The OCTOBER, 1933 THE ALL -WAVE RADIO MAGAZINE WE DO OUR PART 4 30 cents in Canada Including Tax The Beginners' Story of Radio Importance of a Good Ground Static -Reducing Antenna Systems Saturday's Time on the Air I Best Time to Tune for 300 Stations No. 72 OCTOBER 1, 1933 11H Reg. DjXU. S. Patent 0111ce FRED CLAYTON BUTLER Editor and Publisher B. FRANCIS DASHIELL PAGE TAYLOR Technical Editor Short Wave Editor TENTH YEAR CONTENTS NUMBER 72 Frontispiece-Elizabeth Love "Betty Graham," the rebel spy, in "Roses and Drums" The DX Calendar for October, Best time to tune for 300 stations 1 The Month's Changes in Station Data 2 The Beginners' Story of Radio, by B. Francis Dashiell 3 The Importance of a Good Ground, by E. O. Cutler 6 Radio from a Box Seat, with "Betty" 8 Static -Reducing Antenna Systems, by B. Francis Dashiell 12 Reporting Reception in French_. 14 Exploring the Short Wave Spectrum, with Page Taylor 15 Sick Sets and Their Symptoms, by the Technical Editor 19 Novices and Experts in the DX Field 23 A Methodical Short Wave Service 28 Keeping Step with Radio (and the Editor) 29 International Contest for Foreign Stations 32 "What's on the Air Tonight?" Chain programs hour -by-hour 35 Classified Index to the Network Features 44 Index by Frequencies and Dial Numbers, with Saturday's Time 46 North American Station Index by States and Cities 60 Index by Call Letters with Owner's Names 65 One Hundred Best Short Waves Stations by Frequencies and Calls 77 Published Monthly Excepting July and August See Subscription Blank on Page 80 $1.75 per Year 25c Per Copy THE RADEX PRESS, INC. Publication Office, 404 No. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois. Editorial and Executive Office, Hanna Building, Cleveland, Ohio Entered ae second-class matter November 7, 1932, at the post office at Mount Morrie, Ill. under the Act of March 8, 1879. Printed in U. S. A. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO CLEVELAND OFFICE OCTOBER DX CALENDAR This month we are giving a list of those stations when which are on the air efter midnight EST interference begins to lessen. Time is given in EST in order to present the list of stations in their proper order. Power is given in kilowatts in parenthesis. DAILY WOKO Albany, N. Y., 1430 (.5) KHJ Los Angeles, 900 (1) 12:00-12:30 WOQ Kansas City, 1300 (1) KHQ Spokane, 590 (1) CHRC Quebec, Que., 645 (.1) WOW Omaha, Neb., 590 (1) KTAB San Francisco, 560 (1) KLO Ogden, Utah, 1400 (.5) WOWO Ft. Wayne, 1160 (10) KXL Portland Ore., 1420 (.11 KTSH Houston, Tex., 1120 (1) wPG Atlantic City, 1100 (5) WIND Gary, Ind., 560 (1) WFBM Indianapolis, 1230 (1) WRC Washington, 950 (.5) 12:00-5:00 WIP Philadelphia, 610 (.5) WREC Memphis, 600 (.5) KFQD Anchorage, Alsk., 1230 (.25) WLAP Louisville, 1200 (.1) WREN Lawrence, Kans., 1220 (1) KWJJ Portland, Ore., 1060 (.5) WLBF Kansas City, 1420 (.1) WRHM Minneapolis, 