THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’S IT ACCURATELY V OLUME 48, IssUE 122 | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM S gt. Tim McCarthy retires Campus leaders After delivering 55 seasons of safety messages, former police officer announced he will not return for 2015 season host sexual assault By MADISON JAROS N ews Writer prayer service “ May I have your attention By MARGARET HYNDS and begin to heal, because please. This is Tim McCarthy N ews Editor there is so much beauty in for the Indiana State Police.” healing. These words have charac- Student body president “Healing can be one of the terized Notre Dame football Bryan Ricketts, vice president most beautiful processes, since 1960, the year former Nidia Ruelas and the Gender filled with God’s grace and Indiana State Police Sergeant Issues department hosted a love. It is in the recognition Tim McCarthy began deliver- prayer service last evening that God loves all His creation ing safety messages between in response to a Notre Dame that He hurts when you hurt, the third and fourth quarter of Security Police (NDSP) crime that healing can more easily every home football game. alert email the University be found. We have a respon- McCarthy announced his re- community received early sibility to manifest God’s love tirement last Wednesday, after Sunday morning. The email and hope for others.” delivering 55 seasons’ worth said that a sexual assault had University President Fr. of messages. But what really occurred in the late hours last John Jenkins and Ann Firth, caught the crowd’s attention, Friday in a South Quad men’s his chief of staff, were also McCarthy said, weren’t his Courtesy of Tim McCarthy residence hall. in attendance at the service. McCarthy, infamous for announcing pun-filled safety messages at Campus Ministry director Ricketts said he especially ap- see McCARTHY PAGE 5 football games, recently announced his retirement. Fr. Pete McCormick led the preciated the presence of the prayer service, which took University administrators. place at the Grotto, and Folk “A sexual assault on campus Choir led the group in the is always hard, but it is espe- C lothesline Project supports Alma Mater. cially difficult in the midst Senior Erin Stoyell- of our discussions on ‘The Mulholland delivered a reflec- Hunting Ground,’” Ricketts tion, in which she pondered said in an email. “The prayer for victims of sexual violence the intrinsic beauty of hu- services are an important first mans because “we are made step in the healing process, By CLARE KOSSLER and “It was not your fault” — is the “They [the shirts] are right in the image and likeness of and I’m thankful to those who N ews Writer work of a survivor of sexual assault in that high traffic area outside God.” joined us. or of someone impacted, directly O’Shaughnessy, so students walk- “It is our job to remind vic- “It was especially hearten- T -shirts with striking messages or indirectly, by interpersonal ing to DeBartolo in that corridor tims of sexual assault, as well ing to see Fr. Jenkins and Ann about sexual and interpersonal vi- violence. can see them, faculty and people as ourselves, of the beauty Firth in attendance, standing olence were strung from clothes- Regina Gesicki, Assistant in O’Shaughnessy can see them, that each of us holds,” she with our community and sup- lines outside of O’Shaughnessy Director of Educational Initiatives and it’s really just a reminder of said. “We are all called to porting survivors of the sexu- Hall on Monday at noon, and will for the Gender Relations Center people in our community who build people up, affirm them al assault.” remain hanging for the duration (GRC), said the idea behind hang- have been hurt by things that hap- of their beauty through our The prayer service is the of the week. ing the shirts is to allow victims of pened in their past or things that actions and our words. We first the Ricketts-Ruelas ad- Each one of the 15 shirts — dec- assault to speak out in an anony- happened to them here,” Gesicki need to be that hope, so that ministration has planned; orated with phrases such as “She mous yet still highly conspicuous they can begin to see beauty turned her shame into power” fashion. see CLOTHESLINE PAGE 4 again, begin to rebuild trust see SERVICE PAGE 4 ND, SMC to host ‘Take Back the Night’ event By NICOLE CARATAS Director of BAVO Connie N ews Writer Adams said the event will kickoff at Lake Marian at T he Belles Against 5:30 pm and participants Violence Office (BAVO) at will then walk to Notre Saint Mary’s and the Gender Dame. There will be a prayer Relations Center (GRC) at vigil at the Grotto, followed Notre Dame will hold the by a march around Notre annual Take Back the Night Dame’s campus. (TBTN) event tongiht as part Adams said the night will of an international move- end with a speak out, which ment to raise awareness of is “an opportunity for any- sexual assault, relationship one impacted by sexual as- violence and stalking and sault, relationship violence to provide a space for survi- vors’ voices. see TBTN PAGE 5 EMILY DANAHER | The Observer NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 7 SCENE PAGE 8 BASEBALL PAGE 16 TENNIS PAGE 16 2 T HE OBSERVER | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is the weirdest way a barista has spelled your name? P .O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Leila Ellis Mimi Nary Greg Hadley Managing Editor Business Manager senior sophomore Jack Rooney Alex Jirschele Regina Hall Le Mans Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Mary Green Asst. Managing Editor: Lesley Stevenson Asst. 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A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall CAITLYN JORDAN | The Observer Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. Luminary bags spelled out “hope” in Compton Family Ice Arena on Friday night. The luminaria ceremony was part of the 2015 Notre Dame Relay for Life fundraiser benefiting cancer victims and survivors. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports M argaret Hynds Zach Klonsinski Email [email protected] Selena Ponio Rachel O’Grady THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Jennifer Flanagan Nicole Caratas Graphics Scene E mily Danaher M addie Daly Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Photo Viewpoint C aitlyn Jordan G abriela Leskur “Artist Talk” “Calvary” “Pitch Perfect 2” Tennis Mixed Muddy Sunday Snite Musuem of Art DeBartolo Performing DeBartolo Performing Doubles Tournament White Field 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Arts Center Arts Center Eck Tennis Pavilion 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Corrections Featuring Stephen 7 p.m.-9 p.m. 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Sponsored by Keenan Wilkes. European cinema. Movie sneak preview. Aces for Science. Hall. T he Observer regards itself as a professional publication and ND Softball “Kant, Aristole, and “Lunchtime Labor ND Softball The Shirt 2015 strives for the highest standards Melissa Cook Stadium the Aesthetics of RAPS” Doubleheader Unveiling Ceremony of journalism at all times.
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