LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FL 34450, (352) 641-6700, at least seven defenses, if any, to it on Adam J. Knight, JOHN DREW FLETCHER, David M. Caldevilla FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR (7) days before your scheduled court ap- Esq., attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Deceased. Florida Bar Number 654248 CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA pearance, or immediately upon receiv- is 400 North Ashley Dr., Suite 1500, Tam- Donald C. P. Greiwe CIVIL DIVISION ing this notification if the time before the pa, Florida 33602, on or before February NOTICE TO CREDITORS Florida Bar Number 118238 CASE NO. 2015 CA 000481 A scheduled appearance is less than seven CPFVQſNGVJGQTKIKPCNYKVJVJG The administration of the estate of John de la Parte & Gilbert, P.A. days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Clerk of this Court either before service on Drew Fletcher, deceased, whose date of 2QUV1HſEG$QZ CU MEMBERS MORTGAGE, A call 711. Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately there- death was February 11, 2015, is pending Tampa, Florida 33601-2350 DIVISION OF COLONIAL SAVINGS, F.A. WITNESS my hand and seal of this after; otherwise a default will be entered in the Circuit Court for Hillsborough Coun- Telephone: (813)229-2775 Plaintiff, Court on the 6th day of January, 2016. against you for the relief demanded in the ty, Florida, Probate Division, the mailing Jonathan D. Kaplan vs. Complaint. address of which is P.O. Box 1110, Tam- Florida Bar Number 454974 Angela Vick pa, FL 33601-1110. ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES Clerk of Court and Comptroller The action was instituted in the Fifth Clerk’s Legal Department CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER Judicial Circuit Court for Hernando Coun- The names and addresses of the per- 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room 103 By: S. Comiskey ty in the State of Florida and is styled as sonal representative and the personal rep- Tampa, Florida 33601 OR AGAINST DARRYL L. GRESIA Clerk of said Court DECEASED, WHO ARE NOT KNOWN follows: ROB & JULIE INVESTMENTS, resentative’s attorney are set forth below. Telephone: (813) 276-8100 1/15-1/22/16 2T LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Com- TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER —————————————————— All creditors of the decedent and other ATTORNEYS FOR THE CLERK SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM pa ny, Plaintiffs, v. UNKNOWN HEIRS, persons having claims or demands against DE VISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, on or before the 28th day of March, 2016 AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, decedent’s estate on whom a copy of (being not less than 28 days nor more than DEVISEES, GRANTEES OR OTHER LIEN ORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, this notice is required to be served must HERNANDO COUNTY AND ANY OTHER PARTY OR PARTIES FC[U HTQO VJG FCVG QH ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP CLAIMANTS, et al, ſNG VJGKT ENCKOU YKVJ VJKU EQWTV 10 14 QHVJKUPQVKEG CPFVQſNGVJGQTKIKPCNQHVJG Defendants/ CLAIM ING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE AGAINST ROGER WILSON, Defendants. defenses with the clerk of this court either FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- before service on the Clerk’s attorneys or NOTICE OF SALE DATED on January 6, 2016. CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND immediately thereafter otherwise a default FOR HERNANDO COUNTY Pat Frank AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A will be entered against you for the relief de- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. CIVIL DIVISION Clerk of the Court manded in the complaint. to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclo- All other creditors of the decedent and Case No.: 15-CA-585 By Deborah Kennedy If you are a person with a disability who sure dated January 7, 2016, and entered As Deputy Clerk other persons having claims or demands in Case No. 2015 CA 000481 A of the Cir- needs any accommodation in order to par- REGIONS BANK D/B/A REGIONS Hicks | Knight, P.A. CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, cuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit in MORTGAGE, claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS and for Citrus County, Florida, wherein CU 400 N. Ashley Drive, Suite 1500 at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Plaintiff, Tampa, FL 33602 AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- Members Mortgage, a Division of Colonial LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Savings, F.A. is the Plaintiff and DENNIS -vs- 1/15-2/5/16 4T dinator, Hillsborough County Courthouse, R. GORDON SR., SUGARMILL WOODS MARILYN BOWERS KNAPP A/K/A —————————————————— ALL CLAlMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 604, Tampa, OAK VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC., CY- MARILYN BOWERS-KNAPP; ROBERT TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA Florida 33602, (813) 272-7040, at least 7 PRESS VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS D. KNAPP; AND UNITED STATES OF HILLSBOROUGH STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE days before your scheduled court appear- ASSOCIATION, INC., ANY AND ALL AMERICA FOREVER BARRED. ance, or immediately upon receiving this PQVKſECVKQPKHVJGVKOGDGHQTGVJGUEJGFWNGF UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, Defendants. COUNTY NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERI- THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DAR- ODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM appearance is less than 7 days; if you are RYL L. GRESIA DECEASED, WHO ARE NOTICE OF SALE FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE hearing or voice impaired, call 711. NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DATED this 27th day of January, 2016 WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEATH IS BARRED. Pat Frank MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUS- in the above-styled cause, in the Circuit IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG As Clerk Circuit Court COUNTY, FLORIDA ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES OR Court of Hernando County, Florida, the is January 29, 2016. By Anne Carney OTHER CLAIMANTS, and SUGARMILL CIVIL DIVISION Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell the prop- Personal Representative: Deputy Clerk WOODS CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. the erty situate in Hernando County, Florida, CASE NO: 16-CA-000723 DIVISION: D Defendants. Angela Vick, Clerk of the Cir- Carolyn L. Gill 1/29-2/19/16 4T described as: PAT FRANK, not individually, but in her 603 Stephens Rd. —————————————————— cuit Court in and for Citrus County, Florida Lot 2, Block 293, SPRING HILL, UNIT will sell to the highest and best bidder for capacity as Clerk of the Circuit Court in Ruskin, Florida 33570 6, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat and for Hillsborough County, Florida, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE cash at www.citrus.realforeclose.com, Attorney for Personal Representative: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Book 8, Pages 1 through 10, inclusive, Plaintiff, the Clerk’s website for on-line auctions at public records of Hernando County, Mindi Lasley, Esquire IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 10:00 AM on February 11, 2016, the fol- Florida. vs. Attorney COUNTY, FLORIDA lowing described property as set forth in FALAUNA P. DAVIS, INTEREST Florida Bar Number: 648167 said Order of Final Judgment, to wit: at public sale, to the highest and best BKN Murray Law, LLP CASE NO.: 2009-CC-33998 bidder, for cash, at http://www.hernando. HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, DIVISION: J LOT 34, BLOCK B-102, SUGARMILL and ALL UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS, 1005 N. Marion Street realforeclose.com beginning at 11:00 a.m. Tampa, Florida 33602 WOODS CYPRESS VILLAGE, AC- on February 4, 2016. Defendants. KINGS LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF Telephone: (813) 873-9047 ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for- AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF Fax: (866) 984-5239 RTQſVEQTRQTCVKQP PAGES 86-150, PLAT BOOK 10, EST IN THE SURPLUS FUNDS FROM INTERPLEADER ACTION E-Mail: [email protected] Plaintiff, PAGES 1-150 AND PLAT BOOK THIS SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE Secondary E-Mail: [email protected] 61 #.. 2#46+'5 %.#+/+0) $; v. 11, PAGES 1-16, OF THE PUBLIC PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE 1/29-2/5/16 2T RECORDS OF CITRUS COUNTY, OF THE LIS PENDENS, MUST FILE A 6*417)* 70&'4 14 #)#+056 —————————————————— JIMMY POBLETE, MARIA POBLETE, and FLORIDA, AS AMENDED IN PLAT CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE &'('0&#065 #0& #.. 70-0190 UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION, BOOK 9, PAGE 87-A OF THE PUB- SALE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 0#674#.2'45105+(#.+8'#0&+( IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Defendants. 45.031(1)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES. &'#& 14 016 -0190 61 $' &'#& LIC RECORDS OF CITRUS COUN- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT NOTICE OF SALE TY, FLORIDA. “If you are a person with a disability 14 #.+8' 6*'+4 5'8'4#. #0& 4'- IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 52'%6+8' 70-0190 52175'5 Notice is given that, pursuant to the Or- IF YOU ARE A PERSON CLAIMING A who needs any accommodation in order COUNTY, FLORIDA to participate in this proceeding, you are *'+45 &'8+5''5 )4#06''5 #0& CIVIL DIVISION der Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale en- RIGHT TO FUNDS REMAINING AFTER ,7&)/'06 %4'&+6145 14 16*'4 tered in Case No.: 09-CC-33998, of the THE SALE, YOU MUST FILE A CLAIM entitled, at no cost to you, to the provi- Case No. 14-CA-10752 Division G sion of certain assistance. Please con- 2#46+'5 %.#+/+0) $; 6*417)* Coun ty Court of the Thirteenth Ju di cial WITH THE CLERK OF COURT NO 1470&'46*15'70-01900#67- Cir cuit in and for Hillsborough County, LATER THAN 60 DAYS AFTER THE VCEV VJG #&# %QQTFKPCVQT CV VJG 1HſEKCN MINERVA ARZON, and MARCELINO of Trial Court Administrator, Hernando 4#.
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