1250 (1) WEXL Royal Oak, 1310 (.05) WOAI San Antonio, 1190 (50) wSB Atlanta, Ga., 740 (5) 12:00-6:00 WOR Newark, N. J., 710 (5) WSBC Chicago, 1210 (.1) KGFJ Los Angeles, 1200 (.1) 12:00-1:00 WSBT South Bend, 1230 (.5) XER- Villa Acuna, 735 (150) CJOR Vancouver, 1210 (.5) WSM Nashville, 650 (50) XEF CKLW Windsor, Ont., 540 (5) WSMB New Orleans, 1320 (.5) 12:00-7:00 KABC San Antonio, 1420 (.1) WSYR Syracuse, 570 (.25) KTM Los Angeles, 780 (.5) KDKA Pittsburgh, 980 (5) WTAM Cleveland, 1070 (50) 12:15-4:00 KFAB Lincoln, Neb., 770 (5) WTOC Savanah, Ga., 1260 (.5) KZEG Manila, P. I., 618.5 (1) KGHL Billings, Mont., 950 (I) XEN Mexico City, 711 (1) 1:00-3:00 KGIZ Grant City, Mo., 1500 (.1) XEO Mexico City, 940 (5) KFVD Los Angeles, 1000 (.25) KID Idaho Falls, 1320 (.25) 12:00-2:00 1:00-5:00 KLRA Little Rock, 1390 (1) CRCV Vancouver, 1100 (.5) WHB Kansas City, 860 (.5) KLZ Denver, Colo.. 560 (1) KECA Los Angeles, 1430 (1) 1:00-7:00 KMAC San Antonio, 1370 (.1) KFBK Sacramento, 1310 (.1) KPCB Seattle, 650 (.1) KMBC Kansas City, 950 (1) KFKA Greeley, Colo., 880 (.5) 2:00-3:00 KOH Reno, Nev. 1380 (.5) KGIR Butte, Mont., 1360 (.5) KFXF Denver, 920 (.5) IKOQA Oklahoma City, 1480 (5) KIT Yakima Wn., 1310 (.1) 3:00-5:00 Wenatchee Wash., 1500 (.1) KLX Oakland, 880 (1) CFCT Victoria, 1430 (.5) KPRC Houston, 11ex., 920 (1) Tacoma, 1330 (.25) 3:00-7:00 @W San Jose, Cal. 1010 (.5) KNX Hollywood, 1050 (25) KJBS San Francisco, 1070 (.1: KSEI Pocatello, Idaho, 890 (.25) KOA Denver, 830 (12.5) 4:00-7:00 KSTP St. Paul, Minn., 1460 (25) KREG Santa Ana, 1500 (.1) KZRM Manila, P. I., 618.5 (50) KTAR Phoenix, Ariz., 620 (.5) KSL Salt Lake City, 1130 (501),, KTAT Ft. Worth, Tex., 1240 (I) KTFI Twin Falls, Idaho, 1240 (.5 SUNDAY MORNINGS WABC KTBS Shreveport, La., 1450 (1) New York, 860 (50) 12:00-12:30 KTSA San Antonio, 1290 (1) WCDA New York, 1350 (.25) WJAX WGN Jacksonville, 900 (1) KVOR Colorado Spgs., 1270 (1) Chicago, 720 (25) 12:00-1:00 KWCR Cedar Rapids, 1420 (.1) WHFC Cicero, III., 1420 (.1) CMBW Havana, WMA Chicago, 925 (.6) KWK St. Louis, 1350 (1) 670 (5) KFVS Cape Girardeau, 1210 (.1) KXRO Aberdeen Wn., 1310 (.1) WTMQ Milwaukee, 620 (1) KFYR XEAW Bismarck, 550 (1) WCAE Pittsburgh, 1220 (1) Reynosa. 965 (10) WCKY Covington, 1490 (5) WCFL Chicago, 970 (1.5) 12:00-3:00 WGLC Hudson Falls, 1370 (.05) WDAF Kansas City, 610 (1) KDB Santa Barbara, 1500 (.1) KDYL WGY Schenectady, 790 (50) WDAG Amarillo Tex., 1410 (1) Salt Lake City, 1290 (1) WHK Cleveland, 1390 (1) WDAY Fargo N. D., 940 (1) Bakersfield, 1200 (.1) KEX WHP Harrisburg, 1430 (.5) WDSU New Orleans, 1250 (1) Portland, 1180 (5) WILL Urbana, Ill., 890 (.25) WEAN Providence, 780 (.5) KFACKFX Los Angeles, 1300 (1) BL WLS Chicago, 870 (50) WEBC Superior, Wis., 1290 (1) Everett, Wash., 1370 (.05) WRNY New York 1010 (.25) WFAM South Bend Ind. 1200 (1) KFI Los Angeles. 