251 Gold, Rozanne, 218 Julia Child & Company,91 Good Morning America, 25–46, Julia Child & More Company,25, 56–70, 158, 160–183, 189 51, 91 Greenspan, Dorie, 267 Kamman, Madeleine, 7, 12, 108, Grigson, Jane, 136 122–125 Hamblett, Jocelyn, 22 Kerr, Graham, 252–253 Hamilton, Dorothy Cann, Killeen, Johanne, 260 100 Kubler, Betty and George, 80, Harris, Nancy, 197 98–99 Hartman, David, 66–67 La Varenne see Anne Willan Hazan, Marcella and Victor, Lagasse, Emeril, 249 42–44, 132, 134, 162, 169, Lambert, Paula, 197, 225 170, 219 Lang, George, 37 Hersh, Stephanie, 80, 97, 194, Lanza, Anna Tasca, 226 215, 243, 247 Lashley, Will, 218 Higgins, Mary, 26, 37 Letterman, David, 251 hot dogs, 126, 157 Levy, Paul, 227, 229 Hudner, Hope, 229–231, 230 Lockwood, Ruth, 9–10 IACP (International Lukins, Sheila, 185 Association of Culinary Lunden, Joan, 35, 66 Professionals), 103, 109, 181, Manell, Rosemary, 50–51, 52, 204–205, 252 92–94, 185 282 ᪐ 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 283 INDEX Mastering the Art of French Parade, 74, 91–95, 108, 134, Cooking, 120, 159 138, 158 Masters of Food & Wine, Pépin, Jacques, 111, 136, 267–270 250–251 McCall’s, 47–48, 74 Plotkin, Fred, 233 McEvoy, Nan, 146–147, 146, Pratt, Pat and Herb, 138–139, 148 208 McJennett, John, 212–213, 214, professionalism, 102–104 216, 218, 221, 233, 235–237 Quinn, Sylvia Walker, 9–13, 22 McWilliams Cousins, Dorothy Ray, Rachael, 31 (Dort), 139–140, 266–267 recipe testing, 47–48, 129, 196, McWilliams, David, 265–266 261–262 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, 169 Recipes and Tricks, formal and Modern Gourmet (cooking informal, school), see Madeleine bistecca alla fiorentina, 180 Kamman Caesar salad, 174–175 Mondavi, Robert, 107 caramel dome, 13 Morash, Marian, 14, 15, 22, Chicken Kiev, 6 205, 244, 271 chocolate soup, 261–262 Morash, Russ, 14, 30, 73, 205, deep-fried parsley, 6 220, 267, 271 Designer Duck, 269–270 Moulton, Sara, 14, 15, 22, 51, Fish en Cloak, 19 108–109 Great Grandma Feely’s New York Women’s Culinary Rhode Island Red Clam Alliance, 109 Chowder, 21 Nops, Sarah, 226 hard-boiled eggs, 113 Office of Strategic Services Julia’s Italian-Style (OSS), 2, 138, 142 Swordfish, 257 Oxford Symposium on Food, Mlle. Charlotte Malakoff en 110, 226 Cage, 19 Palladin, Jean–Louis, 269 Nancy’s Butter Marinara Palmer, Charlie, 248–249 Sauce, 258 ᪐ 283 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 284 INDEX Recipes and Tricks, formal and Schrambling, Regina, 105 informal, (continued) Selby-Wright, Sonya, 30, 33–34, paella, 37 36, 60, 160–165, 203–204 pear dissection, 111–112 Shearer, Jim, 91, 93–94, 185 peas, 56–57 Silverton, Nancy, 247 Pithiviers, 18 Simons, Mary, 219, 221 polenta, 133–134 Smith College, 80–81, 209 puff pastry express, 14–16, snafus, 18–19, 37–39, 57–61, 196 60–61, 67–68, 90, 94–95, 170, Ramequin du Juste Milieu, 172–173, 178–180, 181, 195, 16 216–217, 251, 269–270 Rhode Island red clam chow- Sokolov, Raymond, 228 der, 19–20 Sontheimer, Carl, 115 rice pilaf, 31 Soltner, André, 244, 249 ripening pears, 27 Steingarten, Jeffrey, 227, 228 risotto, 131–132 Stewart, Martha, 213 roast turkey, 114 Stewart, Zanne, 145, 146 sabayon, 37–39 Sullivan, Dagmar and Walter, “small chicken stock,” 146–152, 229, 230–231 132–133 “swaps,” 31–32, 35–36, 57–61 storing onions, 5 Swartz, Ron, 146, 150 tarte Tatin, 58–61 Symposium for Professional torta fritta, 166–168 Food Writers, 110, 239–243 tortelli alla parmigiani, Taylor, Nancy, 15 168–169 teams assisting JC, 8, 9, 14, upside-down gin martini, 178 29–31, 48, 50–54, 91–92, 115, Rice, Anne, 202, 235–237 129–130 Rosengarten, David, 253 The French Chef,1,6 Rosso, Julee, 185 The Way to Cook, 61, 120–121, Saturday Night Live spoof, 158, 192–194 79–80 Torres, Jacques, 261 Schlesinger Library, 112, 119, Tower, Jeremiah, 247 121 Tropp, Barbara, 196 284 ᪐ 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 285 INDEX Trotter, Charlie, 259 We Called It Macaroni, 44, 118, trucs (tricks), see Recipes and 202 Tricks Wells, Patricia, 197, 210 “T-word,” 41, 128, see also Julia WGBH-TV, 1, 122, 205, 215 Child, energy White, Jasper, 156, 219, 220 Verde, Billie Higgins, 20 Whiting, Michael, 218 Verde, Tom, 97 Willan, Anne, 54, 242 Victory Garden,14 Willinger, Faith, 177–180 Warren, Joann and Jack, 271, Women’s Culinary Guild of 272 Boston, 108 Waters, Alice, 247 Yoffe, Ira, 91, 95 ᪐ 285 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 286 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 287 17_787372 bindex.qxp 3/15/07 11:15 AM Page 288.
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