640 (50) WTAG Worcester, KFOX Long Beach, 580 (.25) WFBL Syracuse, N. Y., 1360 (1) 1250(1) WWRL Woodside, 1500 (.1) KFSD San Diego 600 (1) WFBR Baltimore, 1270 (.5) XETW Mexico City, 830 (.5) WGL Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1370 (.1) KFKFR Hollywood, 950 (1) 12:00-1:30 BB San Bernardino, WGST Atlanta, Ga., 890 (.25) K 1210 (.1) WMBC Detroit, 1420 (.1) WHAS Louisville, 820 (25) Spokane, 1470 (5) 12:00-2:00 WIBA Madison, Wis., 1280 (.5) EGO San Francisco, 790 (7.5) KGW Portland, KALE Portland, Ore., 1300 (.5) WIBW Topeka, 580 (1) Ore., 620 (1) KMOX St. Louis, 1090 (50) WICC Bridgeport, 600 (.25) KJR Seattle, 970 (5) KMJ Fresno, KSO Des Moines, 1370 (.1) WIL St. Louis, 1200 (.1) 580 (.5) WCCO Minneapolis, 810 (50) WJAR Providence, 890 (.5) KMTR Hollywood, 570 (.5) KOIN WWVA Wheeling, 1160 (5) WJR Detroit, 750 (10) Portland, Ore., 940 (1) 12:00-3:00 KOL Seattle, 1270 WKBW Buffalo, 1480 (5) (1) CMCD Havana, 1140 (.25) LOMO Seattle, (1) WWKKRC Cincinnati, 550 (I) 920 KGY Olympia, 1210 (.1) Y Oklahoma City, 900 (1) KPO San Francisco, 680 (50) WGES KYI Tacoma, 570 Chicago, 1360 (.5) WLAC Nashville, 1470 (5) (.5) WLW Cincinnati 700 (50) WLBW Erie, Pa., 1260 (.5) KWG Stockton, 1200 (.1) KYA San Francisco, KGER Long Beach, 1360 (1 WMBD Peoria Ill., 1440 (.5) 1230 (1) 1:00-3:00 WMCA New York, 570 WMC Memphis,780 (.5) (.5) CMCW Havana, 965 (.1) WMCA New Yor 570 (.5) 12:00-4:00 1:30-2:30 KFPY Spokane, WMT Waterloo, Iowa, 600 (.5) 1340 (1) CKCD Vancouver, 1010 (.1) N Boston, 1230 (1) KFRC San Francisco, 610(1) 2:00-5:00 WAX Yankton, S. D., 570 (1) KGB San Diego, 1330 (I) CMCU Havana, 630 (.5) Des Moines, 1000 (50) KGMB Honolulu, 1320 (.25) KPJM Prescott, 1500 (.1) WHO KGU Honolulu, 750 (2.5) 3:00-4:00 [1] CKWX Vancouver, 1010 (.1) CFJC Kamloops, 1120 (.1) WAPI Birmingham, 1140 (5) 3:00-5:00 Oct. 2nd only, 2:10-2:30 1:00-1:30 CKOV Kelowna, B. C., 1200 (.1) WRAK Williamsport, 1370 (.1) WHAM Wilmington, 1370 (.1) 10-AT Trail, B. C., 1155 (.025) 2:30-3:30 1:30-2:00 4:00-5:00 CHWK Chilliwack, 780 (.1) WLB Minneapolis, 1250 (I) Mexicali, 560 (.1) 2:00-4:00 XEAO TUESDAY MORNINGS Oct. 1st only, 2:30-4:30 CMK Havana, 730 (5) 10-BI Prince Albert, 1200 (.025) 12:00-12:45 WEDC Chicago, 1210 (.1) Oct. 8th only, 1:00-2:00 WBBZ Ponca City, 1200 (.1) 3:00-4:00 W W AE Hammond, 1200 (.1) 12:00-1:00 CKWX Vancouver. 1010 (.1) Oct. let-15th, 1:30-4:00 CHWC Regina, 1010 (.5) Oct. 5th, 5:30-6:00 CMBL Havana, 1445 (.05) KMA Shenandoah, 930 (.5) KGFF Shawnee, 1120 (.1) CHAB Moose Jaw, 1200 (.4) WKBF Indianapolis, 1400 (.5) XFB Jalapa, Ver., 1290 (.5) WPAP New York, 1010 (.25) FRIDAY MORNINGS Oct. 8th -22nd, 1:00-2:00 1:00-5:00 12:00-1:00 KUSD Vermillion, 890 (.5) WSUI Iowa City, 880 (.5) KV00 Tulsa, 1140 (5) Oct. 29th. 3:00-5:00 4:00-4:30 12:00-2:00 WFAS White Plains 1210 (.1) WCAH Columbus, 1430 (.5) KFEL Denver, 920 (.5) MONDAY MORNINGS Oct.
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